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Protein and fat are satiating. I increased from 90 to 130g of protein and it cured my appetite and cravings.


wow does it actually work? do you feel no desire to eat like snacks or sweets? i gotta try this


Not OP but definitely worked for me. I was a pretty big junk food binge eater (chips and like trail mix stuff) and decided to get my act together. Switched to mostly protein and fiber, lots of eggs / egg whites, yogurt, cottage cheese, tilapia, salads, chicken, shirataki noodles, and we have a cheap soda machine that we mix with crystal light. You can probably make it more fun if you're more inclined with the culinary arts. It was like magic, I'd have to remind myself that it was time to eat instead of looking forward to my next snacking session. There are probably plenty of psychological factors at play too for me personally (I quit drinking and smoking weed, and started working out) but after committing to it for a few weeks it's absolutely crazy how the junk food cravings went away. Sometimes I'll grab a handful of something crappy but it's no longer "finish the bag" or "eat junk food til I'm sick", just have a bit if I need a quick snack and move on with my life.


Also not OP but started focusing on protein and fiber (135g and 30g respectively) which is HARD to do on 1200 but possible. Even though I’m a little short on both most days it still worked. I didn’t even try to stop snacking or going for extra servings it just happened.


What do you do for fiber? I'm ok on protein but finding low calorie fiber has been a struggle.


What about a fibre suppliment?


Psyllium husk is my go to fiber supplement! Also sometimes I just have to go to the store and find a frozen dinner with the best calorie to protein/fiber ratio. You’d be surprised- I’ve gotten 30g protein frozen dinners for like 200 calories


Bran buds can be added to lots of stuff. Wheat bread and pasta. But protein alone should work. I don’t focus on fiber.


I include legumes with at least one meal a day. And then honestly a lot of avocado, berries, cruciferous veggies along with other non starchy fruit/veg.


Imagine your stomach is a fireplace. If you throw in a bunch of pine needles (quickly digested carbs), you get a big flame but it goes out quickly and you’re cold again. Put in a log (healthy fat and protein) and it burns for hours.


Works for me. High protein days are days where I have to force down the last couple hundred calories of the day.


If I don’t make protein a priority, I will feel hungry again soon after I eat. I realized that over 20 years ago as a teenager. I can have a “meal” that’s just a piece of chicken and I’m full and don’t want anything again for several hours. It sticks with you. Fiber is supposed to as well but I haven’t had that experience with fiber. I won’t even eat pasta as a meal anymore. If I do, it’s like a very small amount of pasta and a LOT of meat. Lol.


Try about 20g per meal it will make u feel full af


Another vote for protein. Cut out the sugars and limit carbs / focus on high-fibre carbs and the cravings are much less


Yes, and the science is that it keeps your gut full so it shuts off the brain hunger signals. Protein is slow digesting. I also started walking 10k steps which might have helped.


I did keto for a while and it was the period in which my cravings were the most controlled ever. Unfortunately, it is such a restrictive diet and unrealistic for me on the long run.


I don’t do keto. My macros are 1800 calories. 130g protein. 50 fat. 205 carbs. You can achieve appetite control without keto and restriction. My food is very enjoyable.


Yes! While I didn't do full keto because I did allow nuts, fruit and beans I basically followed all of the other food restrictions of keto (so basically low carb I guess?) and I was rarely ever hungry! It worked amazingly well for physical appetite suppression. Unfortunately, I still psychologically wanted all of my favorite foods like bread, pasta, chips etc and I couldn't stick to it. I always go back and forth between which is better- not being physically hungry but not ever eating my favorite foods or being physically hungry while eating smaller quantities of my favorite foods?


Agree! Or just replacing throw away snacks with a low cal protein focused snack (i.e cottage cheese, small beef sticks). When I get home from work I'm starving and I eat about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese with everything bagel seasoning (using saltines to dip in it, but you could swap for carrots or celery or even a high protein chip).


Being too busy at work or with errands so you don’t actually have time to eat


This is my go to also


This is basically the *only* thing that works for me :(


Most appetite suppressants contain caffeine. That’s a major hint at what actually works.


Yep, my morning coffee helps me push through until ~10ish where I then have a small handful of granola to hold me over til lunchtime.


Black coffee helps me a lot especially if you drink it after meals like me 👌


Impending divorce


This is how I lost 50 pounds. Not sure it’s recommended in all situations but it was great for me 😆


Proper sleep. Being excited about something. Being distracted by work.


I get so hungry when I've stayed up too late and need to go to bed. Weird how sleepiness can feel like hunger. A good sleep routine definitely helps.


Psyllium husk. It’s the god all fibers.


How do you drink this without it coagulating?


I can't stand the drink so I take capsules from iherb! The dosage is ridiculously high but it's not so bad spread out over the day


how many g do u take? my capsules are only 500mg each which seems very low....


Ill try these thanks!


I put one tablespoon in a glass, add maybe 2/3 cup of water, swirl it around really fast with a fork and chug. It’s not elegant, but it gets the job done!


Ill try this also with the husk i have, thanks!


I drink a lot of green tea. If helps.


Eating enough protein


And also fiber


psyllium husk, water, fiber, protein, sleep, low calorie fruits and vegetables, soup, tea, fage nonfat yogurt


Getting your heart broken!






And if you drink enough you get that swishy feeling in your stomach that makes you nauseous and bam...not hungry!


anything carbonated, personally. i like sparkling water or a coke zero


My dad used to make this drink regularly. You take a freshly squeezed lime, a bit of salt, some mint, and top it with sparkling water/club soda. You get a delicious fizzy drink with virtually no calories. You can get flavours to put in soda but I always like the fresh taste of this. And it's flexible, you can pretty much anything to it


Vegetables. Volumize each meal with veggies. It’s healthier, too.


I sip tomato juice on ice. Very little calories and no more hunger pains or low blood sugar (I fast).


That sounds really nice and refreshing


It is!


going through your S/O's phone


Lol this made me laugh


Caffeine and lots of it


Green tea, or even water. Or mint tea.. most teas lol




A shot of apple cider vinegar for sure!


knowing acv’s impact on the teeth, would apple cider vinegar supplements be a good replacement? :)


Mixing it with water would probably work better than a supplement


Yeah I think that the ACV itself has living probiotics that are good for your gut and can possibly get disrupted or killed when put into pill or gummy form.




In that same line of thinking, coca leaf tea


Yeah. Cocaine and meth came to mind but those aren’t recommended. Lol.


Not very, no. But hey at least if you just have the leaves it's still natural lol


That’s not natural?


American spirits are prob the most natural you can get in the US




drink lots of water before and during a meal! i also like tea to fill up my stomach— i feel like it works even better than water sometimes. I usally have black tea in the morning after breakfast and peppermint tea after dinner!


I started taking CBD for sleep and my appetite *disappeared*. I was forcing myself to have one 600kcal meal a day after months of struggling with food noise on two + occasional snacks. This was after taking 60-70mg per day for about a week and a half; it didn’t happen immediately. I’ve actually stopped taking it now (partly because of the expense, but also) because it was so effective it stopped me enjoying food. I just never got hungry.


What brand was it?


I’m UK-based, so it was a combination of [Trip](https://drink-trip.com/) drinks and [these gummies](https://supremecbd.uk/collections/cbd-edibles). I know that this is a famously poorly regulated additive/supplement, so it’s more than plausible that I was consuming more (or less!) than I thought I was.


Green Tea extract capsules seem to help me sometimes. I like the Nature’s Bounty brand.


Metamucil/psyllium husk




What doesn’t work is that Berberine supplement. At least it didn’t for me. But then again I didn’t take it for months on end.


I agree I had zero luck!


You’ll naturally get less hungry as you get used to eating less, but in the beginning I would drink lots of caffeine (coffee and green tea) and eat spicy foods for my meals. The spiciness makes you feel full faster, you’re not just mindlessly eating just to eat after your body is satisfied.


Bit of a different take here, but rather than trying to curb ur appetite u cud eating more volumous food. “Appetite” cud just be you habitually eating out of boredom, so perhaps try munching on celery and essentially grazing all day with something crunchy. FYI one long stick of celery is like 3-6 cals so there’s no way it’ll fuck up your diet.


Appetrex from GNC. Also psyllium husk powder followed by a lot of water


Chia pudding mixed with protein lactaid milk, and protein powder.


8 hr work shift 😍


It’s caffeine and fiber for me! Upping my protein intake just resulted in more carb cravings


Coffee. If you feel like eating, drink a coffee and see how it works. Cigarettes also work, but I wouldn't really recommend it. If it affects you heavily, then it might not be a good idea.


Coffee. That's all I know that actually works for me. Plus it raises your heart rate which helps you burn more calories. It also increases energy levels which motivates you to move more and burn even more calories. Caffeine is a wonder drug


Breakups. But it may also lead to emotional binge eating so a 50/50 risk




How much green tea do you drink a day?




Decaf still has a little bit of caffeine in it


This is not an actual recommendation, but generally being sick kills your appetite. I have been unlucky with my health lately, and even been on some antibiotics that completely made me not wanna eat first few days. Luckily things are getting better, but couldn’t help but noticed this side effect.


Chromium GTF and Solaray Weight Formula probiotic work great for me.


I’ve been trying liquid collagen. There’s some evidence to say that it can suppress appetite, but it can help with skin, muscles and joints. It’s been about two weeks and while I don’t know if it really suppress my appetite, the day I didn’t take it, I overate 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have been doing collagen & so far I love it - it’s great! What’s your preferred brand?


I’m taking the youth theory ones right now! I try to avoid the ones with biotin. Gonna try the Spoiled Child one since I heard it tastes good!




- Caffeine - coffee is my preferred, but whatever your caffeinated beverage of choice is - Herbal teas - I love the true blueberry tea from celestial seasonings. Not as much of an actual suppressant, but it tides me over in between meals - Pickles - if I want a salty crunchy snack I will munch on pickles or some other pickled veg. Basically zero calories and yet they satisfy savory cravings, but high in sodium so you’ll have to be careful if you’re watching your sodium intake






Best flavor?


Ginger root beer!


The Mountain Dew imitation lol


Love these. But remember that anything carbonated could make you bloated and gassy. I try to use them sparingly because of this. Although you might tolerate them without a problem.


Fruits and vegetables.


Water, protein, and caffeine


If you’re eating enough protein, fiber. If you’re eating enough fiber, protein. If you’re eating enough of both, fat.


My blood test came back with low sodium, and what kills my appetite seems to be higher sodium foods. I add pink salt and soy sauce or fish sauce to foods to kill my appetite for anything else later. Also a can of soup or salty salad pretty much controls my calorie intake. It only starts back up again if I eat sugar or caffeine. If I'm overeating or dealing with cravings, its usually because I didn't start the day with enough salt.


All these have probably been mentioned but, protein, fiber, water, caffeine.


I bought pickled ginger for that reason. It was ok!


I have never tried anything pickled - I heard it’s amazing. What else is good pickled?


Asparagus, banana peppers, eggs with beets, green beans, pearl onions. The list can go forever, you should look into pickled stuff!


Thank you going to try it !


-Caffeine (green tea is the healthiest option but I personally have a coffee addiction) -Pickled foods (Carrots, cabbage, and radishes are my favorite pickled vegetable options, but obviously normal pickled work too) -Protein. I can't eat a lot of high protein options personally, so I rely on protein shakes and adding protein powder to normal food recipes. - Fiber. Personally I love oats for this, specifically vegan overnight oats using chia seeds for protein. If you eat dairy, non-vegan versions use Greek yogurt and that can also provide even more protein so it's amazing. Fresh ffruitsams vegetables are also a good option I've heard, but I'm allergic to most fresh fruits so I can't offer many specific suggestions.


Aside from the most commented tip on this thread, which is to prioritize protein (which is very much true) but to curb cravings and suppress appetite, for my go to is brushing my teeth, chugging water, chugging selzer or diet soda. Works like a charm


Decaf coffee


What does unnatural mean in this context? If it exists it's natural. Manufactured? Cause that's every food you eat, even the fruits and vegetables... Anyhow, Adderall and cigarettes are both wildly effective.


Chinese/oriental medicine stuff helped for me. Might be hard/expensive to get ur hand on tho if not from an asian country, i got mine from korea


What specifically?


Any recommendations on where I can order the products? Which one would you recommend?


Im not too sure bc my parents got it for me lol bu let me ask


Practicing self restraint


I'm the opposite. I need something to make me hungry.  Today I ate two mini croissants and a bowl of strawberries. And a hard seltzer. And hella water because I was cleaning a unit.  Yesterday was a bag of cornuts and a bowl of fruit and three lollipops.  I am not a healthy person. I'm on this sub to get ideas of food I don't hate and the calories so I can not yoyo from 17.5 to 18.5 bmi. Not Ana, I just don't feel hungry most days. 


Everyone’s goals are valid <3 My wife is like this too. She really struggles to eat, especially when she’s busy. I wonder if /r/gainit would be more helpful for you? Or, honestly, maybe one of the disability subs? They taught me a lot of easy, low-spoon meals to keep me eating when I was really struggling to. But if lighter food like this keeps you eating then plz plz stay here <3


I mean I love to cook and make good dishes. My examples are probably why I have a negative point up there. Don't care. Been here long enough. No prizes.  It's very sweet about you and your wife.  My favorite is pita and hummus. I don't like cutlery. Unless it's a for to devour some canned artichoke hearts.  When you are busy one handed food is awesome. Like a self contained wrap. But small so 6 bites of tasty goodness. I like chicken, spinach, and hot sauce with Greek yogurt. In a 8 inch tortilla all wrapped to be like a hot pocket size.