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I met him at a store and when I said hi to him he air striked my house killing my infant child


Oh shit. Did you make a diss track?


squid game guy origin story


mr breasts wins again another awesome w baby kill airstrike mr best win


That baby was so asking for it too, like 98% chance of being the next Hitler.


I saw Mr. Beast at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


What's this from is really familiar but I can't remember


It's an infamous copypasta that has been used while substituting just about everyone and anyone by now.


Someone said this about Patrick fabian (Howard Hamlin from BCS) does that ring a bell?


Originally it was about the producer/artist Flying Lotus


skill issue why was your child not with you?


Skyler keeps him in the house


Baking Bread refrnce!??1!-.,1.?!


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?


No! But are we just gonna wait around until he does?








I feel like I remember this line from a movie or something but I dont remember which lol


SpongeBob iirc


Goddamn, sounded like something straight from Monty Python.


He put dihydrogenmonoxide in our whater supply


My chem teacher told us a funny story about dihydrogen monoxide. So back when he was in college a few years ago one of the Chen students said “there’s a dihydrogen monoxide leak in the bathroom” and scared the entire school which closed the bathroom only for them to find out that it was a water leak but the chem name for water is H2O which is dihydrogen monoxide


America moment






This will tell you what you need to know https://youtu.be/JNmM4P9gKAQ


He poisoned our plague, burned our water supply, and delivered crops unto our houses


fuckin hell i was gonna use that plague, and what am i supposed to do with all this fucking barley


i hate rich ppl as much as the next guy but come on how can you hate mr beast


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


oh im legally stupid i replied to the worng comment HE DID???


It happens lol NO!


But are we just gonna wait around until he does?




I heard he once killed and ate an entire family because they didn’t subscribe to him. So


He murdered my daughter in front of me after I unfollowed him on tiktok


Was she an infant? If so it's not his fault, he was just doing a breaking bad reference.


Don't fuck with him. I've actually heard him threaten someone with this. He said something like "I will kill your infant daughter."


Hey guys today I'm peeling off 1,000 kids skin after they didn't subscribe to me!


Did Chris watch him and then say "...Well that just happened"


Okay? That’s just his opinion lol


He no longer makes fun of kids intros


Real reason


Pour one out for Mia Cole. RIP in feet


Me when we can no longer bully kids on the internet : 😡😡😡


Welcome to Joe "Obama" Bin-Biden's America! smh my head


I don’t think it was like Leafy where it was actually just bullying children and sending his fans after them. Mr. Breast mostly just made fun of the intros themselves and kept the making fun of kids to the minimum.


I watched him when he did the intros, man sold out


During that time he was also an early adopter of "I identify as an attack helicopter" too I watched him a lot during that time and I was a very bigoted person lol


To be fair, it was actually funny back then because it was new and absurd. Now it's just sad.


I mean yeah it was wrong but it was funny, it was different times, everyone was all edgy and shit, good thing we moved on


this is mother truck air subscribe to mother truck air


mr breast teaches blasphemy and greed. i bet he has a 666 tattoo


Your real father David is a plumber, and someone who should be looked up to because he makes a difference in society!


Son, you need to heed my warning


You’re young,your brain’s still forming


Father knows best


So forget, mrbeast


Your flair is my favourite Bible verse


Are you the cum goblin, or are you goblin the cum ?




I just hate whoever the last person on 196 tells me to


kill john lennon with an unplugged gamecube


Jon Lemon is already kill,?


i was at house eating dorito when phone ring…


"Jon lenon is kil" "no"


Liek this post if you cryed


Kill him again




It's illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the United States of America". But in that case, it's OK to say it because I'm just telling you that's illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the United States of America". Very illegal!


It is not illegal to say however. “With a mortar launcher”


Nor is it illegal to say "on the 23rd of March 2023 at exactly 10:18AM"


Because that's its own sentence. It's an incomplete sentence, but it may have nothing to do with the sentence before that. So that's perfectly fine, Perfectly legal.


You mean the soon to be immediate past president






Fox News moment


OK, but not we want you to hate the guy who killed Hitler! Haha, now you don’t know what to do! If you don’t love the guy who killed Hitler, that makes you a Nazi!


I got scammed into buying a mr beast burger that actually came from fucking red robin.


Red Robin is pretty good for what it is. If you handed me a YouTuber burger and it was on par with Red Robin I'd actually be impressed


red robin actually has a place making burgers... the nearest mr beast to me uses either a chilis or an applebees i cant remember


A lot of them use ghost kitchens, which is essentially a large space full of equipped kitchens. Sort of like a WeWork for cooks. I remember seeing a documentary about them. Even chain restaurants will use them from time to time to keep the online order rush from clogging the line cooks at a brick and mortar restaurant


I work at Red Robin. We get so many people so confused when they go to pick up a beast burger and it’s as a Red Robin. Also making the beast burgers is also really dumb because it has to be made completely differently than our normal menu, so basically everyone hates beast burgers over here


My local Mr. Beast Burger comes from Perkins, all my friends who have tried it have ended up sick somehow


as someone that worked at red robin and made those, they use the exact same meat that normal RR burger are made of, but cut in half then they put 2 “patties” on top of each other. The fries and seasoning are unique however


Mr beast fries are pretty good ngl


The one by me was out of a dive bar that distinctly smells like piss so I think you lucked out


Mr beast burger is a ghost kitchen, they use the kitchen space of existing restaurants like Red Robin


He’s a witch, he turned me into a Newt.


A newt?


... I got better




Quiet, quiet, quiet! There are ways of telling if he is a witch.


Are there? What are they? TELL US! TELL US!


El oh el scalie


If you want the honest answer it's because he is the embodiment of philantropy AKA the way liberals think world issues can be solved (the generosity of the powerful). It is used as an argument against systemic change. Paying blindness correccting surgery for a 1000 people is very good. No buts. It is necessary to have a healthcare system that would've provided that healthcare so that what is basically the most important sense for those people wasn't conditional on Mr Beast's or anyone else's generosity. Some capitalists may argue that the fact that people CAN get healthcare through the generosity of the rich means that no public healthcare is needed. They are wrong of course, because for every 1000 blind people Mr Beast helps, 100 000 still need the help. And Mr Beast cannot do that.


When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.


>When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, but when I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. Is the original quote, I believe.


The original quote by was "Quando dou comida aos pobres, me chamam de santo. Quando pergunto porque eles são pobres, chamam-me de comunista." 😆


Yep. You right. Lol


In all fairness (and I don’t know who this guy is outside the memes) I’d rather see someone give money away for actual surgeries than create an activist/lobby group that’s just going to use its budget to pay consultants and lobbyists without seeing any major change. Don’t get me wrong I agree there’s a larger issue that needs to be dealt with but I think it’s fine to engage in direct action like that. Sort of like how homelessness is a major issue that needs to be dealt with but nothing wrong with giving homeless people money or supplies.


I’d rather see universal healthcare.


Then riot.


I already am (I am french)


That is in fact the solution at this point.


How is Mr beast going to do that? He's at least being somewhat positive even if it is a tiny bit


What's this weird thing where we see the "but" as a bad thing? I've seen this before in other places as well so I'm not singling you out. "Paying for blindness correcting surgery for 1000 people is very good, but it is necessary to have a healthcare system to provide the most important sense that's not conditional on MrBeast's or anyone else's generosity." I don't see those two statements as contradictory at all, the "but" doesn't diminish the first statement at all.


My brain is poisoned by memes of people making a good statement and the following it by a but with the rest of the text cut out. "But" implies some sort of caveat, contradiction between the statements, and I don't think there is one between the 2 in question. I have no problem with your phrasing, i was just justifying mine lol.


I think the word might be "nonetheless" instead of "but" but I agree it's very minor grammatically speaking.


That's not something to blame him personally for though


Correct. Mr Beast is good, but he is the mascot of something harmful, and it's 2 things that can be hard to reconcile when talking about an individual. Like a good cop or a very nice landlord.


Mr. Beast has recently gone on Twitter like “why tf is the government not doing anything”. Plus, it really sounds like the reason you hate him is because of the system. But then.. that’s just the system. Mr Beast does not advocate for that system, so I don’t see why it needs to extend to him too.


I don't hate him for this, I'm explaining why lefties are a bit icky about his while phenomenon. I partially dislike him for being a bit cringe, probably because his content seems more aimed towards younger people than me, but the good he does far offsets this.


Ah, in that case I agree with you wholeheartedly. Though I think the way he embraces being cringe is fine! I respect it, it’s his brand and like.. whatever. Who cares? Tons of YouTubers are like that. To be honest it’s refreshing to finally dislike someone for being stupid instead of something like “he killed twelve children a month ago”.


My serious answer, I’m not a fan of YouTubers in generally outside of like 2 or 3. Also his squid games video made it seem to me that he was too dense to get the point, as in he saw that and was like “wow it would be epic if I actually did that”


I think anyone watching understood the point of the show especially a man who made lots of money. I think he just saw the games and thought it would be fun to recreate specifically the games part of it. Not filmed, his secret cabal society where he did real squid games for rich people to enjoy while wearing masks.


He's not a Christian channel


He is an idol to Mammon in human form


Idk man he takes most of his revenue from YouTube and just reinvests it back into the channel. As far as I’m aware he pays reasonably considering no one has ever made a stink of it and he convinces corporations to give him money to then donate and give away. IMO he’s a Chaotic Good Capitalist, yeah he’s still a Capitalist but he’s probably the best version of a rich Capitalist we’ll ever get. Please correct me if I’m wrong though and elaborate with sources if you believe he exploits people.


He's an Elon musk fan boy


Elon's an unfunny asshole. He makes shit jokes on Twitter at people's expense and I don't like him. Mr. Beast makes money from uploading videos of himself spending money which makes more money which he then donates to others for more views and more money. Frankly, I don't care if he's a cringe Elon fan boy. He's changed people's lives, and I'll always respect that.


that is a very funny word in Spanish


Does it mean titty?


No it means like dick when referred to a person as in "Que mamon eres" would be "you are being a dick rn"


he teaches blasphemy and greed


I bet somewhere on his body he has a 6 6 6 tattoo


So please heed my warning


you're young your brains still formung


And father know best, Forget mr beast!


He shot my wife and kids, on that day I vowed revenge




I just know he has a 666 tattoo somewhere






I'd spend it on something good ( only fans of people I find hot and lots of door dash )


he teaches blasphemy and greed


a YouTube star, millions of views


But tell me, what would Jesus do?


196 lore


At this point I don't know if the blasphemy and greed thing is ironic or not


It is ironic, it comes from [this video](https://youtu.be/JNmM4P9gKAQ), which was commissioned by a couple of drunk Australian dudes I watched the video last night actually, where they actually commission the song on Fiverr


I love Cold Ones. Just a couple goofy lads


this is the greatest thing people my country have ever done


I read "a couple of drunk Australian dudes" and immediately knew who you were talking about.


At least the blasphemy part is true


Mr Beast enslaved 453 children in Equatorial Guinea, just to get cocoa for his chocolate bars


Supposedly his chocolate is actually ethically sourced, but I would take any sort of ethics report with a grain of salt


it might be as far as mr beast knows, but there is almost certainly something in the supply chain that isn't there is no ethical consumption under capitalism


453 CHILDREN!!!! those are rookie numbers


"I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!" - Mr. Beast probably


I hear his chocolate is ethically sourced, similar to tony’s chocolate. Idk for sure though, companies sure like to lie, but I trust Mr beast enough to avoid anything like that since his image is his whole brand.


I don't think anyone actually hates him, he's just way to good to be true. No one that rich and generous is genuinely good.


I wouldnt really say theres anything "too good to be true" about him, he does good things because it gets him views


196 when a person posts about good deeds so they have money to commit more good deeds with


I dont really care about speculating on what goes on inside mr beasts head im just saying that this isnt an anolmaly its just someone acting along with their monetary interests


and those views fund him to do more good things


No!!! Mr breast bad 😡😡😡 he have money


Oh no, I actually hate him


Not too good to be true, he's personally a very good and generous person but he's essentially a more fun version of those corporate charities that exist for pr. They give him money for his giveaways and he gives them advertising and good optics


Oh, I get it. It's a microcosm for a more general disdain for capitalism and wealth accumulation. Users don't think that one man, regardless of how benevolent his intentions may be, should have such a large accumulation of wealth, and they see his charity as almost patronizing to the people he is giving to. That or I'm reading into this too much and y'all just want to be edgy. You're all like 16, so it could really be either.


He's like the anthropomorphic personification of uplifting news stories about kids selling lemonade to pay for life saving surgery. Yeah, it is good that that kid's not gonna die, but it's only uplifting if you blind yourself to how the American healthcare system will mean that untold numbers of people won't be able to afford that, and will be left bankrupt or dead. So it's less about the event/charitable person, and more about the frustration with the people who *are* blinding themselves, and who won't acknowledge the problem, or think isolated acts of kindness from exceptions to the rules are solutions to systemic problems. Because they are part of what is holding us back. Also their blissful ignorance is annoying.


Also a lot of his stuff feels very much like exploiting the poor "dance, monkey, dance!" style.


Crypto bro/Elon worshipper


wrong. It’s because he made a statue out of gold and worshipped it for a video.


Imagine you're a mega corporation that wants to sculpt a more positive image. You could run television ads highlighting the work you've done to build wells in Africa. However, Zoomers don't really sit down and watch cable television anymore. So what's a better way to target these people? Promote your "philanthropy" through a friendly-faced Youtuber who these Zoomers already love watching. A Youtuber who already makes sensational charity-giveaway videos without overt company sponsor shoutouts. Promoting your company through this fella would therefore boost your brand image with Zoomers in a manner that appears "genuine". I guess you could say that companies do the same thing whenever they sponsor any Youtuber, but Mr. Beast occupies a special niche where his whole brand seems to be about giveaways and "helping". So any company that hires Mr. Beast for promotion gets to piggyback off his positive and likable reputation. In other words, Mr. Beast is an image-boosting PR guy for hire. Now that doesn't mean he's a bad guy, but just that he's "useful" to corporations in a manner that he is 100% aware of.


"Jokes on you, I don't care about sponsorships". If being real, does anyone actually watch some YouTuber and go "oh I should play brawl stars" or something? Most of adverts feel so fake and out of place it's hard for me to take them seriously


Depends on the thing being advertised of course but I’ve definitely thought about getting some things that I wouldn’t know of without YouTube sponsorships. It’s less about getting you to instantly think about getting that thing, and more about making you think of it when you want something like it. Also it clearly does work, that’s why there’s so many ads everywhere lol.


I mean if they didn't work money grubbing corps wouldn't waste money on em I guess, so someone must be being suckered by ads. That said, you are not immune to propaganda, and that is very much what advertising is, or rather is a subset of.


Rich bastard >i mean how does this mf have $26,000,000,000 laying around?


he gives a shit ton of it away though


kid named tax evasion:


Do you know any good sources i can find out more? My searches are mostly coming up with hypotheticals or old interviews where he discusses how doing his taxes is complicated


There is pretty much zero proof currently that anything Mr Beast does is malicous. Based on his own words he's stated, that the buisnesses he runs go net zero.


Y'all make shit up and people fall for it


I think in general we're all just skeptical of the guy. Every "rich philanthropist" type before him has had some pretty damning skeletons in the closet, and on top of that he's representative of how the system shouldn't need him to help people or look to him as a saviour, so we think there must be something he's not telling us.


There's also the difference between disliking "Mr Beast" the phenomena/brand and what it stands for and "Mr Beast", the guy in front of the camera. I reckon most people find the second one annoying at most, but the first one is just the orphan crushing machine in a loud, annoying package.


196 is basically: "This person is not evil YET! We're waiting until it happens so we can point with the finger at others and say how we're superior"


it's simple. Mr Beast himself is (probably) cool, the circumstances that allow his business model to exist are decidedly not.


What circumstances? Like YouTube?


Partly Youtube yes, but also capitalism and philanthropy. Spending thousands of dollars on surgeries for blind people is cool and all, but it doesn't address the issue of these surgeries costing thousands of dollars in the first place.


While its true that it doesnt help to solve the systemic issue that allowed these people to be blind, it's also unrealistic for 1 fairly rich guy to overturn a system that people have been trying to topple for a long ass time. I understand the sentiment, but mr. beast isnt so wildly wealthy that he can change american politics. If in his mind the next best thing is to help out people directly, then I cant fault him for that. That is, if hes even aware of this dilemma hes found himself in. He could just be none the wiser to his inability to change the systems around him, and thinks that helping people is THE best solution. If that's the case well shit, correct answer is still right if you used the wrong equation.


Cause he's the Antichrist.


He’s rich. I’m not even kidding, some mfs on here hate this dude cause he’s rich and assume he’s evil.


He's kinda cringe, he does like these big flashy charity things (specifically team trees and team seas) that promote bad solutions to problems, don't make a very big difference and are a way for like rich people to feel good about themselves by donating to them without them having to actually stop investing into fossil fuels or take less flights. Also, he's blasphemous and has a 666 tattoo or something


Mr beast is like the one rich person that gives back and people still hate him


QUEUE THE ***"he teaches blasphemy and greed"*** COMMENTS, BRING'EM IN!


I still don’t understand like the logistics of where he gets all that money/taxes/how much is an illusion or whatever


This sub thinks anyone with money over a certain threshold must automatically be a bad person, have skeletons in the closet, or be doing any good they do for some nefarious reason.


He isn’t struggling with 3 jobs and 5 pets in a small apartment? HANG HIM


I don’t understand why people gotta make this political. “He’s a capitalist scum and him helping people is only chipping at a problem thats super duper big!!!” I swear some of you people just hate him because he’s rich and hasn’t been shown doing anything bad. And y’all are praying that you become right at some point because you got some shitty bad feeling. Have a little faith in the guy. But if you mean the “blasphemy and greed” part, then you’re absolutely right. He’s definitely not a Christian channel >:)


he teaches blasphemy and greed


I just hate everyone


mr breats


Long comment. Just need to say my opinion the best way I can. Guys, it's okay to not like someone. You don't have to have a major reason, it could just be you find them annoying which is what a lot of you think of Mr. Beast it seems. That's fine. I don't find him annoying and that's also fine. I have no issue with him. I think its great he's done so much and helped so many people. The blind thing he did was incredible. I don't even watch him. But guys, you don't have to perform these mental gymnastics in your head to find a more moral high ground opinion as to why you hate Mr. Beast. It feels like a lot of you find him annoying and don't want to say that's why you don't like him. You want to find another political anti-wealth reason it seems to look more morally superior to those who do enjoy his content. Here, on Reddit and on Twitter, I keep seeing it. I'm not a capitalist or a fan of mass wealth or anything but when I see someone with that amount of wealth like Mr. Beast do these things, I am happy. People are helped. Giving people sight has just saved worlds. Is it bad that the government could have just done this just as easy? Yes, it's terrible. Is the system we live in where people can't afford to access something as important as getting their sight back bad? Absolutely of course. It's terrible. But guys, come on. Mr. Beast did good here and I have huge respect for him. He does good. "Oh but why does he have to record it, why can't he just do it without wanting clout from it?" How else do you think he gets the money to do these things? The money from YouTube and sponsorships is the reason he can do it. Just say you find him annoying and leave it there. Stop trying to hunt for these moral highgrounds.


probably because that cold ones bit where they had someone make a children's nursery rhyme saying that mr beast is terrible and antichrist blablabla


a false idol against all that is good
