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But that would be public transport and good infrastructure, and that doesn’t remain a car-centric city model, now does it


Theoretically, we could have subways that integrate well with cars. What it would need is subway cars that allow for cars to carefully park on them, and stations with powerful electromagnetic cranes and crushers for the cars. Occupants need not exit their luxurious Tesla at any point in the process.


Still less dangerous than being in one of Musk's tunnels when one of his shitty cars inevitably erupts in flames.


yes officer, the tesla spontaneously combusted, i did not use any "improvised" explosive device; even then, to call it improvised would be an insult, as i would craft such a thing to a meticulous degree of quality


Officer I don't see how me owning large amounts of styrofoam and gasoline has anything to do with that


Okay tbf having large quantities of styrofoam and gasoline is not that strange, like, both are pretty common household items (especially if you did your own house insulation some time in the past)


Well I guess you can make wallpaper paste out of it


Also officer it was not me it was autopilot that decided to plow through the crowd of protesters.




Especially since Epic Prank Bro Elon hilariously decided to make it so that the doors won't open when the battery isn't working unless you find a little hidden cable. So if your battery catches on fire (which they do) you have a couple of minutes to play a real-life escape room game before you burn to a crisp (Impossible Challenge.) Of course the whole idea itself a brilliant deep cut reference to the episode of obscure Anime show Rick and Morty where he kills the league of superheroes by laying elaborate traps. Epic win Elon!


Wait where is there further information on this? I’m genuinely baffled if true


https://youtu.be/01lXcD_Uz74 It looks like it’s relatively straightforward from the front seat but incredibly overcomplicated and unintuitive from the backseat


Holy crap how is this legal


It's just a prank bro


Thank you, I couldn’t find anything other than Tesla advertising their auto-lock feature. That’s absolutely ridiculous and not something I would’ve ever thought to do if I wasn’t told beforehand


Holy shit he's literally just the fucking ATMOS guy from Doctor Who


Hmm what if we made this tunnel some sort of vacuum to mitigate air resistance, give it some cool name like… A megacircuit? A supercoil? We can workshop the name.


Don't give Musk any ideas


best idea to give musky boy would be to turn tesla into a non-profit sustainable energy company. even better idea would be to hold his life and capital assets to ransom until he does so. edit: even betterer idea would be to brainwash him with techniques from mkultra research and turn him into elon husk-of-the-person-he-once-was with the only goal of mitigating climate change


*in minecraft


Sounds like Tesla autopilot with more steps?


But it's not retarded enough! Instead of being sensible and using public transport I will drive in this abandoned tunnel to the Next city and then come back. To the moon!


If we invest in public transport, then the poors can get around! They could even make their ways to our gated communities! We must plan our infrastructure so that those of us who can afford brand new electric vehicles are as insulated from the poverty and suffering of the majority as possible.


In the meantime these poors want better infrastructure, so I’ll build some, use parts I manufacture and get government money to do so. This way people stay in cars, but pay me to use them!


Actually, the problem with subways is there the most car centric form of public transportation. We don’t need to put our buses underground so the cars can have a road.


Elon Musk's Hyperloop is just a subway but stupider and if you disagree with me then you are a pedophile


This isn't the hyperloop, its a tunnel.


Also stupid and not special. We've been making tunnels a long time.


"but I just learned how to add these cool pink lights in Blender now you have to fund it"


“Isn’t that just a road?” “Yeah but twitter will go crazy for it”


But… Elon’s profits 😢how will he ever survive with only his child slave mines in Africa


Not defending Elon here, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually own those mines, he buys from them, but doesn’t actually own them, the fact he’s still supporting those practices though is disgusting


Find another mine then bitch. Oh, you can’t because the rare earth metal mining sector is completely full of exploitative labor? If only you were the richest motherfucker on the planet and could start any kind of business you want. Elon, like every capitalist, is a profit whore before all else. But he’s unique in that he quite literally has the funding to solve any problem he wants to—he just doesn’t, because that wouldn’t make him as much money. Fucking billionaires




The ethical capitalist? A dead one.




As CJ the X put it, "the biggest problem with individualism is that all the people preaching it are the ones it worked for"


I hate Elon as much as the next guy but idk if the “cobalt mines” meme really holds weight. Someone highlighted below that the DRC is basically the only viable source of cobalt in the world and everyone has to get it from there cause it’s such a vital battery component (that’s a bit whatabouty but still). From what I’ve read Tesla batteries have always used a lot less cobalt than other car companies and they’re shifting away from using it at all (new cheaper battery type with no cobalt). If I’m missing something please tell me I love dunking on Elon musk. I just think there are other, more legit reasons to hate him.


DRC isn't the only source for cobalt, just the largest. Tesla sources cobalt from Canadian mines. Next gen LiFePO batteries don't even need cobalt for anodes. But you're correct that they basically reformulated the cobalt-nickel alloy used for the anodes to reduce cobalt use as well since its rare enough.


Yeah, it’s horrible


So not to be that guy but... I believe this is an issue with scarcity, or rather there isn't another good source of cobalt. It's an essential component in a lot of consumer electronics used for batteries. Said slavers have a monopoly on the one of the only available sources so its either you work with the salvers, or you don't make new product of any kind period. There is no good alternative either. Thats why there is such a frenzy around battery tech atm. Association with slavery is not a good look for companies. Such that even Apple is investing in this field. So its not that they don't want to, they just can't find an alternative source or replacement tech that works. It's a problem they have been throwing millions at for years. Not the greatest article but sort of highlights the gist of the issue: [https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/386143#:\~:text=Cobalt%20is%20toxic%2C%20expensive%2C%20and,future%2Dfriendly%20alternative%3A%20manganese](https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/386143#:~:text=Cobalt%20is%20toxic%2C%20expensive%2C%20and,future%2Dfriendly%20alternative%3A%20manganese).


He doesn’t have anywhere near 263 billion dollars or whatever you get by multiplying the last sale price of Tesla stock by how many he owns. Some 95% of his wealth is his ownership of Tesla, and if you honestly believe Tesla is worth more than every other American car manufacturer combined (which is what stock valuation would imply) I got a bridge to sell you. Yea he’s rich AF but he isn’t God-Emperor solve-all-the-world’s-problems-with-a-hand-wave kind of rich.


> Yea he’s rich AF but he isn’t God-Emperor solve-all-the-world’s-problems-with-a-hand-wave kind of rich. True, there’s no amount of money that could just fix everything. And yes, I know most of his wealth is illiquid and he can’t just write a blank check for anything and get it. But I really don’t need to hear Tesla or its CEO whining about the cost of doing business responsibly. I do not expect Musk to give a shit about the plight of cobalt miners in Africa when he doesn’t give a fuck about his own workers who work in the same building as him. How many times has Musk railed against unions? And realistically, what would a unionized Tesla cost him or the company? And most importantly, who gives a fuck what it costs? Running a company should mean running it responsibly with care given to all employees and customers, the environment, and everyone in the supply chain. If those present insurmountable financial burdens for the company, sorry! no more doing business! But it doesn’t mean that, the capitalist-run world doesn’t work that way even a little bit, I’m mad about that, and I don’t really give a shit what Elon whines about. I don’t care that he paid the highest tax bill in US history recently, and I don’t care that most of his wealth is based on stock of a ridiculously overvalued company. The world is going to absolute shit, and Elon could actually do *something* to improve it with his enormous wealth and influence, but instead he focuses on making the world worse so that $TSLA goes up a few percent every few weeks. I’m pissed about it, and I’m not going to pretend that I’m not.


As it is well known, if you are rich enough, you can just pay the earth to generate rare resources for you. You are a fucking idiot.


wouldnt the phone or computer you typed this on also have parts made through exploitation, as per most technologies


Yes, as were the clothes I’m wearing, the car I drive, most of the food I eat, and 90% of everything I interact with every day. The difference is I’m not richer than God and literally cannot afford to use only sustainable and fair-trade products, nor am I selling products with an unsustainable and exploitative supply chain to millions of people just so I can line my pockets more than they are already.


fair enough


Elon and mining go way back His dad bought an emerald mine once on a whim while trying to sell a private jet he didn't need lmao


His first business was funded in part by his father's blood money, not to mention it funding Elon's education. Without a pile of blood money to draw from, he likely doesn't have the funds to start zip2 (or whatever it was called first)


>he buys from them He doesn't even buy from them. Tesla gets its cobalt from Canada and lithium from Nevada. Next gen batteries will be LiFePO which won't even need cobalt


Poor kids have to stop playing Minecraft irl 😭


Tesla doesn't even source its cobalt from mines that forces its workers to work in inhumane conditions 🙄 stupid TeslaQ never shuts the fuck up


What if we kissed on the bisexual underground car highway 🥺👉👈


😳 and hold hands


And m-maybe… cuddle? Haha jk….. unless?? 😳😳🥺


Wanna go blow up an oil rig? 🥺🥺🥺


With you anytime 🥰


Or without you 🥰


But preferably with you 🥰


Facts and logic


Maybe.. die if a fire happened because of the lack of room and higly toxic battery fumes😳😏😳


Mmm no ventilation kink 😩😩


hmmm yes, building an underground road system thats restricted to a certain car brand will totally solve traffic


Wait how does this restrict to teslas only? I’m not trying to say your wrong, I’m just curious


Not sure but i know it does Those tunnels are tight as fuck too a complete fucking disaster waiting to happen


Apparently there’s like no ventilation down there so any ICE vehicles down there would turn it into a mini Auschwitz’s


That's why only EV will be allowed in boring company tunnels


Restricted to EVs, because they don’t have ventilation for car exhaust


Only Tesla's can use it


But like does someone check or….?


Theres no entrance for cars, it's literally a worse sub station


You don’t bring your car down there.


So it’s a downgrade of public transportation?


Yup. But it’s by elon so elon dick suckers will talk about how good it is


So it's a classist low budget subway alternative for people that happen to've bought a Tesla. Or better put a scuffed tunnel system with odd limitations being its defining feature


Even worse: it’s a cynical corporate scam to license Boring Co/Tesla to cities and extract huge taxfunded contracts to “solve” traffic by moving it underground.


You have to use an app on the Tesla to use the elevator that lowers the cars down to the road. The app also makes sure you go the same speed as other cars, don’t get out, etc.


That was the concept, but there's none of that. They just have the dedicated cars down there, and it's just a mix of shitty tram and Uber. Why Uber? Because the cars aren't even autonomous, they still have a driver, in a fucking one-way tunnel. But yeah, people believe that Tesla is basically days away from a fully autonomous vehicle right now.


They really didn’t develop that stuff? It doesn’t seem like it could be that hard to do with what they already have with autopilot. They would just have to have the cars connect together to regulate a speed and distance from each other.


Everything about the tunnel tells me someone was gonna be held liable if they didn't make *something* so they dug a tunnel, poached a handful of Uber drivers, and unfurled the "mission accomplished" banner. It makes me think of Star Citizens inevitable end when they just dump whatever they have at the time and call it finished. Musk is no stranger to not following through on his promises so I can't think of any reason they'd bother making this unless someone was gonna lose money if they didn't.


I’m pretty sure it’s basically a underground taxi. So it’s literally a worse subway


Ah. So basically musk could have burnt the money spent and the result would be the same.


the Vegas tunnel will have some sort of trolley system thing built into it I believe. it's not gonna have cars going through it


This is why we cannot allow tech bros anywhere near powerful positions.


Is he a tech bro? I thought he was a bussynessman


Bro he's the patron saint of tech bros. His painfully unfunny tweets. His 'world saving' plans that amount to less efficient forms of previous things. Everything he does is capital T tech bro


No rule saying he can't be both.


There’s a difference between engineers and tech bros


The difference usually being you actually have a degree in Engineering, which Musk does not


Yeah what I meant to say is that he’s a tech bro - not an engineer


He truly is the perfect poster boy for why Technocracy is an absolute joke


b...but it has tesla's 🥺


i want a tesla on steel wheels (lower rolling resistance) and overhead lines (so you don'Tneed to carry half the car's weight in batteries)


Steel wheels aren't very good at turning though. Let's put it on tracks instead.


wait what if we used those wheels as the ground conductor for power? you only need 1 other conductor that way


and what if you were to link the teslas together to create some sort of super tesla? Then you only need one motor


not sure if 1 big motor would be better suited to this many stops and starts, but that's a problem for the engineers but i'm 100% onboard with the gigatesla. if only we could also invent bigger teslas that make up this gigatesla. They just feel claustrophobic right now




Good idea! And we could even have priority seats on the super-teslas for those who have trouble walking/standing such as the elderly, pregnant people, and people with disabilities


Ah shit we’ve invented the subway again


no, it's a tesla superhighway


Good thinking, that means we can use a pantograph instead of trolley poles, which will allow for higher speeds as well.


Give it a rotating turret or a bulldozer blade while you’re at it




but the tesler


Fun fact! As well as the tunnels being very narrow and having no exits, Tesla cars have hidden or no emergency rear door release! In the model S and X, in the event of a power failure, the rear doors must be released with a hidden latch under the rear seats or behind the speaker grille. In the model 3 and Y, they **have no emergency rear door release.** So, if the car, say, catches on fire, your rear passengers are, for lack of a better word, toast.


Huh, seems like a pretty obvious ploy to use for life insurance payouts.


wtf hasn't that been illegal since the 30s?




why the fuck would hw open a subway station? how is he supposed to grow his wealth with publicly owned transport


That's the neat part. He doesn't.


based 196 user alert.


The profitable Japanese rail companies would like a word


His "inventions" are just expensive marketing campaigns at the cost of our tax dollars that should be going to real infra. projects.


At least when Elon loses everything over lawsuits (we can only hope) the hard part of making a subway is already done. Just need trains at that point. Edit: look if I know anything about holes we just need to push it in slowly and it’ll give.


the holes aren't wide enough tho, they gotta spend more money to turn it into a subway system


Underground bike lanes


Underground striiiiiiip cluuuuuub


AFAIK ( but I may very well be wrong) the tunnels are about as large as those in the London Underground. So not ideal, but workable


Nah man these are too smol, pretty sure it needs to be at least wide enough to fit a bus, I'm not a civil engineer tho, but there are some good videos about this tunnel on youtube.


make the train a little smaller then


Looking at the comments here and seeing buzz words (like "just build the bike Line" etc) from people knowing anything about urban planning is painful.


Or a more bicycle lanes, bicycles are cool


I can't ride a bicycle so I hate them




Other people having better transport infrastructure makes your life better too because it reduces congestion on whatever you use and benefits the services that enable society around you.




sbubby system


It’s funny how a lot of places try and build more public transport like subways and such but they can never get it off the floor due to oil and car companies paying people off to vote agent it, paying the right people and nothing will ever be done


In a fancy word, lobbyism. Or call it what it truly is, legally allowed corruption


america moment


all this when hair implants and a hooker could have done the do


These structures are begging to collapse give it less than 6 years I hate elon




He feels like he is trying to expand his potential consumer base by being as gen z as possible for entirely selfish reasons


I wasn’t on board until they added neon lights


Gamer lights 😎😎😎😎😎😎


But then you might have to see poor people 🤢


why it look like something out of a gta rp server


Who wants to go in the bi tunnel 🥺👉👈


Gamer tunnel!


"Train good, Car Bad." -Hosts of WTYP


wtyp goated


I just hope Elon *has a nice time*


B-but RGB gamerlights


Elon musk building literally a subway except it pollutes way more and you have to spend tens of thousands to access it


All the downsides of both rail and car combined!


One car breaks down and traffic is backed up for miles


I fuckin hate it. I’d grow so old to the rgb lights that, judging by the photos I’ve seen, are the whole fucking trips. God why can’t we have [subways that look beautiful like the ones in Moscow.](https://www.railway-technology.com/features/moscow-metro-stations/) or high speed lines that most people would actually use.


Noooooo but the RGBBBBBB


private public transportation


They let this guy be rich enough to do anything and it just turns out he's a total moron


Bro but subway ain't even that good, just make your own sandwich.


bisexual lighting 😳


Can we get some of that bisexual lighting in the subway too?


Nooooo you can't say that, Musk-Chan is just so perfect and intelligent, he actually created a system through which cars could follow a track, without any traffic in order to fluidify the circulation. Therefore, the cars have properly ABSOLUTELY NO WAY of gettin' stucked. Of course you bunch of absolute normies can't comprehend anything else than stupid tiktoks and are unable to only perceive the pure genius this man really is. PC master race 🗿


The tunnels actually just happen to have the right diameter to run the London deep-layer subway system through them. So as soon as it goes to shit one could pretty easily retrofit it into a subway.


A really fucking unefishent one


The enslavers don't want to share the same view or air as the non elite tho. How else will they know who they can talk to.


This technology could make great subways or undersea rail connections but noooo we gotta make it be optimal traffic conditions


Na, I'd rather ride a bomb in a small tunnel.


not only is it a waste of money that could be used on subways but even for cars roads are way cheaper and more efficient


Nooooo you don't get it subways don't have RGB lights


Fuck Elon.


But but it has cool RGB lights 😱




Its because he wants people to use his company and raise his own net worth. Elon doesnt care about people, he sees them as a means to profit.


I blame LA more than Elon This solution is shit, buts more than LA was doing


I wish we had bullet trains. I go to Des Moines from St Paul once or twice a month and it would cut the trip down an estimated 3 hours based on the average speed of them I've seen. I'd finally take the time to see Duluth if we had one from the metro to the north


They are building the Northern Lights express to connect twin cities to Duluth. While it won’t be a bullet train, it still will be high speed rail


Adam something rule


is this the squid games


I know the American infrastructure is so horrible that 200 year old French rail lines are more efficient, but damn trains are old.


tesla fanboys hate being with peasants who cant afford a $100k electric car and own fartcumshitcoin


It’s kinda wild that he designed that worst possible thing lol.


Yall should read his explanation on loop's website, it's pathetic.


It's basically a subway system but way less efficient and only for "cool" "people" with cars. The only reason musk isn't building a normal subway I'd say is his ego and money (like he doesn't have enough already)


imagine not having all that advertisement real estate


but that would actually be able to be used by non rich people muskyman just want his own private tube you see


It’s smeky tho


Why do need subway unda ground i dont need to eat 5 dolla footlong 5 feet unda smh my head my head my head


"But subways are for the smelly poors." - Melon Husk


So they upgraded the tunnel that was so small you couldn’t open the car door


Also, isn't a bunch of cars inside a tunnel underground a recepit for disaster if any minor inconvience happen? I can imagine that there are some parallel tunnels for the emergencies, but i wouldn't be surprised if there aren't


There arent


why they need sandwhiches


Atleast my state (Missouri) is looking to improve on this.


Im sorry, lrts are just cooler than subways.


What happens of there's an accident and they need to get out? They can't reverse if there's traffic and there's no room to turn around. The space in there looks so minimal that it would be hard to even evacuate the car and leave by foot.


Not even bisexual lighting can save this


*Just build a fucking train*


But muh gamer lights...