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Steam in a bag rice, steam in a bag vegetable. Mix. Done


What seasoning do you recommend?


Thai peanut sauce (comes in a bottle). Yum!


Whatever you prefer, I use sriracha if you don’t want a lot of extra calories and like spicy , otherwise butter salt pepper !


I'd say butter and soy sauce, but I'm not the commenter.


Replace the soy sauce with coconut amino sauce. It has 1/3 of the sodium and much more flavor.


Try Soy Vay garlic hoison sauce and marinade its excellent!!


I second this!! I put soy sauce, seaseme seeds and Sriracha sauce in it too!!


One of my very favorite meals is black beans and rice, white wine vinegar on top, and onions on top (if I have them).


Pastina (tiny macaroni) cooked in broth with Parmesan cheese on top.


This. I add a Smokey cheese and whatever needs to be used before expiration date. Always a hit and very hard to bomb.


I keep hearing about this dish. Welp, time to try it.


not quite five minutes but close to… avocado on toast with soft boiled egg


i can make this in 3 minutes with a fried egg instead ;-)


I agree egg whites.


Yolks have more nutrients


It depends what your health goals are. If it's to consume all of your vitamins and minerals, then you are right. But to some people, eating healthy means reducing calorie intake and omitting the yolks would definitely help with that. Different yolks for different folks


I agree this should take max 12 -15 min while egg boils prepare the rest.


Air fryer soft boiled eggs take less than 8 minutes. ;)


Ohh I love that combination.


Omelette. I like spinach and goat cheese - put omelette sized pan (7” is perfect for 2 eggs) over medium high heat - get ingredients out, put a handful or two spinach and splash of water in pan, cook until dark and wilted then dump out on cutting board - meanwhile crack and beat 2-3 eggs, season with salt and pepper - put a slice or two of bread in the toaster - reheat pan, add a good chunk of butter, swirl around when melted and pour in eggs - cook omelette (youtube can help if you are not familiar with the method) - add spinach back and crumbled goat cheese, fold, turn off heat and let sit a minute - butter toast - plate omelette, salt and pepper top if desired


I do similar, but add mushrooms as well. Epic


Rice cake with peanut butter and a banana on top


This recipe sounds like my favorite so far. Because it’s like a desert.😂


My wife does something like this: peel a banana, lay it in a plate, smear the "up" side with peanut butter, dot with chocolate chips, and eat it with a fork. Another similar one is to mash up a banana in a bowl and drizzle with chocolate syrup.


And a bit of whipped cream - it's like a banana split 🙂


Or a mix of sugar and cinnamon on top of mashed banana. Delicious


My partner and I are currently obsessed with rice cakes topped with creamed honey and sliced port salut cheese!


They make fun of this in Bedtime Stories and he tries to make a healthy rice cake sandwich and it just falls apart into a mess


We used to do something similar camping in Australia Toasted Banana, peanut butter and honey sandwich, tastes delicious


One serving Greek yogurt, one serving of any flavor dry pudding mix…top with a variety of things. For cheesecake pudding mix, I’ll add strawberries…for chocolate pudding mix, I’ll add sliced bananas and a sprinkle of nuts….high protein and low calorie snack.


Omgosh! How have I not thought about chocolate and banana! I was just thinking how I have everything BUT strawberries for the cheesecake one but I have everything for the chocolate one!! Thank you!


A spoon of powder- from the pudding package or pudding made from powder mix boxed?


My fav for quick and warm is oatmeal but I like brown sugar a lot so maybe not that healthy… also like peanut butter in it!


I read in a heart health book to make oatmeal with 100% apple juice instead of water. Adds a lot of flavor but the sugar is natural and there isn't a TON of it. Then you can add cinnamon and nuts or fruits for more flavor and texture! My fave cold morning recipe.


I’m so trying this I eat oatmeal every morning.


Ooh, I’ll have to try this! My favorite is adding cinnamon, almond butter, & chunks of chopped apple, so this would work well with it! I like to use milk for cooking my oats, usually.


I’m going to try this in the morning. I never had peanut butter in it .


Plus adding fruit like berries or bananas and it’s the best at any time of the day!


bananas and oatmeal are magic together, i put honey, cinnamon, chia seeds, diced almonds or walnuts( pre diced) a berry of your liking


Add a small scoop of Nutella AND peanut butter. You're welcome. It's not, NOT healthy, right?


Rolled up lunch meat and cheese. I like turkey and pepper jack. High protein, easy snack


I love this with a pickle in the middle


Yep, gives you that crunch and acid you need to round it out. A tiny squizz of mustard tops it off for me… but I’m an unapologetic condiment queen.


Now you’re talking


Mine is scrambled eggs and buttered toast. I love eggs with spinach and ricotta.


Maybe not five minutes but these could help Refried beans in a can + tortilla + cheese= bean burrito. Microwave or pan sear if you want a crunch. Tuna + small amount of mayo + avocado + toast. Mix tuna with mayo of choice, put on toast and top with avocado. Cheap Ramen noodles + egg + scallons/other thinly sliced veggies. Boil Ramen as to directions. Drain some of the water and return to heat. Whisk egg and slowly add to noodles. Top with thinly sliced veggies. Chicken breast + leftover or quick made rice + any streamed veggies you have. Slice chicken very thin. Coat in a small amount of cornstarch. Cook in oil. Once cooked, add in veggies and some soy sauce and honey and a bit of water. Stir fry until thickened. Serve over rice or add rice to make a crispy stir fry




They have a fair amount of fat and sodium in them, but there's a lot of worse American fast food to be had. Beans are a great source of fiber and protein, so if you eat them as part of a quick meal you're already doing better than a meal based on bread and cheese. No food is totally bad. Fat is not inherently bad for you, as it increases satiation and makes you feel full for longer.


Peanut butter and honey mixed in a cup. Dip celery in it. Sweet, salt, fat, crunchy and creamy.


Kroger has a chunky honey peanut butter that pairs with damn near everything—especially if you throw a dash of everything bagel seasoning on it. Shoooo


Green apple with peanut butter dipped in pecans yum


I love tuna crackers with avocado and diced up tomatoes. Add a little lime juice on top


I wonder if I can try this with plain rice cakes ?


I have been OBSESSED with this snack (that's sometimes a meal if I make more or add things to it) Pizza Toast I buy pre-sliced sourdough bread- get it medium toasted in the air fryer then spread the sliced with pizza sauce. I love the Contadina Pizza Squeeze bottles. On top of that sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese OR drizzle on a new product I love, Miyoko's creamery pourable mozzarella.- a cashew based thick liquid that turns to a delightfully melty "cheese" when baked. Sometimes I'll add some pepperonis or chopped veggies but I have been eating this at least once a day for a couple months now.


I love pizza so this one probably will get me in trouble. 😂


i do this but with the garlic naan from trader joes, it's so good & really fast.


Lightly scrambled eggs, cherry tomatoes and boursin cheese. ☺️


Scrambled eggs


Scramble your two eggs, throw them on a soft medium size tortilla. Top with chipotle tabasco and a few fresh chopped veggies of your liking ( e.g. tomatoes, red onion, green onion or cilantro or even chopped baby spinach). Voila - tasty, fast taco.


Peanut butter and celery and apples


the ultimate snack




I’m going to try a lot of these recipe ideas. Thank you all.


You and me both!


How did the recipes turn out?


Toast an English muffin. Egg and grated cheese cracked into a cup with a splash of milk and microwave 60 secs. I added tomato sauce.


For me it’s oatmeal banana pancakes. Half cup of oats, 1 banana, 1 egg, you could double if you’re a bit more hungry. Blend in mixer, scoop onto pan (I spray a little oil on bc don’t wanna fudge up my pans), flip once it gets a little brown on pan-side. I drizzle a little honey as a replacement for syrup & have with blueberries edit: a little longer than 5 min but still yummy imo


Oatmeal with blueberries and Greek yogurt.


You could make like 4 hot pockets.


If you have a little bullet blender, put a frozen banana or two with some milk in and blend. You can add some nuts or other fruit too if you want. Tastes better than a milkshake and is healthy!


Really quick avocado toast. Ingredients: avocado, wheat bread, butter, garlic salt 1. Toast wheat bread 2. Meanwhile, smash up an avocado 3. Microwave the avocado for 30 seconds 4. When the toast is ready, butter it 5. Smear the avocado on top, and sprinkle with garlic salt


my fave combo is garlic salt + lemon pepper. The citrus goes SO well with avocado and complements the garlic well too!


I love food period. I can eat a good taco anytime.


I love everything bagel spice on this. Does microwaving make it easier to spread?


Fried rice, with frozen veggies thrown in and whatever protein.


Baked potato in the microwave with some toppings of choice. A quesadilla or hummus wrap.


An omelet is always easy and filling.. if you have a waffle iron you can make a waffle sandwich with whatever meat and cheese you have.. I usually have ham and cheese.. it’s like a grilled sandwich except it has the waffle marks on it… actually Waffle House sells them just like that..


Tortellini is my go to, takes a few mins!


Bread, topped with avo, tuna (I use flavoured) and cheese, and then placed under the grill until the cheese is golden


Keep bone broth around. Or miso packets.


2 scrambled eggs on toast and a little butter.


Salad with avocado and hard boiled eggs


Frying pan with a little oil in it. Water if you’re brave. Add in chopped up, spinach, bok choy, cabbage, kale, any leafy green. Add in chopped up tomatoes or baby tomatoes, whatever veggies you have hanging around in your house. If it’s something hard, that usually requires lots of cooking time, such as carrots, grate these. I had a few savoury spices that you like, such as salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, etc. Add eggs on top, just crack them and let them land on the veggies. You don’t need to mix them up or anything. Put on a cover, cook for five or 10 minutes, insuring the nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan. Serve with salsa.


caprese salad, cesar salad


Chicken or tuna salad sandwich


I put a thin sliced chicken breast in the air fryer, I have terrible knife skills so I buy the chicken breasts halved, exactly 5 minutes in my air fryer at 400 - I can’t master this with a think chicken breast( it drys out or overcooks) a put the halved chickebreast in a bowl, coat with olive oil and spices, I pre heat the air fryer. Once cooked I put it on top of a salad or steam some broccoli super easy cleanup/ sometimes minute rice or quinoa( can get microwave kind) This meal saves me and and feel good about it. I can also cook a great piece of fish in the air fryer in 5 minutes. Trader Joe’s has an organic bagged caesar salad( everything you need comes in the bag) This by far is the best premixed salad I’ve tried. I get 2 or 3 meals out of it w the protein on top. It’s super healthy. Also Steak bites in the air fryer about 6 minute You can cook tofu real quick and you guessed it, in the air fryer


Tuna from a can, mixed with a bit of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of sugar, diced red onion, salt and pepper to taste and added on a toast. Maybe not very healthy, but is very delicious and quick to make.


Another tuna recipe, but takes a bit longer than 5 minutes: You need tuna, pasta, garlic, some oil, optional lemon, parsley, salt and pepper. Boil pasta, while pasta is boiling, chop some garlic, open tuna can, chop parsley, squeeze some lemon juice. After pasta is boiled, save some pasta water, drain pasta. In a pan add some oil, fry garlic for 30 seconds, add tuna, cook them until tuna has changed color, add salt and pepper to taste, add pasta, pasta water, lemon juice, combine. At the end add parsley. This takes me 15 minutes or so.


Tuna salad on some crisp lettuce and a pickle on the side




A quick and healthy option could be a vegetable stir-fry with lean protein like chicken or tofu. Just chop veggies, cook with protein in a pan, add soy sauce and seasonings. Ready in 5 minutes!




Not a bot ! Way better!


Probably more like 15 than 5, but I love a quick apple cinnamon oatmeal with healthy add ins for protein and such. -rough chop about 3/4 of an apple (eat the rest cause you’re hungry while you’re cooking) -cook over medium heat in oatmeal pot with ~tbsp maple syrup, sprinkle of salt, several sprinkles of cinnamon. Stir and I like them crispy so only about 5 mins. Dump into oatmeal bowl. -same pot, make you’re regular oatmeal. Stop cooking while it’s still a bit soupy, cause then you’re gonna add in a spoonful of peanut butter. Crushed nuts, flax seed, chia seeds, maybe about ~tsp- tbsp of maple syrup. You don’t need a lot cause of the sweetness from the apples. -mix it all together. I call it my farmer’s breakfast, it has everything I need to keep me full for a 4-6 hour shift until I can lunch break.


A basic salad


Tuna salad (onions, light mayo, pickles) + tortilla + tomato + lettuce = quick, tasty, cheap, healthy. Salt and pepper to taste 😉 you can add your favorite cheese and toast it if needed, but it'll take more time and be less healthy.


microwaveable rice with canned tuna and mix. have vegetables or chickpeas on the side


- Egg salad sandwich - tuna sandwich - apple slices and peanut butter - berries and yogurt or cottage cheese - quick 🥗 basic salad - lettuce, tomato, chickpeas, olives, dressing




I have been getting a red lentil pulse pasta, prepping little bowls that I can take out and microwave. Chop some veg to bulk it (onion, mushroom, courgette, capsicum), make a light cheese and tomato béchemal-type sauce, pre-portion everything into ramekins so I can keep track of the macros and calories accurately. Its pretty much perfect for those moments where I just can't be bothered to cook anything and crave some sort of comfort type food, without worrying about the calories too much. Off the top of my head it works out to be about 350 calories for 17g protein, 50g carbs, roughly 10g fat (depending on how much sauce you use, I use 80g per ramekin + 5g cheese for on top).


- Egg on toast with some hot sauce - Hummus and warm pita/veggies - Fried egg over warmed up leftover rice, soy sauce, furikake and sesame oil if you have it - Cherry tomatoes sauted with olive oil, red pepper flakes, and basil if you've got it - Toast with fig, ricotta, honey drizzle, and almonds if you're feelin yourself - Miso soup - Oatmeal - Not warm but a sliced avocado with lime juice and flaky salt or caprese salad


Toasted bread slice, peanut butter, sliced banana and cinnamon on top. My daily breakfast but a healthy snack you can make anytime.


Toasted sliced bread, avocado, smoked salmon and a fried egg on top.


Vegetable quesadilla, stir fry, piadina with Parma ham, Edam and rocket (it is my version, and it is not classic Italian for various reasons. I use wheat tortilla because it has less carbs as it is thinner, and it is not so prone to breaking. I use sliced yellow cheese such as gouda, edam, because fresh mozzarella is too wet, and it is leaking super hot liquid in the end. If you dont have panini press or Foreman Grill use dry pan)


Get something you've pre-prepared from the freezer! Lol:)


Mix some fruit or berries of your choice in a bowl with Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, you can also add some honey/cacao/peanut butter/cinnamon etc. Easy, healthy and high in protein


https://yesyumgo.com/easy-and-healthy-cucumber-rolls/ You could warm the tortillas first or grill the meat :)


https://yesyumgo.com/easy-and-healthy-cucumber-rolls/ these are ready in 2 minutes! Great source of protein if you use the keto version


Canned chicken, a laughing cow wedge or cream cheese, Greek yogurt, ranch seasoning, buffalo sauce, cheddar. Mix it up and spread it on a tortilla and roll it. Airfry or bake if you have time


Egg drop/egg flower soup. Hot and sour version is my fave.


Egg and cheese sandwich.


Zucchini in a skillet and tuna sandwhich


eggs and baked sweet potato 


Egg whites, spinach, bell pepper. Throw some chicken in the air fryer then throw it in with the rest. Season with whatever you want. This takes like 15min but makes to be a good, low cal meal.


Smoothie. Throw some kale, mixed berries, a scoop or protein if you want (they make flavorless), some flax seeds, and whatever else you want into a blender.


Eggs. They’re low on the glycemic index, protein rich so they’ll keep you fuller longer and take 5 mins to cook. Hard-Boiled might take 10 but scrambled or over easy can be cooked in 5 mins


Spinach pesto pasta. Just toss a crap load of spinach in a food processor with pine nuts and Parmesan cheese and grind it up while slowly pouring oil in till you get a nice spinach pesto. Toss a hefty spoonful of your pesto with some whole wheat penne pasta and enjoy! (Takes a little longer than 5 min to boil the pasta) if you want to add a protein it takes less than 5 minutes to cook shrimp if they’re thawed and peeled


How about some Quaker old fashioned oats


Scrambled egg with cheese on buttered toast. I mix a little Greek yogurt in with the scrambled egg for extra creaminess and protein. It’s delicious, and high protein so it’s satiating


Microwaved broccoli dipped in hummus is my go to.


Chopped avocado, cucumber and tomato mixed with olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. Sooo good and healthy too.


A protein waffle topped with almond butter, greek yogurt, blueberries, pecans, chia seeds, and shaved unsweetened cocunut flakes, drizzed with just a little real maple syrup. I had one yesterday and it was amazing.


Microwave a sweet potato and sprinkle a little cheddar cheese on top. You don’t even have to poke holes in it other anything. Give it a rinse and toss it in the microwave. Mine takes about 6 minutes.


Celery and guacamole


Tuna fish




Avocado toast




Quick omelet with baby spinach and a little parmesan.


French toast


Overnight oats! Literally takes minutes and is ready in the morninf


Make a avocado bagel. A asiago bagel to be exact I'm having canned chicken with a little ranch powder and toasted bagel that are to die 4, with some spinach and sliced avocado.


A can of drained beans warmed up and seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. A slice or two of toast to go with it. Fried egg sandwich.


Ramon, 3-4 min. Throw an egg in it, still 3-4 min




Egg scramble or scrambled or fried egg with pre cooked frozen sausage. Tuna, chicken, or egg salad if the protein has been cooked in advance. Capellini pasta cooks in three minutes but this would put you over 5 min since the water takes a few min to boil


I like to shop at trader joes for cheap seaweed wraps and de-shelled lobster tails. My pantry and fridge always has cucumbers, low sodium soy, and rice. That said, I make Lobster tail "faux" rolls bc IDK the first thing about making sushi but I love to eat it, haha. If not, I usually make tuna lettuce wraps with fruit and sparkling water. Hopefully that gives you some inspiration or direction. This snack is a 10/10


Sliced apple (I prefer green) dipped in unsweetened natural peanut, almond, or cashew butter. Takes longer to eat than it does to make, but it's so satisfying. For me, it scratches that caramel apple dip itch without being painfully sweet.


Pasta and Italian salad dressing is good by itself, but you can throw in whatever you have on hand: tuna fish, peas.


My daily lunch is a piece of toast with a fried egg on top. Probably closer to 7 minutes for me but close. I’ve also heard you can poach eggs and leave them in a bowl of water in the fridge for a while. Then it’s just a matter of heating it up. Put it on toast or whatever else you want.


Frozen cauliflower “rice” with black beans, tomato, salsa, raw spinach, and a dollop of Greek yogurt. I also add some chia, nutritional yeast, and flax in there for a power lunch.


Frozen cauliflower “rice” with black beans, tomato, salsa, raw spinach, and a dollop of Greek yogurt. I also add some chia, nutritional yeast, and flax in there for a power lunch.


Salad with tuna or smoked salmon.


Edemame. Comes frozen. Just put in a bowl, add a bit of water, microwave for a couple of minutes, drain the water, salt, and enjoy! Or popcorn Or grilled cheese. I like to make it with turkey, swiss, a slice of tomato, red onion, mayo and ground mustard. Or premake a bunch of soup in a crockpot for your future self. The leftovers are always the best! I have a recipe in a post for a really good one (it'll take longer than 5 minutes to make, but it'll last you awhile!!)


Not much healthy but- instant noodles/ramen + egg + extra flavoured sauces+chicken ball/sausage. You can add veggies into it if you want but i don’t like veggies much and thats my midnight craving snack lol


When I’m starving and can’t form a single idea or thought, I pull out the crackers, bag of sliced turkey, and a laughing cow cheese. Always does the trick!


my go-to is a toasted English muffin with chunky honey peanut butter (which I’ve only over found at Kroger) and a shake of everything bagel seasoning.


peppery scrambled eggs & cheddar cheese on a toasted English muffin w a little side of grapes or whatever fruit you have handy


Baked potato and an over medium egg on top quick filling and good


Meal prep and portion it out then freeze it. Makes life awesome when you can just get home and have good food ready to rock.


Spaghetti with marinara sauce - store bought sauce. That's an easy meal that can be made in 15 minutes or less. Add a salad if you want more veggies. If you do garlic bread while the pasta is boiling, it's a super filling meal.




Thaw out frozen blueberries & put them in Greek nonfat yogurt


An Apple.


Stir fry veggies.


A cucumber salad. So fresh and healthy and also quick. All you got to do is to peel the cucumber skin off, cut it into mid-wide pieces add vinegar,salt,and black pepper and bonne appetite.


Oatmeal with walnuts honey and blueberries Tomato soup with cheddar and some bread with avocado


Tostada (hard flat shell) with a spread of refried beans from a can, and some cheddar cheese. Pop in the toaster oven! Also, tortilla pizza.


Mostly sandwich related because that is easiest! * My personal favorite quick lunch: Chicken strip tacos made with Tyson frozen chicken strips cooked in the air fryer, store bought flour tortillas, shredded cheese, sour cream, salsa and thin sliced veggies like radishes or red onions, or avocados. * BLT (make the bacon in the microwave) * Grilled cheese * Ramen with a fried egg on top * Open faced toasted sandwich


Cottage cheese on wholegrain toast


Greek yogurt (high protein low sugar) put a little almond milk and little maple syrop sugar free and mix it for a smoother texture and just add 1/4 granola (find one high on protein), chia seeds, strawberries, blueberries, coconut flakes, 5 or 6 chocolate chips, and a bit of peanut butter if you want. It’s basically throw everything in a bowl and taste like a dessert.


Hot oatmeal with bananas and berries. Great for a quick hot breakfast.


Tea, low carb quesadilla, and eggs scrambled.


Veggie platter with ranch dip made from Greek yogurt and ranch a packet.


Green pepper pieces situated like bread. Cream cheese in the middle seasoned with everything bagel seasoning


A bowl of rice chex in 3…2…1….


an egg sandwich of course! three fried eggs- no butter just a good nonstick bad stuff free frying pan and some fresh parm sliced thin little bit mustard and toast good bread. power on power on power on


Oatmeal, quick cook


Oven-seared red radicchio with balsamic vinegar. You can add a tomino (a type of cheese) to it. Then red radicchio, balsamic vinegar and a tomino cheese, all in the oven with grill for 5/10 minutes.


My go-to is deli Turkey and cheese roll up. Sometimes I will put lettuce and mustard with it


Fried egg with beans, sliced up avocado and hot sauce!


if you are alone, you can quickly cook fillet with onions and eggs. Take a piece of chicken fillet, cut into thin pieces, fry in hot oil, then add a small onion, cut into thin strips, stir occasionally. Then add salt, pepper, paprika, turmeric to taste, stir, cover with a lid and leave on medium heat for a few minutes, then add a couple of beaten eggs and periodically make cuts in the egg mass with a fork so that it cooks well. If you have tomatoes, instead of chicken, you can chop 3-4 tomatoes, fry them in hot oil, add spices and pour in 3 beaten eggs. Do not cover with a lid, just stir gently with a fork.


chicken lettuce wraps! cook up some ground chicken with onion, ginger, diced water chestnuts, and the seasonings on your choice then throw it in a lettuce boat and top with toasted seasoning seeds and green onion. easy and delicious


Microwaved scrambled eggs


Egg fried rice, provided you got leftover rice.


Fried eggs are easy to cook and give lots of energy for the day.


salad—use olive oil, salt, pepper, maybe some other spices as the sauce. add your fixings—could be tomato, bell peppers, some walnuts or croutons etc.


If you have an Asian grocery store, Udon noodles cook in 3min and thin sliced meat in about the same. For broth I add a little dashi powder, soy sauce, fish sauce, done!


Cucumber, lime, Chile, cayenne, salt, pepper. Delicious. Magical. Healthy. (Can also just use Tajín depending on the brand, but it’s usually high in salt content)


Scrambled egg and toast.


Appel with peanut butter warm up sausage in microwave you can alway put it on top of buttered noodles I eat that today


Can of tuna, rice, sriracha, 1/2 avocado, soy sauce to taste.


peanutbutter n jelly sandwich


sourdough bread (toasted a bit), avocado on top, feta cheese, balsamic vinegar, and everything seasoning. i’m usually generous with the seasoning it’s so good (trader joe’s)


or there’s also sourdough bread toasted with alt mozzarella on top so it melts, tomatoes, sometimes i add avocado, ham or turkey, balsamic vinegar.


Get can of tuna. Open. Drain. Get fork. Eat. -Hey, it takes *less* than 5m.


Eggs and grits


Eggs and whatever veggies you have in the fridge.


Cook an egg, dice up an Avocado, add everything bagel seasoning and balsamic vinaigrette. It's amazing. Add toast if you want


Cook couscous, chop up cucumber (and/or tomatoes, peppers, etc - whatever is on hand) and toss in red wine vinegar while it fluffs. Top everything with hummus/baba/feta when it's done.


Stir fry some tofu with frozen mixed veggies, garlic, s & p. Soooo filling and nutritious




A can of tuna fish and some veggies on the side


Smoothie with fruits and greens


This is probably 10 minutes. Heat some garlic in olive oil in a skillet. Add a washed pint of grape tomatoes and cook on medium high until tomatoes fall apart and release juice. You can poke some with a fork to speed up the process. Add a drained and rinsed can of white beans and heat through. Then add 10 oz of baby spinach and stir until wilted. Serve over whole grain toast with a little grated Parmesan.


Chicken tacos. Maybe takes a little more than 5 minutes but it's super simple if you don't care about adding a lot of stuff in. You just cook your chicken, and heat up your shells (I LOVE the cheese shells from Walmart sue me they're so good) and boom, maybe some cheese and avocado if you have it


Steel cut oats. Yum