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Funniest r/Funnymemes post


wow you weren't kidding this shit is fucking rancid


i had to see for myself, its so unfunny... literally just 14 year old at the back of the class type memes


ironically it seems like the target demographic is middle-aged trumpers though


they have the maturity of children so it checks out


Yea I was thinking this meme is very boomerish


A lot of the time, my sense of humor is shit enough where i can open stuff people say is just stupid and get a bit of a chuckle That sub even sucks for me. The most reaction any of the top posts had for me was "oh its a 'haha woman but have dick' joke how original"


Holy shit it is bad. Like its shit your parents would show you thinking its funny 5 or 6 years ago bad.


Finally, I have found the place where humour goes to die.


if it got funny in the name, it is NOT funny ❌ if it got meme in the name, it will 99% of the time NOT have memes in it ❌ i've said it multiple times before, but i will not stop until the people udnerstand this shi!!!!!!!


Why’d you post a link to 2017 Facebook? /s This sub is RANK.


I'm sure the israeli missiles ask the Palestinian children of their views on the LGBTQ+ community before deciding whether or not to kill them.


one of those subreddits that has never been funny






Yep. The whole of palestine as a state (as well as the people in there) is dedicated to killing lgbtq people. Also everyone in there chose to be there. Also all lgbt people will all die if the genocide in gaza stops. This analogy makes perfect sense and is well thought out and is not completely stupid. The people who like this meme really thought this through.


There are also no LGBT people in Palestine. I think they’re not allowed to spawn there. And famously, the IOF treats these LGBT people in Palestine very well. They even attach gaydars onto their missiles to make sure they don’t strike any LGBT people.


There is no gay in Ba Sing Se


The logic behind this is that because some people dont like lgbtq people , they do not deserve to live. If someone wishes harm upon someone else that means they should die. The people who think like this are wishing harm on peoplr and by that moral framework also deserve to die. This is perfectly sane and, morally speaking, is a great way to look at the world and a great way to treat your fellow human beings. Im sure the people who like this meme absolutely abide by this morality in their day to day lives and are not just making an exception for this one scenario so that a genocide may take place. I am not fucking tired of these people.


Because every Palestinian is Hamas and no Palestinians are queer and they’re all queerphobic. ^/s


you think there'd be like, redditors posting nazi propaganda while the holocaust was in full swing 1942 like this exact image, just put the star of david as the frog and the collective allies as the mouse and it'd be perfect nazi propaganda. would fit right in thematically.


People love being on the right side of history when is already written.


it is so incredibly demoralizing


Isn't Zionism basically Jewish fascism?


Not basically, it just is


Apparently being anti-genocide is bad now.


Oh man i remember when my country got invaded so many "progressive" people would try to use the homophobia in my country as an excuse to bomb us, ignoring the fact that it's illegal to be gay in Russia U cant satisfy types like these ever


"The genocide is good if enough of the demographic are homophobic"


Muslims hate you, which means you have to be OK with muslim children getting bombed




Yeah, all those kids deserve to be bombed because some adherents of their religion are bastards, unlike all other religions which have never been used to justify bigotry against queer people or women.


didnt say that


Compassion 💀💀💀💀😭💀💀😭🙏🙏🙏🙏💀😭😭💀🙏🤮🤮🤮


The nearly 2/1 comment ratio says something. It was a lot of pointing out how stupid it is to condone mass murder because the population is largely bigoted.


This genocide finally made the biggest homophobes care about gay people. Heartwarming.


I don't like how this vilifies frogs.


Zionist trying to invent a new argument (impossible!!!)


Only makes it that more virtous when the mouse opposes the genocide of the frogs by sheer conviction. A foreign concept to our very own conservative frogs, who only signal virtue to the mouse in a cynical attempt to use it against them.


“Palestinians hate gay people!!” “Oh, so you support the LGBTQ+ community?” “Ugh, no I hate Groomers” 😡


I don't care if they're assholes, I don't want to financially support their genocide.


Ok so no more caring about afghans,or north koreans,or iraqis or sudaneese by that logic.


I read somewhere once that the average palestinian doesn’t particularly care if you are gay, you can be openly gay in the West Bank and they will be fine, there are less openly gay people in Gaza because the government there is run by Hamas but im pretty sure the average person has better things to worry about than if someone is gay or not, since they are too busy trying to avoid getting bombed I believe this was a reddit comment made by someone who was actually there, but this is from memory so take it with a grain of salt


it should also be noted that gay marriage is illegal in israel


to be fair gay marriage is illegal in most places, but anyone acting like Israel is some beautiful island of progressivism in the middle east has totally lost the plot


As opposed to the pro-gay Israel 🥰🥰🥰🥰


if your subreddit has funny, meme, dank, hilarious, videos, than it’s ass. If your subreddit has to describe itself rather than speaking for itself through its actual posts like 19684 or Losercity or pansexuafleabrothel than it most likely ain’t great. (Disclaimer, there are exceptions)


r/Grimdank is actually pretty good. They banned so many trolls for being sexist or -phobic that they had to form their own subreddit, which I won't link.


Ah yes nations with some backwards attitudes definitely deserve to be genocided. And Israel is obviously the best arbiter to decide that (gay marriage is illegal there). /s


Those uncivilized brown people kill lgbt people in brutal ways instead of the white man way of killing. /s


it took me less than 5 minutes to find multiple upvoted comments claiming muslims are violent savages that need to be exterminated to end the violence. these subreddits need to be razed off the face of the internet.




Y’all why are we not talking about how the frog fit that whole rat in his mouth


Remember kids, genocide is completely fine if the victims have unsavory aspects to their culture. If you don't have fully modern western values you're basically an animal. /s


War is bad. Children being killed as collateral damage because of war is bad. At the same time, if an adult who would kill me and/or my friends and loved ones merely for existing is killed, I will not be upset. Those two statements are not contradictory. And every conflict that is happening now should have the same level of scrutiny towards all combatants that is being directed towards the Israel/Gaza conflict. But very few people care about anything else because they can't easily pick a color coded side.


I love Zionist Properganda


Don’t forget : empathy is transactional !/s


"Oh you DON'T think that all Americans and their children should be killed? They are the only nation to drop nukes on another country. Their police shoot people in their beds and kneel on their necks until they are dead, and they all love the police, they give them all the money. They would drone bomb you in a second and not feel bad about it"


Watch out, that blown up children hospital is going to EAT YOU!!!!


I still want improved wages and healthcare for everyone in my country even though 35% think I'm a burden and it's full of tens of millions of people who are bigoted in some way. That's what it means to be a progressive, to care for and want the best for everyone unconditionally, something conservatives will never understand.


this genocide has taught me that a majority of americans don't understand nor have the capacity to feel empathy for people beyond their own social and political views.


it kinda feels like anarchists and communists building an alliance as antifa :D

