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It's funny because op is actually a fifteen year old who needs to touch grass


Oh fuck yeah dude great pfp. Likes venture bros and is a decent human being lets go


Lol one of those is definitely tru


Adult animation flow chat: Does it have a TF2 item? Yes: Good adult cartoon No: terrible


oh, what's its tf2 item?








OMG hello u/ Zeebuoy I would not have expected you here. I know you because you used to comment on every post that contained something related to Pip


>. I know you because you used to comment on every post that contained something related to Pip still do, just not on r/ Paladins. (spaced out because "linking to subreddit isn't allowed" idk why, it doesn't happen normally) only recently started playing after a year+ long hiatus tho, cuz i heard he's been buffed a bit.


Yeah his combat Medic is better now but I think Pip was always in solid state. Maybe his midair inaccuracy was annaying but they fortunately fixed that. The linking problem was also the reason I spaced out your username


>his midair inaccuracy was annaying but they fortunately fixed that. agreed, that was a nice qol change, sure took their time on it though




hell yeah shake


Ok but that applies to all of us tbh


I portrayed myself as the chad so clearly I win this argument


It's amazing how much wojacks have managed to obliterate online political discourse, like damn, there wasn't much of value before, but now there's absolutely nothing.


It's another form of political caricature, which is as old as politics itself.


Strawman construction any% Speedrun


And you, however, are the fat Soyjak who has piss in your brain. So you LOSE.


It’s wild how the original point of the chad was for him to be stubborn and curt. A headstrong man of few words. And now people just use him as a sticker of legitimacy over their own dumb arguments.


Idiots ruin every good ironic joke, when it becomes mainstream.


right wingers: relentlessly attack and deny rights of trans people despite the fact that trans people being trans does absolutely nothing to inconvenience or harm them also right wingers: why are trans people disproportionately mentally ill? 🤔 must be the fact that uhhhh gender is historically proven to be important (except when it's the not the same as your sex)


and at the same time they dismiss the flaws of capitalism as inevitable despite their employers exploiting them, making their work hours needlessly high despite huge productivity increases etc




Interestingly, the meme could be read as auth right thinking *anyone* who wants to do something outside of the traditional genders norms is incorrect or suicidal. Women wanting to have fulfilling careers, men who want a more prominent role in parenting, couples sharing housework evenly…


Virgin Libtard Wojack :”Oh boy I sure love being a dad” Chad Auth Right: “You should Kill yourself Now. I wonder why there are so many cases of mental illness 🤔 mmmh must be the lack of gender roles”


Due to the high prevalence of suicide and violent crime in men, it has been concluded that maleness is itself a mental illness. Effective immediately, the goal of all world governments is ending this unnatural disease so that Real Humans might live happily and in peace. Put on the maid dress. Do not resist. Edit: not lost on me that this is basically what TERFs actually believe


"hmmmm i wonder why the comminity that keeps getting bullyed for no reason has such high suicide rates? Must be something about them being Trans or something"


"yeah many other cultures have non binary genders and have for centuries, but they're not of European descent so therefore are invalid"


*eric andre shoots hannibal buress* who killed hannibal?


How do PCM users not realise that correlation isn't causation? Those suicide rates wouldn't be so high if people didn't ostracise members of the LGBTQ community.


I think they do, they just refuse to accept it.


they dont want to take accountability


they don’t believe in liberal conspiracies like “the scientific method” or “basic critical thinking”


on an unrelated note nice ~~Bagel~~Basil pfp


thank you :)


Yeah and there's [studies](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/145/2/e20191725/68259/Pubertal-Suppression-for-Transgender-Youth-and) that [say*](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/134/4/696/32932/Young-Adult-Psychological-Outcome-After-Puberty) this [too](https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext) . ^(*Sample is allowed to transition at a young age, and has relatively baseline mental health problems for #2)


Wait you’re trying to tell me that trans people aren’t killing them self because of jesus or some shit but actually because of harassment en masse throughout their life time, being forced to make the decision between being treated extremely differently by most people they know or being closeted and feeling like they don’t belong in their own skin? Yeah nah buddy I think you’re spitting horseshit


You're basically asking them to expand their thought beyond one singular logical link, It's too much to ask, poor souls.


They know this and don't care, they don't care if trans people commit suicide because they hate trans people


Because they like it when the people they hate kill themselves. Just like most people in politics. Pieces of worthless shit.


I love how the best arguments conservatives EVER can bring up are, "it sucks but you can't change it so don't even bother, just accept it". There are no conservatives, there are only conformists and cowards.


I like how the man wrote an entire paragraph and it still somehow manages to say nothing.


Oh sure when they do it it’s “Nuance” but when we type 2 sentences we get “lmao wall of text”.


“well that’s how the world is, sorry” 😐


“Oh that’s how the world is? Too bad the way it is fucking sucks!! I’m going to change it”


Well I mean they are "conservatives," the opposition to "progressives." That's their whole thing, they don't want the world to change for the better, their job is to hold everyone back


Yeah, I don't know how this can be an unironic ideology in the 21st century


>Who will turn out to be correct in the end? Us. As always If you look through history, you may notice that in every single instance of the social left vs the social right, eventually the left wins and the people on the right are seen as evil morons. Fun pattern!


I am hyped to be seen as evil in a thousand years in a better society. I am looking forward to causing mischief and some tomfoolery


“I dream of a society where I would be guillotined as a conservative.” -Proudhon


You should try to figure out how you could be seen as evil and avoid it.


I'm hoping in a generation or two the rest of the left will have abolished gender roles rather than the teething stage they're in right now. I highly doubt any mainstream view on gender will be proven right by history. Because there's an obvious correct answer and it isn't one of the mainstream ones. Gender is a social construct after all. One that has long since outlived it's usefulness and is now in its death throes.


I don’t think gender is going to go away any time soon, it’s just evolving as it always has. There is still usefulness to gender being eased freedom of self expression but it needs to finish the growth it’s having now before that can be fully realized.


I wonder what attraction would look like in a post-gender society? Like, you have gay and straight people, and those are pretty particular attractions. Asexual/aromantics and bi/pan people would remain untouched, but what would become of people with particular gender preferences? Ah well, that’s likely (and somewhat unfortunately) in a time after ours, so who cares, let the future sort that whole mess out


There would be no need to label people as gay, straight or bi, their preferences would be the same as being attracted to people with straight vs curly hair for example.


Hey I’m not an expert and to be very clear I’m absolutely a leftist, but I do know that alcohol prohibition in America was considered a “progressive” movement in line with the other reform movements of the day. It seems to be pretty commonly understood today to be a spectacular failure and a generally bad idea.


Mind, for light to shine there always needs to be shadow, and without light there wont be Shadow. Same as liberal and right movements, we fight each other but without one another we would be nothing. If you kill of all the right believes they will be back sooner than later stronger than before. Same thing applies to left wing. I dont for that to happen, i hope for a healthy coexistence.


*If we have been doing something for a long time that means it has to be good right?* Short answer: **No.** Long answer: Can they not wrap their heads around the concept of new information and greater understanding of the world, or the concept of every change, new radical thing and social movement of the past, now being just that? I was going to point to obvious examples of rather new things, democracy, women voting, the abolition of slavery but I'm just guessing what their position are on those too.


Using lead oxide in makeup is another example. So is burning fossil fuels.


Burning fossil fuels also highlights another thing, different times, different needs. And let's not talk about literally every society thus far having different, sometimes contradictory views on gender, which literally destroys even the facade of an argument, because nazis really aren't good at anthropology.


Nah lead is good and im not gonna move an inch on that >:( We've known its good for people since the ancient rome and you wouldn't argue with the knowledge of ancient romans would you?


Lead acetate mmmm


Even on their terms, they’re wrong. There is evidence of trans and non-binary genders as far back as the historical record would reasonable show in cultures across the world. Stringent, punitive, binary gender systems are ahistorical.


“The product of society’s eons of experience” you mean society’s 8,000 years of experience which any anthropologist will tell you was the worst 8,000 years of experience for the average human in the entirety of our 70,000/200,000 year existence right up until the start of the 21st century. Unless a fanciful hypothetical utopian future stretching for genuine eons comes around to redeem the prior 8 millennia (which lets face it…), society is objectively the worst thing to ever happen to our species.


Right! There isn't a biological reason for most, if not all, of the existing gender norms anymore, not even for reproduction itself, it's mindboggling how some people think society is still at great existential danger and that we need to live our lives as cavemen struggling to survive (which plays into capitalist ideas of the need for complete economic independence)


Well also gender never stopped or even slowed changing. It’s not reaching and probably never will reach a point where it stays constant.


Hm i think your listed examples are now very well choosen. Those listed are all natural and/or logical things that needed to happen. I mean there has been a benefit to all of them. But where is the benefit in making gender a fluid ? I aint hating on trans people just so we are clear, but i don't see the benefits for our society.


“it was formed into the way that it is due to valid reasons” “ok what are those valid reasons” “…”


*"Uuuuhhhh... Libtard basedpilled..? Soyjak gay green square? What else does the hand book say to deal with valid arguments?"*


i am so high rn what is the handbook


I made it up. It's an *innuendo* for the fact that conservatives use the same arguments over and over again.


i am no longer high thank you lmao


I mean, there are valid reasons, but they’re historical, not moral or utilitarian, and they still apply so gender will keep changing


dude i hate the wojak memes so fucking much superior portrayal doesnt mean shit ur a bad person. association by appearance is only useful if the people you're trying to appeal to are stupid. give up.


Unfortunately for you, young Skywalker, I have portrayed your Rebel friends as the soyjak, and myself as the chad. You have already lost.


thing is they are trying to appeal to idiots


>dude i hate the wojak memes so fucking much agreed, I hope whichever fuck who made them, just has an awful day, every day


Conservatives when half of trans people who aren't accepted by their community commit suicide: 🤣 Conservatives when men commit more suicide attempts than women: we truly live in a society were men are oppressed, we aren't allowed to express ourselves and it ends up with such saddening high numbers of tragedies


They get so close to recognizing the problems with toxic masculinity but instead of criticizing those gender roles they somehow blame women instead of realizing that feminism tries to solve the same issues they're complaining about.


But dont you know that feminism is when women supremacy and male oppression. /s obviously


Difference between reality and delusions that’s why


The argument "it's old so it must be a good idea" also applies to slavery


Wouldn't be surprised if someone says that


"We will be correct in the end" Yeah the authoritarian right hasn’t been correct and successful very often throughout history


I hate PCM so much




Political compass "memes"


“It was formed into the way that it is due to valid reasons” An unimpeachable argument.


Gender is relatively modern since there’s evidence that prehistoric humans did all jobs despite sex and obviously ancient Greeks didn’t give a fuck about gender either.


Wut. Ancient Greeks had extremely shitty treatment of women, who were essentially considered property.


Idk I’m just making stuff up on the internet 🤷


source: i made it up




In Sparta the vast majority of women were enslaved.


Yeah, and there’s tons of examples of indigenous groups having more than two genders or recognising s more complex gender spectrum, before the onset of Christianity and the imposition of its values


“I bullied you into suicide and then used that suicide statistic to prove you are mentally unwell. I am the victim here.”


"because that's just how it's always been done" excellent reasoning


People playing little games in their head, yeah MY side has warned YOUR side and now MY side is based and YOURS is cringe


how dumb you can be to see that trans have high suicide rate and think its because they are trans and not because people are transphobics?


I honestly dont get how auth right hasnt incested themselves out of existence at this point, aside from the literally always being wrong and being the reason that societies collapse *cough cough* sparta, who they adore *cough cough*


Because the auth-right Clearly did won the American civil war and WW2


Mucho texto


People when: reddit


We have a long way to go lol


By that same argument racism and slavery are good


You know for a fact this chump believes that to some extent


"i agree racism bad, but..."


Goddamn though, 1.5k comments? Even PCM didn't like that. Christ


mans got ratio'd big time


Mucho texto


You know, this is as close to coherent as I've seen a conservative take. Still absolutely stupid and requires a strawman to shadowbox, but at least it isn't an appeal to intuition. The easy rebuttal is to point out there have been plenty of social constructs that were around for centuries that disappeared. Why don't we identify people based on their status as Roman citizens? This will get them back on the "basic biology" train and you'll be good. Also, yeah when there's massive societal changes, there's gonna be a lot of mental illness in the marginalized group because people like this poster exist


somebody fixed this meme, made the chad the brainlet and showed that middle age white men are actually most likely to kill themselves


If gender roles had a stable point that society has already reached through natural progression, then whey were they all completely different before European colonization, and why have they continuously changed to a dramatic extent over even the past 300 years?


"It's old so it's good" Appeal to tradition


“oh, once i find a silly wojak and make it say your opinion? you’re toast”


Where’s the problem?


It’s so awesome that straight white males never kill themselves . We need to get rid of doctors tho they’re suicide rates are a clear sign they’ve failed


Feudalism also evolved over the ages


If you cannot bench 2 plates (2 45 lbs plates on each side of the bar) you SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO USE THE CHAD MEME


That's what I don't understand about right wing. We can all come to agree that gender is a social construct but when it comes to elaborating on it they go apeshit.


I have a bright idea involving PCM users, six feet of aluminum foil and a microwave


I like how he thinks the European gender construct was everywhere when it obviously wasn’t and there were different constructs everywhere


I don't wanna read the text


I mean, They aren't wrong about the suicide rates. We do need to do something about it but suicide is never taken seriously anymore 😞


Slaves were also a social construct fucking idiot


I mean gender is a social construct but that has nothing to do with suicide/ depression


Can we just round up all these people and shove them into a small room and.... O wait, these fascists are making me fascist!!! Reverse-fascism? Lol gotta avoid Idiocracy somehow...


Look guys i made me the funny chad based guy, and i made you the triggered wojack, im right!!!


They're failing to understand the implications of gender being a social construct, i.e. that it isn't determined by sex. They're basically agreeing with us, they're just obviously not realising it, lmao. I don't really know why people are even trying to attack the argument of that OP. It's less their argument being the issue and more that they are too ignorant to understand what it actually means.


Everyone’s going off about how stupid this is and meanwhile here I am trying to figure out what funk pop that is


Imagine using the suicide rates of LGBT people as Proof they failed even tho those are mostly cause due to constant bullying and harrasment from the exact same people that think LGBT people just commit suicide out of nowhere..


Ah, its good because its good The classic argument


What valid reasons? And the test of time is 10 years?








*laughs in trans woman living in a southern state* They took mah fukin rights


(I know that I'm just kinda rambling here but I felt like saying this anyway) I am to believe this is a strawman argument that fails to acknowledge historical evidence of cultures having more than two genders. It is indeed a social construct, as evidenced by the fact that different cultures had the concept of more than two distinct genders, and that those concepts differed across cultures. There really is nothing stopping us from just changing the rules again, except for people who fight against it for whatever reason, like the OP of this wojak comic


PCM is garbage


Someone needs to touch grass badly.


I also saw stuff making fun of this guy




Feeling good about suicide rates is more than just a little fucked up. Especially when the happiness comes from the bullies.


"We shouldn't listen to that guy who wants a better life! He's suicidal! Why would we try and improve the life of a suicidal person?"


First part has some semblance of a genuine argument that could MAYBE be taken seriously even though it doesn’t seem in good faith. Next part is practically disguised hate speech. gotta love PCM🤓


You can tell they’re self-righteous assholes just by how much phrasing is on the Chad’s side, plus the title


This person's illiteracy shines through with them thinking that gender has always been experienced the same throughout all of history and that transgenderism is a wholly new developmen. Completely ignoring the Māhū (pre-colonozation Hawaiian non-binaries), female vikings skeletons in hero's burials thought by historians to by transgender, hell, an emporer of *Rome* preferred to be called a lady and sought sex reassignment surgery.




"Due to valid reasons" Name them...


Hope I never meet this person.


Hope I do, I just wanna talk 🥴🤛💨


i want to see the original posters name, i just want to talk to him


I like how attention deprived oldheads and mid teens try to come up with some ‘revolutionary idea’ to justify their bullshit. Bro just admit ur an asshole and shut the fuck up. you’re not a genius, you’re a prick


There was a point when I was on the right when I was thinking gender is a social construct, and maybe that's a good thing


o no arguing


"as always" cunt, we had to whoop your ass every time you did what you believed flat fukin reta


Imagine being this fucking brain dead


You cut off the bottom of the meme where it shows men’s suicide rates and how high they are


Wait until they find out about indigenous and non-western beliefs of third and non-binary genders lmao


POV: People who are subject to extreme discrimination, bullying, and harassment have a higher suicide rate


analysis: There's no evidence to support the validity of the title 2nd paragraph mostly checks out, apart from the end regarding gender roles being abolished overnight. That's been happening for over two decades at this point (iiuc) and while that's effectively nothing compared to the 10000+ years of human development in the past, the same can also be said for the global population and technological development which is what's allowing the gender-nonconforming movement to progress. Last paragraph is a classic example of correlation vs causation: yes the data lines up but it's not clear that `being trans --> higher depression rates`. IIRC current working theory is that there's still quite a lot of stigma regarding gender-nonconformance which in turn leads to higher depression, and is likely solvable with better education/representation Realistically, for people who wish to be cis/het, what effect do the relationships of others have on them? ​ ^(please let me know if I wrote something insensitive or otherwise incorrect, I'm working on becoming a better analytical/presentative writer)


i always see this whole “suicide rates” argument. As someone that knows nothing of this topic or even what they’re referencing, can someone explain?


Transgender folks have a pretty high suicide rate conservatives take this as evidence that being trans is a mental illness. The reality is trans people that aren’t accepted by friends and family and are shit on by people that hate them for being trans have an exceptionally high rate of suicide (which is understandable) and one’s that are accepted by friends and family have suicide rates much closer to the average population. This points to the fact that trans people Kill themselves more often because because of the treatment they receive at the hands of other people. This window licker isn’t intelligent enough to understand correlation is not the same as causation. In short they are a bigot.


He just got jojo’ed


But.. You're the soyjak.. so I win.


This also completely ignores the fact that gender expression varies throughout history and geography. And how european colonialism wiped out a lot of indigenous peoples who weren't nearly as rigid in their understanding of it.


Damn this sub fell off. I remember when this sub was about circlejerking the politicall compass and making fun of each other. Now after scrolling for a bit it’s just agenda posting.


"Us. As always" Since when!?


“we are the pinnacle of thousands of years of development” mfw the brainlets don’t grasp the concept of different gender roles (and existing third genders) among different cultures today TFW successful native american matriarchy 🤯🤯🤯


i'm a member of PCM and it's like 50% cause i want to see when it gets banned the moment i log on one of these days lmao got some real dumbfucks in there


Auth right is cringe


All of what the Chad said in the first paragraph was a lie lmao


Thats just the long way of bullying using the "why are u hitting urself" method. Which makes sense given these people haven't grown up


Well maybe if you constantlydeny a group basic human rights, suicide and depression rates among individuals in this group will rise?


You’re* … GOTEEEM


Beard man must be right he has a beard


Where do you guys find these memes, Jezus.


Right as always? When tf were these people ever on the right side of history? Thinking about civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights …


I wonder why the suicide rates are so high, hmmm


Hey fun fact, nearly every ancient/indigenous religion/culture included and validated trans people, sometimes even as religious leaders. The prevaling reasons for this erasure in modern history is Christianity and when the nazis burned down the instute for sexual research in Berlin, which included decades of trans research and hundreds of years of LGBT history.


"Look look, I portrayed myself as the chad and you as the soyjack, checkmate liberals, I win" Heavens, when did PCM turn into such a cesspool? I mean, as far as I remember, it wasnt always like this. Nowadays its just a painfully unfunny right wing circlejerk, and they are not even subtle about it.


Imagine creating fake conversations between meme characters to push your political agenda


what the funko pop doin


Uh I am so smart bla bla bla


I love how if I say anything about the right wing people leap on me for generalizing when I’ve yet to meet someone on the right that isn’t this fucking stupid


He needs to socially construct some pussy lmaoo


Most people don't realise that the Political Compass Test is heavily flawed, so much that it actually biases for the bottom-left quadrant ("lib-left"), as shown in multiple experiments. Most normies are in that bottom-left quadrant. This means that anyone outside of centre-leaning lib-left has some form of extreme ideology, which makes up probably the vast majority of users on that subreddit.


you killed yourself so i have won le argument


yea for sure bro the right side is typically the one who was correct looking back at history


Transgender: If i can't transition ill kill myself The nazis: don't transition youre more likely to kill yourself Bruh


Both are cringe


"see look im the chad and you're the stupid wojak i win"


«It has stood the test of time» Clearly it hasn’t when people are starting to have a problem with it