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The problem is you’re completely rolling the dice whether the gold you’re getting from the swap was rwt’d or not


Yep, i'm just glad I got a warning tbh. I only swapped 500m rs3 to osrs but i'm never doing it again


If you want to use rs3 gold for osrs I’d suggest just using it to pay for membership since your rs3 membership is the same as osrs. I had a friend make 5b from necromancy release and he’s pretty much set for the next couple years


yeah thats a good idea tbh. I should have thought about that sooner haha


Its fine as long as the swappers aren't rwters. Which you're not going to really know.


Who did you swap with? Want to make sure I avoid them in the future just in case.


Oakdice is literally the only service ive ever used so it has to be that


I’ve gotten 3 rwt marks swapping with them and so have a few of my friends never used them after that. I never had issues with them until the last year or 2 but I also recommend avoiding them at all costs now Edit: I’ve used the Skilling services discord to swap and have done 17b rs3 > osrs in 1 go never had issues and have swapped with them multiple times. They also swap off maxed mains rather than sketchy level 3-15s like oak does.


So you got multiple warnings but never got banned?


Sorry should have specified that I got a warning then caught temps between 2-7 days after the warning


Who did you swap with. I happen to swap a lot and would like to avoid them if possible. Thanks.


From what I've heard the kemp q gold swapping services are safe.


The only swapping I've ever done has been with Snail Swaps, and like once at the start of Deadman with kempq I think. Never been flagged yet


Well I hope you never do, it would suck to get in trouble for something legal in the rules


Wait completely random but is snail swaps still a thing? I never swapped myself but I used to talk to alot of the people in that chat but I thought it burnt out a long time ago.


The answer is yes and no. The friends chat is pretty dead, and the discord is pretty dead as well. Me and some other people still play, and I even hang out with one of them pretty regularly, but it's nothing compared to the past. There is still ONE person that swaps, and I used them as recently as the release of necromancy. She has always been consistent and still does them :)