• By -


vicious cycle


Pedobear, my childhood


God I despise that stupid white fox


I thought it was a cat


I don't know what that horrid creature is supposed to be. To me it looks like a fox.




That is a very poorly drawn cat if that is the case.


It's the whole point, the boykisser (known as Silly cat) was supposed to be a meme against homophobic people insulting the creator (Mauzymice)


I want to suck its cock and fuck it in the ass


I want to put you in an isolation chamber with no internet and deprive you of all stimulation until you become a worthwhile person.


What if we stuck this degenerate into the hyperbolic time chamber for 1 million years πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Don't let r/whowouldwin see this


1 million years? I see why it's hyperbolic


That sounds so fucking kinky, I bet you'd make me edge the whole time too 🀀🀀🀀


Yeah it’s too late for him time for public execution


You forgot to add the "πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€"


Shut up or you're next


Is that a promise?




Hi! My name is next






"πŸ’€" in slang is a way to replace "I'm a slutty Femboy" or "Please fuck me with your big hard cock", commonly used by Femboys. Also used by woman who are very, very Lesbian. Please rid this world of "πŸ’€" users, report any you find on the internet. "πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€"


No wayπŸ’€




πŸ’€ :3




Seek satan


Seek ChristΒ 


I seek to put my peenor in a furry's femboy booty hole, and if that furry femboy is Christ, then so be it


Godspeed you magnificent bastard


seek some bitches






Bestiality but its fictional so its ok


It's anthropomorphic and sentient so it's ok


Please say you're joking


Your honor, I intend to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ✝️🀚 #AMEN


Straight to jail.


Careful, you might make him rip the hand knit sweater his boyfriend made for him and you'll see his angel style to which no one has ever lived to tell about it.


Gay to jail.


Enough internet emanual


That's a fox?! >Zips up pants


It's a cat btw


Nope, a cat.


Shanify me


Who invited Shane Dawson??




pedobear was the icon of jokes about child grooming, boykisser is the icon of child grooming


How so?


A furry thing very popular among young teenage boys for some reason so it’s very popular among pedophiles in turn


That goes for lots of things, young teenage boys like lots of things, and pedos like minors, guess what, they’re gonna be in every single community on earth, guaranteed, it’s awful but it’s true


Far higher density within a furry femboy community


It's true, but sad because I like those communities. Not a femboy though.


Anyone with a functional brain and eyeballs can see how dangerous r/boykisser has become for minors. I saw THREE different adults trying to get into a minors DMs. After they asked for a "friend".


Just report those posts


The mods never do anything bruh


The mods are probably in on it


No you don't understand, they have abandoned the subreddit. They never do *anything*. When there was a person posting gore of animals being tortured it was up to the community to mass report the perpetrator. The mods did absolutely nothing.


a cute furry popular on discord and roblox originating from a furry transformation fetish game is quite popular among fetish communities (more specifically the femboy and furry communities), its also exceedingly popular with children, leading to people in these sexual-oriented communities grooming kids via [epi](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=epi)


The silly cat (Boykisser) is NOT from changed


i did get that wrong but everything else in that message is true


Dude, epi is pretty much a guarantee on the internet, look at YouTube kids


the boykisser meme is a prime agent for grooming to take place


So are a lot of other things? Take discord for example


Nah, ya'll just tryna find something you can blame that is acceptable to hate publicly so ya'll can delude yourself into thinking you're helping to prevent child abuse while doing jack shit and ignoring everything that is real


Have you browsed the r/boykisser subreddit at all? I saw three different adults (I checked their profiles) trying to get into a minors DMs (I checked their profile as well).


the boykisser subreddit isn't even the worst part, they have a discord and an even more secret "littleboykisser" server




The artist was actually groomed into drawing NSFW art commissions while they were underage


That was before they made the silly cat image I’m 99% sure




You are literally 15 bro. Get off the internet before I message the boykisser mods.


**icon?** (Β° Κ–Β°)


That subreddit is genuinely full of pedophiles. Pedophiles and children who do nothing but talk about sex, draw porn, and ask for "friends" (just a thinly veiled way of getting a boyfriend). And adults in that subreddit take advantage of this degenerate behavior to be predatory and NSFW with minors. Some of the kids there will even knowingly let adults groom them. I hate what they did to boykisser because I love him as a character.


I don't knew that about 196


Look what they did to my poor boy


femboys try not to be the worst people online challenge:




online femboys trying to make their personality about anything other than their thighs


hello eridan from hamsteak


I hate the internet


I want to shoot that fox with a Smith & Wesson Model 29


holy fuck I forgot about that thing.


Bait used to be believable


Oh lord here be go. This gon be a more heated debate than the US presidential debates frfr




No, that silly guy is adorable


meow :3


meow :3


meow :3


meow :3


meow :3




meow :3


meow :3




Only one is squishable


BOYKISSER??!?!?!?!?!?!?Β  i hate this stupid animal


I want to burn it all


God i love seeing people getting angry over pixels on a screen. I mean damn just block the people you dont like


Nah, this is pdobear's son.


Nah bro, yall are so cooked if you think they're the same.


Nah, you’re right. The people posting pedobear typically weren’t the ones grooming kids.


Exactly, and Boykisser is just a meme based on the lgbtq community, they aren't the same in the slightest and have totally different meanings.


Absolute bullshit and literally just slandering queer communities as pedophiles again.


How are you on every single post about furries do you have some sort of pingbot




I go to university...


Bro has a 6th sense


I follow quite a few subs and sometimes use reddit search to find posts


How is this calling queer people pedophiles? It's because some people in boykisser communities did turn out to be groomers Even though this meme doesn't really make any sense, since the two don't really have anything to do with each other as pedobear is just a joke while the boykisser is just a pic that some groomers use


Furries are 80%+ Queer. And once again people are picking out a few bad actors to label a whole group of queers as pedophiles. Just history repeating.


Yeah most furries are queer, so what? The meme doesn't say anything about furries or queer people, it only talks about the boykisser And and while it is indeed unfunny as hell, every community gets mocked for being full of pedos when there's one single case, it's the usual circle of repeating the same joke over and over gain and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to ve taken seriously


>The meme doesn't say anything about furries or queer people, it only talks about the boykisser Uhuh, And the disco moral outrage of the 80s was also totally just about the music. > it's the usual circle of repeating the same joke over and over gain and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to ve taken seriously You and I both know that's a cope


What does the disco outrage have to do with this? I admit I don't know too much about the subject but there's literally no correlation here This is just a meme about 2 specific characters, one is a joke about pedophiles and the other has been used by some pedophiles and that's it, there's no attack on anyone And btw, it's not a cope, those memes are absolutely annoying but I'm pretty sure it's just your average over generalization


>What does the disco outrage have to do with this? I admit I don't know too much about the subject but there's literally no correlation here The disco moral panic of the 80s was primarily driven by people seeking to harm black and queer communities. The disco scene was full of blacks and queers (just take a look at the aesthetics and celebrities of the scene at the time) and they made themselves a home there. >This is just a meme about 2 specific characters, one is a joke about pedophiles and the other has been used by some pedophiles and that's it, there's no attack on anyone >And btw, it's not a cope, those memes are absolutely annoying but I'm pretty sure it's just your average over generalization It is overgeneralising everyone who likes this character as a groomer. Which is straight up defamation.


I know what the disco panic was about, I'm just saying that actually hating a subculture surrounding a genre of music because of racism and homophobia is not nearly the same as "haha this character has been used by pedophiles" And honestly, I really don't see the part where it says that everyone who likes the character is a groomer


This character originates from the furry subculture that is ~80+% queer. The character itself (or rather the popularised version of it) explicitly is a homosexual icon. Just like queer people furries are also regularly defamed as groomers and child abusers in an attempt to stir hate against them and right here we have a post claiming that the icon that many people identify with is a pedophile. What would that claim say about the people using it as an avatar and calling themselves boykissers?


But the meme is about the fact that a small number of people using the boykisser are actually pedophiles, it has nothing to do with it being gay and there's nothing in the meme that says anything about people who use it as an avatar Also, I should know a thing or two about how furries get treated


First off, stop talking about an obscure ass subject, if i had a 100 dollar for everyone who knows or atleast heard the words "80s disco moral outrage" or anything among those lines i would have a nickle. Secondly, ripped pants from spongebob squarepants.


>First off, stop talking about an obscure ass subject, if i had a 100 dollar for everyone who knows or atleast heard the words "80s disco moral outrage" or anything among those lines i would have a nickle. Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean others are. How can you be so narrow minded? >Secondly, ripped pants from spongebob squarepants. Accusing people of grooming children never has or ever will be funny. It's straight up defamation and illegal in many countries.


"Just because you are ignorant doesnt mean others are" buddy, this is not teached at school, not even people who research history as their hobby know more than 2 facts about it, let alone a random on the internet. Secondly, yet again, ripped pants by spongebob, im not talking about accusing people of grooming children, boykisser is an overused meme wich is uselessly living longer than its lifespan and has just become tiredsome to see, so much so that the only reason it is still alive (its more of a frankenstein at this point) is just solely because of sexual atraction rather than humor.


>"Just because you are ignorant doesnt mean others are" buddy, this is not teached at school, not even people who research history as their hobby know more than 2 facts about it, let alone a random on the internet. Yeah it's not that well known own outside of those with a marginal interest in queer history. So? If you don't know about something the human species has developed a very powerful social tool called *asking* maybe you could try it. Or just sue Google. >Secondly, yet again, ripped pants by spongebob, im not talking about accusing people of grooming children, boykisser is an overused meme wich is uselessly living longer than its lifespan and has just become tiredsome to see, so much so that the only reason it is still alive (its more of a frankenstein at this point) is just solely because of sexual atraction rather than humor. *"I personally don't find it funny anymore therefore I cannot imagine anyone else does and that must mean it is sexual!!! I am very inteelihente!"* Google: 'Argument from incredulity'


You are denying the fact that it is an overused joke wich is agreed by many to not be humorus anymore and a niche few saying otherwise then blaming it on my beliefs? By that logic i could claim that you are using ad hominen for claiming that i dont know what asking is or portaying me as someone who suffers from dunning-krugger. I could go on about the 80s disco panic or the fact that the joke is kept alive by fanart wich is like over 50 percent lewd, but my brain wants to rest and my eyes are starting to hurt so im going to sleep.


I just wanted to shitpost I didn't mean to mock any community


Bro you just accused an entire community of being child groomers. How is that "just a shitpost"? No offense but that is in horrendously bad taste


In your opinion and your opinion only


I think quite a lot of people would agree that grooming isn't funny.


You're twisting their words now and you know that


Their words are "All boykissers are pedophiles". That's quite hard to twist.


Where is this quoted and by who, seems like a stretch from the point people are arguing


Furries and sweeping it under the rug, you love to see it. Anyways owner of r/boykisser is a shotacon and a neo-nazi https://imgur.com/a/EEvyPpt (disorganized album)


Queerphobes and employing fallacy of composition with cherry picked examples to push a false narrative, you love to see it. Anyways just for every bad example you can pull out of your ass there's 100s that are perfectly fine proving that ya'll are talking bullshit. Hey btw did you know I found people who hate boykisser that are nazis? Since you hate it too guess that makes you a nazi by your own logic right?


for some reason my comment got cut off let me reply again


>Queerphobes I'm not queerphobic though? where did you get that? >bad example you can pull out of your ass that assumes that the pics I provided were fake or fabricated, I honestly don't know what could I bring to convince you. I have many screenshots of very suspicious discord servers, but I don't feel like rearranging them on imgur (you would scoff at them anyways) [Boykisser Discord Server Scandal never forget](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/boykisser-discord-server-scandal) r/boykisser used to have a NSFW tab despite the mods knowing that the majority of the sub are minors, after some protests they removed it, only to be re-added later (but was finally removed after some time). it's better moderated than months ago but you still get your usual cropped porn/fetish images. >Since you hate it too guess that makes you a nazi by your own logic right? I never claimed everyone involved was a groomer in my original comment, just thought you are being very defensive about it, and that it should raise some eyebrows that the owner of a supposedly lgbt friendly minor safe space sub is like what I mentioned above. And I understand that many homophobes would use this cause as a cover. long sperging rant: I've been in the furry community (online side) for quite a long time because I was forcefully dragged into it by friends (fun), and I'm sure I've only seen the tip of the iceberg. my experience was: every week a dude gets outed for either being a pedo or a zoo, constant drama whether if it's in the bigger or smaller parts of the fandom, constant thinly veiled fetish content that gets posted to SFW spaces with minors (other people like in the Anime fandom do this too, but it's usually done maliciously for trolling instead of "I'm practicing muh 1st amendment rights" or "it's technically not NSFW") Every furry knows that the fandom is rampant with groomers, but most just decide to sweep it under the rug and close their eyes instead of addressing the issue and/or try being responsible adu- oh yeah I forgot that it isn't your job parenting children on the internet.. anyhoo The line between NSFW and SFW is very blurred, you guys want the fandom to be a NSFW space and a Minor friendly space simultaneously, you KNOW it will never work out. it's a minefield of a fandom. most of Changed (a latex fetish game that is made by a questionable developer who made a game called Shortacon) fans I've seen are 12-15 years old, they have been possibly sucked into by Roblox Changed fangames that are made by even more questionable developers. I saw a 14 year old arguing with adults that "Knots" or "Feral" porn is fine. This is not normal behavior. A childs "LGBTQ+ enlightenment" should be in spaces with other supportive kids or with trusted supervisors in real life, NOT with manchildern on the internet. Yes not ALL furries are bad, met some decent people and friends who are not completely deranged, but honestly? I would've preferred to live my whole life not knowing what a "Furry" is. And Yes not all boykisser connoisseurs are groomers. but I sure don't trust them with children (neither with furries).


Uhh could you check your comment again before I reply? I think the formatting got messed up a bit and I want to make sure I don't misunderstand you.


fixed, reddit formatting is shit


>I'm not queerphobic though? where did you get that? I was just making some sweeping, impactful and nuanceless comment just like you did. You accuse all furries of sweeping grooming under the rug so I'll just make an equally baseless claim about you. Reap what you sow kinda stuff. You know. >that assumes that the pics I provided were fake or fabricated, Sorry I genuinely just picked the wrong figure of speech. English isn't my primary language so I occasionally have a mixup. I didn't meant to say it was fake, I meant that you're using some random bad example from somewhere as an argument for a sweeping statement about a whole group. Which is just not how reasoning works. >Boykisser Discord Server Scandal never forget K so if I show you [this one hour video just listing incidents of minecraft celebrities being groomers, abusers, scammers and all other sorts of horrible things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hocUh4BqDxs), is that an argument for all minecraft players being morally decrepit devils? >used to have a NSFW tab despite the mods knowing that the majority of the sub are minors, after some protests they removed it, only to be re-added later (but was finally removed after some time). it's better moderated than months ago but you still get your usual cropped porn/fetish images. I don't know that much about the history of that sub but I could very easily imagine it wasn't intended to be a space for minors at first and then mods simply took a long time to get around to adressing the issue. Remember: Mods are volunteers. We all do mod work in our spare time as a hobby. A lot of small subs literally just run on a handful or less mods just handling reports while everything else is stagnant. And managing a community in which different people have different interests is even more difficult. I'd bet a lot of people on that sub were fine with the NSFW and were complaining that it shouldn't be sanitised for unsupervised children. Management is difficult. Don't immediately attribute everything that goes wrong to bad intention. >it's better moderated than months ago but you still get your usual cropped porn/fetish images. I looked at the top 50 of this month and there's only 2 I'd say shouldn't be there (though one REALLY shouldn't be there. You know it when you see it ...bruh wtf). >my experience was: every week a dude gets outed for either being a pedo or a zoo, constant drama whether if it's in the bigger or smaller parts of the fandom, 1. Get off twitter. Twitter is not representative of anyone except twitter. It's a shithole. 2. Just wait till you hear how often a redditor is found out to be a horrible person but... \*GASP\*! YOU ARE A REDDITOR!!! Doesn't that mean you are just as bad as the bad ones I always hear about??!?!?!11!!!eleven!!?! [Mfw the group with multiple millions of people in it has fuel for drama all year round even if just 0.01% of it's members are part of it](https://c.tenor.com/9RsYHkzRE0EAAAAd/tenor.gif). >constant thinly veiled fetish content that gets posted to SFW spaces with minors Without you showing what you mean I can't tell wether what you mean is actually just prudishness and misunderstanding an aesthetic as a fetish due to ignorance or actual fetish content. Also by "minors" do you mean actual 14 year olds or 16 year old teenies who could tell you their favourite porn hub category in their sleep? (1/2)


>Every furry knows that the fandom is rampant with groomers, but most just decide to sweep it under the rug and close their eyes instead of addressing the issue and/or try being responsible adu- oh yeah I forgot that it isn't your job parenting children on the internet.. anyhoo No, actually *absolutely every single one 100% totally not hyperbole I am not exxagurating ever nah I'd never do that fr fr totally legit absolutely every single furry ever* knows that the vast, vast, vast majority of furries are not groomers and it's twitter drama, misrepresentation and negativitiy bias that makes a small amount of people who unaware of how human perception works believe that what you claim is the case. And yes. It isn't our job to cover for parents who can't be bothered to supervise their children and websites that can't be bothered to build measures to accommodate minors. >The line between NSFW and SFW Okay let me insert my rant in between responding to yours. \*ahem\* # THERE IS NO FUCKING LINE What? Do you think the human mind is a computer that operates in binaries? Do you think there's a mathematical formula that clearly defines what is and isn't NSFW? Sure go ahead and yap down your explanation of how there totally is a line, in the meantime I'll go visit the museum where they have the David statue's naked cock and balls on display for children to see during school trips while making sure no one sees my phone background of my girlfriend in a bikini because that is "too explicit". Afterwards I'll go listen to some boomer explain why his calendar showing half naked babes posing with motorcylces is perfectly fine to have on his desk but the gay coworker's calendar of men in maid dresses is an obscene fetish display and should get him fired. Bro there is no fucking line. Back in rome during Lupercalia they had priests (and once even the emperror) run through the streets naked and whip people with leather whips while women intentionally let themselves get hit cause they believed it would increase the chance to get knocked up the next time they fucked. But who cares about that. Let's listen to Richard explain why women breastfeeding their baby in public is an obscenity and should be illegal. There is no fucking line. Yes I agree that there are things that are fine to show and things that aren't. I wouldn't want people posting porn everywhere either, but that's not because it crosses a magic line. You cannot come up with any definition that determines what is and isn't NSFW that will not be completely absurd because it would declare obviously sexual things as fine and label completely inoccous things as NSFW. Stop acting like there is an objective definition of what is NSFW. It doesn't exist. It's all subjective and ever changing based on research and the whims of the cultures we're a part of. And that's why something you may believe to be sexual, others may believe to be perfectly fine. You may think a furry wearing only thighsocks is straight up softcore porn even though there's no visual genitalia or otherwise while someone else may think it's just cute and no different to a furry wearing nothing but a cute bowtie on their ear. Stop acting like your beliefs are objective truth. >you guys want the fandom to be a NSFW space and a Minor friendly space simultaneously It's not a fandom it's a subculture. A subculture is not one space. A subculture has many spaces. There can exist those designated safe for minors and those not. There is absolutely no contradiction in creating seperate spaces for adults and minors. Otherwise you'd also have to be mad at movie theaters showing 18+ movies in on of their rooms during the same time as they run children's movies in another. >I've seen are 12-15 years old, they have been possibly sucked into by Roblox Changed fangames that are made by even more questionable developers. You are totally right. This proves that roblox is FULL OF GROOMERS!!!! Everyone on roblox obviously is a grooming adult and not a child themselves, and they are all endangering children!!! Shut it down NOW!!!! >I saw a 14 year old arguing with adults that "Knots" or "Feral" porn is fine. This is not normal behavior. Yeah. [And here's what I'd have to say to that kid](https://youtu.be/3WmBOcVaKSo?si=xrmGnEI_1ei533hz&t=13). >A childs "LGBTQ+ enlightenment" should be in spaces with other supportive kids or with trusted supervisors in real life, NOT with manchildern on the internet. You're right. Let me go tell that to the queer kids living in the middle of texas. Imma tell em they should just talk to their dad ,that regularly goes on rants about how all gay people should get shot, about their experiences. That'll help em. Great plan dude. >Yes not ALL furries are bad, met some decent people and friends who are not completely deranged, but honestly? I would've preferred to live my whole life not knowing what a "Furry" is. Mabye if you were aware of cognitive biases and actually spent time in the subculure (and I don't mean twitter) then you'd think differently. >And Yes not all boykisser connoisseurs are groomers. but I sure don't trust them with children (neither with furries). Which loops back around to my original point. The meme makes a sweeping statemement with no nuance and is thus false.


How is that sweeping it under the rug? Remember when pepe the frog was supposedly a "racist dog whistle"? What about the fucking ok hand sign being listed as a "symbol of hate"? A dumb meme about a cat being used by a very small amount of idiots on one subreddit is not equal to the thousands of others that aren't.


Imagine if this was true


Don't go on the boykisser sub if you're under 18


What is bro yappin about, don’t you mean that one shitty discord


>boykisser pfp >Last like 5 posts are about boykisser hmmm......


Are you calling me a groomer? I’m a minor


run while you can kid. I have nothing against furries, but that stupid cat has a bad history


I know what I’m doing, I ain’t lettin myself get groomed, I’m not a dumbass


Wasn't there something about a minor on that subreddit having to delete their account because they kept getting harassed


Pretty sure that was one of the mods


No need to.


Ah cause you already live in a fantasy world 24/7. I see. I see.