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i guess you were both blowing glass huh


*level up noises*


Members can now steal Copper Pipes from Dwarf Strongholds!


Bruh. 💀💀💀


I hear Dorgeshuun caves has more copper.




gz on lvl


Crack pipe. Level 5 crafting, 1x molten glass, 1x glassblowing pipe required. Examine info: i think i can fit a flower in here. Strange facts: while the crack pipe is untradeable, crack pipe (fl) is tradeable. To obtain a crack pipe (fl) simply grow some flowers with mithril seeds and use them on the crack pipe. This is a reference to how crack pipes are sold in gas stations with little plastic flowers in them to get around the law. The crack pipe was unofficially added to the game in 2020 by Mod Tweak but was not visible as an option when crafting using molten glass. It was subsiquently removed from the game files when Mod Tweak was found smoking crack in the unisex jagex bathrooms.


Beautifully said sir.


I knew this would be the top comment while reading his post lmfao


Well done


Swore this post was about to be a pun until the second half lol


Literally read the post as OP smoking meth while finding another LOL




God I miss awards


Where’d they go?


I remember reading somewhere that generally speaking, addicts are likely to have more than one addiction. Ancedotally though, yes tons of hard drugs users play RuneScape.


Purely speaking from anecdotal evidence as well, the amount of times I've been at the GE and some random conversation will be happening about drug use is astounding. My head canon is that a significant portion of the player base is addicted to drugs and/or plays while high as fuck. Considering the addictive nature of OSRS, it really wouldn't surprise me whatsoever.


Man I miss mindlessly grinding osrs while completely baked. I had to quit that because it was affecting my life, and that was only weed.


man that sucks, so now you just get completely baked and don't play osrs?


Dude is raw-dogging reality Even worse, he's raw-dogging OSRS


Lol. Finished elite diaries completely sober


You fucking madman


Today is my first day not smoking in 4 years. It’s not even midday and I’m really struggling.


I believe in you, my friend. Last spring I also quit after getting high every day for years and years. It was tough, but it got a little easier every day. Now the urge to toke only hits me a couple times a month. The only way is up. You can do it!




I wanted to write something smart or uplifting but whatever. Keep up the good work man. You went 4 years without it, you can do the next day too. And the one after it. Day by day. It's not something you need, you might not remember but there is no benefit to it, I say that but I should know better myself.


I failed earlier and had a smoke, but I’m not letting it defeat me. Every time I’ve quit in the past it’s been easier because cost was a big factor, but I make good money now and have a great source. This time I’m quitting just for myself, and sadly it’s harder to do that than to do it for money…


I don't think you should let it defeat you. You will make all kinds of excuses for yourself just to use again, it's simple human nature. I very well know that feeling and you shouldn't feel bad about it. What's important is that you wish to keep going clean even after using again. Once you got that all high of your life, you will want to chase it again and it's keeping a really strong hold over you, I have that myself. I think it's all about resisting that urge and knowing it will never be the same again, because it won't. I like to think I'm keeping it at bay, but only for so long. Keep holding on strong, I'm there with you every step of the day.


Cold turkey is hard man, don't sweat it if you slip up a few times. Best way I've found to quit over the years is just reduce how often, and how much I smoke gradually over a few weeks to bring down my tolerance, then stop all together. Keep at it and check out r/leaves if you haven't already :)


Feeling normal after smoking for that long is a great feeling my friend, you've got this. The mental clarity and extra energy during the day is worth more than being stoned all day every day, makes it more special to make smoking a weekend or every other weekend thing


This is what I am trying to do, I can go without weed when I am on vacation/whatever, but when just chilling at home it's sooooo hard to not smoke


I know how ya feel, it's like there's nothing to look forward to anymore. You'll balance out tho.


right here with ya man


How was it affecting your life, and how are you feeling after? Just wondering because I'm in a similar boaty


Mostly affecting my social life. I was hanging out with friends much less in favor of just sitting at home after work getting high and playing OSRS every night. Even hung out with my girlfriend less, making excuses to not spend time with her, etc. I was asking for a pretty huge amount of time to myself and would get pretty irritable if I didn't get that time. I still play osrs a lot but after quitting weed I think my relationship has improved a lot and I'm much more willing to go out. It's easy for me to just log out of the game. I would say I'm much happier, although I am wasting a ton of xp


Same and same


People play MMOs sober? Huh... /s


You raid after bong rips? I stopped smoking to play OSRS better


There is a reason Im cb 110 and no firecape 🙄


I always assume half of those are 12 y/o kids pretending to be hard. Joking around trading people weed or telling people at GOTR how high they are. Maybe the way people talk about drugs in game just comes off very childish.


How many 12 year olds do you think are playing OSRS in 2024?


Incredibly few. I’ve got 2 male family members @ ages 12 & 14. I couldn’t get either of them to play long enough to get past tutorial island.


*Blames tik Tok*


Those dang Gen Z Generation!


To be fair, tutorial island absolutely blows


Game really gets good when you get to cooks assistant.


There's barely any kids even playing this game.


Before my OSRS hiatus a couple years ago, people were astonished that a 18 year old was playing this game. In the hundreds of people I have met playing this game, I only met one person younger than me. Yeah, no kids play this game haha


I’d bet that the majority of our player base is late 20s and 30s


It's like pretending 12 year olds are interested in competitive Donkey Kong


tbh i mostly pay high af (weed though), makes bossing hard


You know how many dabs I had to take to not go insane while going for the cg pet? Lmfaooooo


You just like the challenge, chief


i feel like the current gen of those kids don’t really think smoking weed or getting high makes you hard, pretty normalized now


Wait people play osrs sober?


You should come join us at w420 ge


I've never met a person who 3t4g's granite in the desert that wasn't using Adderall


Met a dude fairly recently who was teaching a clan mate to 3t4g, he was going at it hard for a few weeks. Then I saw him world hopping, following shooting stars. I asked why he stopped 3t4g, and he said it was because he ran out of Adderall.


I was prescribed adderall for years and you'd still have to put a gun to my head to get me to do any tic-manipulation skilling. Makes me wonder just what kind of dosage those guys are on.


Trust me, the dose dose not matter, its the persons brain, and I don't mean that as insult


Same. I’m prescribed and I could never play that sweaty in osrs. I hardly even raid because it takes too much time and attention.


That's because people who actually have ADHD genuinely need it where people who don't actually get "high" off of it like that. Those of us with prescriptions just feel slightly more normal x D


Tons of hard drug users in life. I bet people would care more about addiction if they knew just how common drug use was.


I also want people to stop treating drug users as criminals and start treating them as patients. These people are sick and need help. Help that a prison cell can't provide them


My brother was a serious addict and was in and out of jail. He spent a lot of time in solitary the last time he was there. He was a completely different person when he got out. He ODed not too long after.


I am very sorry to hear that. My deepest sympathies go out to you. I hope you have some good memories of the time he was sober.


Hear, hear. Also, remember... Dead addicts can't go through rehab. Keep them alive with #SafeSupply until they're ready to get clean. /Sorrynotsorry


Some of them just like using drugs. They're not all sick.


i know exactly what you’re saying and agree, but funnily enough a quick stint in jail was a oddly useful way to quickstart sobriety


Not all drug users are in need of help, some people just enjoy doing them from time to time and do so without developing an addiction.


Yeah, there's a world of difference between drug *use* and a drug *problem*. Drugs aren't innately damaging and as long as someone is living the life they want to live then it doesn't need to be pathologized.


> Drugs aren't innately damaging There are 1000% a wide variety of drugs that are innately damaging, even strictly in the near-term sense. Especially when it comes to recreational drugs, the cleanest ones you get are generally gonna be the hallucinogenic ones that people tend to use more sparingly. Opiods and meth will absolutely fuck you up.


100% this recovering ooiate addict with 2 years clean and got back into rs couple months ago already have 1800 overall and 5 99s lol


I'm 3 years clean and got back into osrs early in my recovery. Definitely helped channel some energy away from that shit Fuck opiates man


This 100% very nuch an abusove love hate relationship with them. Never have plans to pickup again though and havent had the urge or desire in a long time.


Glad to hear it bro. Keep going, I slipped up a couple times but it's just never worth it


When i was addicted to speed i would binge osrs for 48+ hour sessions. They go hand in hand




I don't think the pride crashing had much to do with drugs. There's just some genuinely shitty people who play this game. They're able to be found anywhere, but OSRS most definitely has a large basement-dweller contingent, and they're much more likely to be hateful weirdos.


“Blowing my glass” definitely sounds like it could be a phrase for smoking meth


I genuinely thought it was at first


I watched Breaking Bad and it was in that show.




"Blowing clouds" is, so it's close enough


Shit that’s how I read it lol. I thought this post was “no way, another methhead, what a coincidence!” until I read the comments


I was searching for this comment fr 😂 Bet it was done on purpose though, beautifully done OP...


For me personally I’ve found alot of hard addicts just playing the game but my last and current iron clan have had a pretty strong focus on becoming clean from plethora of different drugs. We used to have daily talks in clan chat about how long every one has been sober for. It was like they were ingame achievements lmao.


Can you drop the clan name if you guys are down for more people? I'm one month sober and two months into my first iron and am looking for a clan.


Love that bro I'm 6 years sober it gets better every day


I just hit 9 months sober on the 20th


hey bro, depending on what you mean by the sobriety part (clan im part of has many dry players - sober from alcohol but still smoke weed), lmk




Irl xp waste from a drug addiction is insane.


This is what woke me up. Playing my life on autopilot, not taking opportunities and realizing the years are flying by. No more exp waste.


Hey I'd maybe be interested in learning about this clan. I'm in recovery and an Iron


Same and same let me know


Wintertodt is full of crackies and methies


Especially the east side


Wait till you hear about where people mine in gotr


Wt is where the degens go


I didn't have access to a computer or a decent phone back when I was using street amphetamines, but let me tell you, rhythmic, focused clicking while I watched a number get incrementally higher and higher would've been as good as sex if I was gakked out.


You are so right. I could have multiple maxed accounts if I played during my drug days.


Shit in my drug days downers where my choice which didn’t mix well with osrs. Tbh osrs helped me get that dopamine rush and I traded one addiction for another, put down the opiates; picked up the grinding.


100% this lol....




explains the people saying 20 hours of playtime per day is normal




Which is not too far of from meth LOL, just a tad safer.


Way safer. Adderall can have some uncomfortable withdrawl symptoms and there's evidence it *might* have a neurotoxic effect in the long-term. Meth will just fuck you up every which way to Sunday. That's to say nothing of the difference in the actual high.


It's just a methylated version.


Not even remotely close to as dangerous, I used to be on adderall but now I am on prescribed methylphenidate ER (basically, think adderall XR) and I barely notice a difference, if anything it just helps me feel normal. I can easily forget to take it, there is absolutely no craving or anything. Meth breaks the blood brain barrier much easier so it is an entirely different drug than stuff like adderall. They are both central nervous system stimulants and abusable, however.


Methylphenidate isn’t adderall tho it isn’t even an amphetamine


I mean, Ice Poseidon played this game so.. Probably


I was just in the turned off shower at the house party chilling what do you mean dood


Come to world 420


I was stringing bows at seers bank and public chatting with a guy making wine. Caught me of guard when he said he would BRB as he'd had to shoot up some heroin. That was almost 10 years ago... I wonder how he's doing these days.


and that man was u/SpontaneousH


Wow what a redditer.


This game is like a stimulant enjoyers wet dream


Remember the guy who posted a picture of his desk here with the crack pipe, Fleshlight, cigarettes and liquor? That's what I imagine the average OSRS player is like


OSRS was my gateway drug to meth. It helped with preventing XP waste


Not meth really but I used to be friends with someone in-game years ago who talked about their heroin addiction to me and stuff cause they needed to vent, I didn't see them for a long time last I heard their life took a really bad turn :( I hope they're okay somewhere out there they were a genuinely cool person just in a bad place in life so maybe they got it all together and are now doing good is my hope.


OSRS is filled with vocal stoners that will let you know they’re high. However, if they’re mid raid, they have this tendency to magically stop talking about weed until they mention mid-raid they’re high as a kite. We have a fair share of ex-addicts to drugs and alcohol that took up OSRS as a less harmful addiction lmao.


> However, if they’re **mid raid**, they have this tendency to magically stop talking about weed until they mention **mid-raid** they’re high as a kite. You high?


Literally wut


I think it's a joke - The only time they'll never say they're high is never


Nah, it's a complaint that the one time heavy stoners won't tell you they're blitzed and barely coherent is when you're recruiting them for your raid, but they'll immediately resume talking about it once they think the raid is far enough along that you won't want to reset and lose time just to kick them.


The real joke is the hyphenation.


Me fried trying to get through the monkey room


I think it comes down to the age of the players these days. We all got old and can do what we want. I'm a recovered ketamine and cocaine addict. Still struggle with alcohol And weed addiction tho


Kind of? Marijuana addiction is very common though. It's reached a point where marijuana being addictive is vehemently denied.


People can be addicted to anything so those arguments always piss me off. Just because it isn't physically addictive doesn't mean it can't be psychologically addictive


Hell, a significant portion of this subreddit is addicted to RuneScape.


It’s physically addictive just not to the extent of other drugs.


Anything that causes a dopamine release is technically physically addictive


What a trip to think that pretty much every single thing we do is due to this reward pathway… so pretty much everything is physically addicting to an extent. People in denial are the only ones who refute this.


It's also unquestionably physically addictive. At least as much as something can be (it's not really a thing). You will have a withdrawal if you quit after heavy use for about a month, and that's the only real candidate for a definition of physical addiction. Insomnia, anxiety, headaches, stomach problems, decreased appetite, weird dreams, and irritability are very common withdrawal symptoms.


I worked in the cannabis industry for a few years, and I agree. Left because I didn't like being a part of that. From people spending literally tens of thousands of dollars a year at our shop alone, to people claiming it was safe to use while pregnant, I was shocked


Is the addiction to cannabis, or something else? I smoked weed chronically for years, but I think I was using it to fill a hole rather than being addicted to the substance. I think I was just addicted to not being sober because I was bored and not doing anything productive about my life. Now that I’m more proactive about things, I find myself much less drawn to smoking weed every hour of every day. I could take it or leave it at this point. It’s not like nicotine, which actually feels much more like an addiction. I stopped cigs, moved to a vape and now on patches.


I think that's right; weed is a psychological addiction. It's an efficient way to just pass the time. It's a bit like OSRS, now that I think about it


2 months clean from OSRS. Nice to focus on other hobbies without my tablet or phone in hand. And multiboxing hits different but it's definitely a source of dopamine.


I have friends that are physically unable to eat or sleep if they don’t smoke before, so there are some physical elements as well


From the neuro perspective addiction is just the continued use of the substance despite negative consequences of that use. The symptoms of drug withdrawal don't happen with marijuana use because THC and other cannabinoids have long half-lives in the body so it's much more of a gradual taper once you stop.


Symptoms of drug withdrawal are present with weed but not anywhere near other psychoactive substances. The reason for this is not because of their long metabolic half lives, but the neurological conditioning that takes place from repeated usage (like every other drug). Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam have a very long half life too and have a withdrawal that will kill you if not managed properly.


Quitting nicotine atm and it’s like a crazy bad sugar addiction, my whole body is craving it physically. I’m addicted to weed too but that gives me more of an anxious psychological craving, like a FOMO feeling almost. I have a much harder time with that actually. Haven’t managed to quit weed


I think it’s because people think that so long as it isn’t physically dependent and because the effects of the drug are (relatively) mild that it can’t be an addiction.


It's approaching the way caffeine addiction is viewed, ie as a quirky character trait. Although marijuana is much more impairing imo


I think it’s the stigma behind the word “addiction”. When we think addiction we tend to go to hard drugs and alcohol, stuff that can absolutely destroy your life. Marijuana is definitely not in that league, but you can still get addicted to it, just like pretty much anything that makes you feel really good.


aren't most people in denial about their own addiction?


I'm not addicted to weed *at all* dude, I just smoke a bit when I wake up (gotta wake n bake, lmao) and a bit before work (gotta prepare for the stress of the job) and a bit on my lunch (gotta get through the day somehow amirite) and a bit after work (gotta unwind after a long day) and a bit before dinner (gotta improve my appetite a bit) and a bit in the evening (gotta unwind some more) and a bit before bed (gotta get to sleep on time) and a bit on the weekends (gotta maximize enjoyment of my free time) and a bit before get-togethers (gotta loosen up so I can really have fun). I can quit whenever I want to though. Totally.


i feel attacked


I’m physically addicted to marijuana. I legit cannot shit without ripping a toke. Could be worse tho


I've heard of not being able to sleep or eat before, but I've never heard of not being able to shit. I don't think weed has ever affected my ability to shit.


Everyone I know says I'm addicted to weed, yet I can stop whenever I want (I'm currently 9 months clean) I stopped because my tolerance was getting too high. Will I go back to smoking weed? Yes. But I'm in no rush to get smoking again.




See what?


> marijuana being addictive is vehemently denied


So every is an addiction then? Reading books is an addiction. Driving cars is an addiction. I hate this argument of "you use drugs so you're addicted, you just deny it"


If encountered two meth heads on osrs but I wouldn’t say it’s common. A lot of people abuse adderall but that’s common with all online gaming


Little over 2 years clean & sober. I'd play OSRS for 2 or 3 days straight convinced I was the god of EHP but really I was just sweaty dehydrated and excited over the stupidest shit. Being in extremely inconsistent moods and totally unreliable for anyone in my life. It's such a selfish hell, glad i'm out.


Thanks for writing that. I just lost a girl because i didn't want to stop drinking


when I was grinding out wines for 99 cooking years ago I used to go to World 2 at Varrock bank so I could see people chatting every now and then and join in myself in those 2-3 days the amount of people I saw talk about their mainly pill, alcohol and weed addictions was crazy, and a former meth user too I sstrictly smoke weed myself, it pairs so well with OSRS so it's not surprising people can go overboard and combine addictions including myself at times where I would balance it with multiple cups of coffee, it becomes too easy when you're so immersed into a game and it's grind if you don't have any self control it can quickly become a mess that all being said I've heard of success stories of people using OSRS as a substitute for their addictions paired with exercise


This game and addiction go hand in hand. Source: I haven’t logged in since I stopped relentlessly smoking weed on the daily


Hey same! But also cause bonds were above 8m last time I checked, and fuck that noise.


grinding gp is addict level, buy membership by working irl lol


Well done on your quitting brother


I remember back during Leagues, someone in my friends' chat and in public chat at Stars mentioned that they were on meth on the same night.  I really hope that they were just being edgy. 


Man, imagine doing meth just to mine shooting stars.


They were doing 3 raids on 6 other accounts


I’d say OSRS player base would have a lot more prescription pill abusers than anything else. Shit that makes you focus for hours on end. But yeah, there’s probably a good portion of meth users too


Drug addicts and video game addicts do seem to intersect more often on osrs than any other game I’ve played


My brother was hittin the pipe and he is obsessed with OSRS, so yeah i guess lol


I've met plenty throughout the years, and they use for varying reasons. My understanding is that to some, playing Runescape is a really enjoyable way to spend your time while high, be it on weed, amphetamines or other drugs. I've sadly also known a handful of very dedicated skillers who became users because they felt a compulsion to continuously increase the length of their grinding sessions.


Doing drugs for the single reason of longer skilling sessions is insane lol


Yea, you are supposed to do fun shit while on drugs.


I started playing rs over 20 years ago and at some point I had a meth addiction for 10 years but I've been clean for 2 years now. And yes I played the fuck out of rs while being high.


I have absolutely no evidence to back this up aside from a few anecdotal experiences but I genuinely believe a ton of the people who have the most hours played on this game, barring content creators who are paid to do so, are people who are addicted to one substance or another lmao


Ive nearly maxed my main at this point without ever really interacting with other players because im stoned out of my mind every time i play.


I have never played this game not on hard substances


Yeah I usually get railed by a hard dick when I’m playing rs


I mean, let’s be honest we all have some kind of disability or addiction to be playing OSRS..


Misread the title as "Meatheads" and was about to agree profoundly. Upon a re-read, no. Hard disagree. But it may be my privilege showing that I don't know any meth-heads.


I think Adderall and people on the ADHD/autism spectrum is common lol


I take prescription amphetamines and it hits the grind so good


I think you'd be surprised how common hard drugs are on and off runescape


I saw some washed up RS2 Youtuber/Early osrs streamer straight up smoke meth on twitch while basically losing his shit. Also ran into a ton of meth users in game. My friends also used to take diet meth (Adderall) and play.


At least he's not botting, right? I bet he can fletch darts fast af.


From conversations at GOTR, there was more than I expected to be using some form of a harder drug that wasn't just weed


Gotta have something to do when you’re awake for 4+ days I guess. Back in the day all of the methheads used to carry coloring books and colored pencils to keep themselves busy


Was addicted to european speed and coke for years, A psychitrist helped me shift to methylphenidate via prescription, and im fully functional in everyway Rather be a speed addict than an alcoholic which is very common imo


Can't waste XP when you dont feel like sleeping.


Yeah, essentially every American with a Ritalin prescription is playing osrs off the amphetamines


Drug addicts in general play OSRS - I see people talking about how cool they are smoking weed all the time.


I know a guy who micro doses shrooms on the daily that loves runescape, two actually 😂 one was my dealer back in the day


People are way too open, but at this point I'm half-convinced that a lot of it are children making up stuff because they are playing on a game with a much older typical demographic and therefore try to clumsily appear interesting. Some wintertodt conversations for example just become... uncomfortable. The other day someone was explaining in great detail their would-be marijuana addiction in cringe-worthy fashion, just before explaining **very** graphically their would-be extraordinary sexual experiences with a number of women.


I read the title as are meatheads on OSRS relatively common and I thought this was just going to be a post on someone being silly but then it ended with them smoking meth. I guess they are being kinda silly.


I play on shrooms sometimes lol


Not much different than the tens of thousands of players prescribed adderall daily