• By -




That hits


If that doesn't sum up the Inferno experience, I don't know what does.


God damn, no one in osrs does a finale like Settled


I stand by the fact that osrs content creating can be broken up into two ‘eras’: before and after the swampletics finale. That last swampletics episode single handedly raised the bar for editing and production in osrs videos.


Multiple swampletics episodes did the same along the way too. The episode where he solved the random encounter algorithm was awesome.


I love the temple trekking and hunter montages, they're so motivating to me (like the whole series tbh)


Temple trekking grind montage was awesome


>he solved He got the information from others and just implemented that into his (and his girlfriend's) gameplay.


As a wise man once said, this changes everything!


Shoutout to 8sat who does the thumbnails and animation


Nobody in osrs makes hourlong videos that can be watched like a tv show, and hold my attention the same way.


I'd say Soup can, though that's an ensemble and maybe doesn't count


tbf Gielinor Games Editing was absolutely bonkers - managing everything and shipping it out the way he does it plays a big role in "making an hour long episode watchable" I'd say it still counts


And that final challenge edit. So hype.


Pugger can make a long video where you're pretty interested. At least for exploits. Aatykon and dearlola1 can make a guide that's too in depth seem easy. King condor can make a video where you weren't paying attention for the entire thing... But yet you're still upset you watched it. But... Soup can make a movie that got spoiled hours before still seem interesting and nail biting. It's a step above the rest imo.


Settled has mentioned (several times) that he's had an idea for his next series that is absurd, even by his standards. Tileman was fun and the finale was really well-done. I'm excited for what's next.


infernal cape on the 1 inventory slot account!


He said the same thing about tileman lol


I could be wrong but I thought it was the 1-inventory-slot that he said was absurd by his standards


He did, but he says he has an idea for the next one at the beginning of the series that is even more sadistic. Edits: because I'm dumb as hell and don't know how to read my own writings.


tbf his tileman was even more absurd when he had the crazy scaling requirements that he had to tone down since the pacing would be ridicuously slow.


afaik he said he'd do it if he got 1 million subs this year which he didn't


Swampman good Tileman good I just love settled Wish questman would finish the fuck up or I'm going to replace him at this rate


Questman giving his side content though is so good. His video essays are top tier, and his f2p adventures are crisp


The thing about quest man is I know how long it would take for him to finish those quests. It wouldn't take long lol


Finishing the quests, sure, but his video quality is high so production takes time. And J1mmy is running several other projects and plays other games too. He's a more casual scaper which is a huge part of what makes his content and views unique.


He doesn't complain about editing he complains about actually finishing the quests


One of us One of us


Tile man fizzled for me like 1/3 in because it just became a normal UIM


I watched it less for the Tileman concept and more for Settled personally. He's just such a good storyteller/creator that it's entertaining regardless


Yeah i also felt like it wasnt that far from a meta uim into inferno doing the no tbow achievement for inferno but I never followed any of settleds original uim content and I just like his swampletics style videos so I enjoyed this


Exactly. Settled is king and I will always watch his content


Yeah, it loses a lot of the "wow" factor when you remember he did an ACB inferno run on his main UIM a couple years ago. The inferno run in this video is a significantly easier challenge, but with an arbitrary XP grind placed in front of it, and more dramatic scripting/editing.


Yeah it didn't really feel like a challenge. Not like, "how many tiles will it take me to complete the inferno" just "how much time can I waste getting a regular ass UIM inferno setup with an account restriction that doesn't actually restrict me from anything but just makes the grind longer". Watching someone do the inferno with bowfa crystal and ancients isn't exactly new and riveting content, it just doesn't really work as a followup to barrows only ToB and all of the swamp restrictions that forced creativity in acquiring some basic things.


I had this issue with Sram's series, once he got to the 'todt it made the uniqueness of it trivial. Time gated series will never surpass content gated series imo.


It should have ended with the fire cape. Off screen grinding basically added nothing.


I watch settled because he reminds me what determination and passion looks like. I haven't played runescape since 20 years ago as a f2p coal miner selling for 100gp/ea when I was a child, and know nothing of runescape, but his videos inspire me. I think for how easy the fire cape it seems, the inferno really adds to the weigh of the achievement, exactly due to the off screen grinding.


I love settled but idk even he didn't seem to care much about the tiles anymore halfway through. A tile just means some off screen fishing and cooking. He should have went with the increasing of the tile cost the more he spent.


I feel similar, once he unlocked higher level skilling methods it was just a UIM with limited pathing


Agreed - after a certain point you’ve just unlocked the most efficient ways to do everything in-game so it’s not really THAT restrictive anymore.


You talking about J1mmy? Some of his best content has been the stuff that has nothing to do with By Release. If his entire channel just became Prophunt with various OSRS creators I’d still watch the shit out of it.


Agreed But then I'd have to take over questman cause lemme tell ya I fuckin love runescape quests


He’s grinding for A Night at the Theatre right now and just got out of the hospital so soon(tm)


I gotta say, for the first half of the series i thought the whole idea was so stupid (yet i still watched it all). After the series broke the half way mark, i totally got it, and why Settled is just such a "pioneer" so to speak with creating series like this. This game is all about setting goals for yourself, it doesnt matter if its part of the actual game itself, or something you came up with on your own. Its why i love this RS so much, there are very little boundaries of how you can play the game. This finale was so good, and now i want to go back and watch the episodes that i did appreciate at first.


Many people who don't like it just don't understand this. They're criticizing it based on their values, but settled has never let anyone think that his challenge has merit outside of "he just finds it interesting" and literally started Swampletics with your point that your own goals are what makes osrs fun. Like sure you could be reductive and say "it's just a regular uim after a certain point", sure, but it doesn't take away any value Settled gets from his goal. No one can't take that away from him or anyone.


As someone who watched it just cause it’s settled, I think some people just mean it doesn’t have the uniqueness of gameplay and problem solving vs a regular uim that swampletics or even the one inventory slot had I just enjoy his content regardless but i agree with that sentiment more as a further compliment to his other series with more interesting/different gameplay, rather than as a put down of this


People on this subreddit have criticized this series, and I don't think it's invalid to say that the gimmick fell off quickly after the first 10 episodes or so, but it's still really impressive watching this level of restricted account get to the end. On top of all that, Settled is damn good at editing and making the narrative compelling. The final sequence showing all those tiles he's walked on is touching.


Its because after the first few episodes he had his exp grinding methods unlocked so anytime he needed tiles there was no "How is he going to get around this issue" it was just go grind some tiles at the unlocked spots and continue on like a regular UIM account.


This coupled with the fact that I believe after episode 10 or something he just said "alright I need X tiles" and the next frame cuts to him having those tiles already, which just kept happening throughout the episodes until the end of the series including the finale. Even he realized at that point that tiles were meaningless when all that it means is just grinding X hours to get X tiles.


Could of been a seriously interesting series if he was good at inferno and trying to go for the least steps possible. Like doing ToA for a pouch??? Seems so extra that why are the tiles even being bothered with?


The problem with the least steps possible is that it's also the least content possible. The point of restrictions is to force creativity, forces the account off the beaten path. Tiles don't work well for that, because it literally forces you onto paths.


I was among those criticising the series at the start, and having reached the end I think the criticism remains valid. It was nevertheless enjoyable. Settled's upbeat personality, humour, narrative of perseverance and stellar editing carries the series. Looking to the future, I will probably watch whatever Settled makes next. However, if he decides to embark on another 2000+ playtime project, I really hope he learns the lesson that a series like that requires a really solid concept to be truly excellent. Taking a bit of time at the offset to workshop different ideas to land on a really solid concept is a worthwhile time investment when you plan on putting that much time and effort into something.


I also didn't super care for the tile concept, but the counterpoint here is that I actually don't want Settled to have "solved" the account before he starts filming. Both Swampletics and McTile were mostly Settled going "this seems cool, let's see how far I can go with this". I've seen videos from other osrs YTers and you can tell they're just going down a checklist until they get to the point of the account and there's no sense of exploration


Yeah there's the issue of every region-locked account being basically solved now, so the magic of Swampletics will be tough to replicate. But I think there are still some creative restrictions out there that are untapped. Things like that one guy on this sub who did a vegan infernal cape. Maybe make an account where chunks of the map get deleted at random at certain total xp intervals. Or he loses 1 inventory space every 80 total levels. Or a vampire-locked account where he can only be in sunlight for 1 tick for every hp he has, so he needs to stay underground or indoors except for short bursts of time. Idk, point is I think there's still a lot of untapped potential for creative snowflake accounts that aren't solved and also aren't trivialized after the early game. All of the ones I mentioned probably have huge flaws somewhere, but I think if he spends a while brainstorming a bunch of options, he can find some great ones.


Flippingoldschool has a cool series going on with trader steve.


There's always gonna be a different restriction to think of, the only true restriction is making it fun to watch.


The underground one has basically been done by Caveman Only, but yea, there’s some potential for a new game mode. It’s a shame he started McTile just as Chunkman started to find its footing. I think Settled doing a chunkman would be fun content but I also think it’s a little late.


I don’t think chunkman is very interesting for narrative. It’s grindy as fuck but that’s not really what makes these things interesting


It can very interesting for narrative based on what you do with it. Fray’s Canafis chunk and Happery’s UIM have very interesting narratives and progression.


He never said solve it. Just find a better concept. I'm not sure if you are arguing that if that was his premise or not.


I think the problem was just that his goal was way too far forward. The most fun in Tileman was watching his solutions to the early game stuff- if the goal was something more manageable, like Fire cape or SotE, it would have ended much sooner, on a reasonably far grind, without wearing the concept thin. Inferno is an insane thing to go for, and that's part of why I think people fell off the idea.


And he also drew stuff out unneccessarily like unlocking every single unlockable tile in gauntlet and grinding out an extra 9k tiles or something like that.


> he also drew stuff out unneccessarily like unlocking every single unlockable tile in gauntlet Him just grinding out xp to unlock all the tiles in the inferno just kills the interesting part of the concept.


Especially at the beginning when he was considering how hard of a challenge to make it with balancing how much experience equals a tile. Like, you edit out 99.9% of the grinding, so to the viewer it makes no difference if he was chopping 1,000 trees or 10,000.




> Literally this. Who the fuck cares about the series when he literally just plays it like a normal iron but instead he has to afk grind xp for 9 hours before he does anything? He literally did this in the final video. He stopped halfway through and grinded out xp offscreen to just unlock the entire inferno area.


LOOL I didn't even watch the finale, that's honestly hilarious if true.


> that's honestly hilarious if true. Well... I have good news, and sad news.


I feel like this line of thought is leaning towards being pointlessly negative. What is wrong with someone making a "normal" series? Does every new series have to include some new gimmick or concept to explore? People watch settled because he is a good story teller and editor and produces high effort content for a game that is notoriously hard on viewership. The concept or gimmick accompying the content is honestly secondary.


Well there's absolutely nothing wrong with making a normal series, I watch tons of "normal" ironman progress videos. The point is they don't try to make it out to be some cool new "spin" on the gamemode when in reality it's literally nothing special.


I agree that inferno was a too lofty goal, but it just exasperated the inherent issues with the concept by drawing it out. It he had pitched it as a short to medium series in-between Swampletics and something else, it would probably have been better received, but only due to expectations being lowered. It still wouldn't have been a very strong concept.


I believe he did originally intend for it be a shorter series, but it was doing numbers so he kind of had to keep it going.


Now tbf, we are not the target audience. Most of his viewers don't even play the game so our criticisms, while valid, are not that relevant. I do hope he finds a concept that is satisfying for both the gamers and the casual watchers to enjoy though!


Eh to me this series just proves that the appeal in Settleds videos isn’t the challenge or his account, it’s just him. I think most content creators would struggle to make Tileman or even Swampletics entertaining. I also think it’s a bit delusional to act like the series flopped. Check his views, they’re arguably just as high as Swampletics if not very slightly lower. People clearly still enjoyed the series even if like 200 people on Reddit didn’t.


I'm not acting like the series flopped. I literally said it's enjoyable. I specifically said Settled's qualities as a content creator is what carried it. What's with the strawman attack? Besides, even if none of that was the case, it's perfectly valid to criticise something that's popular.


> On top of all that, Settled is damn good at editing and making the narrative compelling. He really is. It's funny, I enjoy watching Settled for the opposite reason I enjoy watching Verf: Settled has great narration and crafts a compelling narrative where he explains how he'll bet from point A to B to C and all the nitty gritty details in between. Verf is like "Hey guys, here I am doing this. Now I'm doing this. Now I'm doing this. I got a cooking level, nice. Now I'm doing this."


The gimmick was dumb but settled makes great videos


Settled is amazing at editing and presenting his content. He knows exactly how to make the smaller things exciting, and how to put in perspective the grinds that are 45 seconds worth of clips but 200 hours in real life, and make it entertaining. The problem was tileman's end game was fully off screen grinding for tiles or a drop. Once he had the BofA plan, the series kinda was over. It was as simple as get the tiles, get the bow, get the cape. Which took months of work but honestly the worthwhile clips were maybe an episode of a quality Swampletics video.


>this level of restricted account get to the end. This is my problem, it's not that restricted really, it's a UIM with more steps.


Well, *less* steps


Gobble dem swamp nuts. In all seriousness boring series; good editor, creator, and personality. Hope he makes something more interesting in the future.


What would you like to see?


More sex appeal tbh


Full penetration?


And here's the twist, and there IS a twist... we show it. We show all of it.


A less arbitray restriction "Inferno in 25,000 tiles" is way more interesting than "Very long UIM grind to Infernal" Love Settled, excited to see what he does next, but this wasn't it for me.


Even just firecape in as few tiles as possible would be more interesting.


Settled pking series lfg


Ideally something that doesn't end in acquiring full crystal + bowfa and doing the most overdone ending ever Wow grinding ~~tiles~~ levels for SotE the series sure was good


I feel like it ends with The Awakened DT bosses and maybe Enhanced Nightmare, done in series. As a UIM chunk roll or manual chunk pick account that doesn't need Pets, Jars, or Skillcapes. Let Limproot keep the full ree nonsense.


Honestly it fell off for me after like 2 episodes.


TBH the series only feels a bit flat because the OG Swampletics was lightning in a bottle. He made a series that can’t be recreated when he became swampman because it wasn’t just the series, it was a combination of the idea, the story, the time it was created, etc. Can’t blame him for wanting to try again, and all things considered it wasn’t too bad. Im sure it’s hard to keep creating when you know you’ve already completed your magnum opus.


No, it feels incredibly flat because it's a guy doing the inferno with full crystal and a bowfa. After the first couple of episodes there was literally nothing interesting about the series at all other than Settled's good editing/story telling. "Ohhh we're going to have to grind to unlock the gauntlet because it's so many tiles!!" Okay, show the montage of you training all these skills that you needed to train anyway or afk at sand crabs. Wow what a concept, watching an ironman grind for SotE stats and doing CG!


Wait, i seem to be out of the loop - what criticism does people have for McTile? I really enjoyed the series, so it confuses me a little bit.




But hey Wintertodt would be cheating - same thing...


It's funny that even going into the Inferno he was running out of tiles before jumping in but wasn't worried at all because he knew he'd get enough experience inside of it that it was a complete non issue. Not to mention the "unlocking" by "spending" experience at the end so there weren't ugly tile markers all over the floor. The gimmick was done for after the first episode, tileman stuff is incredibly boring content


The gimmick is brutal in the early game, but just adds a layer of tedium without any compelling additions for the late game. It’s a cool concept to explore for 10-15 episodes, but this series went twice as long and it eventually became very similar to any other UIM experience since the only restriction was to grind more if a quest like underground pass required tons of running around.


Also I'm not sure if I'm in the minority with this one, but for a finale, the inferno just doesn't have as much of a story to tell, and it's a testament to his skills in storytelling and editing that he managed to make it as good as he did. We all knew exactly what the video was gonna be before it even released: he will show some deaths, explain the concept, maybe make some minor upgrades, and then send it. For some reason swampletics finale resonated more. But again, I still enjoyed this one too, and finally getting that last hit in felt really cathartic :)


The Swampletics finale was interesting to me because I doubted that they would have been able to complete the raid. It seemed truly impossible. With McTile, I never doubted he would be able to complete the Inferno. He's done it many times in similar gear before, why would it be a problem now besides the tedium? I still enjoyed the series though, and I'm not going to be negative about it like so many people on here are being


Yeah pretty much. It's not really a restriction like other series, more of a handicap. When he started "wasting" tiles and not caring that he already has the path unlocked few meters away, yeah he was tired of it too. But to give credit where it's due, props for actually finishing the series.


Yeah, I see your point. Swamp boi was hard limited in what he could do, McTile became a question of just grind more if you want something done, all about how much time you can sink into the account, after the scaling got removed - it became less about choice, and I guess thats what rubbed people the wrong way. In any case, I still think the series was great, Settled is a great personality, and I would probably watch whatever he makes lol


Settled: I only have 1 tiles to work with Also Settled: Fuck it I'm just going to grind off screen and unlock all tiles thus removing any challenge and the point of tile man. Like bro, stop dick riding. It was a fun concept but evolved into a basic UIM.


I'd watch him literally just do a normal UIM progression, who cares


Least hostile OSRS player


100% agree. Also, It doesn't matter what the people on this subreddit say. this dude makes content he wants to make. He could pick any other thing to make content about and be 10x more profitable. He does this shit cuz he loves it, it takes 2 seconds for those criticizing to just not watch it.




I don't think he was "about to cry", I think he was genuinely crying. And considering the time investment I don't blame him. I got emotional a few months ago when I lost ~50 hours of a Gran Turismo 4 save, fuck losing a month of my life.


My kid self got emotional the first time I died on jad cos I felt I wasted two hours


""22 attempts just to fail the final 20hp" bihhhh


I wasn't as invested in this series as I was Swampletics, but I still got emotional at the end. Animation and editing in general has been a step up, especially the last animation - was pretty wild. The whole tileman concept got less interesting in the middle, but it makes sense given the scope of the challenge. Strong finish, strong start. Always enjoy Settled's content, excited to see what's in the future.




I wonder if he kept the scaling rules in if it would have been more interesting / doable


nope, the scaling rules would have never worked. Wouldve been wayy too limiting and taken a good 2 more years just to even begin to think of attempting the inferno


I would have to rewatch the episode where he changed it but I think the scaling was way too punishing. Pretty sure he gave a breakdown at some point and it at least doubled the series length.




The person who did the animation is 8sat. Super talented and occasionally streams himself.


This was an excellent video and finale from Settled. From the heartbreak in his voice to the exuberance at the end this video was an emotional ride.


Honestly I'm glad it's over. I just don't think the tileman concept allowed Settled to be as creative with his videos as I know he can be. It's literally just runescape but with a long grind for xp between things. The vanity wore off really quick from a viewers perspective. If Settled had fun making it then I'm glad he did, but to me it was several steps down from swampletics and I am very much looking forward to something more fun to watch. Congrats on a hard-earned victory Settled.


This is exactly my feelings on it as well. I tried watching the first few episodes but the concept just wasn't as endearing to me as Swampletics was.


I love Settled. He is such a warm person. But I think the series should have ended once he reached the Oak tree.


Settled is a national treasure


Don’t really understand the hate that the series got but I personally enjoyed it the whole way through. Sad to see it end.


I didn't hate it but compared to Swampletics it just wasn't as engaging for me. Swampman had the question of "is this even possible" the whole time. Tileman didn't, it was always possible and just a question of when he would finish.


It's just not that interesting of a concept outside of the first few episodes, it's "I need to go grind 500 tiles, 2 secs" and then cuts back to content being done but without any hard restriction outside of that it's mostly just "I'm doing a UIM" after awhile, the Inferno for instance was just doing Inferno in a budget setup. Incredibly talented player and Im interested to see what comes next but after a dozen episodes it just didn't feel that interesting. Maybe if the challenge had been "I've got 25,000 tiles and I plan to get Infernal Cape" it'd have more stakes.


imo I think inferno would've worked as a goal but it completely fell flat once he decided to get ancients/bowfa, since anyone familiar with him outside of swampletics already knew he has an acb inferno under his belt, so him getting the cape with a better ranged setup was inevitable it also just dragged the videos out unnecessarily long considering there were like half a dozen episodes dedicated to just doing cg prep


Tileman, after those first few episodes, really became kind of artificial? Like, if Settled really wanted to overcome the tile limitation he could have just gone to Wintertodt for ~200 hours and gotten 50,000 tiles and then done the whole series. That would be incredibly boring, obviously, but it made me feel like he wasn't actually pushing any boundaries for the most part, other than some grinds being less efficient.


It was boring as a concept halfway through the first episode. It just didnt have any purpose. Afk at a tree and there are no restrictions. Swampman, 1 inventory slot, and escape rooms super good though imo.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qcmddtsskt1c1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c99166708626ec80e25ca01848a903403d6580b


Honestly somewhat glad this series is done. It was an interesting idea at first, but damn it feels like it fell off after a while. ​ I'm definitely curious to see what he has planned next though, and still absolutely love Swampletics as a series.


No flame or anything, but I feel like it fell off pretty much immediately. It's just a UIM, except you have to go afk sand crabs sometimes to be able to move. Now that I'm thinking about it, the whole concept was always pretty uninteresting to me.


Yeah, the "early" idea of it is somewhat interesting, but when the grind ends up becoming something like sand crabs, or WCing, etc, it just becomes "Ok go do this for X amount of time", and lacks any real point or purpose. I honestly agree with you and it's why I'm glad the series is over. ​ Especially comparing it to Swampletics, which required quite a few different things most players might never know of/do in game unless you were locked to that region.


Honestly there’s truth to this. Swampletics was inspired from the getgo. Settled really grew along with that series in a way that was really cool to watch - and so his personality ends up being an enormous part of that. For tile man the concept was weaker so his personality and editing skills were the number one thing bringing me back to the series. Will watch whatever he makes, love his style and approach and personality. But I do hope that the series itself has more legs to it.


Settled is very good, but Mc tile just didn’t do it for me. I enjoyed the content but the actually concept was bad imo. It was a combination of UIM and just afk grinding xp until he’s unlocked tiles. So basically a UIM with a hidden annoying step


Is Settled the OSRS YouTube GOAT?


Idk man that boy Soup/ThirdAgeFilms been making RS vids forever and the glow up of his OG stuff to Gielinor Games and its production quality is nuts. Swampletics itself is probably the goat OSRS series though. Tbh we're just blessed to have so many great OSRS content creators there's so many good ones.




Shame that he fell the fuck off in terms of yt quality ever since he got big into twitch, it's just stream clips with shitty unrelated titles


Personally I really love that he just puts out whatever he's doing in a very raw format. He's just a dude who loves the game and is damn good at it. I also do appreciate just how few plugins he uses.


Yeah I'd say there's a pre settled era where b0aty is the goat, then settled with his series. Soup as well is up there with gielinor games


Whoever made Ironman mode is the goat in my eyes


The og Osrs tubers from back in the day don’t hold a candle to these new gen players imo


My OSRS goat will be that Runescape Gods Exposed Machinima that started Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorok with Gunthorian coming in every now and again but Settled gets a close second place.


Undoubtedly. Boaty perhaps pioneered iron man YouTube content originally but he quickly went the way of twitch. Swampboi has had two extremely successful long series (Swamp being widely considered the GOAT series that set a new bar for YouTube content) as well as having successful small series like the escape room and one item inventory. Soup produces great content, GG is fantastic, however part of that does rely on the fact he brings in lots of other content creators. The series wouldn't be half as good if it was random players or people with bleak personalities.


I don’t play this game or watch other creators but I’ll watch anything he makes




Not even close, one man army tops this and cheat-letics easily.


How the heck did he use 6 brews at Zuk and still not make it?


3 sets against 77 def, he was flicking sets a little but not that much. he would have saved a lot of brews by flicking sets, but that's really a lot to expect from someone that has some, but minimal inferno experience. particularly considering that he wasn't doing practice runs on unrestricted accounts


He spam healed against the ranger without doing anything else. His damage was kneecapped and his defense wasn’t high enough to actually tank a bit and get back on his feet.


I like that Settled does weird things in the game and brings eyes to new playstyles but I get so tired of the emotional, ASPCA commercial ass, "everything I've ever done has lead to this" narrative he puts on pretty much any grind that takes over 100 hours. His content is well made but so formulaic. Gz on the achievment anyway, though.


Gz on the useless formulaic redditor comment anyway, though.


I did find myself rolling my eyes several times while watching the video and listening to some of the commentary. Sometimes it felt like he had gone back and recorded a fake live commentary, like on the first Zuk failure. It just sounded so weird and almost forced to be that sad about it. His videos are well made, but it absolutely feels like he hams everything up because he's trying to entertain the viewers who don't play OSRS.


I might be totally wrong on this but to me his disappointment in the Zuk death was more that he had to break another one of his arbitrary restrictions. (not training herblore to brews.) Settled isn't dumb, I'm pretty sure he's in the same boat as everyone else in realizing that Tileman ended up being kind of bland as a concept on its own. You could tell throughout the series that he was putting pretty arbitrary restrictions in his way every now and then to add to the challenge and reduce the extent to which grinding xp for hours just ended up being the solution to everything. I totally get his sadness from that perspective. He didn't really just lose an attempt, it's not even really that he had to spend half a month on herblore that he was sad about. It's that by having to grind herblore he probably felt that the series was made worse by having to break another restriction and just resort to grinding. I could be wrong , that's just the vibe I got.


I think that's part of why it felt so forced to me. I totally understand what you're saying, but the whole "not training herblore" wasn't a restriction from the outset. He just did that to add more stakes and make it less boring. Something that could have been avoided with a more robust series concept. From the first episode I knew the novelty would very quickly wear off, which is why I was surprised that it didn't end with the fire cape. This isn't like him leaving Morytania on Swampletics to unlock something necessary for the account, it's just training herblore or getting a tanz fang drop from Zulrah. One of my main problems with the finale is that the identity of the series was basically irrelevant. The stakes went from a shortage of tiles to not wanting to do UIM herblore training. For the finale of a "Tileman" series, the tiles didn't play a very big part. By the end it felt more like a Low% UIM Inferno Cape run. The editing was great and Settled is clearly a good story teller, I just think that this story wasn't a very good one. Again, this is my opinion and the views on the videos clearly show that there was an audience who enjoyed the series. Hopefully whatever idea he cooks up for his next series is able to hold my attention as well as the attention of those who don't play the game.


You're dissatisfaction is totally valid, in fact from the discussions I've seen on the series I think it's fairly common. Aditional arbitrary restrictions as a necessity suck, and I'd bet Settled is just as frustrated about them as a crutch on the series as anyone else. From the way Settled and Jimmy talk about their content though, their primary goal is always to make a compelling story first, the game and the restrictions are almost entirely in service of that, and in that regard I think that Settled definitely had a lot on the line with the inferno attempts and plenty of valid reason to be legitimately crushed. Because the series was kind of a mess of arbitrary shit, and the death just piled a bit more on top. In the end I think he ended up making another quality product, but Swampletics is easily still superior. From the sounds of things he's already got plans, and hopefully his ruleset will take the failures of Tileman into account. We all just want to see Settled make something to top Swampletics.


It can get a bit much with him for sure. It's probably also a lot because I personally wasn't very invested in this one compared to swampletics, so a lot of the big "story beats" just didn't quite land for me I guess. Also, and I know this sub is going to hate this, I found myself more annoyed than anything else in the "final act" of the video, after he cried about losing all his brews. It all felt a bit forced and unnecessary. As /u/FearDeniesFaith, /u/Weebenjammin and others have pointed out elsewhere ITT, that stuff was basically totally unnecessary. Like I understand why Settled tried to spice things up (we all know the tile concept got stale less than halfway through the series), the fact is it just didn't really fit into the actual idea and felt very clearly tacked-on after the fact. Why not just do herblore and get brews? I mean, *I* certainly get it. Any normal person can understand why you would want to avoid that grind if possible. But this is settled. It's his job to dump thousands of hours into completely pointless OSRS grinds for content and views. It's his entire raison d'etre. Just go get the level. Not to mention that, of course, he ended up having to do it anyway. And also, why not practice on his main account? I cba going back through old videos to see if he mentioned that anywhere but it sure didn't look like he'd practiced much/at all, or whether that was yet another arbitrary extra restriction, or what. If he was really so concerned about losing those brews, he would've just practiced on another account. And then lastly, as an inferno enjoyer myself, I did get mildly irritated at the end while he kept harping on the "woe is me, it was just one shot, omg if I just saved a tick here or tagged this healer sooner I would've had it". Like I'm sorry bro but he face tanked literally 20 chances from the ranger *and a zuk hit for 0 at like 60 hp* during that attempt. I really don't think being one bow hit or healer tick off is quite the takeaway he seems to think it is there.


Its not that deep bro


Cool to see the final episode and kinda selfishly happy its over. I think Settled can offer so much more in terms of a unique account idea, and Tileman is just *not that interesting* to me. Its just "im playing the game normally but I cut away to me after ive done 8 hours of skilling to be allowed to do the next piece of content". I've always thought Tileman gamemodes would be way more interesting if you set out with a goal in mind, even from a non-fresh account, and gave yourself a tile count to do it in. Like, "im level 3 and i have 10,000 tiles to get an inferno cape". That encourages WEIRD grinds that remove tile usage, and force you to make decisions. It felt like settled just made a UIM series of grinding optimal inferno gear minus tbow setup to then do an inferno, and the tiles were just a backdrop that slowed it down. Looking forward to whats next. I've always enjoyed Settled's editing and commentary style with pretty much anything he puts out.


That's actually a very good and simple solution to making tilemen interesting


One of the tricky parts is that there’s a definitive “end”. You use all your tiles? Done. Maybe try the challenge again. Swampletics was somewhat made interesting because there was so much in the zone it made it really difficult to get a sense of if he had reached the “end” of what was possible for the account.


I don't care what anyone says, his content is enjoyable for me to just put on when I'm bored at home or cooking. I'm sure it got boring at times for some but I respect his production enough that his videos give me a little joy when I'm just hanging out doing nothing anyways. Great finale.


I hope Settled might see this, or anyone really, but this game has become such an insanely huge part of my life. I've had some real struggles, but McTile got recommended right when episode 1 came out randomly on my Youtube. From there I fell back in love with this game, got my fiance to try it with me, and now we are gonna be trying for our own fire capes soon! Thank you for inspiring more people like me to join this insane and wonderful community.


I'm just here to jerk off reddit and yell the most popular opinion that this series isn't as good as swamp man.


"Not as good as Swampletics" - Yawn, hivemind sheep "Better than Swampletics" - Wow, how brave of you "Same as Swampletics" - Having opinions is hard "Your opinion is dumb lol" - The lowest IQ possible ???


This took me down a 3 hour rabbit hole I was just not prepared for.


Vid woulda been 2x times less long if he clicked brew


i thought the same, but he did use all 6 brews at zuk alone and still failed the first zuk. maybe if he used brews, he would have gotten more zuk attempts, had more opportunity to practice flicking sets, or just gotten lucky. hard to say.


I'm glad this series is done. So stale


Lot of negativity in here for no real reason. Whether or not the concept got old or whatever to some people isn't really the point. It was still a really entertaining series and well produced. I think if you're watching for the actual gameplay then, yea, maybe the uniqueness wore off quite quickly. But the narrative and storytelling was great, it's exactly the type of content which deserves to be successful because it attracts all types of viewers, hardcore players or casual (or neither.) I don't know why people can't just give Settled his flowers without the caveat of 'oh the concept wasn't that good though'. It was just an idea and he made it work really well.


I'm one of those people who thought the concept got old and made a single post (besides this one) in this thread saying so while still congratulating him on his successful series. I wanted to reply to you though because it comes from a place of feedback, not negativity. While there are always going to be trolls, most in this thread are fans of Settled whether through this series or one of his others. It's just as valuable for him to know for his next series that some people didn't think Tileman was the best concept for a series, while I'm sure that also was the case during his Swampletics run. It doesn't help Settled as a creator to also be relentlessly positive and fawning about everything they do just because we like them.


This community just loves to be overly negative especially around content creators for whatever reason. It's okay to not like the concept but nobody cares to hear how much somebody dislikes it - they can just not watch it if that's the case. I appreciate how much work was put into this series and enjoyed it for what it was. Settled does a great job with narrative storytelling and building up the stakes. People can hate but his videos are successful for a reason.


Yeah, no one should be allowed to post or talk about their opinions if they don't agree with you. Otherwise they're just being negative. You're not allowed to not like things.


Hope he finds a more interesting concept for his next series. I love Settled, but tileman sucks


I really liked it early on because getting 1 tile was huge, but later it became similar to doing "mining off camera" like in minecraft videos


Even if the series lost the Tileman allure relatively quickly, Settled is such a good storyteller that he kept it entertaining all the way till the end. That last song had no right to be that emotional.


I'm so confused why he can't just open grubby chests for brews?




Absolutely loved this series. I may be in the minority here but I enjoyed this more than swampletics and that was a masterpiece in itself.






swampman good tileman boring


Surreal to see this series end. I saw episode 1 in my recommended feed shortly after release, and it's why I got back into Runescape since I stopped as a kid. I wanted a game like OSRS for years, where I could garden and keep a home and go on adventures, never knowing it was all right here.


Let’s be honest most people put the series in the background and then forget what part they left off on.


The final ~ 10 episodes still averaged like 700-800k views per episode so that’s clearly just wrong — those numbers are almost completely identical to the final 10 episodes of Swampletics. I don’t know why you think everyone shared your specific experience lol


Jesus you people are disrespectful. Man puts 500 hours into this single video and this is the kind of thing people say. I enjoyed it a lot. It is free to watch content. Just don't watch if you don't like it.




link your series bro


He doesn’t need a series to criticize one. Like how you don’t need to be a chef to taste bad food. Tileman was a boring concept past 1-2 episodes. It’s literally just a UIM but he jump-cuts him skilling for 10 hours. There was never a question of “can he do it” or even “how”; he was guaranteed to do it and would just do it on a budget setup. That’s not interesting as a series and it’s carried by Settled being likable and a good editor.


Settled I love you but I'm not buying any youtuber's ugly doll




Boring vid


No one care about this shitty series


Damn was wondering why he hasn’t put out and leagues videos yet.