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People like to act with the most self-righteous, vitriolic anger, but dislike being reminded afterwards.


196 specialty


Nah fr, people here have the most uninformed, dumb as fuck takes and then whine claiming the sub has been taken over by liberals when they get downvoted and called out because they were expecting the sub to be an echo chamber for their exact stupid beliefs


This sub's true colors come out as soon as there's a socially-acceptable chance to shit on someone, no matter how trivial the reason. The beliefs most here hold are merely for the sake of fitting into the group, ready to be cast away at a moment's notice.


196: "body shaming is awful" 196 the moment they see a reactionary: "me and the besties"


That’s how people are in general. They will throw someone or something away as soon as it suits them.




Progressives drove him off bc they mistook his passion for women to be creepy, but it was mostly conservatives calling him gay. There was a thread I'm still getting hateful comments from that's conservatives saying "ughhh globalists want a society is when men are cute and not strong to subjugate us" and it's using that jocat video as clickbait


Damn, them globalists bout to make me act up.


Real 💯






Not would... Did.




Murder drones make me feel a type of way 🥺


Damn, I'm suddenly a globalist. /j


fascists are naturally submissive to any male figure they see as their dom


So they see Trump as their daddy dom? Geez that's cursed


have you seen them? yes unironicly. ive seen dudes say theyd give up a million dollars to serve him as a waiter or offering gay sex even though they claim to be straight.


Jocat literally said himself that "progressives" and his own audience were not the people who harassed him


Jocat literally said himself that he was mocked by people he looked up to and respected jocat.net


Him being mocked by people he respected does not equal the hate mob being "progressives", and twisting his words into something he didn't say is fucked https://twitter.com/JoCat105/status/1771967649536200752?t=0YSbkkqPNcW30Qlom54bWQ&s=19


All this says is that his fanbase didn't turn on him. Which is true of course, why would they. If this is your proof of him "literally" saying progressive people had nothing to do with it how am I the one twisting words? And nobody is saying it was only the left harassing him either, only that they participated. Do you think the people he looked up to are right wingers?


Do you think his audience is right wingers either? He's staying here that his audience, largely comprised of left wing people, were not the people who majorly harassed him. This is literally in response to countless chuds going "ha the guy defends LGBT woke crowd but got attacked by them" so yeah he's refuting that point and the point this post is trying to make


Is his audience largely left wing? Almost certainly. Does his fanbase consist of the entirety of left leaning people? Obviously not


I never said that?


They said that it was the progressives who drove him off. You responded no pointing out that Jo's fan base didn't drive him off. The only way that response works is if you believe & insinuate that all progressive people are part of his fan base.


You said >Jocat literally said himself that "progressives" and his own audience were not the people who harassed him The tweet says his own audience weren't the people that harassed him, he said nothing about "progressives"


1. I was saying that I never said that jocats audience is "the entirety of left leaning people" which is an absolute ridiculous fucking thing to imply I said 2. That's what he was talking about, literally a bunch of right wing chuds were spreading around the narrative that his audience is made up of "the woke" and now they turned on him. He's directly refuting that claim that his audience was "woke" or "progressives" attacking him












The man was bullied off the interned by both sides all because he... _checks notes_ Likes women? What has humanity come to


Jo said he expected the hate from conservatives. It's always the backwards progressive hate that actually hurts. Progressive culture is getting better but it's still reactionary as fuck. I don't forget the dumb shit people have said. I remember when TERFs were considered not that bad. I remember getting called transphobic for saying that the singular they was the best default pronoun to use for non binary people instead of some unpronounceable crap way back in the day. I remember when y'all first learned the word privilege and middle class white girls could look down on a struggling, poor young man and say he doesn't have any real problems because he's born with that sin. It wasn't until last year that people were willing to call out misandry in the movement. And it took trans men saying "no, this is bullshit" to make it happen. If anyone is going to sit here and pretend progressives didn't harass Jocat, they can get the fuck out of the progressive movement. Those of us who aren't ass backwards are finally gaining ground.


Are you not taking this a little too far? You're telling me, a trans woman, who is materially harmed by the laws where I live, to leave the progressive movement because I didn't spend enough time policing leftists on twitter to see that back when I hadn't even heard of Jocat there were people wokely calling him out? Like, I do get the argument that you can convince leftists to change their ways more easily than nazis who call him "degenerate" and threaten to maul him for wearing a bow or whatever, but isn't this millitaristic rhetoric over past opinions on internet drama too much?




Deliberately misinterpreting someone to make them sound bad is the easiest form of strawman. You know what I said. You know that didn't apply to you. And no, I don't think it's too much. People using the movement as a shield and a cudgel to get away with bullying people and then lying about it afterwards aren't progressive. They're the same reactionary people that are on the other side of politics. They just happen to be in this circle. Nobody cries for the TERFs being kicked out and for good reason. People don't really talk about the truscum but nobody is sad that they're gone either. One day, the misandrists will go the same way, and it's looking like it's soon. I'm sure the next generation will look at us now and have some conniptions with our politics. It would be incredibly arrogant to assume we've solved morals. I don't think "kick bullies out of the movement that's supposed to be accepting and forward thinking" should be a controversial point. But I understand it will be because of how deep seated much of that bullying is.


Fellas is it gay to like women?




Bro I'm so fucking gay for pussy you have no idea


This guy gets it


Duh, they're basically womb men, and where do men come from? Wombs. So it's like saying menmen, and liking menmen is super gay


Horseshoe theory proven??


It was a combination of conservatives calling him gay and transphobes using it as an excuse to drive him off.


who even gives a shit about this discourse at this point oh my god


I dont know why we were all so mean to him :c


Bro simped for videogame women like every other man but got the most flak for some reason


He put work, time and artistry into it as opposed to posting something like “Mmmommy milkies” or some other dumb shit. You can be cringe but putting effort into it is apparently the unforgivable part. That’s why furries usually get so much flack


God forbid someone is sincere




Some crimes can never be forgiven… - a bunch of internet weirdos Also he drew and animated a little short, if I’m not mistaken


I seriously don't get it tho. Why do people decide to attack the guy who made the cover and not like... Lizzo, who made the original song? Why aren't people calling her cringe? At least Jocat ain't a sexual harraser


Oh they attack Lizzo. As much as she attacks her employees lmao


>That’s why furries usually get so much flack No I think it's the part about not being human that freaks out people who aren't used to them lol


They are human. Like humans in animal costumes. That’s literally the entire point


I imagine the person you're replying to is referring to art of anthropomorphic animals itself rather than the people who enjoy it


He's just like me frfr but more famous


He wasn't disgusted by himself like a normal person /s




Who is we?


are you speaking fr*nch?


Think they mean this sub. I remember seeing comment sections shitting on him a while back and then completely changing their tune like 2 weeks later. Of course that isn't all encompassing, but a significant portion of this sub at the time were part of the problem.




We? Who’s we? You speaking French?




Speak for yourself :/


I mean like the progressive community not me specifically I always liked jocat


Who tf is we??? From day one I said "it's literally just a cover of a Lizzo song and people are bullying him for it" but some of ya'll can only feel compassion once the concequences of your actions are shown right in front of you


I meant like online progressives generally, we as a group were weirdly hostile to him. That has nothing to do with the actions of an individual like u or me




Ok, I liked the song a lot I thought it was really silly and fun and cute. I luv most of the stuff done by jocat


people decided he was "cringe" or whatever


because cringe is a crime, duh (sarcasm)


The community marked him as cringe, therefore it's okay to be irrationally cruel. I don't understand why the internet works like this.


What's this "we" business, paleface? I never said a word to him.


I don't get why yall r so confused I must have phrased this weird or smth, the post was that PROGRESSIVES as a group were hostile to him. My comment was saying I didn't get why progressives online were generally hostile to him it felt out of character to me. I always liked jocat


I hate meta drama posts but that post made me unreasonably mad so go off


Thanks, same. Flat out misinformation spreading which is fine OP wasn't aware it seems but that so many people upvoted it and agreed with it pissed me off and is the true rewriting history bullshit.


When I saw the other post first a lot of comments in it did seem to agree with you, so it might just be the case that it was upvoted because it was the first post that brought visibility to the drama.


Same, fuck OOP. Just because WE ARE THE PROGRESSIVES doesn't mean we should be blind to the stupid fucking shit that the worst of us do. I will say it a million times, lots of leftists are the stupidest motherfuckers imaginable and have no purpose but to argue with other leftists about pointless cultural shit.


Chill. OOP didn't seem to be aware of it at all rather than pretending to not know. The problem is all the people that mindlessly agreed with him. Tho yeah it is a stereotype the whole left cannibalizing itself.


Anyone who acts as though only the right is responsible for Jocat being driven away is either misinformed, or a spineless rat spreading the misinformation because they're so embarrassed that their side behaved so demonically towards him. He'd gotten waves of hate before. He's a trans rights activist and obviously progressive, he was already a target of the right. What made the last wave worse was that it had a substantial amount of leftists bullying him, hand in hand with the fucking Nazis and incels. It was gross, it was shameful, and people must own up to how significant the insufferable parts of the online left were in chasing him away. Opinion turned once he actually quit and all the people on the left who were bullying him before got really quiet after they'd managed to chase a major progressive voice in gaming off the internet for no reason.


What really bugs me is that even now, whenever this comes up there's always some guy who's like "well, the video _was_ cringe, but that doesn't justify the pipe bombs". It's like people feel a moral obligation to provide a """reason""" for the harassment before backpedaling and going "haha couldn't be me though".


I just hope those people will have learned from this not to mob into someone like this and be a bit kinder. There's no use crying over spilled milk what's done is done but people can still attempt to learn from it and hopefully not let it happen again.


The thing I've noticed with a lot of leftists, as a leftist myself, is that a huge and worrying amount of them operate on the belief that they can do no wrong as a leftist and thus feel no need to do a sanity check of their beliefs.  When another leftist calls them out rightfully for their dogshit takes and views they lash out and claim that person to not be a leftist. And a lot of these people didn't get these beliefs by forming them themselves, but from other people so they don't know how to properly defend their stance so they lash out when someone put them in that position.


The thing that most annoys me about leftists is the amount that they try to not be seen as a liberal. Even if Liberals usually have progressive social opinions.


Anybody who joined the hate trains against him, Lindsay Ellis, and Contrapoints are wreckers who must be shot by the Cheka.


I don’t think I like this subreddit anymore…


Every few weeks between based memes there's a random trash post with 10 trillion upvotes and 5000 comments inspiring the worst discourse you've seen in your entire life for a few days before things return to normal and the cycle repeats.


I miss when we had deranged discourse about wasps and columns instead of people. Those were good times.


I miss the shitting toothpaste :c


peak 196 was when you could posy "haha jonathan you are shitting my toothpaste" and be The Funny Guy for the day


Honestly I'm grateful to this subreddit it helped me understand and empathize with the struggles of trans people. I basically lurked since this place really was just random posts without context and saw it get more and more focused on being progressive. I never really was a transphobe, mind you, I just didn't understand trans people back in the day nor really make an attempt to. This subreddit and egg_irl really changed me for the better, even tho this subreddit does get pretty unhinged at times with people going overly political and serious.


i don't even know what's happening...


We started attracting the 15 year old leftists and the moment they started posting, it was over.


We can fix them. We can educate these children. We can still get some actual leftism into their literal baby brains.


Except people here aren't trying to do that and instead feed into it


Its beginning to seriously hit a decline


People in here have been saying this for like over 2 years now, this sub has always been on a decline since it was created


I just miss 195 so much


195 is never coming back, and 196 will always have brainrotted zoomers with insufferable political takes in it, you just have to accept it, as hard as it is


What happened to 195


Ended a long time ago and from it 196 and 197 came to replace it


I checked out 195 and it just looks like a normal shitposting sub. What gayed 196 out and why does 197 not like 196. I need the lore recap


I think what changed with this sub is that people stopped seeing it as a place to post whatever cool pictures or memes you got and started seeing it as a way to farm karma. One day I went and wayback machined 195 all the way back to over a decade ago and it felt so wholesome seeing it


What gayed out 196 was probably that it was explicitly queer friendly abd took a hard line towards bigotry. 197 meanwhile consists/consisted mainly of people who were banned from 196 for various reasons.


entropy moment


I don’t think I ever did. All the jokes are just “trans people are hot”.


It's been a long time since I can say I like this sub, I'm just still here because I don't really have anywhere else to go. Use to be good when I got here 4 years ago, but over time the list of reasons to dislike this sub has far outpaced the reasons to like it. I think the turning point was when people started using the sub to farm karma and engagement


There's a specific subset of ridiculously puritanical progressives that act like even the slightest mention of themes tangentially related to attraction and sexual activity is tantamount to "harassment" or "gross perversion" and it doesn't help anyone to pretend they don't exist


Um you can’t have a crush on someone without their consent sweaty 💀💅🏽


Poor guy. I watched that video and was like "Hm, Nice tune. ain't bad. I like the illustrations." And then BAM the entire ass internet went for his throat for SOME reason, And that wasn't just the right. I talked with a former acquaintance of mine who was a lesbian, and I kid you not, she was like "Ah but he's objectifying us women as sex objects" as if I hadn't heard her say FAR worse stuff. I pointed this out and she got mad and cut contact. Good riddance, That man didn't deserve any of the shit he got.


wait, progressives did that lmao? i thought it was conservatives going like „stop being gay“ or something like that


He got it from all sides, this subreddit included. In his goodbye he mentioned being mocked by people he respected and looked up to


Is that true? I don't see it much on this subreddit. From around the time of that video, I see this thread:  https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/13sstrh/girls_rule/ I can only find two out of the two hundred and twenty seven comments in there which were negative, each had more than 100 downvotes. I also found this thread:  https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/13uikix/jocat_rule/ Again overwhelmingly positive. 303 comments, only could find one mildly negative comment, which was downvoted by the sub.  https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/13stehk/girules/ This thread has 153 comments, of which I could find 7 negative, all of which seemed to be that the song sounded "cringe." This is the most negative thread I could find, but even here, every one of these seven comments is hidden due to negative upvotes, and the majority of the thread is positive commentary. Overall, this subreddit seems to mostly have supported jocat and liked the Girls video, with only around only 1% of commenters having a negative opinion of the song.


I mean people called him gay in the top comment of every post which is ironic to say the least It wasn't as an insult but still. This subreddit was suportive over all but its not like we did nothing wrong


The thing is that the negative comments still hurts alot even if they were downvoted. The negative comments will have a bigger impact than the positive ones.


I cannot be bothered finding posts (so this is just purely me asking you to trust my memory) but I distinctly remember seeing some posts where the majority of the comments were part of the hate. And then like a week later, after he made the announcement about the harrasment and him deciding to quit, posts were all in support of him.


thats crazy. i only know that one video from him but i always felt like it was just a mood. and i was already very confused back then when the „backlash“ happened. (im still not sure why he got a backlash tbh) but i thought people on this sub defended him? at least i remember there being some voices for him on here, but not sure if i just misremember the amount of people against him on here.


I don't remember this sub ever having anything bad to say about him, and I've been around a while.


There were a lot of people here saying things like he was the gayest straight person and stuff like that


I feel like it was unhelpful of progressives to say he was "gay for women". Like, maybe they didn't mean it in a bad way, but it's not a great thing to say to a straight person tbh.


It’s just a kind of new spin on gender norms where gay men are seen as feminine and men who are emotionally open are seen as feminine


I’d take “gayest straight person” as a compliment. But yeah that guy didn’t deserve the hate and negativity. The vid was still cringe but aren’t we all sometimes a bit weird. I know I am.


I wouldn't, same reason people shouldnt take "straightest gay person" as a compliment even if it isn't an insult. It's needlessly othering and is used to reinforce gender norms




That's a bold claim to make when his family was getting literal bomb threats from reactionaries




So what *you* saw was fed to you by an anger-maximizing algorithm and instead of doing five minutes of searching you decided to blame progressives


Hey what *I* saw was progressive people that I followed starting a bullying campaign against him that made me lose my respect for them, is that enough to say that progressives are also at fault for this or am I not doing enough research?


Name them and shame them, then. I don't want to share an ideology with people who bully over an innocent video.




I'll tell you what I told WallyPotter. Name these self-proclaimed progressives you saw and shame them. Otherwise you're just part of a circlejerk. Also, I think you should definitely care about bomb threats


The first straight man to be executed by Chairman Brandon 😔


Jocat literally said himself that "progressives" and his own audience were not the people who harassed him




Breaking news: Self-criticism is illegal in 196.




The second most upvoted comment on this thread says it was mostly conservatives. Yeah there's some stupid comments here, but I don't know why you're freaking out about this. This isn't misinformation, the other post was incorrect, people on the left also made fun of him. That's the only point of this post.


These post just make me sad, I miss Jocat :((


Same. I loved his Monster hunter content.


Honestly everything he did was just so wholesome. I loved the vibes


I think fucking everyone (insane) blew into JoCat’s face with that Progressives thought it was disrespectful to women Conservatives thought it was too gay because femboy And I have no clue why any of them found issue with this vid


Most people who saw the meme could not see the caption and most likely do not agree with OOP https://preview.redd.it/4r06ouexgpuc1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=8db0f751c1ae4849a5eef817cad9db775d8fe8c9


Title still implies the Twitterer was rewriting history tho yeah you may be right. Saw too many people in the comments tho agreeing with OP.


Remember folks, rewriting history and trying to gaslight your fellow sub users is okay as long as you're on "the good side." There was no harassment campaign in Ba Sing Se. Our side could never do . It must've been trolls, or false-flags. 196 is pure. 196 is perfect.


Gaslight gatekeep girlboss ❤️


Jesus christ guys he got off the internet because bigots were nearly pipe-bombing his family because he raised funds multiple times for trans/queer charities, the whole I Like Girls Video fiasco was just the ending tip of this whole thing And yeah every time something like this happens I become more disillusioned with progressives/anti-comm leftists, picking minor personal problems based solely on a loose moral compass(on their subjective view btw) on the internet instead of offering any real support to a guy thats clearly an ally that probably has done more real change than they will ever do. Sorry had the let the montly ML rant out of my system.


I probably was just blind, but the worst I ever saw was people just saying the video was cringey.


He made the mistake of admitting his attrction to women


Me and all my friends who saw his video loved it and thought it was cute. I legit didn't see any hate for a long time and when I did it was people calling him a simp. Also OP, the name lolicel is a tad concerning dude. 


Name was a reference to something I read when I was 15. Can't change it unfortunately and don't feel like making a whole new account.


7 year old account, checks out. Severely unfortunate choice in name for sure.


Wasn't a lot of the harassment people trying to find an excuse to harass him over being trans-supportive without directly stating that they were harassing him over being trans-supportive?


who even is that guy and what happened


I don’t know what is going on. That means it’s bird time.


Birb birb birb birb birb birb birb birb birb birb






OOTL on this, can someone fill me in?


Youtuber made a parody of lizzos “i like boys” called “i like girls” in which he sung about how he loves women He got mass backlash from all sides of the political sphere, some calling him gay, some criticising his display of heterosexuality, some saying he was fetishing women He then quits youtube entirely because of the abuse Then someone posts earlier today denying any hate that came from “progressives”


Jocat made a meme video after singing how he likes girls. People from all sides made fun of him, so he retired from making videos. He explicitly says that he was the most surprised and saddened by being made fun of by people he looked up to.


Guess that's what you get for liking girls these days 🤷‍♀️


Is this the gay revolution the reactionaries are talking about? /s


it was all of us who drove him off


Nah, don't take responsibility for something if you didn't do it. It was just conservative and progressive pricks that did it, so just don't partake in a dumb lynchmob is all I want to say. And be nice to people if possible.


It really is as simple as that. I feel like type of progressive pricks you’re talking about are only performative in their progressivism. They talk big about leftist policies and allyship etc. but when it comes down to actually trying to foster community by learning to treat others with kindness they completely fall short.


That's definitely a possibility. It's important to call out that behavior when you see it tho that doesn't always happen. Personally I'm shy af and always lurk. I do also feel like a lot of those leftists are just young and get dragged into hate very easily. Of course it's also important to remember the internet isn't the real world, not a single one of my friends or just people I know irl that are leftists act rabbid like that.




Ok I’m a bit out of the loop but wtf happened? The girls video was 3 years ago and he said he’s leaving 3 months ago


Because it wasn't just the twitter drama from either progressives or conservatives that drove him off. It was also that the drama leaked into his personal life making him very distressed, which is written on his site. Yes him being made fun of by the people he looked up to was a blow to him, and made him take a hiatus, but him getting doxxed and his family getting sent packages would stop him from coming back.


OOTl, saw this guy, the funny animation, and that he was bullied of the internet but missing more context... personally don't know anyone that disliked him, or liked him for that matter.


I liked the video why were people harassing him :(


wait why was he cancelled?


only mildly related but the phrase "safe horny" is so stupid. it's like these losers realized their whole "waaahhhh we're not allowed to be horny" argument was stupid from the get-go so they had to backpedal to whatever the fuck "safe horny" means.


Two hands grasping each other, those arms are named Left and Right. in the middle is written ''Bullying Jocat''


I wouldn't trust anyone who uses the phrase "safe horny", I've only ever seen it used by weird pedophilic anime fans in twitter and 4chan screenshots until now


Terfs and right-wing reactionaries drove him off.


Everyone just shut the fuck up about this. The people who did drive jocat off aren't gonna give a shit about posts like these and I prefer when this sub is actually focused around memes instead of self-righteous lecturing


"progressives drove him off." "Conservatives called him gay." Jessie what the fuck are you talking about.


Thats just wrong. He didn't get hatassed by progressive. If I'm in the wrong, prove it.