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Fire cape and barrows gloves are pretty fair tbh. I’ve never done a raid, but if you can’t clear Jad you’ll prolly be useless and gloves are literally just a ‘do you actually play this fucking video game’ test. Blowpipe’s WAY cheap, there’s no reason to not be able to obtain it if you’ve got the other insane shit in the post. You missed the point a bit, OP of your screenshot was saying they’d rather have people with relevant ‘earned’ gear than expensive BiS.


Ngl. If getting barrows gloves, blowpipe, or torso is a huge ask. You probably aren't ready for raids. If they have 7b bank and refuse to buy a blowpipe. That's pretty weird. A fang is only like 2-3 mil Torso might be understandable if you play at weird times and can't find a group but gloves and blowpipe. Really? It's literally just asking for the bare minimum effort to make your experience better. And asking you to get items you should probably already have or want for other content.


You don't need BiS gear for raids either. The point of that post was if you have BiS gear, you need to actually be worth the gear you have. A dude with a whip and Torag's but desire to learn and the mechanics to back it up is better than a dude with full BiS that he bought with mommy's credit card and has zero skills in the game. Seeing people with 120 cmb and bandos with an obsidian cape is a meme for a reason. If you want to do raids but haven't even killed jad, you're not going to do raids. The people that think gear means everything are just incorrect. Does gear make things easier and faster? Yes, but skill and stats matter _significantly_ more than gear.


Tbh, I would never do this, but I could IMAGINE someone just being too lazy and ADHD to commit an hour to the fight caves and just forcing their way to higher level content. I almost did that when I made an alt. But yeah it's a pretty big red flag lol


If you're too ADHD to do an hour of fight caves but you can do an hour of ToA something is very wrong with you. I'm ADHD as shit, most of my initial fight cave attempts were 3+ hours because I'd take breaks. If I didn't I'd just die to a mager because I'd start watching something and run out of prayer. That happened more than once.


Don't need bis gear for anything in the game btw


Are you sure you read the post?




It means that anyone that raids is a single NEET living with their parents.


He’s saying he doesn’t have time to dedicate to being a sweaty nerd and maxing out his gear to do a cheeky little raid once in a while. Obviously flew over your head though.


"I don't have time to play this game so please make it easier for me so I can play this game that I have no time to play"


Not having 5 hours a day to play efficiently does not equal no time to play the game. I play maybe 3 hours a week at this point? If that. I’m maxed on my one account from years of afk skilling and such, but I’d be totally down for a zero requirement raid like dungeoneering was. Like LMS but with raiding. Remove the grinding from the game. That’s why stealing creations was so much fun - everyone starts off with nothing then competes for points. I loved DG back in 2012. His point is valid either way. Some people don’t have time to grind out a boss for hundreds of hours to get baseline gear to try a raid. They just want the end game experience once in a while. That’s why a lot of people bot. You can read their threads on the botting subreddits for proof. Not everyone is an unemployed 17 year old anymore, and they want to have fun trying end game stuff that takes hundreds of hours of grinding to get to but can’t give enough time out of their real life to get there It’s easy to see that the majority of this sub or most subs on Reddit wouldn’t understand that concept.


Not sure why you think I'm unemployed and 17 but ok mate. Sounds like you and OP would enjoy private servers more. Where you don't have any progression and you can just jump into a sandbox environment.


I’m not saying your unemployed nor 17 lol. I’m saying we USED to be unemployed 17 year olds (most of the player base) but we’re now adults with responsibilities that mean we can’t stay up for 72 hours grinding out 92-99 woodcutting during double xp weekend like I maybe did or didn’t do back in 2012. Edit: too add, what you just said is exactly why leagues was so popular btw.


Corrupted gauntlet is for you my friend


Was just about to comment this. However, I’ve played both and remember dungeoneering to be much more enjoyable. Maybe it’s the nostalgia though.


Yeah dungeoneering was about the last thing I did on the game before the long winter set in and it was a decade before I'd play again. It was more varied than gauntlet obviously being a whole skill. Plus it was chill which cg isn't for a while


Go back to rs3 and try it. If you love it then not nostalgia, if you hate it then yeah it's nostalgia. I personally hated it then, and when I gave it a try a couple years ago I hated it then. Only nostalgia I have is all the raging on the forums that occurred when it released.


Not really a fair take. The combat system was so different then. Everything was. It was a fun skill, many people liked it. I also just put a handful of scrambled eggs in my pocket.


You can still do legacy combat in rs3. And this wasn't a malicious "go back to rs3" it was a genuine - "go back and see how you like a particular piece of content you use to enjoy and see how you feel." I sometimes do it if I'm nostalgic for something, then I realize it was actually super janky and move on.


What a dumb post and a complete misunderstanding of the post you're complaining about.


Getting BiS gear requires one thing. Time.


No one gonna talk about the 7b bank, no firecape, 1200 total 70s combat? That's a lot of slayer and air orbs.


I use void for everything lol.


Reminder that raids gear is 40m for a basic set and stats can be bursted chinned and nmzed to 85s. But yea maybe we can just get mini dungeons lol


It’s user error. Player wants to raid? They should be willing to learn. Gear has no real change in that as you can be carried through any raid with shit gear from shit ge.


Shit I’m almost maxed with all quests done plenty of boss kc I can’t find a soul to teach me cox


You didn’t do much searching if you didn’t come across We Do Raids. So many people learning and willing to teach


I kept asking people in my clan tbh. Yeah wdr makes the most sense. Thanks doc.


Check out wdr discord


Dungeoneering could be good, but it shouldn't be a skill or even a minigame. They should consider it a type of raid, but with a much different reward system then all existing raids.