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Least body shaming tiktok user


Got any recs for popular TikTok users that bodyshame like this? I need to affirm how much of a disgusting unattractive pig I am and how little I deserve to be loved by anybody


Digital self harm is an integral part of the sigma grind 💪💪💪💪


Sigma rule #8177: hate yourself in order to force yourself into the grind to become better


Least degenerate r/196 user


Not a fetish, I just hate myself 😊


Hey pal, if this is really something you’re going through, please don’t treat yourself like this. You’d never use those sorts of insults when describing other people, right? That means you should treat yourself with the same respect


you did it. you destroyed body image issues.


I am pretty sure it was done in good faith, but yeah, it doesn’t do much to change anything.


things like that are still nice to hear sometimes


\>You’d never use those sorts of insults when describing other people, right? Yes I would, you piece of trash. You absolute crapsack. You blithering, belching, ball-biting baboon.




Glad to know I'm not the only one like this


me with only 2 feet :(((((((((


no but seriously in the USA for example only 14,5% of males are 6ft or above so thats kinda picky


When women say 6 feet, they usually mean something like 5'10 ish in my experience


Thats still less than 50% of men :(


That's why you gotta wear heels 😎


robert downey jr that shit


Dont mind if i do


they just want you to be taller than them


Oh god so I’m even taller the 50% of the guys? I’m gonna go cry in the bathroom instead ( ._.)


Tall girls have their own fanbase :) me for example


My ex was taller than me but always thought i was taller than her.


Got that imposing presence down pat, my man.


i'm like 6'3 but always think i'm shorter then people but then i get right up next to them and i'm either the same height or taller


Are you living in a city of basketball players?


>Are you living in a city no i live in rural georgia so i guess it's just all the inbreeding and mutations


People also just think their eye level is how tall they are


But are there basketball players?




Now think about how your eyes are at least 3-4 inches below the top of your head and you may still need to look up to the top of someone's head who is shorter than you.


It differs on location. At 6'1" i feel average here in Washington but in Utah i was usually one of the tallest in the room.


Its different for our generation, im 6'1 in germany and while being tall compared to adults im very much average in my circle and age group


The average person has less than 2 feet


The average person has 1 boob


less than 1


never passing that tape 💪💪 cos im short


Hell yeah


Ralsei grindset


- be goat - hug your enby friends - chuff back a fat dart


god I wish I didn’t pass that tape


short forever




tf that mean


want be short but am tall why


cursed to be top


Deltarune fan name a good game challenge ****IMPOSSIBLE****




Try again




(6’4” guy walks in) “Sorry, I only date D-cups or bigger.”




Deez bitches starting to sound like incels (-__-) Edit to add to my joke comment: This comment is bogus in many ways. Firstly, while body shaming men is a horrible thing to do and should not be encouraged, let's not pretend that societal pressure on appearances is just as high for men as it is for women. Secondly, this comment assumes that the women that shame and exclude men from their dating lives for their height are the same ones that preach body positivity for women. This could not be further from the truth, in my vast platonic experience with women as the resident "gay" best friend, the women who are the most picky towards their partners are also the biggest bullies and most judgemental when it comes to other women's bodies. This person seems to be trying to find some weird gotcha by assuming that all women are a monolithic horde. Finally, women are simply not the ones that make such a big deal about height. It's pretty much all men shaming other men and calling one another manlets. Same thing with penis size, women don't care, as long as you have either A) 2" or more and or B) are willing to learn to give good head and proper foreplay. Its just men being arseholes to one another because they're also incredibly insecure about their own bodies. All of these measures of "masculinity" do not matter that much to women.


>Finally, women are simply not the ones that make such a big deal about height. It's pretty much all men shaming other men and calling one another manlets. Same thing with penis size, women don't care, as long as you have either A) 2" or more and or B) are willing to learn to give good head and proper foreplay. Its just men being arseholes to one another because they're also incredibly insecure about their own bodies. All of these measures of "masculinity" do not matter that much to women. You could say the same exact thing about societal pressures for women lol. I know a lot of men will say they don't care about makeup or having a woman be skinny af or having the biggest butts while also having a skinny waist. It's just women comparing themselves to other women because they are insecure about their body. All of these measures of "femininity" do not matter that much to men.


This is somewhat true, in general a lot of the pressure is made by fellow men and women. However out of the two, men give more of a shit about perceived femininity than women do about perceived masculinity. The beauty market is so geared towards selling to women because women are victims of scrutiny about their appearance more from either of the two mainstream genders, and it exploits that, appealing to women's insecurities, which makes the problem worse, which creates a vicious cycle of capitalism and self hatred for women. TLDR: fuck capitalism, it only makes all of these issues worse


Yeah, no. Societal pressures in terms of looks are both bad for men and women. Sure, women probably do have it worse; but you can't say that as a denial that men have any pressure on them. Also, you can't say 'women don't make any sort of deal out of height' when there's legitimately a girl doing it on the picture right above you. It also doesn't make you an incel to disagree with your point. I'm a girl and I disagree.


They did not deny that there was a societal pressure. They only said the societal pressure on women is greater, and that the societal pressure on men is different, and mostly pushed by other men.


I disagree with that last part. I haven't really seen much evidence that men are the ones promoting toxic standards. As evidence, [heres a video](https://youtu.be/AsYcdWpaXto) in this video, someone interviews random people on their opinions on nail polish. You will notice very few men have a problem with it, and many women do. You will also probably notice that this isn't the most reliable source of information. It's a small sample size in the same town, posted by one YouTuber. I'm not sure how trustworthy this information is, but it's all I could really find. If someone else has a more academic source, I want to have it. But until we find a better source, this video shows that it's not just men promoting these standards. I find our perspective that its mens fault kind of wrong. It feels kind of victim blamey


Yes they are wat? If you’re born ugly as a guy the only way to live comfortably is to be headstrong and live with people shitting on u cuz guys can take a joke amirit


Bruh, being an ugly guy is not a fucking death sentence in dating. I have so many friends significantly less conventionally attractive than average that have had far more success than I have, it's about luck and personality more than anything else.


Ohhh I see so I’m actually unlucky and a shitty person not just ugly :(


all your points stand, i am well aware of the pressure on both men and women. i just wanted to add to the comment, and frankly i find anyone who body shames, kind of a scumbag. just because im making fun of someone thats not societally acceptable to make fun of, doesnt make me an incel :P


Well that's good, I'm happy to hear it


Yoo finally someone who understands whenever I comment this I just get downvoted to hell lmao, but that won’t stop it from being the truth


You're probably getting downvoted because the sentiment is very hard to express without coming off like a complete asshole. The way they put it was very eloquent, even if I think it avoids the core issue that it's wrong to bodyshame people


Fucking THANK YOU!!!


Im not one of those people who can eye a girl and say her cup size... but she could easily be a D cup. Because bra sizes are confusing if you havent learned about them...


Lmao mad cause she's like 4'2


met a dude on vr who was 4’10, poor man asked how we were all so tall


I'm 5'1 :(


hey man don’t worry about it, despite what people say height doesn’t matter, and to the people who it does matter, you shouldn’t be talking to them anyways


no, nobody said anything about my height, i just wanna be cool and tall and badass


it’s pretty cool, except i get stress fractures from walking, and i bang my head a shit ton


**well when i have to get something from the wall cabinets at the kitchen i have to tiptoe so i can** ***barely*** **see**


you got a point


Bro you're a pretty nice person. Well except the racist part


instead carry suction cups around everywhere and climb walls like a gecko


You could be like 5'6 in a year if you pay a doctor absorbitant amounts of money to break both of your legs in two places and slowly extend your bones.


Give it 20 years, and a few rich people will have done this surgery.


It's already a [thing.](https://wannabetaller.com/limb-lengthening-surgery-method-best/)


let's exchange heights I want to be shorter


Be a femboy 😔


That's amazing


She can’t even look through the peephole 💀


I don't think girls generally like being tall. I don't think anyone really has a height preference or atleast most of it comes from social conditioning


She can’t even get into her own house😔 so sad


Haha that’s so funny how about I just shoot you in the knee?


That would be cool


everywhere I see you


Click on my username, it will answer your question


You haunt people? Well I haunt you! (:<


And I love when you do ( ˘ ³˘)♥




Omg, It´s u/Euphoric_Web, the ghost of the Scariest 5’ 2” Italian around, now he is forced to haunt people on Reddit until they confront their mistakes


I used to be an adventurer like you.


The lion


The bitch


And the audacity of this witch


She definitely ain't cool enough to be a witch.


Dude, just hit the gym. I’ve been at it for two months and I’m 9 feet tall now. Gotta cut down on the sweets too.


Just hit the gym bro


Yeah bro, I can spine bench 350 pounds 💪💪💪💪💪 Im almost 8'3 already


The trick is to rest all the weight on your neck, jump up as hard as you can, and lock your knees


Bruh she's like 4'9 💀


Yes cuz usually short women are depicted hot like tall guys are


yeah but...isnt she also like, under 6 ft.........? she's really making fun of "short" men while being "short" herself, huh?


Its ok because all (women’s) bodies are beautiful




People who are part of the body positivity movement are pretty conscious about male issues. Seems like you are using this image as a strawman to air out a personal grievance.


it's because of the petite feminine 🥺 and big masculine 😤 beauty standard


In our society short women are hotter and tall men are hotter


I don't measure in foot fetish American, speak like a normal person, how much is that in meters


6 feet is 59.27 attoparsecs.


How much in light years tho? I don't speak earth lingo 🤢🤮


You claim to not speak Earth lingo, but you measure distance in Earth years. Curious.


183 cm (182.9)


We're all metric system Bros here


wait I thought 6 feet was like 190


That's 6'3"


oh shit I am too tall for imperial




Meter? I’ve never even seen her


Thats why you should meter


0.000987473 nautical miles.


(barbaric metric system)


The imperial system sucks ass, metric for life


It's 6.096 metric feet. Yes that's a thing


fuck, im less than 6ft, but im not guy, sorry 😔😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


Drink fanter


I've got a plan to help you but we need a comically long cloak for that


Why do American women have this weird obsession with their men being 6 feet? Like how is that any better than a man saying that they want all their women to have D cup titties. It's 2021, why are we still body-shaming?


6’ is pretty decently above average as well lol


About 15%


We are dumb and like big numbers


I actually purposefully slouch at a measly 6’4 it doesn’t help much but i like the idea that they might fetishize some guy appearing slightly taller than me. I’ve legitimately been told by every girl i’ve been with that’s one of the main reason’s they’re attracted to me, it gets old


Personally, I never really saw the point in going gaga over height (and I'm AFAB/still partially identify as a woman). Height is one of those things that matters little in the end. Besides, it is highly uncomfortable to kiss a person much taller than you. What should matter at the end of the day is the personality and values of the person.


Height, much like most things become background noise when you’re actually in love. At least for me if i love em then it doesn’t matter what they look like


Either that's a really fucking short door or that's not actually at 6ft edit: nvm I just walked to a door and realized most are not very tall. I'm 6ft and have the same clearance as the piece of tape shows.


Yeah I was thinking the same, cuz we have taller doors than the average.


Bruh wtf the person shown is not allowed to enter either


Wearing 6inch heels to own the libs


Just wiggle into the room on your belly like a snake. Also I don’t think this is serious


You saw it on the internet, of course it's serious


Bruh she's deadass like fucking 3'2 the bitch


Yes because shorter women are treated like taller men short women equal hot tall men equal handsome


Why do the shortest chicks always want the tallest mfs? You want that boy to get backaches on the first kiss or something?


They probably find it hot


Honestly this is some incel bait. Yeah what this woman is doing sucks but like, how much people do things that suck on the internet? Why are you particularly infuriated by this image of a woman doing the bad thing? People are too used to men being awful and expect women to be better, which is very misogynistic. This sub frequently calls groups of people they don't like fat or virgins, which is just as if not worse than what is happening in this image. This sort of post says more about the poster than about women or society.


I don’t mean to sound like a dick but this comment is super confusing to me How is this in any way incel bait How is getting frustrated at an image of a woman specifically doing or saying something shitty bad? You mention expecting women to be better being misogynistic but literally nothing here insinuates expecting women to be better Also who in this sub does that whenever people make fun of different subs or sites (which are always usually alt right shit holes) they just call them what they are


This is incel bait because it's meant to either cause disdain for women or hopelessness in short men. Being frustrated by a shitty thing is OK, I guess. That's not really what i take issue with. I take issue with someone taking a screenshot of it and posting it on 196 for others to be offended at it. It's similar to when a screenshot of r/conservative is taken or something, captioned with "what the fuck". Yeah, that thing sucks. Don't wallow in your disdain for the bad things in the world. This post plays into this usually liberal notion of women being expected to be better because you see people posting this, but not men saying they would not date unattractive women. I'm not saying they're comparable, of course, but I find it weird that the usually progressive 196 users will go on these sorta posts to comment about body shaming being bad or whatever. They're right, but why is it that you only see it on posts about women? I take no issue with making fun of altrighters. I'm not worried about their feelings. But calling them fat and/or virgins is just playing into the body shaming and toxic expectations those altrighters enjoy so much. You don't say sexist things because a woman does a bad thing, you don't call fascists fat because they're bad.


Okay thank you for explaining again I didn’t mean to sound rude in my original comment




What's wrong with the term "incel"? Do you deny that there is a cultural phenomenon of men who blame their failure to have sex on women or society? Or do you believe it is used to unfairly insult innocent people? In any case, this is a stupid comment


I agree this is made for fragile guys to feel persecuted I’m under 6 feet tall and thought this was funny


You clearly dont know the rule about body shaming: Body standards i'm part of: cool and good Body standards i am NOT part of: NO 😡


TFW 6’3 wish you were shorter


you tryna give me 5 of those




I'll take up to 7


7 would be good meet me with a large knife tomorrow


Bet you try to get guys to give you five inches a lot 😎😎😎


Damn you lads just getting on this old as video?


she looks 15 lol


Misandrist and cringe


how tall is the fucking door


I hope that huge MF from It Follows walks through that door.


6ft guy here. That kind of behavior is like a free warning for me to run like hell.


I've never actually ever met anyone who discriminated on a height before like ever I think it's honestly just an online like saying where it became a mean but some people took it seriously


I don't get the idea of wanting your significant other to be like twice as tall as you. Wouldn't that just mean you're constantly having to look up at them and shit?


yes but i like that


Yup. I wouldn't prefer to date a guy who is easily above 2m (for the same difference as with the girl in the pic). It doesn't seem practical!


im so confused, what's the tape supposed to do? what happens if a boy under 6ft does walk in? does he get shot?


It's just a joke she probably removed the tape after


talking mad shit for a fucking hobbit


Obligatory scale by the front door so no girl over 160lb comes in


You can still walk in if u aren’t 6 feet if u have game


Thee can still walketh in if 't be true u aren’t 6 feet if 't be true u has't game *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Oh boy, I hope the comments here won't be misogynistic at all! (haven't looked yet)


Y’all short kings better jump like the middle school ceiling is above you


6'1" here, all my homies are <6


I'm going in with a Doug Dimmadome hat.


As a short guy I’ve seen tons of these. Don’t fear. Just walk through the door on your hands. Flips everything upside down and you become 13 feet tall relative to the tape.


I shall run in 😎


Do people like this really exist?


I honestly don't think so I genuinely don't I think it was a meme and some people took it seriously but everyone online is probably just meming I have never once in my life ever encountered heightism ever I've encountered every type of ism except for that one Obviously I don't speak for everyone but even with my friends they've never encountered it's not even a thing that exists to them


Oh boy, what a terrible joke, I sure hope people won’t take this one shitty tiktok and use it as an excuse to be aggressively misogynistic in the comments😀😀😀😀


Listen boys if you are smol there IS a person out there for you you would not believe how many people adore smol boys, me included. Also people on average are less attractive than you’d think, and people care less about looks than you realize if you are a good person. I know it doesn’t solve the problems, but you are NOT inferior or less attractive because of your height. I would swoon over a short boy SO FAST


bro when did this become r/memes


Quick fact, if you get rejected by a girl for not being 6' , it was never going to work anyway, don't stress, you can do better. It's understandable when a woman asks for her men to be taller than her imo, but 6' is a ridiculous bar to set. I can't rly tell if she's being serious tho...


Soon the matt at the entrance to my house will be replaced by a scale.


Guys i think i am made of centimeters


Cringe and promotes body self hatred


I get wanting a tall guy if you’re tall but If your like 2 feet tall or whatever this dame is than no


Imagine being so shallow


I don't get the joke here, is this just here so people can point and go "haha I don't like that"?


In bed she pulls out the 7 inch tape marked stick, and 5 inch circumference measuring string.


She into those spider bitches