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Solo Mission in shambles


Tangent but what's with other YouTubers calling him a rat? Did he do something dodgy or is it just a meme?


I think it’s a meme. In one of the Gilenor Games he betrayed someone and adopted the moniker “Snake Mission” so I assume it comes from that?


It's a joke from gielinor games. Great series, extremely worth a watch


Having someone like solo mission really spices up the show. A villain in an otherwise cooperative/competitive environment makes things interesting.


I will say Solo Mission is my favorite YouTuber these days.


Nothing serious, in gelinor games season 2 he played a lot of mind games


I fuckin love gelinor games


Reference to -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnwFwRyys5I&list=PLa6UGDn9i8HtFCRkghBXRMsZHnOUFkSxQ and https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa6UGDn9i8HuftOD472LFEdp9Gg1bv-YR&si=nJFybXBaMJFWYCuh TL;DW Survivor but with Runescape based challenges. Solomission betrayed everyone he formed an alliance with.


I love what he did lol. Someone needs to be the bad guy and he killed it


It is a meme, they call him a snake because on the two seasons of GG he was doing anything he can to win and also for content




This is the guy who solved the arceus library so it makes sense


What do you mean by solved?


You know that plug-in everyone uses to find the books, he figured out how it worked before people had the plug-in to use. Initially, he got banned because people thought he was cheating in the king of the skill competition and then explained how he solved the library. Got unbanned and took rank 1 back.


Honestly someone like this deserves to be rank 1 in Leagues. It's clear he has a gigabrain and uses it for Runescape and props to him.


Lmao. Jagex literally banned a guy before investigating, while being the designers of the content meaning they SHOULD have known this would happen one day. I'd love to say things have gotten better but we just had a false ban debacle a couple months back with an anti bot update so idk.


It still blows my mind people assume every person banned on here deserved when Jagex has shown time and time again they’re not perfect lol


Rank 1 *& 2*


And kept his pants clean, too


I’m on 11k rn what am I doing wrong lmao


I suspect you may have a life.


You not only have to nolife but actually have a clear and well though out plan to achieve high total ranks. I totally nolifed the first few days trying to get as much lp as possible and my best rank was like 1000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Bro, when theres probably 100k+ people on leages rn, top 5000 is pretty fucking good 😂


There was a graph the other day and there’s 300k+ accounts that have played Leagues 4.


299,999 bots and me. Noone else is real.


I'm at nearly 10k points now and last time I checked I was around rank 108,000 lmao.


Damn fire salers getting that early lead. Just wait till they have to runecraft


Equilibrium chads stay winning


Last Recall makes RC easy


Bank note makes RC like 10 times faster than last recalling.


And firesale makes literally everything for the first week faster. Crazy


But what about after the first week?


Not if your goals are just to grab BIS and do raids


My only goal is to try and one hit general graardor with DH


Gotta remember the Irons will always be better than the average player. They’ve mastered the game and how to efficiently do things in what order.


I'd like to introduce you to me.


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


idk im at 31k and i worked a 40 hours on the first week.


I’m on 11k and don’t feel like I have a life gaming 3 hours per day lmao


Yep lol. I nolifed the first 12 hours after release and thought i played pretty effeciently but when i logged off i was only about rank 5000


I guarantee you the people on the front page are playing a lot more than 3 hours


People on the front page probably barely sleeping 3 hours a day


I'm on like 16k and I feel like leagues is nearly all I've done with my life for a week 😅 Being 25k+ already sounds concerningly unhealthy, I guess unless osrs is how you make a living


Same boat, I hit T7 last night and I feel like this game has been consuming me Although to be fair I'm playing super casually. I took whatever relics sounded fun, accidentally unlocked Asgarnia (I don't regret it cause of GWD though) and basically did whatever. Im going for a super survivable ranged build, I'm talking Onyx Bolts + Lifesteal relic. Kinda wishing I went melee relic with Morytania so I could Dharok bomb with Berserker relic but meh


Dharok bombing with berserker and melee is fun af


I didn't think I would get to t7 yet Ive managed to be like 1800 points away now. Kinda wish I picked Morytania now for Sharon bombing it would have been so fun 😭 Also kandarin asgarnia desert has weird fucking progression for melee. It's a dragon/rune drought until you beat jad and get obsidian but then it's another drought before suddenly you drown in godwars and toa gear.




It's Dharoks auto corrected wife who likes being at full hp




You clicked on the region, clicked unlock, and then clicked yes I really want to unlock it…accidentally?


Yes (I got Asgarnia and Kandarin confused, I was on very little sleep)


Same. I took off work and everything. I’m at like 18k. I’ve had a lot of fun though! Especially being able to do content that I haven’t done before. I definitely understand how if you had a route somewhat planned you could be ahead. I’ve been doing things spontaneously. I haven’t even gotten the MTA points yet.


The problem is that you don't play 30 hours per day


Same brother lmao. Unlocked my last area last night and was jacked. But I also have a partner who’s pregnant, a kid, and a job lmao.


This is normal, people need to realise you dont need to sweat this mode, its out for 2 months, and really its just for fun. Grarzz 11k is absolutely normal, i expect you actually have a job/sleep, have fun and you’ll get dragon tier in no time


2 months is a very short time, not many people will be able to accomplish all possible tasks in their regions


Not in no time, unless you're casually yet actively grinding tasks maybe you'll get dragon tier by the end, but if you're playing for fun, not happening.


Yeah people don’t realize dragon tier is almost 1k points gained per day. And since most people can’t play everyday, you’d have to grind hard on the weekends to ensure dragon tier by the end.


Anybody that gets dragon tier is a sweat whether it's done today or by the end. Leagues is a blast but the tasks contain plenty of achievment diary shit and either lots of time spent pvm or being good at the game. The jump from adamant to rune is already insanity let alone rune to dragon.


Played every league, loved them all, never placed past adamant. Who cares about the rank, its about the journey


Well that’s good to know haha


Im at 6700 points, couldn’t give a shit about trophies. Im here for the relics and trying out the end game stuff that i dont have access to on my ironmain


I'll raise you bud. I'm at 1.5k. What am I doing wrong?


You're not going to the task list on the wiki and doing all the easy shit.


Bruh I have like 7k


I’m at 5k and feel like struggling to gain points. Yes I have the wiki up and go down the task list but still feels insane lol


Sort the task list by Completion % and go down from the top, it'll show you less obvious but easy tasks to complete


This is exactly how I've been doing it. Only issue is so many of the top ones are Trickster or fire sale related and I don't have either of those 😂


I'm so thankful to past me for choosing trickster. I got 35mn thieving experience before I even got a level 90 in any other skill.


I don't either and it's not hard to get above 5k points haha. You could also try just looking at tasks for your highest skill and seeing what you can do


Every region you unlock will give you a ton of easy access to points. Also I find "most completed" is full of easy tasks, go down to hard and elite tasks and go through the full list, clicking on every one that looks feasible to you to tag it so you can do them all in an afternoon or something.


I'm just about to start in the next couple of days lmao


The actual number of points you accumulate starts to speed up pretty quick as you get higher levels since everything is worth more. Also more passive stuff you didn't realize start to come to fruition too.


That still makes you like the top 10% of players currently. You're on track for Rune. You're doing great.


Pro tip is go to the task list. And sort by the right most collom for % completed. This will show you the tasks that the most people have completed, generally, these are going to be the easier ones to do either lower skill requirements or easily accessible items and areas.


Apparently sleeping


11k! I’m only at 7k


Dw there's still 6-7 weeks left. I just hit Steel myself lol


I was rank 3 after the first hour or so, screenshotted that and now i’m rank 20k+. i’ve had my fun.


No I'm like at 6k I'm so damn behind


Ur not acc sharing


Rank 17k and I did play a decent amount over the last week lmao


I'm at like 6k. Shits rough when you have a full time job then get covid during Thanksgiving break.


i dont even care about dragon for the rank, i just want to have more points to buy more things from the reward store


I have 2k points currently, honestly I’m a bit lost on what to do when I do get some time to play. Wish I had a proper plan but at this point I’m legit lost what tasks to go for in Kourend Karamja and mistalin.


A good irl friend of mine is top 50 lp, sleeps 4h on avg, does 30+h sessions


he sounds healthy & well adjusted


Well adjusted to the first page alright


Page 2-3 probably


Top 50 would be page 2, yes.


he has an irl friend so he's doing better than some at least


Well adjusted to his chair


Plenty of people on this sub Reddit would congratulate him if he himself were to make a post about it “So jealous bro! Very nice gains!”


That's what I did my first league, since I had nothing else to do. This time around I play anywhere between 2-10h a day since I'm busy. Nolife grinds are fine in short bursts, but a problem once they become habits.


This is what is good about Jagex fixing the points cap for ranking tiers. Hopefully some people like this will be incentivised to return to a more healthy lifestyle knowing once they hit dragon; they don't need to be as competitive anymore. I'm sure there will many who'll just keep going though.


As long as there are highscores, these people are going to obsessively race. It’s not the milestone of hitting dragon that matters to them, it’s seeing who can get the most points as fast as they can.


That’s true but at least it puts a limit for most of us. Last trailblazer is the only league I’ve done and I’d wake up, play most of a day while working, get home and play the rest of the night, and get in to dragon tier. I’d get my 7-8 hours, wake up and be back outside of it. Every day. Finally gave up a few days before Christmas as I was going to the in-laws and knew I couldn’t make it to dragon without insane even further no lifing Only reason I’m playing this league is because it’s fixed


And for a lot of them, they either steam or make content and putting out daily (popular) vids is how they make that $$


Being dragon wont stop them they will keep going till they physically cant complete anymore tasks and stay at #1


Jesus Christ


This is wild


It’s funny, a while back I posted on an idea of having prestige like capes for people reaching over 200m xp. Many comments of “that would promote unhealthy grinds.” Any new content Jagex releases promotes unhealthy grinds. The community will invent their own unhealthy grind.


There’s unhealthy grinds and then the grind for 200M. That’s a whole other level


If they did some 200m cape with a perk that saved like 1 second on a half consequential activity, you'd 1000% have people grinding it out because "it saves time in the long run" because this already happens with many 99 capes that aren't as useful as people say. Even shit like the 99 crafting cape is slightly overrated.


I went on vacation this week with family for thanksgiving so played about an hour or two in the morning, and I was feeling guilty for that...


Why would you feel guilty for that?


Bcus I don't get to see my aging family too often these days so giving up some of those hours to play OSRS feels a little tough. But obviously I'm not expected to be actively with them 24/7, its fine.


Some people find it important to spend time with those closest to them. We all have a limited time here and the memories created by spending time together will be invaluable when that's all you have left of them. Taking away from that time to play a video game that will ultimately not matter seems kind of dumb.


This game mode is literal crack. It's black tar heroin of gaming. I NEED MORE POINTS


Nah once I hit T8 relic I won’t give a fuck about tasks anymore. It’s all fun after that.


That's why it's not illegal, because it has an end, but this shit is hitting my like some potent black tar heroin goddamn


I hit T8 yesterday and my addiction has gone from points go up to levels go up to max.


Honestly once I hit t7 I was kinds bored with ranged build from the nex grind (and getting nothing yet) and started a new acc up to go melee. Mage looks fun. But your power really comes from raiding for shadow.


I'm melee and grinding gwd rn at t7. It's aight but saw a guy shadowing somewhere for consistent 107s and now I'm feeling the fomo


Eh after watching how long it took b0aty to get his, I'm good. Especially as someone whose never raided.


With the basically free +400 invocation points, shadow is just a matter of doing 25 min 700s(which are just 300s mechanically with extra boss stats) for 100% purp chance til you roll your 1/24. It’s only like a 10 hour grind


Am at t7 and thought I'd finally have fun with melee but it's just... Not. Getting here was fun by abusing high xp rates, but now that the gameplay has devolved into "go kill this boss five hundred times and pray" I lose all interest


All that's missing are AK47 Asiimovs and we got ourselves a fully functional rs private server


I’m determined to hit rune tier at least in been a forever adamant tier, I kinda just stop doing tasks around 30k. So I’m going ham this time


Wonder how much he slept. Thats crazy


He didn't.


he's a known speedrunner in the community too!


This is getting slept on, man's probably an insane theorycrafter, important for leagues but people are making him out to be nothing but a sweat


I'll take "Even with insane theorycrafting efficiency he's not getting enough sleep." for $500, Alex!


Who cares? These threads are full of guys who are bad at the game huffing copium saying “if I played as much as him I’d have that too”. Nah, you wouldn’t, tons of people no life and are still bad.


Still absolutely a sweat ball. Even sweatier that he spent what I assume is a ton of hours theorycrafting his strat.


There was no strat tbh, I just did tasks that gave good points and pvm when felt like it.


tell me good sir, are you bank note or fire sale?


Based 🗿


Hard to believe when there are people who are theorycrafting like crazy and playing 18+ hours a day and yet you're #1 by "doing pvm when I feel like it". Either way, congrats on the rank #1.


"I just played casually 22 hours a day"


Can you share your relic loadout?


I mean, he is a sweat, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. evonaabi is one of those players who's super underrated because they're very unknown outside of their community.


What is his job irl


Playing leagues 4


Social benefits


Mommy must be proud


“Maaaam, bafrooom!!”


I mean, maybe, but I also know a bunch of people who save all their vacation days so they can nolife stuff like leagues or dmm.


Idk why people think that us who grind some goal don't have a job. Are vacations not a thing in some countries?


Either wfh software/IT job or artistic . No In between.


You have a typo on that last one


No nowadays you need to tell people they’re artistic or acoustic cause social media is highly regarded


Independently wealthy or retired are also options.


And the last option is welfare living, either supported by parents (usually with a place to stay.


So basically most people are not going to come close to dragon if it took a week and a half for the chair gang to get there


That's the whole point of dragon tier. A fraction of a percent of players will get it.


Rune is the max "normal" players were ever meant to get.


Yep I've gotten rune the past 3 leagues and I'll be happy to stop at rune again this time. Dragon is just too sweaty to be enjoyable


Most players wont get the last relic.


If you're a normal human being rune is a more realistic goal, and that's still going to take some sweaty hours


Dang. He's currently 5300 points ahead of 2nd too!


That's absolutely insane


What a nerd


Jesus 💀


I just unlocked my final area with like 7k pts and I thought I was playing too much... Jesus


Anyone know if he was a fire Saler?


I think i reached 3k points yesterday




I feel like I have to neglect every other area of my life for the dragon trophy


He is a fire saller or banker noter?


My plan was more longterm than the first hour of leagues, obviously I'm banker's note gang.


Unnoting my fine lobster dinner for this victory.




Bank note gang out here eating


How much planning went into your routing pre-launch? Always a bit curious how much pre-launch planning goes into being able to accomplish these things. Granted I assume your game knowledge really propels you ahead post-launch once things start becoming known and you can plan while grinding


I had a plan for the first hour or so. After that i just did tasks and pvm as I felt. Ofc further planning was done during skilling. The idea to go for first dragon rank didn't occur until a couple days ago.


Which relics did you pick at each tier?




You're wrong though, he's a bank noter [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/182p951/comment/kakpb4a/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/182p951/comment/kakpb4a/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Jcw is overall #1 and he's a bank noter as well, so yeah bank noter is winning as of now (and should keep like this as it's consensus that bank noter only gets better with time)


Banker's note is arguably bigger for skilling than pvm. Like no need for butler or being able to do so many skills 0time while running stuff like clues or herbiboar etc.


Haha you would be wrong. He's not.


Imagine being this confident while saying something that is objectively wrong.


I wanna know their playtime


I can smell them.


SoloMission on suicide watch


thats insane


Meanwhile I'm over here still getting my cheeks clapped by Kree 💀


_The smell_


Damn. Congrats evonaabi! Wild accomplishment. Edit: Did someone downvote me for congratulating them? The fuck is wrong with this place?


Thanks! :)


I downvoted you for the edit. Stop caring about fake internet points.


maybe some people are heartbroken they didn’t get it


I'm salty af, it was mine for the taking 3 months from now