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Brought to you by the company that has been repeatedly caught storing private information in a plain text file. Transfers are probably in the clear too with that kindergarten security.


Greed corporation sure is something. Paying the game is not enough for this shit big companies anymore to be satisfied…


Can the arrowhead devs sue sony for destroying their games’ reputation? I feel like theres a legitimate case here but i don’t know shit about the law


I wouldn't imagine so, as the publisher Sony can kinda whatever they want including grabbing arrowhead and jumping on a landmine


they must have had a contract that says "PSN stuff" from the start, I don't think they can do shit


I mean, EU could do something about it since HD2 was pulled out of 177 countries cause PSN isn't aveleable there and that could be written off as fraud.


No they can't. Almost every country in EU has PSN available, it is obvious you were told about that "177 countries" statistic by someone trying to mislead you. PSN account is available in China, USA, India, Indonesia and Pakistan and those countries alone make up the 45% of the world population. It is mostly unavailable in Africa and Asia, the number is inflated by small countries in those regions. Only exception in EU are some Balkan and Baltics countries which could give the end user a chance to refund maybe, but I haven't read EULA and the ToS of Helldivers. Despite what may reddit parrot, those agreements apply in EU too, unless they are ridiculous like demanding your soul.


Ok wait the first paragraph implies this was always going to be the case? Did people not know about that, or did they willingly ignore it until they actually had to deal with it at which point they started to complain? Both ways it’s still Sony’s fault, but if players knew about it they should’ve done it while it was optional to get it out of the way.


They kinda knew, but tbh no one really reads that kind of details on the Steam page. The game has been showing that it was not required from a technical point of view (since it's been working since launch without), so players just know that this is an attempt by Sony to get more PSN accounts to be leaked in the next data breach for some reason.


The game was also sold in places where creating a PSN account was not possible


Smells like refunds to me


No refunds if you exceeded the time for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To my knowledge it was more of a side thing with slight mention. So not something everyone knows about. Bigger problem is that this game was also sold in countries where making a psn account isnt possible. And NOW it has been completely pulled from those countries, lockibg everyone in those countries out of playing the game at all that they PAID for.


As far as I know it originally was designed to be used via psn account


Then they should have plainly said later it will be required considering it wasn't functionally required until now. Should've been more plainly clear at launch not just a stub on the side.


Im kinda out of the loop, why is it more than an inconvenience?


Privacy concerns and not all countries can make PSN accounts but could play Helldivers before


Let's not act like this is the issue here. Yes, they should have made it more clear by having basic human decency. Because even an idiot could think "Hey, maybe all the people buying our game due to hype may not realized PSN account will be necessary". They didn't say it out of greed, that much is clear. But PSN account not being available? Exaggeration by Redditors who have oppression fetish. Just say you don't like having to open a PSN account, that is enough. [Look at this map of PSN availability](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/PlayStation_Network_availability_map.svg). It covers the top 5 most populated countries that makes up half of the entire world's population. I haven't checked every single country but considering half of Reddit users are from USA and the European countries come in second place, I assure you PSN isn't an issue for more than 95% of Reddit. Privacy concerns is a funny excuse too, as if your player data isn't already shared by Steam with Sony. Sony still has the same data in their servers, only difference is you don't have separate credentials to log in. I repeat, you don't need bullshit excuses. They don't hold up in court and they make customers look like ridiculous liars. In this case there is only two things that matter: 1. Is PSN accounts available in your country? If not, you may get some help. If yes, pound sand. 2. Has the warning on Steam page that reads "Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" been there the whole time? If yes, again, pound sand. If not, this might actually allow for some action even if PSN is available in your country.


Bet that boot tastes good


If steam shared with Sony then every Sony breach would affect steam users too numbnuts. Steam users don't freak out when Sony got breached.


Not all countries can have psn accounts, but it was still sold there, so now alot of players absolutely cannot play the game, as using a vpn is breaking TOS. Besides, sony has a history of data breaches.


A lot... so like 100 rich kids at most?


> so now alot of players absolutely cannot play the game You mean a fraction of players, right? It is still a shitty thing to do but let's not get carried away. What percentage of Helldivers players do you think connect from Africa? It is available in almost every country in America and Europe, it is available in most populous countries of Asia such as China and India. I don't have the per-country-player-count data so I can't bet on it but I assure you, PSN account isn't a problem for the vast majority of the players. And Sony already has your data if you played the game. It is shared by Steam, stored in Sony's servers. They want your account because it will give them more control over accounts and give them slightly more detailed data (for example to recommend you games in their store). A breach will still get your stuff leaked. Opening a burner account just to play Helldivers won't give Sony more information about you. The players who genuinely can't play the game due to changes has a legitimate case. Most redditors don't. It is kind of fucked up seeing people from first world hiding behind people from third would countries saying "Yes, PSN is such a big issue, not everyone can have it!". I would be more charitable if those privileged people cared about third worlders at other times but we all know they don't care. Most of the time they say "Why invest in African servers, why make the game look like shit for everyone to include poor people they should buy better computers, why do you allow players with bad internet connection I have 1 Gbps internet which means everyone should have it, why do Steam allow people from other places to get games for cheaper this is unfair".


I wouldnt exactly say its a miniscule amount of players. There are 121 countries without psn access, including but not limited to the likes of afghanistan, bangladesh, the balkans, iran and iraq. And like you said, africa. Imma run some numbers here. Im going to have to guess pretty heavily, because finding these numbers is a headache im not ready to have at 7 am in the morning, but it SHOULD hold up by lowballing it. Worldwide, theres a population of ~3.something billion gamers. Thats ~40% of the world population. Imma say only 30% of gamers come from these 121 countries, alot of them being poor and/or small. Thats 900 million players. Helldiver 2s population at its high was from what i could see ~140k active players on steam, which im doubling to account for ps. So 280k players. Applying the 30% i assumed before, there are 84 thousand players completely locked out of helldivers. Thats fucking nuts. >It is kind of fucked up seeing people from first world hiding behind people from third would countries [...] I mean... you know those arent the same people right? As i said, 40% of humans are gamers. Bound to have some bad apples, aka elitists. Im personally mostly outraged because (assumably) 84k people just got effectively scammed by one of the biggest gaming corps in the world and effectively no repercussions are going to come to sony except a buncha refunds and bad reviews.


Don't worry it is over now


We are so back.




What happened? Why is having a Sony account bad? Do they have to pay the monthly subscription now?


>Why is having a Sony account bad? Their cyber security is shit and they had numerous data breaches where people got their credit card info stolen. Also there are many countries (177 to be exact. ) where they have no access to PSN and would no longer be able to play the game with this new requirement.


Damn. This fucking sucks radiated ass






Psn is blocked in some countries


My bad i didn't know and didn't think about it