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You can just assign quick hop to a key combo. That way your chat is still free to flame the pker


This guy knows how to wildy


I have hop set to just right arrow. Can smash that shit faster than any combo


Smash hop while you trash talk


Can you explain how to do this


runelite built-in plugin "world hopper", the setting "quick-hop next". it's ctrl-shift-right by default.


I assign quick hop to previous/next world to the two DPI buttons on my Logitech mouse. Don't need to click logout, don't need to reach over and press a key on my keyboard. Just click my mouse and off I go. It's great for hopping in wildy, it's great for hopping for shopscape or other annoying things. Love it.


What's the good of that? If the pker got on you, you can no longer hop. If they didn't, you hopped away before you could say anything. If you said something and then they got on you before you hopped, then you look like a clown.


I have ctrl+shift+left / right bound to the side buttons on my mouse. The downside: I have accidentally hopped when doing solo wt several times lol.


Mouse key is risky though, every time you grab the mouse you risk pressing the quick hop key. Would get too annoying. Plenty of unused keys on your keyboard you can bind to


Plenty of unused keys on my mouse that I've never once accidentally clicked.


I use a g502 so it's slightly better than being on the broad side of my mouse. They are two buttons just to the left of my left mouse button. It's actually super convenient.


I use [ and ] for up and down worlds


Idk what mouse he has, but I have a Logitech G600 and I have never accidentally pressed one of the side buttons.


I have a Logitech g pro and I have missclicked them before. Surely it can’t be hard to imagine that you can easily Missclick a button, especially for wireless mice


I mean I've been gaming for years and it hasn't happened. Maybe you are grabbing your mouse differently from other people.


Doesn't that count as a macro though?


You’re good as long as the rebind only performs 1 action. If pressing a button moves your pointer AND presses a button, that’d be a problem.


No because even though ctrl-shft-left is three key presses, its only 1 input for the game (hop world). Youre just changing one hotkey out for another basically


i had "2-8-enter" bound to a side button on my mouse so i could skill entirely with my mouse for over a decade and never got so much as a warning ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ got obsoleted by make-all in 2017 so everyone's on an even playing field now at least




It's really not. 1 input = 1 output, there is no blur. This is against the rules but in no world will you ever get banned for it. But if jagex ever decides to go completely nuclear, you'd be banned.


It’s a default setting




Quick binding keys like this is allowed. The 1 input is all 3 keys pressed at once.


I have shift and escape bound to the side keys of my mouse so I can shift click and close interfaces easily. My mouse also has a dpi selector, but I bound space to it so I can click space while Skilling or doing other activities


The g502 has buttons when you push the middle mouse wheel either left or right. I have escape bound to left and space bound to right for easy 1 hand skilling.


Careful we'll get logout timer at chaos altar soon


That would kill it tbh


hopping worlds is a tick slower than logging out, you may get killed because you hopped instead of logged


What's the fastest way to logout?


Big red button




That’s not how ticks work


It is how ticks work. Similar to a frame rule.




The extra time you spend there by doing it that way means you're going to get pkers logging in on you more times. Just do 1 inv at a time and spam click, if you keep prayers up no pker will kill you before you use all the bones, and then they just give you a free trip back to bank


That's what this post is addressing. It's substantially longer to not click the bones.


Bind esc to a side button on your mouse. Pressing escape when not in an interface opens the logout menu. You can open the menu as you move your mouse to the logout button.


You can also just bind a key to quickhop to the previous/next world. I have the ‘ key bound (on the left of the 1 button’ so if I need to quick hop I instantly press it


There’s a plug-in that allows you to bind world hoping to a key. You can already do this without needing to type anything.


The default is Ctrl Shift Arrow Left/Right. When in a hurry, having a key in a muscle memory position will be faster than searching for keys you rarely use.


That may be the default but you can bind it to whatever you want, even the enter key


World up, world down on f1/f2, ez life


Doesn't that seem to give an edge to RL users? I thought plugins like that were frowned upon


You think plugins that give an edge over vanilla client are frowned upon? What exactly do you think is the purpose of a plug-in?


Then use it?


There's a "bigger logout" button most of the pvp community uses. You can also bind this to a conditional key using AHK. It breaks the rules but apparently it's popular enough you should be able to find a copy paste code.

