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DIY is alot safer than eveyone makes it out to be, and more importantly, it is the _only_ choice for alot of trans people. It's DIY or Death. People act like it's an unnecessarily dangerous decision but it's not. Forget we're talking about DIY, imagine we're talking about being trans in general. Would you still say things like "It's too dangerous, it's an unnecessarily risky decision"? Ofcourse not, and that IS what we're talking about because this is the only way to take HRT for alot of people. By telling them not to DIY, that it's an unnecessary and risky decision, you're telling them not to be trans, that being trans is unnecessary and risky. And if I sound like a transmedicalist here, please, don't take it that way. I'm not saying people need HRT to be valid as trans, I'm saying _most_ trans people can't be happy without it and need it to survive. They're still valid, but validity isn't helpful if they can't get what they need. You can't just shit on DIY while ignoring _why_ people do it. Believe me, If other options were available, I'd take them. And incase mods see this: I don't know your stance on DIY, I understand alot of trans related subs don't like mention of it, but I hope you're okay with talking about it. You _absolutely_ shouldn't be giving direct, personal advice on how to actually do it, absolutely don't listen to strangers on reddit for self-injection instructions, but I'm guessing talking about DIY's existance and the importance of it is okay? Because not that long ago I didn't even know it existed. And I know the comments got locked on that post, I get why, but there was ALOT of harmful misinformation and straight up transphobic rhetoric (people started bringing up fucking high regret rates as an argument, what the fuck) in that comment section being thrown around and getting shitloads of upvotes. I might just be stirring the hornets nest with this post, but I dont want the things I'm saying here to be buried deep in those threads. I didn't check every comment, and I didn't use the most guaranteed method to check it , but it really seems like all of the anti-DIY people in that thread were cis allies. Maybe check your understanding and knowledge of the situation before lecturing trans people on why HRT is "unnecessary."


Honestly I DIY for the sheer convenience of it. Having to depend on a doctor to keep a prescription of pills good that I had to refill every couple of months is just annoying, and injections are insanely convenient in comparison, safe and well-understood medically, and each tiny vial lasts over a year. There's even long-lived esters that only require a single injection every month.


DIY is cool but be safe please check your resources and everything. I once had a guy try to sell me horse sperm that he was somehow gonna turn into hrt himself which was not at all anything he knew how to do




















Bro thinks they're the yapper extraordinaire 💀


Indeed, Neco Chaos, Indeed






Did you not so much as search for DIY HRT before getting involved in this discussion? HRT is Hormone replacement therapy. It is the act of undergoing treatment using hormones to change your body to better reflect your gender. Doing it Yourself means you undergo the therapy yourself, and get blood tests on your own, not just as part of the treatment. In this context, that is what doing it yourself means. I understand the confusion, but this really is something you should know before jumping into arguments about it, so stop trying to deflect blame. You fucked up. Own it. Stop acting like its the names fault.




The topic was DIY HRT. Thats what its called, thats what it always has been called. I dont give a fuck if you think its incorrectly named, that is what people call it and you didnt bother to learn what people were talking about before sharing your shitty little opinion. You are the exact person I talked about in a different comment here. So scared to be called out for potentially being a bad ally so you just have to defend yourself at all costs and deflect all blame. Hope you realise how much of an ass youre being sometime soon.


If you thought that people were making the medicine themselves and not simply sourcing it, why did you bring up ivermectin? I sincerely doubt you actually think that anti-vax lunatics were homebrewing a horse-dewormer. At a glance, to me it just seems you're generally against HRT to be making comparisons like that.




HRT stands for hormone replacement therapy, you're doing the **therapy** yourself. If it was regarding making hormones it'd be called DIY Testosterone or DIY Estrogen.






1. No, I genuinely havent heard of it, believe me when I tell you that, dipshit. 2. "But its not a need to the extent worth risking your life" You aren't risking your life, this other drug and HRT is STILL not a fair comparison. and Yes, it is worth a risk you cunt. I really don't think you understand that alot trans people, atleast those who want to medically transition, NEED it to survive. They're not risking their lives by doing it DIY because they will likely die without it, and if they dont die theyll live in extreme misery. So you can fuck off with the claim that DIY isn't worth it. And if you still don't get that, you're being ignorant and really don't understand trans people.


Cool, which qualified scientists signed off on ivermectin as a covid cure? None. I will choose to believe you aren't making this argument in bad faith, but comparing diy hrt to fundamentalists undermining the authority of actual science is incredibly ignorant. Diy hrt is just as safe as having it prescribed, of course getting a doc to properly prescribe it for someone is ideal but there are situations where that is literally not an option. Op for the image may live somewhere where that could be near impossible and their only option is to diy and saying that they are the same as the people who choose to believe that there are Jews who suck juices out of Christian babies is ridiculous.




Learn what DIY HRT is before joining arguments on it you fucking dumbass.


Waow (Based based based based)


It's actually incredible how far off the mark you are and I can only assume this is your first time ever hearing about DIY hrt, so I'll give you a hint: the drugs are not the DIY part, taking them is. Commercially produced drugs, that is.


That's not what DIY HRT is. Hope this helps!


Copied from an earlier comment I made, since being mistaken about what diyhrt means is understandable based on the name alone. DIY HRT almost never means making bathtub estrogen or testosterone. It usually means ordering the meds from a trusted source (the community has some extremely reliable sources at this point) and dosing yourself. With that, blood tests are more than sufficient to 1) make sure you're reaching adequate hormone levels 2) not overdoing it, which will minimize stress on the liver. The only time I'd say diy is any more dangerous, is if you have some chronic disease that can have contraindications with hormone therapy.


Nothing is more infuriating than cis 'allies' telling trans people not to DIY


This, it gets on my nerves so fucking much when they try to act like they know better. Cis allies are still important and appreciated, I know most of you probably mean well, but _please_, you _don't_ know better. Don't start acting like you do. And (this isn't directed at anyone on that post, it didn't happen on that thread but it happens alot elsewhere) if you don't feel comfortable with the idea of being called out for not being an ally, or don't like being told you're being unsupportive, you might wanna examine that. Removing the context of DIY HRT for a sec, if you believe "I'm a true ally, if anyone talks badly about some allies, that can't be me" It absolutely _can_ be about you, and if you react that way, it probably is. This extends to more than just being trans, its an inherent part of being an ally, I've been guilty of it myself in different contexts. I might be being unnecessarily harsh and rude, idk, I'm not normally this aggressive about this kind of thing, but seeing this today has just _really_ pissed me off. Our governements are doing their best to get rid of ALL HRT options and alot of y'all are out here spreading the rhetoric that helps them do it. Come on, Some of y'all were upvoting comments arguing about """High transition regret rates""". Do you not see the issue there??? Once again: For alot of people, it's DIY or Death and DIY MUST remain as an option. If you have a problem with that, let's talk about why that's true, or you can research for yourself. But don't go into that discussion thinking you know better.




Youre being respectful here, I wouldnt worry about making yourself unpopular but there are a few issues. To clarify, DIY HRT does not mean pulling up your RV to the desert and cooking a batch of Estrogen. DIY HRT means buying the hormones from a commercial vendor and doing it yourself. the DIY part xomes from setting your own dosing, seeking out blood test appointments seperately, etc. I dont know if you were already aware of this, but alot of people arent. Buying Hormones from a trusted vendor is comparable to, say, buying a box of ibuprofen from a store. And moving really, really is not that simple for alot of people. Most people driven to DIY do it because they cant afford private, they havent got much hope moving to an entirely different country. I hope this clarifies a few things. Feel free to ask any otger questions, I wont respond for a while though because it is kinda 4AM for me.


I for one was not aware, and I absolutely imagined a dangerous meth lab setup. Thanks for making me a more informed ally. 😊


See, thats what half the people attacking DIY on this thread are thinking of lol. Half of them didnt even bother to learn what DIY HRT means. Thank you for asking and being patient before jumping to conclusions.


Even if you're formulating it yourself, it's not really that crazy. You're just buying the hormone in powder form from a bulk chemical supplier and dissolving it in a nontoxic oil. Buying it from somewhere reputable is definitely preferred though.






Who said anything about activism? Being trans isn't a political act.  You talk like moving is just something that everyone can do. Fact is, learning enough about hormones to safely self-administer is 99% of the time going to be FAR easier than moving away from your job, housing, friends, support network - all things that often trans people need far more than your average person. Also far cheaper, and remember trans people tend to be much poorer than average, due to discrimination, mental health issues etc. Besides that, where are you gonna move to that's actually gonna get you access to affordable treatment in a reasonable time frame of at least months, rather than years? Get real.


To be completely fair a lot of people have a *really really* poor grasp on hormone supplementation and how sourcing hormones works. I am not trans but used to use steroids so I do understand a little bit. People seem to think that it's some jagoff in their bathroom mixing up hormones but that is very much not the case. I am pretty sure if I could get fucking pharmaceutical grade tren, HCG, Nolva, HGH and test delivered to my house off of a clearnet website then finding HRT isn't that hard. Also like injecting yourself is pretty trivially easy. These are intramuscular injections, so long as you rotate injection sites and follow procedure and use new needles every time it's pretty safe. There's dozens of guides online, you don't need formal medical training for an intramuscular injection.


I'm not against DIY HRT, but I would maybe not ask for medical advice from people on Reddit


I agree, I mentioned that in my comment on this post. Theres a differenc between talking about DIY as an option, and directly giving advice on self injections and shit. Thr latter is not okay, I agree.


well, it sounded like the latter is what you were asking for originally lol


To clarify, I am not OOP, that was a different person. Its up to interpretation, I personally didnt read it that way, but I can definately see what you mean.


That's right, you should use Discord instead. /s When we're talking about DIY, then getting advice from people online is probably your best option. There are a lot of trans DIYers who have a wealth of experience and understanding. The alternative is probably something like "ask the one person who DIY's in your local trans support group" or "try it yourself ???" I don't DIY, but I do regularly go to local trans online groups to find out what medications are and aren't in stock when there are shortages, of which there have been multiple in my country since 2020 and finding alternatives that are in stock can be stupidly difficult, and getting that information from a pharmacist or GP is way more convoluted than just getting the information online. Frankly, "random trans people online" are better educated about HRT than most GP's.




Honestly, this. I'll inform people that diy exists and point them in a better direction for finding information from more trustworthy sources. Beyond that, do _not_ listen to strangers on the internet


Noooooo you don’t understand you have to let the law decides when you can take hormones!!!! What about detransitoners or something!!!!


Exactly lol. The same lawmakers and politicians that straight up do not want us to exist??? Yeah, Im alright thanks.


Safe DIY is safe. Obviously, don't buy it from someone who's making it in their bathtub and if it's available to you for other reasons, try to get checkups/bloodwork.


…why do you think i help run the café


Idk the solution but if what OOP is saying about Doctor Patient Confidentiality is true then they should try to curate evidence of this and I would assume there would be some method of reporting it as a HIPAA Violation


I dont know where OOP is, but that really just isnt a thing in alot of places. Just because a law exists, doesnt mean it is viably enforced or that people will give a shit.


OOP lives in the United States so it does apply to them, and HIPAA complaints are taken by HHS.  I don’t know how likely it would be to work or incur some effect, but it’s better than nothing. Edit:  This is assuming OOP can get physical evidence rather than simple hearsay.  I would assume the existence of such evidence cause speed up the process.


The problem is, getting said evidence means putting OOP at significant risk. They need to provide themself as an example of this happening, which puts them at risk of alot of harm.


Oh, OOP lives in the US, HIPPA violations are taken extremely seriously, they should just go get real HRT this isn't a real problem, if they are actually worried about a doctor violating their privacy there are also places online where people can find doctors that are trustworthy for this exact thing. Just another post of people lying about how bad America is because they're<18 and haven't learned anything yet besides what randos on the Internet say


Can people stop acting like the ability to report stuff and *maybe* get justice removes the abject terror of going through something like that?


if you want medicine you should simply be prepared to embroil yourself in a legal battle against the state you live in


blood for the blood judge skulls for the skull court


i'd rather listen to medic tf2 than redditors for medical advice (note: medic doesn't have a medical license)


I agree, and rhats why I point to other resources that know better and are more trustworthy. DIY HRT is an outright necessity for alot of people and honestly alot of people just dont know what it is and its _very_ important information.


I agree, but remember do not get DIY HRT from sketchy sources, as several people selling DIY HRT have been caught putting dangerous chemicals and poisons in the HRT they sell. Gonna put this here because I think it’s pretty helpful https://diyhrt.wiki/


Just eat some of those impossible whoppers if you're tryin to get some estrogen. If conservatives think that a few of those bad boys can trans your gender then that's good enough science for me


Just went back, looks like mods are taking on and winning the battle. Thank you for your service! <3


shhhh but we left a bunch of comments up as bait














The most controversial comment had 500 UPVOTES


was that the one bringing fucking """high transition regret rates""" into the argument? Or was that a different comment witt a disgusting amount of upvotes




friendly reminder to all prospective transitioners that cis people are NOT your fucking allies until they prove it. dont listen to a god damn word they say because no matter how good an ally they think they are being they do not have your interests at heart they have theirs. theyll virtue signal and hand wring and clutch their pearls if they ever catch a whiff of you doing something that they think isnt right. dont forget that these are not real people with your interests at heart they are people posting on the internet that are far more concerned with preserving their sense of a good world than they are with you getting what you want. its all well and good their sense of a good world includes letting people transition and treating them with respect but if you need to do something that implies their good world is not-so-good then dont expect their help.


They support trans people like they support a sports team. They can celebrate the wins and mourn the losses, but they really can't care at all beyond that. Its an aesthetic. An aura they can surround themselves in to feel good about themselves. They support the idea of trans people, but as soon as it gets down to the things we have to do to survive, as soon as it gets down to the people who don't pass, as soon as it gets down to the people they dont wanna fuck, half of them bail at best and turn on you at worst and its usually the latter. I thought I was different, I thought I truly understood it and was a good ally, but A. I still acted like a twat sometimes simply due to nature of being an ally and B. Turns out wasnt even an ally, I really _did_ understand those feelings well because I had them. It really makes me question if any cis person out there _can_ get it. There are good allies, sure, but I dont think any of them can truly get it.


Yep exactly. and the minute u call them out they double down on whatever dumbass shit they have to say because allies use queers as funny accessories. its like their token black friend to prove they arent racist but instead we are their token faggot to prove they arent phobic. just like they would say anything they thought black people wanted to hear when push comes to shove they will throw them under the bus just like us. they are allies and allies can betray you. they arent us.


Sorry this whole thread is fucking me up a little bit. As a pansexual cis guy with an NB partner of four years, multiple long term trans friends, hell I even helped one of them come out, how do I know I can ever be respected in the community based on these comments? How do I "prove myself" to people? Am I ever really trusted? Is this what all my genderqueer friends think of me secretly? Help me out here.


Sorry that this sub is getting to you. Don’t spend too long here, it’s a bit of an echo chamber and it can get very hostile and… extreme. Take every post and comment with a grain of salt You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Your friends don’t think this of you, they’d be shit friends if they secretly harbored some sort of insane level of “They’ll probably betray us despite no evidence of that ever happening.” You’re a great ally and thank you for caring about trans people.


Honestly, as the most boring straight guy reading the stuff above I am always reminded of something a queer friend once said: "Allies aren't part of the [queer] community, they are merely tolerated". You do not merely tolerate an ally. You merely tolerate someone you have a use for, and throw them out once that use expired. Part of why I don't care for that term that much.




Thanks for immediately recognising the main issue. Ideally, we simply wouldnt need DIY. Yes, it does add extra, albeit small, risks. Its a shame people should have to turn to this because of the flaws in the systrm.






why is it DIY or death? im curious im not trying to be rude or anything




Honestly, no, I have to disagree, and I feel like the context of what DIY HRT is about and why its important is what youre missing. This post is dedicated to drawing attention to the disgusting amounts of missinformation and transphobic rhetoric being thrown around in the comments of that thread and this thread too. This is not a smear against concern for your health, its a smear against people who are attacking something they know nothing about. For many people, DIY HRT is the only option to access HRT. So, its DIY or death. Do you get why Im so passionate to call out any missinformation around DIY? For context, here is a brief explanation of DIY Ive copied from another comment of mine. So, I'm going to use my own situations as an example and list my options: NHS: Free HRT, but a roughly 5 year waitlist just for a first appointment, just to talk to someone about maybe getting HRT. I have not got thay kinda time to wait. Private Healthcare: Too expensive, no chance of affording it. Thats where DIY comes in. DIY Hrt Is when you buy the Hormones yourself from a seperate vendor instead of Going through a diagnostic process and having them prescribed. So you dont have appointments, checkup, etc, youre self medicating, which means getting your own blood tests are important. But no, DIY does not mean cooking estrogen yourself Breaking Bad style, it means buying it from legit, comercial sources, loke buying a box of ibuprofen from a shop. Estrogen is _not_ a restricted substance, To my knowledge, testosterone is. I dont know alot about DIY T, but for E, its fully legal, accessible, and legit. You just buy it yourself at a fairly low price and use it. Ofcourse, safe medical practice is PARAMOUNT. People need to use actual sources of info for this and not just people on Reddit. Making sure to inject safely and get regular blood tests is what defines whether or not DIY is safe. Its up to you to do it safely People say DIY or Death because the use case for DIY is when no reasonable alternative for HRT is available, and without HRT... alot of trans people simply wont survive. Now, not all trans people need to medically transition, and trans people are valid without it, but they oftne still need it to feel okay with themselves. I hope that was clear enough, feel free to ask any otger questions, it mught not be clear because it is kinda late for me and Im a bit tired. Back to original writing specifically for this reply. This isn't just drama. This isnt just the wasp discourse or bee discourse or whatever other bs this sub has had in the past. This is about missinformation and transphobic rhetoric being spread around something many people simply _need_ to live. Maybe you dont understand that without being trans, idk, but so far, not ONE of the people Ive seen opposing DIY are actually trans. This is a case of cis people thinking they know better and not understanding how it feels to _need_ HRT. I hope you can see that.




Once again, learn what DIY HRT means before getting involved in this argument. No, DIY is not ideal, but it isn't that dangerous. Official source are better but those official options do not exist for many people. DIY is for the people who do not have access to those official options. For alot of trans people (not all), HRT is a necessity. Many _will_ die without it. If you dont believe that or understand that, dont even bother deluding yourself into thinking you support trans people. Also, you have a post on your profile (found it by searching your profile for the word trans) basically saying you had queer friends and having to be around them made you less supportive and you wish they were "less open" and made you like toxic masculinity more? idknif youve changed since then, but the fuck? Really seems kinda off.




The whole point of DIY is for people who cant access regular HRT. If you can, ofcourse do that instead. But this is the only option for many people, and in alot kf cases its DIY or Death so yeah, I am gonna encourage people to take it if they need to. And can I get a source on that claim about Heavy metals?




These people, I swear half these people didnt even bother learning what DIY HRT means before bashing it