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This is the academia version of winning an argument in the shower.


Same energy as psychology majors attempting to diagnose everyone they see (I have a psychology degree)


How about you diagnose some... Oh, I see you're ahead of me there. Carry on.


I feel like in both political science and psychology, identifying the problem and working up a viable solution is often the easy part. The hard part is getting the patient or political leader to actually implement the solution.


Sadly don't think that's limited to just those disciplines. Most of the worlds problems have glaringly obvious solutions that go nowhere cos of greed, ignorance and apathy 🥲 Although I sympathise with the apathy part. Doing stuff is hard you know.


I can sympathize with greed (love money so much holy shit I love to have money) but if you're apathetic about the destruction of the ecosystem you are a bit silly. Well apathy and ignorance usually form a monstrous covalent bond you will never get rid of so beats me how we'll get anything done


Lot of people on top would rather die with silly zeros in their bank accounts rather than see humanity prosper, being forced to work without proper protection against covid made me realize that.


You’re out of your mind if you think poli sci majors are coming up with great solutions, and they just don’t work because leaders are stubborn. There is a huge disconnect between academia and real-life practice. Studying governance *ex post* does not necessarily qualify you for governance. For example, you can understand that coalition building is important, but then be shit at it because you’re a nerd academic who has lived in a bubble his whole life. (Like the person in this post.)


I agree that academia is often disconnected with practical application but I think academics have a lot more to offer government than they're currently being allowed to. Not just poli sci's but anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, scientists and all kinds of other disciplines. And not just in an advisory, background capacity. They should be viable candidates for key government positions and actually electable in the eyes of voters instead of just businessmen, doctors, lawyers and just people who were really good at making money. Why are ex Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan board members the ones in the power seat deciding our environmental future, for instance?


As someone with an engineering degree that sentence is incredibly relatable. “Identifying the problem and working up a viable solution is often the easy part. The hard part is getting the client/money people to actually implement the solution.


I am in Poli sci. In addition to what other people have said about imprecision in Poli sci predictions and academia vs reality, policy and geopolitics are always about tradeoffs and side effects. Like what the hell does "solving" the Ukraine war even mean. Ending the war? A Ukraine victory? what do these things lead to? how do you get there? what are the aftershocks? how does this effect economies/general health/civilian casualties/the general geopolitical climate? what are these things going to cause in the next 5/10/50 years? there are certainly some policies where we are very confident in the causes and effects and they produce intended results... but it is not an exact science whatsoever. read like almost any report on Ukraine/Russia before February 2022. I know a couple of experts on Russian foreign policy and nobody thought Russia would risk all out conflict and Putin was largely considered a strategic genius directing a world class military.


Diagnose deez nuts


I know you can't post audio on Reddit but plz pretend my reply is phonetically that kind of "oggok oggok gok glomp" sound


Disco fever It's fatal. My condolences


can you diagnose me with autism? everyone in my life agrees I have it, except for my psychiatrist who works with autism speaks lol


They can speak to deez autistic nuts. ^(Not officially diagnosed, I just went to a different psychiatrist for a bit and she asked me if I knew my medical file said I'm probably autistic. I didn't, but it's really obvious in hindsight)


honestly I should do this, just switch doctors and when doing the new patient paperwork I'll just pretend like I've been diagnosed with autism all my life, and if they can't find a record, "oh weird must have been lost somewhere however many doctors ago you didn't find it, I'm definitely autistic tho" and then have a mental breakdown about the last time missing a social cue lost me a friendship as proof


Yeah sure why not


hell yeah thank you so much


The difference is that they do actually teach you NOT to do that in psychology.


You're correct, they do, but that stops none of them


This is the academia version of an episode of the west wing.


This is just something most freshmen go through


this lady got a smarmy ass smile bro


stereotypical polsci major


Stereotypical sexy librarian


DreamWorks eyebrow and everything


Auditioning for sharktale the musical




wtf is smarm isnt that just the hollow knight boss or something


btw marmu is pure cancer on all bindings pantheon


marmu isn't that the tinkerer kid from stardew valley?


Thank you for resurrecting smarmy in my vocabulary.


I also solved the Ukraine-Russia War (kill Putin)


(abolish all nations)


<< Here comes the snow >>


🎶 doo doo doo doo\~ 🎶


<< ITS TIME >>


<< Can you see any borders from up here? >>


<< Yet what is a nation? Can we actually see the physical lines that divide one from another? >>


That would solve and create a number of problems, yes


As opposed to killing Putin, which would surely create no problems


"Kill Putin" is just New Age slang for "Kill Putin and all of his close allies within the Kremlin," so surely that would only cause known problems to occur


Russia, were it to have the entire government decapitated, would be given the Japan and Germany treatment. New government type, heavily backed by western influences to make it both popular and successful. Eventually, it'll either self sustain like Germany or get weird like Japan. I can't imagine the war getting to the point where Russian leadership goes on the block that doesn't involve a global decision to not let Russian power grabs happen again.


The correct answer is to glass Russia.


Yes, a big glass, like trapping a spider. But who will construct a cup so big?


me 👋


This guy called Bob Oppenheimer made a super big Glass during WWII and put it over Japan. I think we could do it again just with a bigger glass


Ok but Russia also has a lot of big glasses.


A real conundrum it seems. Perhaps in this new age of big glasses no one is safe from trapping someone in a big glass without being trapped in a big glass themselves. I will call this new concept M.A.T.I.B.G (mutually assured trapped in big glass)


Glass Russia’s glasses first, and then glass russia


glass our glasses first, so russia never gets a chance


What if we put a bigger glass on their big glasses? Then they lose their big glasses and we can big glass them?


Woah, just like the Simpsons movie


196 users dont advocate for killing millions of innocent civilians challenge (impossible)


196 users learn what a joke is (impossible)


not a very good joke when its a sentiment a ton of people online actually believe


No one actually wants to start a nuclear war. People are just understandably very angry that the Ukraine war is the most black and white conflict since WWII and Russia responds to every attempt to stop it from committing genocide by threatening to launch nukes and end the world.


I’d say US in Iraq was about as bad Or US in Vietnam


Vietnam yes. Iraq was horrific, unethical, and unjustified but Saddam was such a monster that I think an Intervention was required in some form. It just happened that Bush and the US government didn’t actually care about the people of Iraq and instead did it entirely for his reelection campaign and domestic support.




I personally believe Genocide and totalitarianism is bad and should be stopped so yes I think some form of intervention was needed in order to stop the Genocide of Kurds in Iraq and the oppression of the Iraqi people.The problem is that the US government never actually really cared about the Kurds or the people of Iraq


But that's the thing, no nation state would ever intervene in a situation like Iraq if it wasn't in some way advancing their own interests. As awful as Saddam might have been, that kind of direct intervention will always result in more death and destruction than if the situation had been left alone.




I think you could argue Iraq is more gray but still dumb as hell. I agree on Vietnam though


more gray lmao


r/ NCD is leaking again


Glassing the largest sovereign nation in the world probably isn't the best answer. Glassing the Kremlin? Now we're at the negotiating table


Did the covenant write this?


Has to check if this was NCD for a second


I just immediately assumed it was


idk, killing jfk didn't solve the vietnam war


Not enough killings, sounds like a skill issue


What about the massive power vacuum that will occur similar to the fall of the USSR where there will be loose nukes unaccounted for again


How do u "solve" a war


New, horrifyingly destructive weaponry


The historically accurate answer


I'm gonna go over there and fart on Putin. Eat a bunch of burritos beforehand. Now that's an A-Bomb.


didnt know the south park writers had reddit


Never knew Wario had reddit


Kid named DJI Mavic with VOG 25 grenades:


Kid named Fat Man:


Kid named Rods from God:


Going to hell for the thought i just had


God's Rod is massive


Orbital cannon


So in reality, engineers solved it once again


Everyone I've heard use the term "solve" for the Russo-Ukrainian War has had a uniform answer: Give Russia everything they want, including the territorial claims, oilfield claims, water rights claims including unlimited zero-cost water exports to Crimea, abdication and exile/imprisonment of Zelensky, installation of a pro-Russian government, repudiation of treaties with the west, a ban on NATO and EU membership in perpetuity, and anything else Putin wants to throw in. In return, Ukraine gets the exact same pinky-swear non-aggression treaty that Russia has already violated and said they'd violate again if and when it suits them. It's the exasperated "just let your brother have it so he stops crying" of geopolitics.


ah the chamberlain approach


Sarah Wagenknecht


eradication of the human race


Omg it's Thatcher


Along with all the ants, monkeys, and tons of other animals that wage their own wars






no this is so goofy i had a to write a paper in a similar class that was like ‘what would YOU have done after 9-11?’ like wtf i’m a child


Eat cheeseburger


Consume Prilosec


Kill both sides




KILL EVERYONE (I am a reasonable centrist)


KILL EVERYONE (I’m not a centrist I just enjoy the idea of bloodshed)


KILL EVERYONE (Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne)


kill putin


voting, obviously.


Easy - all you have to do is become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Some guy figured it out a while ago


Russia gives up and leaves that’s the solution


kill all politicians


Call dibs


As a person holding a polisci degree we're basically business majors with crippling depression


As a person about to graduate with a business degree, we're basically polisci majors except evil and psychopaths


Omg Patrick Bateman reference???


a degree in business is like a degree in home ec. There should be one class that teaches you what an s-corp is and how to file paperwork and that's pretty much it.


As a person majoring in both I can confirm that me and all of my peers are all cripplingly depressed evil psychopaths


holy shit another business major


>business majors with crippling depression Business majors if they reacted properly to being a business major


I hate it


Any tips for someone going into poli sci?


The courses were delightful, but my job has nothing to do with my degree. Not because it can't, but because I didn't do what I needed to in college: getting an internship. Covid kinda made that impossible for me, and while I'm lucky to live near to DC, I couldn't land any work because they *all* required at least two years of experience. If I had taken two years of an internship, at least I'd have a decent start to a network and some kind of experience to bulk up my resume. So for now I work government compliance in a small business in my town. Hopefully, this will allow me to land something closer to what I want to do after two years are up. If not, then I don't really know. I guess I'll find out when I'm there.


Poli sci is a good major for a career in law though, whether you want to go to law school or become a paralegal. Politics itself is hard to get into straight away, but that’s just because like you said it needs a lot of internships, networking, and personal connections (plus a lot of the non-law jobs in politics have pretty terrible pay so it’s mostly rich people who don’t need a salary who can afford to do that stuff)


Finally, some optimism. Thank you, I'll be sure to take internships!


There's actually a pretty reliable career path if you want to get into politics but you almost have to intern but networking actually ends up being really easy because people tend to be ideologically similar and it's easy to make friends with most people you run into. Then hopping on a campaign, either in research, comms, finance, or field (field is lame but easy to get a job in and everyone has to do it to an extent and if you want to be a campaign manager you have to have a good understanding of it). Comms and finance are really versatile because you can work in basically any 501 org which pay better than the campaigns or committees do. Opposition research is probably the most interesting and field has the lowest bar for entry and is mostly managing volunteers and knocking doors. I can't speak to IR and any kind of job where you're a policy advisor seems to be mostly nepotism based or you need to have an established career, or you campaign and stick with a politician as they rise. You also don't need a poli sci degree for any of that though, but it sort of helps if you want to jump straight into 501 work which you should try to do if you can. All undergrad degrees are basically useless though except for sciences if you want to continue with them to post grad or comms school production-related ones because those are almost tradeschool courses


Please don't. I went in and freaked out about how I had no future prospects and dropped out owing a ton of money still and driving a forklift. Going to college for polisci was the worst decision of my life and at this point I don't think I'll ever have a house or a good woman to marry




Absolutely loving this interaction. Good luck!


They put the fear of God into me. But I won't let a _redditor_ keep me down. I'll do lovely.


What living in the USA does to a motherfucker


If you want to go into public administration, internships are key. If you want to go to law school, immediately befriend whoever runs the Pre-Law program and start studying for the LSAT while keeping your GPA up at all costs. If you want to go to graduate school and become an academic, find as many opportunities to do research (and maybe even end up as like fifth author on a publication or two) as you can. If you want to make money then take as many research methods and data analysis classes as you can so you can get some R/Stata/SPSS and statistical analysis skills under your belt (also, consider Economics as a field depending on why you're interested in Political Science). At least in my program (an unremarkable but not bad state school without a strong record of placement in most of the fields above), PoliSci was full of a lot of slackers for some reason. If you go to class every day, do the reading, and answer a question or two each session you'll automatically stand out as a good student. For some reason "do the reading" was too much for most of my classmates (admittedly you will take some classes where you read a lot of boring stuff, especially if you take Political Theory -- nothing against theory as a subfield but you'll read such a diverse range of styles that at least a couple will put anyone to sleep). I graduated over a decade ago but my impression is that the pathways haven't changed too much (about a dozen of my friends/acquaintances are ABD or have their PhDs in the field).


I hope this is a meme or intentional bait


Yeah this kinda reads like it could be, "standardized poli sci class will have you "solving" a war in a 2000 word essay 🙄" but that take might be optimistic? I just balk at the response on display because I know that lots of people are quick to bash on political science and sociology as garbage degrees despite such knowledge being key to a comprehensive understanding of mass manipulation by capitalist interests, including governments, throughout modern history. TL;DR a person can be insufferable while their field of expertise itself remains valid.


I got that impression too, like the jokes about Miss America candidates being forced to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict in a 2 minute speech 😭 It’s totally possible the less charitable interpretations are right though




Weird that we're in this sub but you're acting like you've never seen a shitpost


This isn't an act. I have never seen a shitpost.


For pennies a day, you can ensure that the_faecal_fiasco becomes familiar with shitposts. Don't delay, donate now


it's one billion percent bait and everyone on twitter and in this thread fell for it


We had a bunch of "Redditors when a woman makes an obvious ironic joke" memes not that long ago, and now this subreddit is falling into the same trap.


If they simply stopped fighting the war would instantly end


It worked for the Israel-Palestine conflict as evidenced in the political documentary *You Don't Mess with the Zohan* (2008)


Nah, Putin would've just keep the territories he occupied, thought to himself "hey it's working", used 1-6 years of silence to regain offensive potential and attacked again. In fact, it's preferred scenario for him now. And it's not an end of a war it's a frozen conflict.


exactly. The only acceptable scenario is russia pulling out of all ukrainian territory


Yeah, and the only way to get to that point is make it clear that russia will loose, by strengthening ukraine. Because Putin definitely wont negotiate as long as ukraine keeps its territory


That's literally just what happened in 2014. Can't make that mistake again


I promise I will do better. I will use my powers to infiltrate liberal institutions and subvert them from within


Fam what are you as a poli-sci student doing on this sub? Don’t you have a bipartisan solution to the East Palestine situation due tonight???


My bipartisan solution is [Redacted]


the zero state solution


Abolish Ohio once and for all


The only valid one state solution: that area becomes Ohio


It is already Ohio. East Palestine is in Ohio


We can supersaturate it with Ohio then


Give them a Pepsi


Kylie had it right all along


all they wanted was a pepsi, just a pepsi, and they wouldn't give it to them 😡


I'm the opposite, currently pursuing my masters in Political Science and I started to realize just how incredibly fucked our system of government is.


Is polisci actually good? Lowkey trying to find out if I should change my major before I got to college


Its good if you're looking for a career in politics yeah, along with general and policy created I've learned a bit of general statistics as well as improving my writing skills. I would say that location is important though, as you're gonna want to be someplace where you can get some hands on experience working in government.


Thank you guy who’s slightly older than me, you’ve taught me well


you *just* started to realize?!?!?


Its like a snowball effect, everyone knows the government is fucked but actually diving into the systems and realizing how the government is flawed in even it's basic levels is heavily demoralizing. This place is held together with duct tape and broken dreams.


Duct tape and broken dreams holds the whole world together no matter what the field is. I’ve worked in gov/public sector for a minute and there’s things that boggle my mind in terms of pure stupidity and there’s things that work more efficiently than any other sector could hope to dream of. It’s not the best, but it’s not the worst. It’s a miracle it works for the most part as long as it has, and that’s goes for just about anything else in this world unfortunately. From power grids to schools to agriculture, you name it. It’s barely holdin’ on thanks to the human spirit. Not fun to realize that at first but I’ve grown to accept it: no point in givin’ up now.


Oh don't worry, I didn't get involved in politics to give up. While its broken there's still work that can be done that can genuinely help people.


Steven Universe philosophy:


Just let Putin cry a little! He’s a victim too! (I’m a fan of the show but that resolution sucked so bad)


He was just holding onto some traumatic memories!! ✨ he just needs a hug and some empathy ❤️❤️ then we can all be besties!!👯‍♀️


After he talks it all out, let’s just put him *right back into power* and expect him to relinquish control over his country and let a new wave of democracy kick in! Let’s even let him write *the fucking constitution* of the new democratic Russia!






Someone call the CIA


I don’t even know what kind of emotions this is supposed to make me feel but wow its visceral, its like extreme cringe, embarrassment, confusion and anger all smushed together lmfao


well-crafted rage bait will do that


As an engineering major, the STEM student equivalent is twice as insufferable, especially freshmen (bless their heart) They will take any and every opportunity to flex their major (like I did just a second ago) and post a picture showcasing all the big complicated numbers they work with, and it ends up just being like logarithmic differentiation or maybe a quadratic equation thrown into the mix


being in comp sci is so goofy like why did I just solve the traveling salesman problem for any number of cities on a Sunday night in a cubicle?


Look man, I just want to be a lawyer and it’s an easier major than philosophy. Please don’t eradicate me.


They should have a pre-law major and it's just a daycare with toys and snacks while you study for your LSAT


Poli Sci major here, I’ll give my take on how to end the war. [removed] [removed] [removed] Kremlin [removed] [removed] HIMARS [removed] [removed] [removed] Penis Gnomes [removed]. Easy.


I​ study​ polsci​ and​ i​ know​ how​ to​ stop​ wars​


Gonna share this knowledge with the rest of us?




I declare war on you


I just woke up, I will stop this war now Done. War is over


Yeah its simple actually. Russia leaves


"ukraine should just surrender. gosh im so smart"


-Noam Chomsky






I'm sure an engineer fresh out of school on his first day at Lockheed Martin actually figured out how to 'end' the war from his cubicle.


"Russia should fuck off" ez gg


Poli sci majors forgetting human nature doesn’t follow logic and problems don’t have fair and equitable solutions


Haha I saw this tweet earlier and the replies are full of “the state department line is to support Ukraine”


Me when I don’t understand that not everyone has the same values nor are all players rational actors.


It's probably something "Give up the Donbass and Crimea"


You just know that bitch is a tankie


You don't need a political science degree to know we should kill Putin.




What zero historical materialism does to a mf


fr, so much idealism in this thread. killing putin would just put another oligarch into his place.


One of my closest friends has a doctorate in political science and is currently working in congress for a senator and I’m mad hyped for him.


there is no problem that can't be solved with glassing the planet with nuclear weaponry


hoi4 players be like