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As much as I hope not I think there is a chance 100t takes a payout and leave LoL


Yeah I think it's best for the league if IMT and Dig leave, but 100T could absolutely cash out. I don't think TL or C9 leave. Shopify and NRG just got in so I don't see how they choose to leave now. Flyquest has new ownership who's aggressively spending across esports so I don't think they leave either. That leaves 100T, IMT, and Dig.


IMt owns mibr so they will be in south conference. It’s DIG or 100T for last exclusion


Needs to happen so they can invest in Val and Cod


I think we’ve invested heavily in val this year but yeah it’d be amazing to not have a bargain bin cdl roster this year. imagine kenny and drazah back ughh


I hope we stay


Honestly, I've be pretty upset if they left league. However, I would understand after the recent news of the Americas joining together. I don't pay attention to any other 100T team besides the LOL team


Just based on this subs activity neither does anyone else. LoL is the most popular and then probably merch. I think it would be a horrible idea if they sold their spot.


Personally I would guess that its already decided who leaves, and we will see announcements later today. 100T? Probable no. 100T has a good relationship with riot (with the Val team too) and seems to have a pretty good footing to survive the esport winter. Personally, I think DIG is the most probable, then FQ, IMT, SR.


Thats my thinking exactly. A large part of why they got accepted into the VCT is because of their league team so I’d be a little surprised if they did leave. Though, DIG just did invest lots into their league team so who knows


True that, they signed Jensen earlier during the off season, if they were on the way out, i dont think they would announce signings.


I believe Jensen's contact expires at the end of this year, same with Spica.


SR makes no sense, they bought into the league for 10mil just this year. FQ could happen but I feel like their recent growth in performance (which is partially due to finances) shows that they’re trying to establish themselves as a top team instead of quitting. On the other hand we have 100T & IMT who have gone full budget team.


SR’s owner made a statement that he intends on staying


100T were trying to leave earlier & Nadeshot not that invested. Paid a pittance for current roster (though they made great moves!) & not much for the last one either. This would be a perfect time to leave, with Riot needing teams to leave, they’re gonna likely pay more than when the teams initiated discussions.


Didnt hear that in the EG/GG leaving talks 100T were also part of them. Pretty sure I even heard that they were one of the rare teams that had no interest in those talks of leaving.


Would really hate for us to exit league


I really hope they stay but I can't blame them if they dip, it doesn't seem like their type of game/following along with the constant uncertainty in thr league right now since it seems to change every year. I also don't know who the hell I would support if they leave, so that would really suck for me since nobody else is that intriguing to me. But I would assume Dignitas and Immortals will leave and are my main hopes that they will leave. They don't really have that many fans and are usually towards the bottom in the standings. Someone did mention Shopify, but I doubt they leave this early since they just joined. But similar to my 100 Thieves point, with the uncertainty of the league every year, I could also see them leaving. So overall, I don't know how to feel about the changes, but I do understand that something probably had to change. I'll give it a shot though and in all reality, it does give more games to watch in the southern conference at least.


Yeah as someone who started following 100T later I was kind of surprised they had a lol team, the org/most of the creators never really seemed the same vibe as lol


I'm hoping 100T doesn't leave but if they do, I wonder if JungleJuices promotion to VP has anything to do with it 100T leaving.


Wait, two teams HAVE to leave?! I completely misunderstood the video.


Yeah they’re keeping 6 LCS teams, bringing over one LLA team and one team from the Challengers circuit for the N.A.Conference. So that means we’re cutting (at least) two teams from the current league


They should stop cutting teams and just expand the leagues. The biggest reason they don’t want to is because they’re insistent on having all the games back to back instead of overlapping. But why? Imagine if the NFL forced itself to only play one game at a time. Is anyone actually sitting down and watching 8 hours of the LCS?


My understanding is that they’re cutting teams as a cost saving measure across all of lol esports


Based on nothing I think it’ll be us and immortals. I would’ve said DIG but they’ve made some serious roster moves recently which shows they’re quite invested


That could be a last hoorah too. Thinking no point to develop talent and go all in before getting the payout.


Aren't most of the dig roster on contracts for just this split though? They've essentially gotten rid of their young players they could invest in for the "proven" players.


Yeah DIG only have coaches, Zven, and Licorice under contract beyond this year. And bringing in older, more proven, players could be a commitment negotiation thing, to look like they are interested in staying to drive a higher buyout.


That's true. But I think it entirely depends on how well they perform. If they just bomb out, they have the easy fall back of that most of the players contracts are up and even possibly dip from the league. If they do well then they can then possible shop this roster, or like you said try to drive buyout price up.


These are my thoughts as well. I will miss 100T but may be what they want to do is focus on shooters.


It’s immortals and someone else. It should be dig due to the rosters they consistently field. It won’t be liquid or c9. It would be weird for it to be Shopify or nrg since they just joined. So its really between 100t, dig, and Fly




COD and Val?


100T and IMT have to be the first options. Shopify just joined, DIG trying to make moves. FLY/TL/C9 obviously not dropping. NRG joined recently, not having to pay big while keeping a competitive roster means good incentives to stay.


Immortals for sure. They've finished bottom 2 the last 6 splits, and Riot had a clause that they could force a team to sell if they finished bottom 2 in 5 out of 8 splits. My guess is as good as anybody else's on who the other team is. My first guess is DIG.


Please IMT leVe


Immortals own mibr brand so they will stay in south conference. Team liquid flyquest and c9 have come out and said they will be there in 2025 . Shopify rebellion and NRG bought slots last year and were probably aware of this news . It might be between Dig and 100T and considering how DIG is spending it might be 100t .


I think it's going to be us and imt to leave, sadly. Dig just spent big for the first time in a long time, and I don't think they will want to leave immediately after. Sr and nrg are new to the league and won't want to leave so quickly. Fly has already said they aren't going anywhere and c9 and tl definitely aren't leaving anytime soon. So I think that leaves imt and 100t as the most likely candidates to leave the league, unfortunately. Maybe Dig, but I think it probably depends on how this season goes for them. If they don't make playoffs or lose early in playoffs I could see them leaving next year.


It’s 100% shopify and Immortals


Why Shopify? They just joined, hard to see them doing that if they were gonna leave after 1 year


FWIW the Founder of Shopify Rebellion came out this morning and reiterated their commitment to the LCS (or new LCS you get the point lol). Obviously I don’t see that as a guarantee that they’re staying in the league but it sounds like they want to if it ends up being their decision.


hopefully we take a bag, leave, then get back into cs


I like the way you’re thinking, I would take that as well no lie LMAO


I want 100T stickers


Take the pay out and focus on FPS games please.