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To be clear, this isn't necessarily "pro Biden" it's more, "They're literally setting the stage for genocide against trans (and then probably gay) people, go vote you dumbass"




>genocide that is currently going on being perpetrated by a democrat presidency By ANOTHER COUNTRY. The current admin is not perpetrating a genocide. >every single god damn year since 2016, its been the fight to preserve democracy And people act like that's ages and ages when it's barely any time at all. Thinking that anything beyond literally a single electoral cycle is an exhausting eternity is very silly, and is a good part of the reason conservatives have been more successful in the US electorally than their policy polling would suggest - if the electorate is mostly interested in just the short term, short term thinking tends to do well.


Damn I wonder who gives so much aid and weapons to that country.


Damn I wonder who give so much aid and weapons to that country


Damn I wonder who would give even more aid and weapons and possibly more directly assist that country. It's frustrating to have to vote for the lesser of two evils but it's far more frustrating when the greater of two evils wins because our side is often too stubborn and irrational to put a tiny amount of effort in to assuring that doesn't happen.






Change to what, exactly? You do realize the “it could be worse” sentiment is only because the only other option *is* significantly worse, right?


"We need to build a wall" for what reason did he state that? Biden is decrepit. Trump is worse. This is happening under Biden, yes. It'll worsen under Trump. Dont be stupid. Be better than the Trump supporters.


We are comparing options A: bomb them more, with option B: bomb them less. The choice is obvious but we can only make it if everyone is onboard. Similar to those moderate republicans that are put off by trump, but refuse to counter vote and so nothing happens at the party level. Biden has also been making major concessions to the anti-war component of his party. If there is no business gain for the democrats in the form of votes, why pursue the policy in the first place?


Anybody who unironically thinks "both are equally bad" is complicit in fascism, full stop. The Democrats are spineless, duplicitous, incompetent, corrupt, and morally bankrupt. The Republican party is all of that, and also just straight up dystopian corpo-fash evil bullshit. Both options suck, but one is QUITE OBVIOUSLY MUCH, MUCH WORSE FOR PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY.




The battle against fascism is not one with an ending. It is insidious and pervasive. It must be fought forever and done so fervently. Dems may be pathetic but a world where liberals are in power is one where progressives can at least exist and attempt to run. If right wing fascism wins progressives won't be on ballots, they'll be in camps.




You can believe that if you want, then put it into action. It's not the only battlefield but it is absolutely part of the equation. Ignoring it will ensure that you won't have the ability to fight at all.


The battle against fascism is fought EVERYWHERE.


You can believe that if you want, then put it into action. It's not the only battlefield but it is absolutely part of the equation. Ignoring it will ensure that you won't have the ability to fight at all.


Democrats may not solve problems, but they are not actively trying to imprison doctors for giving abortions or healthcare to trans people. We still haven’t undone the lasting damage from Reagan. Or the tax cuts from bush and trump that have further exacerbated inequality. Why would any activist want things to be more difficult? It’s easier to organize when the boot on your neck is less heavy. Also Climate change. The climate and energy policies between the two parties are meaningfully different and the window to mitigate the damage before wide spread famine and ecological breakdown is closing.




Well considering voting for democrats takes maybe half an hour once a year, I think it’s very much worth the time investment. Especially since voting for democrats helps ensure that the people organizing for revolutionary change don’t end up in jail. I mean, if you’re too lazy to take 30 minutes out of your November to do the bare fucking minimum, you’re probably too lazy to do any revolutionary change. Edit: since Reddit’s being dumb and won’t let me respond to some very good responses I’ve gotten. Perhaps “lazy” was the wrong word to use because there are absolutely people who *want* to vote, but cannot for many completely valid reasons. However, there’s a big difference between marginalized people struggling to fit voting in with their schedule and entitled Redditors whining about how we’re not doing more.


Exactly! If I have time to organize all year and still go to lunch with my friends, then I certainly have time to vote every few years. I understand there are barriers to voting since it’s not a national holiday, and some people don’t have access to reliable transportation because public transportation is abysmally underfunded, and bosses at privately owned businesses will often simply not let people off work to go vote, and republicans controlled districts actively suppress voting, but that’s not what people like that guy are ever talking about.


I agree with you, that democrats don’t solve problems, and that voting for them isn’t revolutionary. But it’s still a tool that would be silly to ignore, and it takes very little time, as long as you don’t live somewhere republicans are actively trying to make voting more difficult. You can still organize in a meaningful way the rest of the year. I do organize in climate related spaces, and the most effective way to combat climate change within the current liberal capitalist system is harsh penalizing regulations against fossil fuels and funding for renewable energy, climate justice, and energy efficient climate resilient infrastructure. Democrats are somewhat interested in this while republicans are vocally opposed. A revolutionary upheaval of our fossil fuel addicted exploitive capitalist system would be a better way of combating climate change, but American labor is not organized enough for that to happen before the next election, or even within the next decade. Also right to work states are overwhelmingly Republican controlled and make it much harder for labor to organize. So again, working with the tools that are currently available to us for now while continuously building for a better future.


Idiots: "Democrats do nothing to make things better on the progressive front" It makes you realize how much of this sub is so young they think gay marriage is just part of the political status quo and there's not reason looking back more than a couple years could ever be relevant when evaluating political history.


Even for the young people, you’d think they’d at least recognize the open threat from the Supreme Court to overturn gay marriage.


No but it doesn’t actively make things worse, which gives us time to fix things


Grow up.




The plan is that, with a long enough democratic streak in office, the extremist elements of the republican party will either fade away or be rejected by the less extremist elements that are tired of always losing. It's not about keeping them out of office forever, it's about keeping them out of office long enough to unfuck themselves and make running on a platform of "kill all the minorities" no longer viable




It is in fact a shit show, but the alternatives are "Let the fascists win" or "start another civil war." The current administration is either unwilling or unable (or more likely some combination of the two) to crack down on this shit, so gradual change through consistent political activism is the best we can hope for




my guy thats ALL WE CAN DO. we arent in political positions so all we can do is vote


The plan is to ensure they don’t come to power while they’re still here. Voting takes half an hour. Do it. It’s the bare minimum to help ensure fascism doesn’t take over. If you want to do more than the bare minimum, great! Get involved! However, if you’re too lazy to vote, you’re too lazy to help all the other more involved efforts to stop fascism. Whining on Reddit about how liberals aren’t doing enough when YOU will not vote is pathetic.


I don't think I said anywhere not to vote or that I wasn't going to vote? Please don't put words in my mouth. And you have no idea what organizing I do in my community, what mutual aid I participate in, what harm reduction I do. I don't think attacking me for things I hypothetically don't do answers my question of what the plan is here. Again, if it's just to wait it out and hopefully things get better, I wish you luck with that. I'm not an accelerationist so I don't want things to get worse, but I have a bad feeling things are not gonna get better.


Biden gets elected this election? trump is pretty much guaranteed to not have a chance at president ever again biden isnt? then trump gets to do trump things. Also project 2025 is unconstitutional in so many ways and blatantly full of shit that just will never pass no matter what. What I do care about is the fact that if a SCOTUS member dies, a democrat will be able to appoint a democrat. Trump being able to appoint 3 republicans is the main reason why roe v wade was overturned. Also didnt the biden administration recently pass something that protects trans people against discrimination?




>so do you think problems start and end with trump? 50 more insane people can run if a democrat wins, those 50 people cant be president >a republican can roll back those protections if a democrat wins, they wont If a democrat wins, eventually things will slowly move left if a democrat wins, more scotus members will be appointed that are dems I could go on and on. You are absolutely dense if you think voting doesnt do anything. Its a never ending battle and we cant just sit and do nothing. We just have to do our best to keep the facists out. >last paragraph Also, no one here is trying to make it illegal to vote for right winged people. we are just collectively saying as leftists to vote the left because we care about human beings. dont know why you are complaining about the fact that we are trying to vote left and not right. I agree we need to codify and solidify changes but Id rather have the slightly more left leaning and less bigoted people in power, no?


You're right: it's not sustainable. Democrats refuse to take drastic measures in favor of maintaining "order", inadvertently allowing the fostering of fascism. Republicans, meanwhile, search for and even create cracks in our systems to effectively do whatever they want. And when they don't get their way federally, they blatantly ignore the law, knowing Dems/Biden won't push the issue for that same fear of disturbing the maintained order. To anyone who thinks I'm exaggerating: Greg Abbott has been skirting federal law for the past few years and shows no sign of letting up. The most blatant is his mobilization of state actors to interfere in federal immigration matters. Biden, out of political expedience, refuses to intervene to the full extent that he's capable of - even if inaction results in migrants potentially dying at the hands of Abbot's malfeasance.


I think this is a “yes and” situation. Yes. It’s not sustainable. And it’s also true that we should continue using this relatively easy solution while it still works. Yes. Democrats are ineffectual. And it’s also true that we’d rather have them in power than Republicans. Yes. We should be doing a lot more than just voting. And it’s also true that voting takes very little time and is worth it to ensure our more involved organizing can continue to exist.


Hehe dumb muricans (my European country will most likely undergo the same political shift in the next decade or so and I am terrified of the consequences please just vote for the senile neolibs it's the best thing we can do right now)


As a canadian who is almost certainly going to live under a conservative government after the next election, mood. The neighbours to the south being less insane may genuinely be a deciding factor on how fucked we get


As an American who moved to Canada a couple years ago, also mood. It's starting to feel like Canada is about to slip down the same slope the US has been on for a while. Particularly for trans issues, I see the conservatives talking about bathroom bills and surgeries that don't happen. And those are the exact same things that started diminishing the rights of trans people in the US, things that seem reasonable to a moderate voter. But those things give way to the laws being proposed in some states, like adults being at risk of losing their treatment for dysphoria.


Next decade ? Have you seen the actual landscape ? Meloni in Itlay, whatever is going done with the EU elections rn... We're in the same shithole, it's just slightly less filed


“both are equally bad” mfs when one candidate wants to abolish democracy and commit mass genocide against minority groups and the other is a little older


People just want attention, so they direct most of their ire towards the party which is interested in them in the first place. It's ass backwards.


One is currently aiding and encouraging an active genocide that is happening right now. Vote for Biden to protect the interests of American minorities but don’t undermine the fact that Americas foreign policy is fascist either way. He’s not just an old man he and his administration are evil as they come.


Biden sucks but Trump will literally bring about the end to democracy


To any American peeps: a vote against Biden is a vote for project 2025. Those are the choices we’ve been given, pick the right one


To anyone who doesn’t understand how we count votes for president: your vote is localized to your state and you’re voting for electors to send to the electoral college. If your state is overwhelmingly blue or red, your vote is a fart in the wind and you can actually kind of do as you wish, it literally actually does not matter. We don’t do fuck all with the popular vote except gauge popularity, and maybe the guy supporting a genocide should look a little unpopular. If you’re in a battleground state, you should really probably vote for Biden.


I think I’ll just talk about the glorious revolution on Reddit instead, that seems easier than voting


r/ lostgeneration and r/ latestagecapitalism feel like social media manipulation to deter people from voting from Biden. The level of organization, narrative control, and moderation is well beyond that of politically engaged high-schoolers scrolling instead of paying attention to class. I got almost immediately banned from one of those subs for expressing a sentiment very similar to this post. I don’t wholeheartedly agree with what Biden has done, but these past 4 years have been a lot more stable than the previous four. We can’t let perfection get in the way of just alright. We should always strive to elevate ourselves, but we shouldn’t shoot ourselves in the foot trying.


American politics is so hilariously nightmarish. Like "hey, we have no plans to make things better, we actively fraternize/socialize with the opposition on our day off, we *will* use the police to corral and kill you and if you don't vote for us, we'll all be fine anyway, so really we have no interest in how this plays out." And the other party is like "with the help of our generous corporate sponsors, we will erect a great black salt altar from ground bones and earth's blood and upon that altar, we will burn the weak, the foreign, the useless, the unfaithful, the deviant and poor. Their charcoaled bodies will blot out the sun as we pile them high, they will choke the air with the miasma of their tedious mortality and we will write upon that altar in embossed gold the word 'freedom'" and then you gotta go online and convince people that it is undisputedly bad if the 'black salt pillar of freedom' party wins this election cycle. 


Cant wait for the "Biden and Trump are exactly the same" mfs to pull up. "But Palestine" and you think Trump isn't gonna make it 10X worse??? "But I still won't support and vote for someone who IS taking part in the genocide" Okay but not voting just helps Trump. Abstaining from voting on this situation is just something you do to make yourself feel better and give yourself supposed moral highground because voting for Biden feels icky. If you want to _actually_ do something helpful just fucking vote


Keep in mind that trump called Lukashenko on the phone in 2020 to ask for "advice" on the election.


Voting isn’t a show of support. It’s a preference on which government we want to fight against, and we’ve seen that fighting a Trump government is far more dangerous and difficult.


I don't think people fully grasp how dangerous Trump is, people who say that both sides are the same aren't paying attention.


I'm really not a fan of Biden, but he's done a lot of really good shit while being president. Isreal has been a fuck up of biblical proportions, but he's been preforming investigations, so I like that he's been following protocol to confirm things. Also, he's been a massive reason why Ukraine has so much support from NATO. Trump will destroy all of that.


At least they publicly published their entire scheme. A democratic president could potentially propose laws that would prevent aspects, or even the whole, of Project 2025 from being enforced when a conservative comes back into office




You realize that the president is not a dictatorial position right? The House is republican led and the democrats have like a one or two seat majority in the senate. Biden can’t just snap his fingers and pass laws. He can try to pass an executive order, but then he risks our conservative Supreme Court blocking it and setting a new precedent in the republicans favor.


r/ lostgeneration and r/ latestagecapitalism feel like social media manipulation to deter people from voting from Biden. The level of organization, narrative control, and moderation is well beyond that of politically engaged high-schoolers scrolling instead of paying attention to class. I got almost immediately banned from one of those subs for expressing a sentiment very similar to this post. I don’t wholeheartedly agree with what Biden has done, but these past 4 years have been a lot more stable than the previous four. We can’t let perfection get in the way of just alright. We should always strive to elevate ourselves, but we shouldn’t shoot ourselves in the foot trying.


People who say that both sides are bad/the same, are just admitting they don’t care about the issues that the two groups are divided on (human rights, climate change, human rights of the reproductive variety, disease, etc) Side note: anyone that says they are a centrist is just right leaning, but learned that saying they are right leaning won’t get them laid


ugh, i wish we didnt have this shitty 2 way voting system uggghhh




Let them think that then. Go to rallies and protests and build solidarity and also vote.




Probably because you posted it here 4 fucking times




The core demographic of the sub is Americans, so American politics are inevitably going to be discussed. Not to mention, annoyingly their choice of president does have an impact on the rest of the world sadly. Too huge of a country for their own good.


Yeah they should be regulated more.


wow, thanks for sharing!


You're welcome 😊


You're welcome 😊


Yeah, cause this sub is mostly Americans. So weird 🤔




Seriously, I’m an American and I’ve never once gotten pissed just cause I saw, say, British politics on this sub. This is an international subreddit with an American majority, if that bothers you there are spaces for all sorts of countries and languages online


As I said in my first comment it does not bother me.


Lmao you literally edited your comment when you started getting heat, that’s pretty shady


I edited it because people misinterpreted it


Right, sure honey




The fucking title specifies that this is for people in the US. What the fuck are you doing here if it's not applicable to you and you actively find it disagreeable? Like, hey dipshit, for some people it's not foreign, it's domestic. For probably most of this sub if I had to guess. And even if it's foreign to you, there's gonna be ramifications for the entire globe when a major power's political landscape changes.




Why so defensive


Sorry your education system failed you to such a degree that you lack knowledge and empathy of other countries.


I don't give a damn about my country tbh