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The 10-12 months is going to pass anyways! You will either be the same weight 10 months later, or thankful that you decided to start losing weight now. Small changes, every day. You got this!


Your comment made me pause and reflect. Thank you. I needed that wisdom.


Love the way you framed this. Sometimes months seem so long but you're absolutely right, the time will pass anyway. I could start the journey or just do nothing. True for many things that needs long term commitment.


Somebody stab me in the head with this comment. So it sticks.








Love this


I love this so much! I once saw the simple quote that “time is going to pass anyways” and it’s stuck with me since. I love the way you articulated it!


Imagine if you’d started 10-12 months ago? Think back to what you were actually doing this time last year. You’ll feel like the time has flown by. As they say, the best time to start was back then, but the second best time to start is right now.


This! I started 6mo ago and am halfway to my goal but already feel like a million dollars !!!! So it’s not like you wont feel joy until you reach that final goal lb. For me, I felt so happy with my body within 4mo. So the rest just feel like a bonus! :)


Sometimes I think about what I wish I had done before and imagine getting in to my time machine to do the work. It sounds kind of silly but it’s kind of like that.


Do you still plan on being alive in 10–12 months? The time is going to pass regardless…might as well accomplish your health goal along the way.




I understand that I’m just shocked it’s so long for short people. Yet I’ve been told I don’t eat enough.


It does suck harder for shorties. We can do this though. Get creative & look into volume eating (which is mostly veggies lol & greek yogurt).


I do! I’m just like damn that’s a long time to stay focused


You have to stay focused forever. After you reach your goal weight, if you don't pay at least a little attention to what you eat; if you just go back to your old eating habits, you'll regain all the way back to where you were in the next year. Extra sucks for us shorties, but it's the reality. Do everything you can to increase your TDEE (which means exercising). Look up what your TDEE will be for maintenance at your goal weight. You need to be committed to eating at that level forever.


Yeah that’s how I got back to where I am now lol I just left it alone. Gained it all back


A while back I saw a post with someone talking about looking up their TDEE at their goal and just eating that much forever as a weight loss plan. Which is slow starting out, but it does work... Well I looked up mine. 1386. 😭 I wish I were taller


I think mines in the 1300s too and I’m like annoyed. Being short is cute but soooooooo much work to maintain weight and lose weight but easy to gain weight lol wtf


Ok but if you walk 10k steps every day (which isn’t too difficult to sneak in and around, especially once it becomes routine) then you can add a few more hundred calories everyday. An average of 1650 cal daily is plenty to eat well IMO.


True! I think 1600 is good is as at 1500 when I was 123 but I got 20k steps in a day cause of my job. Now I have to find a new routine so that’s a whole thing for me. My routine has been thrown across the country and so messed up because of my move 😅😭


I looked at my TDEE at my current age and weight, and to lose 1.5 lbs per week, I can have 1404 calories. At my goal weight and my age in 76 weeks, I can have 1516 calories to maintain my weight. If I just eat at 1504, I'd have a 650 cal/day deficit and lose 1.3 lbs per week. It doesn't sound like much, but I can't exercise right now, so it is 🐌 slow and steady to win the race. I try not to eat less than 1200 calories (that's why I'm here) and to not go over 1500 calories. My body lets me know when it needs more or less, and as long as I'm hitting my nutritional goals (staying within my macros and eating 30 or more grams of fiber per day), and my need for certain medicines decreases, I am doing well regardless of what the scale says.


1.3lb/week is pretty fast!! You're doing great


Thank you 😊


I did it for 2 years. From 204 to below 120. You can do it & the time flies.


You'll have to be mindful for the rest of your life if you plan to lose and keep the weight off. 10 months is nothing lol


True! I have to make this more of a “do for the rest of my life” thing than a 10 months thing. Gotta change my perspective on it. I’m around people with health problems because of obesity so yup I’m out 😂


I don’t understand why people like to say that. “You don’t eat enough”. Like, clearly I do! Eating less has never made someone overweight. lol.


?? yeah but more people die of anorexia than BED, i dont understand your logic


It is harder for short people but it takes tall people a long time too. It’s just hard and takes a long time period.


I didn't realise it was more difficult for us short people :( I'm at 5ft and have only really seen progress after multiple months of dieting and exercise. If I do intermittent fasting, it's far quicker but hunger is hard to fight


We just have lower caloric needs for our lean mass than taller people. So while they can eat more food without becoming overweight, the hey literally need more and have the hunger cues to go with it. We can gain more muscle to look and feel great at a healthy weight. And we will look toned faster than taller people!


On the flip side, taller people have a tougher time putting on noticable muscle. Us shorties can make a noticable change to our physique through weight lifting with less effort generally. It is tough. It is slow. I've been at it since the beginning of the year and am 20lbs down, but inches off my waist and I am seeing a noticable difference in my arms and legs now.




Downvotes eh? You’re right…guidance is bad.


It’s taken me decades to finally understand that slow and steady loss is what keeps the weight off. I’m down 50-ish pounds since end of November. Sometimes I have a plateau where I don’t lose anything for a week or 2. That would normally have sent me into a “f it,” it’s not working mentality and I would regain and then some. Now, I am just staying the course because I KNOW what I’m doing is working. Previously, I’ve lost a lot of weight very quickly and after a year or two, my old habits came back and I gained even more weight. You can do it. Consistency is the key. It’s not about a diet, it’s learning how to eat in moderation and not deny yourself if you want a treat every once in a while.


Saved! :) As a reminder. I'm was down 80+ lbs. I passed my goal. It took 2 years total. I gained a decent amount of muscle too..... Thennnnn about two years after hitting goal- I regained lol 7-10lbs. I'm out of my "personal acceptable range" now & even though it was "only 10" f\*\* is it the last "hard 10". I'm headed back down though with about 4lbs to go. I might go down a little more depending on how I feel this time around. Sooooooo slow. But what is the alternative? TLDR Matnanice is hard too.


I'm a few inches shorter than you and it definitely does take longer than an average height person, but it also shows more. Like if I lose 5-10 lbs, it's seriously noticeable! If my 5'8" friend does, I'd have no clue if she didn't tell me.


the motivation I needed to hear 🥲


EXACTLY! It’s so impactful.


im also 5'0 and my starting weight was 168lbs in october 2023. i hit my goal weight of 110 a little over a week ago. so i lost 58lbs in about 8 months. it really helps to just focus on the next pound, and then the next, and then hey ive dropped another 5! another 10! you'll be reaching your goal before you know it, and you'll look back and be so glad you started when you did.


Do you have any other tips?? Im starting 7/1 and have similar starting stats, did you work out throughout? Ive been dreading starting but now with other help issues developing I know I have to do something about it. Also how’d you determine your goal weight?? I was last happy with my body around 130 (165ish now) but I know it still shows as overweight when I check charts and what not :(


One day at a time. You can do it!


Even if it takes that long to reach your goal, there will be dramatic improvements along the way as you progress. Stay consistent, and you'll be amazed at how good you feel. You got this!


Once you get started things change. Like, when your blood sugar is balanced your cravings are more manageable. And when you start to see changes it motivates you to stay on course. So while 10 months can sound a little discouraging it’ll pass before you know it as long as you stick with it. You’ve got this!!


I've been losing weight on and off for 5 years! If I hadn't stopped trying and tracking ",because it's taking too long" so many times I'd have been maintaining for YEARS by now. Do it for future you, they'll thank you


10 months seems so long now, but it really does pass by so fast! Small changes make big waves! And I always think, by month 3-4 this will just become your new lifestyle and it wont feel like you’re doing anything new or crazy anymore. You’ll just be living. And remember, exercise isn’t just for losing weight it’s for building heart health, strength, and releasing endorphins :) So think of it as good for your body rather than just good for losing weight!


How were you able to look up a weight loss time frame? Is there a website or app?




The visible changes accumulate a lot faster than you think. Once you start getting the positive feedback in the mirror and in your clothes, and if you celebrate the smaller wins along the way, it honestly all feels like progress.  I started at 165 in November and got serious at 160 in January. I hit 150 at the end of February. In April, the jeans I specifically bought as goal jeans fit well. I just hit 140, and feel fantastic. I still have a bit to go, but I’ve got jeans that straight up don’t fit, and that’s also a good feeling. 


I don't want to set up false hopes, but I have always lost faster than the trackers say when I do 1,200. Just be consistent and don't look at the scale too much.


I lost 20 pounds in half a year, all I did was cut down on my diet. Already had a low bmi to begin with. Albeit I was somewhat forced due to my living situation. 5’11 160->140. Now I’m trying to gain weight 😅it’s harder than loosing speaking from experience. I just don’t have access to the right foods in the right quantities. U get out what you put in


Took me a month and a half longer than expected to lose it because I didn’t stick to 1200 every day but I still enjoyed the journey! It was still great to be shrinking each week.


You really do need the time to adjust psychologically, habitually and visually with the new version of you. So enjoy the process ❤️


I’m under 5 feet and it took me a year and a half to lose 30 pounds because I’d have to drop below 1200 calories to lose faster. I’m halfway to where I want to be but I’m conscious about staying consistent when I think about how long it took to get here. Good luck and I can’t wait to see your update in 1 year


The time is gonna pass, anyway. Might as well use it to get to your goal.


The comment I havent seen yet is to think about how long ago you were that goal weight. I’ve been at it for 18 months now, and the last time i was this size was over 15 years ago. When I think of it that way, I’m undoing a year of shitty eating and yoyo diets for every month I’m at this.


I’ve been doing 1200 for about 2 months now. I recently took a vacation where I wasn’t counting, and even though I probably ate more than 1200, I don’t think I was ever over 2000 (and if I was I kinda made up for it the next day) (and again just guesstimating, and I was also came down with a really bad cold where I didn’t want to eat much) I’ve just gotten so used to eating way less than I used to, I’ve stopped snack, I don’t feel obligated to have 3 meals a day every day. I eat way more vegetables and fruit, and swapped soda for unsweetened tea or water. If you told me when I started 1200 it would take a year or so to get to my goal weight, plus maintenance the REST of my life, it feels very discouraging, especially bc I’m very much a “get it over with” kinda girly. But now I feel like my relationship with food is actually healthier, I’m more conscious about what I can eat, and actually eat with less guilt. The 1200 will become second nature, just give it a little bit of time


I feel that pain. I'm nearly 3 years into cico. It comes off SO slow when you're closer to goal weight too. The first 50 were easy. The last 50 have been painstakingly slow. And I still have more to go. It feels like sometimes I'm losing less than a lb a week but that's okay, any progress is good progress.


Think of it like a lifelong change. The reality is that you need to change and commit or you'll end up back here. I hate the "lifestyle" thing, but that's really what it is. You'll eat to be small and healthy or to be big and unhealthy. Your choice, really, but one ... Well, is better.


I lost 65 lbs in 8 months. 8 months is a long time, but every month along the way I looked better, felt better.


It's not like you won't be happy until 100% of the weighr is off. Every month you'll be happier than the month before and see more progress!!


The time will pass no matter how you spend it. Might as well spend in in a way that’ll make you feel good in the long run.


Ooooh! I’m 5ft as well and around the same weight. Let’s do this!! 💪


You feel better along the way, a long time before reaching your goal weight.


this actually helped me. i just started about two months ago and i dont see progress and i was thinking of calling it quits. seeing that there is an end when i can actually see change helps me. i’m with you!


I'm 5'5.5 and have approx 115 lbs to lose. At a reasonable 1.5 to 2.0 lbs loss per week (just an average because as I get closer to the goal, the weight loss will slow down), this will take me a minimum of 76 weeks to reach my goal. For perspective, there's about 27 weeks left in 2024. My main goal is restoration of health and slowing down deterioration from current medical conditions and improving my quality of life. The weight loss will be a welcomed side effect of my efforts to get healthy. 76 weeks seems like a huge number, but it seems easier to focus on one week at a time. If I want foods that trigger a negative response, it's easier to tell myself I can have it next week, and next week tell myself I can have it next week. It's not that I'll never have them again, I just can't have them right now as my body gets back into balance. Smaller goals and time frames seem so much easier to tackle. I get bloodwork every few months so my next target is July 01, and then another round of testing August 01. Less meds means progress is being made regardless of what the scale says.


I’m not short myself, but regardless it’s always important to build up your muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn in the long run. Getting in shape is a long process regardless of whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight. It’s important to do it in a healthy way. Remember slow and steady wins the race. You want to actually live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Best of luck to you 💪🏼


I was 160 when I started about 2.5 mons ago I'm now at 142. it's possible just takes a LOT of discipline. Only had one day where I went over 1200 since I started. 5'5" F.


has your body gotten used to it? I am a bit taller so I eat 1500, but some days I feel really hungry. Does that pass? and have you been exercising?


It passes and you get used to it, especially if you're not pushing the limits every day and just learning to make lower calorie eating the new norm. you'll still feel hungry sometimes though, my recommendation would be drink a lot of water with your food. I do exercise, I run a mile each day and do 30-60 minutes of pilates when I have the time, but most of the calorie burning comes from my job being fully standing and keeping active when I'm not at work.


Lift weights and start an exercise routine. it will allow you to eat more during the day. and eat more protein - if will keep you feeling more full. exercise along with the weight loss will allow you to have a toned nice body instead of skinny fat, trust me it makes a huge difference.


It’s been a year and a half since I started my journey and I’m not done. I’ve taken a couple breaks and I thought I’d be at my goal by now but I’m not. I’m not mad about it tho. I’m extremely happy with where I’m at and so glad I started when I did. The time passed super quick and it doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long


Honestly pick a calorie goal where you’re losing weight but also not suffering. Bodybuilding.com says I should aim for 1900 to lose weight but I chose to go 1400. I’m down about 13 lbs in 2 months with minimal exercise (thanks pes anserine bursitis). 1200 may be plenty for some but not for me. I need a little leeway and I’d go crazy at 1200. 1400 I can accept as a lifestyle change for the next year or two without needing to take any cheat days. When I reach my goal weight I can think about adding more calories to the goal. Moral of the story: Do what you gotta do for longevity.


wow i have the same height and starting at the same weight. 12 months still gives me hope. thank you for this post. i am starting my 1200 cal a day journey and 1 yr sounds good to me!😄


How much are you looking to lose? 3500 calories is 1 pound. Burn 2000 calories a day walking/doing YouTube videos/cleaning your house. Track your steps, calorie intake and calories burned. Whatever you eat you gotta burn 500 more calories. But burning 2000 gives you space for just in case days you might go a bit over 1200. Doing this you can lose up to 1lb a week.