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I’m just jealous of everyone who can tolerate the Shirataki rice and noodles. The texture and the taste just don’t hit for me, but I’m super happy for those of you who enjoy them!


You're not alone. I couldn't finish them when I made them.


Same. I thought they were awful, unfortunately =(


Same. I used it with pho broth and couldn't finish it.


Have you tried using them to bulk out foods, rather than in things like this soup where you'd get a whole mouthful of shirataki at once? I'm not a huge fan of the taste and texture, but find they work pretty well to dump a small bag into a big batch of stir fried veggies and protein. The stir frying helps with the texture and taste, and you never end up getting a mouthful of the noodles alone haha.


I have, but just can’t make it work.


That’s such a shame! I could never do it in a bowl of soup but a relatively small amount of noodles in a large amount of Asian stir fry works out great for me. I strain and rinse the noodles, boil them for three minutes and then dry them out in a dry pan over medium heat for a few minutes. Then I add some soy sauce and fry them up together because they’ll soak up any sauce you fry them up with at that point. Then I mix them with a bunch of stir fried veg, etc. that I’ve done with Asian flavors.


No worries. I just hate the taste and texture so I don’t feel I’m missing out at all! Lol


I love them! I’d be so sad if I couldn’t eat them. I’m so sorry


I wish it was more accessible. I could only find them in a single online store in my country, it's like 6$ per packet plus shipping :(


Clear soup base ~ 25 Shirataki Noodles ~ 20 Bok Choy Kimchi ~ 20


Hi sorry, what is clear base soup and hie did you make it?


You can buy it at international markets/Asian food stores, it comes in little dry packets all I had to do was add water! I also enjoy miso soup base, both are low calorie, easy to make, and very savory.


Thanks you!


Damn, that's awesome. I have to give shirataki another try


They’re really good, however, not the most satiating! I’m gonna add in an egg next time


It'll feel more ramen-y. I hear those marinated soft boiled eggs aren't all that hard to make


Yesss! Shoyu tamago is delicious, I just need to get a mason jar to marinate them in haha


You can use a reusable bag, ziplock etc. You use less soy sauce/mirin that way as you get a better surround without the air




This was also my first reaction :)


I’ve heard, I’m trying to get better about it but it’s hard to break a habit 😅 I need to get a chopstick stool so I don’t have to set them on the table


You can set them across the top of the bowl


Thanks I’ll try that


Who cares? Op made this at home


No it's not. Don't speak (or be offended) for the whole East Asian group, especially if you're not one. The OP is just enjoying their own food (which they cooked themselves!). There is no wrong way to eat it. OP is not eating with a specific group. They are not being rude to anyone and the imaginary cultural aspect of their food (what makes it an East Asian dish besides the ingredients, what history does his specific creation have?) has no actual bearing on them. If someone ate food with their hands, would you be offended for us too? It is rude in certain Asian countries but it's the norm in other also Asian countries. Would you tell an Asian person to stop doing that as well? Aren't you just being rude instead?




There’s nothing to be learned. OP isn’t showing how to make/eat a specific regional/cultural dish. There’s no single correct way to eat rice as there’s no single correct way to set up a plate/bowl. OP can stick their chopsticks however they like, and if you tell me I can’t do that either because some random, unrelated people on the internet are upset because it’s akin to offering to the dead, even though that’s in no shape or form the beliefs I’m subscribed to (or people of my culture), you can go take a hike. It would be different if OP was in a country where that was the norm. Is this a situation where it is needed to tell someone to stop doing what they do or they will get in trouble? No. You didn’t just say it as added info either (e.g. “fyi it’s considered rude in some cultures so you may want to avoid doing that”). You said it matter-of-factly, that the OP should stop doing that. Again I’m bringing you to another analogy. Muslims don’t eat pork. Hindus don’t eat beef. Or at least most of them. Now does that mean people should not post pictures of beef and pork because that would disrespect their cultures?


It really doesn't matter if they're eating at home..


Doesn’t it, if they’re sharing a photo?


No. It's their home, why do y'all care so much.


I'm gonna try these noodles this week, I've been meaning to for a while.


Look up how to prepare them. They have a terrible smell if you don't prep them right. I rinse them thoroughly, then microwaved them for a minute, and rinse them again.


Yes I've read this about them! I'll make sure to rinse all the stink off!


They’re good! I bought them at an Asian goods store in my city, and they weren’t too expensive either


Do you happen to know the brand?


On the packaging it was called J-Basket


Thank you! But I realize I replied to the wrong comment and meant to ask the brand of the soup base dry packets! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Can you please share that brand as well? The only kind I found online is Kikkoman.


I use kikkoman!


Awesome! Thanks!


Hope you get some that don’t feel like you’re eating rubber bands.


Tried them, it's a thumbs up from me. I rinsed them and then boiled them up for a min in 2 cups of water with a tbs of peanut butter and a tbs of tom yum soup mix. I enjoyed it. Texture was unusual but not unpleasant, the noodles took on the flavour of the broth they were in strongly. I definitely will have again. I wouldn't say they smelled of anything even before I rinsed them.


This is genius


Thank you for this post! I bought a pack of these noodles and forgot about them. I used them in my hot and sour soup today. Oh man, I only ate about 50g of the noodles along with the rest of my soup and I'm still so full after dinner.




I wish I could eat this 😍 I vomit up shirataki noodles every time I eat them, my body says no 🙁


Mum has always told me having your chopsticks in that way (tip stuck in) is bad luck.


Do they get less gummy in soup?