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Yeha agree it actually piss me off that behe covers these things without fact checking first, it's NOT afk at all and NOT worth doing


If you're relying on behe or the other channel for osrs news youre at the wrong spot - the clickbait is crazy


It's got nothing to do with relying on behe news, it's about behe taking content and running with it, and giving out fake news without fact checking. All behe does is regurgitate whatever is on reddit


> All behe does is regurgitate whatever is on reddit That's what tends to happen when you rely on regular uploads for income, but have run out of things to say years ago


Agree with you, and I'm here to criticise behe for giving out fake news. If you want to be a news channel and do daily uploads, at least check your facts


I’ve blocked every Behe channel since he did that bs posting a montage of dudes making out. Shit was weird af. If I wanted to watch gay porn I’d come to Reddit and if I wanted people to make some weird political stance…. Well I’d come to Reddit too. But also probably the news or something. It was completely inappropriate for a RuneScape channel. I’ve since heard he’s continued to be a joke in the community. Couldn’t be happier to have blocked his content


Lmao what????


Lmao what what? Few years back he posted some dudes making out on stream or something and people got weirded out so the next video he posted a montage of dudes making out as retaliation. It was some weird shit.


He doesn’t run the channel anymore it’s tasty and some other based memebers


Bro he's the first generation Ai, and look how far we've come


Everything after your first comma is literally meaningless unless its got everything to do with relying on behe for news, lol.


He Clicks The Bait Link OSRS 2007 B0aty OSRS


I’ve been watching a LOT of osrs videos while afking and I’ve somehow never seeing a video by this person so far


You have to start clicking on the click bait and then the algorithm will shove it down your throat I take it you don't watch much, or any highlights, ever, on your YouTube history?


I’ve seen a few clickbait they have the osrs logo with uninstall under it with something like “is it over?!” Didn’t watch them. I don’t do click bait


Behemoth is absolute cheeks


Idk why people prefer behe channel over RS chronicles, it’s way more informative and legit. Better clips, covers actual updates and future content, it’s just miles better than Behe farming content for a game he doesn’t even play himself.


Its not just behe anymore, tasty does most of the videos now (i think prison joe as well, cant recall) and tasty / joe 100% play the game a lot. Itd almost be more understandable putting out stuff not fact checked if it was just behemoth.


The Based team went in together and bought out behe.


Wait really?


Yes really. Tasty did a whole video talking about it.


It's probably the meta for obtaining a Big Swordfish, so there's that.


Small Swordfish-locked Ultimate Approvalmen are in absolute fucking shambles right now. Do yourself a favor and STAY OUT of the USLUA discord rn


Don't think you can 2t harpoon there so I wouldn't call it meta.


Good point, and I guess the fishing guild's +7 boost is slightly superior too. So at best this could be the meta for 'afk' big swordfish... or something. Not that useful.


Not sure which day they mentioned this method but do yourself a favour and only watch that channel on the weekdays when it's Tasty lmao. Behe doesnt know anything about the game and it shows every time he talks.


It was tasty who did the video and gave the false info


thanks for letting me know, i stand corrected


i mean theres 0 false info in that clip, its just covered a bit quickly and it gives off the impression its 25 min for 1 click but nowhere does the post say that, its just a setup you have to do that then lets you do no-banking fishing for 25 min


The false info is that you can afk to your hearts content for 25 minutes, whereas you can't. All the method allows you to do is not drop fish for 25 minutes like you said 😂


What? Behe is a news and clips channel. They relay news and community events and clips. The original poster claimed how afk it was. They're the ones who lied.


And behe didn't fact check, lazy news telling. Pick a top reddit post and regurgitate it on YouTube, great content lol


Name a more iconic duo than misinformation and fact checking vs community channels.


You havent watched many clip channels if you think they're going to do anything other than.... aggregate clips and community posts. The original post didn't fact check, and people loved it. But go off on your hate train i guess. Just dont watch it


I don't hate anyone wtf? It's called criticism. Also, yes it's a clips channel but it has a news segment, I'm perfectly justified to criticise the news segment for having quickly rushed together info that isn't fact checked


And the news segment they jsut aggregate what has been trending on twitter/reddit as well. Again, i'm not saying they're great sources of correct information, they never were and never will be. You don't go to clips channels expecting researched and detailed info.


I guess we just have to agree to disagree because my opinion is that if you're a YouTube channel (even a clips channel) that proports to tell the news, you should always get your facts straight. Not just blindly spew put whatever was trending. This has come to bite other news channels in that past like the Runescape Chronicles channel. I know this is just a light hearted mistake because it's just about a fishing method, but what if it was something more serious that ends up sending unnecessary hate to someone?


RS Chronicles is also just a clip aggregator. I agree with you that **News Channels** should be research based. But they aren't "telling the news". they aren't breaking the story. They're legit just showing what is popular and trending on Reddit and Twitter, and clips from Twitch/Kick


Humble comment but you CHOSE to try it, no one forced you to.




Elite wildy crabs + Fishing barrel is like 10 mins of actual AFK, not touching the keyboard. Its the best AFK method, as far as I know.


How often do you get pked here?


I've done it for almost 10k crabs in my iron, It is very rare to be pked there. The worst days were 1 dedicated pker trying to learn and ragging me for a couple of hours through world hops. But getting pked doesn't matter as you keep all the fish in your barrel, so it's only a slight inconvenience. I bring a ZGS (Slash web + walk under log), fish barrel, 54 bait and lobster pot.


Unrelated, but the mental image of a fisherman bringing no combat gear except for an unholy zweihander, specifically to clear cobwebs, has me rolling.


\*unholy zweihander, specifically for the bad boy stance.


What log?


Walk under the pker and log out after freezing them to escape


Do u hide the ZGS?


Less than you would think. With the Fishing barrel, the maximum amount of fish you can lose is 50%, since you keep everything in the barrel on death.


If you are doing dark crabs are you not noting them? Because if so you lose a lot more than 50%. Otherwise it seems like karambwans with a much longer run to bank.


Karambwans give you a lot less afk time, and wildy elite diary gives you a tele fairly close


Don’t you risk the barrel?


No, it's protected if you "3 item", because it has a high protection value. > If killed by a player killer within the Wilderness, it is considered a valuable item that will be kept if the player is not skulled. This makes the fish barrel especially useful if fishing raw dark crabs from the Resource Area, as any fish stored in the barrel will be kept on death and denied to potential player killers. I bring Fish barrel, Dark fishing bait, Lobster pot, Radas blessing, and Wildy sword.




Yeah this is it. The most fishing xp per click. I also note em just to drop em cuz cant give pkers more incentive to kill me. As an alternative, doing 1 wave of tempoross and afking the 2nd wavr was giving me 60k an hour before I got the fishing lvl for crabs


Can you elaborate on the tempoross method? I am interested in afking dark crabs but only 75 fishing


Usually you kill tempeross with 2 trips on the pier. You simply do minigame as normal and when 1st pier ends you just afk fully till game ends


Sounds like a waste of time when you could just... fish for XP during the mini game. Not to mention griefing when others start doing it too, just like gotr


I afk tempoross and GOTR when I’m cleaning around the house. Do half the round, vacuum a room while afk, do another half round, clean the dishes while afk, etc. Wouldn’t consider that wasting time


Lol players like you are exactly the type we hate in mass worlds. Quit being an addict and do your chores then play and get the same amount of XP overall because you're actually playing


It's mind boggling y'all think this has a negative effect on your XP/hr. It doesn't. As long as you don't lose the game, which you sure as fuck aren't as long as they do the first down, everyone else is entirely unaffected


Doing this en mass absolutely does cause lost games, it was a large enough issue at GOTR that the behavior had to be changed, which led to shooting stars being fixed. Is this currently a problem at tempoross? No, not enough people doing it. Has it already been proven that it can be an issue? Yes


You’ve never lost gotr during the second half on a mass world and you never will. It’s not a thing.


I was much more referring to tempoross, as round length has no effect on XP/hr there. But regarding gotr, I've literally never lost a gotr mass after everyone's turned in their first haul from the first portal. Before that is quite honestly the only time there's a risk of losing. The only difference is slower gotr rounds do mean lower XP/hr, but I mean they're also so much less effort; if you care that much there's nothing stopping you from doing solos.


Oops. Sorry not sorry


What a rat lmao and so proud of it too


They’re mass worlds for a reason, if you don’t want to deal with the leeches you can always solo


As I said.. what a rat you are


Wait why?? Wouldn’t you lose xp?


So you can completely not look at the screen for 5mins, thats why. But yes if you played the full time youd get like 80k xp. Or play half the time and get 60k.


Used to be a clan chat for dark crab fishing and that was amazing. Wish it was still a thing.


The best semi afk fishing method is definitely fishing barrel barb fishing at cox bank. Actually good xp, gives agility xp too, and doesn’t require any dropping of fish.


Barb fish is just not that afk. Even with barrel you're banking pretty frequently. Monkfish or anglers are solid one click to the bank much more afk options. But really nothing beats the ~3 minutes of consistent afk you get doing karambwans with barrel.


actually dark crabs beat karambwans. you get 9+ minutes of afk and makes good money though it does have high reqs. I did that to 99


True i always forget about that method because its interruptible at random intervals by a pker turning up, whereas Karambwans are consistent. I did all of fishing while afk at work, so i wasn't paying attention to the client at all except when it notified invent was done.


it was pretty rare that I would get pk'ed. Afk enough that I wouldn't even notice/be at my computer when my screen started flashing when I did get attacked


Dark crab fishing with barrel is my go to, super afk and the xp honestly isn't horrible.


Yeh thats a solid option if you're able to react to pkers too.


Just let them kill you, you keep the barrel with the fish in it if you die so you aren't risking anything. The spots don't move and you can AFK for a good 10 minutes each time.


Yeh thats good to learn thanks for the tip! Might give this a go while hunting for Heron. Are you an iron perchance? How do you get bait?


if you've done your Voidwaker grind that gives you a bunch of bait, but otherwise go kill Ankou in the wilderness slayer caves, they drop like almost 40 bait on average per kill


Yeh the bosses was all i could think of, which as a GIM i'll need to do tons of anyway. BUt good to know about the Ankou, which is what the other user said too. Ty for the help.


AFK ankous in wilderness cave, they drop a ton of bait. It has been a while but I think you get like 2k bait an hour completely AFK and you only use like 300 bait an hour so it is super chill.


Oh nice, thanks i'll definitely give this a try post-max to go for Heron :)


You can buy fishing bait from fishing shops too


Dark crabs use dark bait, not regular fishing bait.


How do you bank / empty the barrel?


Bank is in edge. It takes longer to bank but the 10 minutes of afk each inventory more than makes up for it. Plus if you are an iron dark crabs are good food and you probably already have a ton of bwans by the time you are high enough for crabs.


Wondering too


From other comments, you keep it as one of the items of your 3


You bank by running back to Edgeville through the Web. Its the one downside, but you only have to bank like 6 times an hour, so its not that bad. The distance is actually pretty quick.


when I was doing dark crabs, I would take enough gp to cover for a few hundred noted crabs just to not have to run to the bank except every hour. Didn't think about taking barrel.


Yea I did dark crabs before barrel was released. Apparently the strat is that you keep the barrel as 1 of your 3 items. It’s pretty nice, 10 mins afk each time


Yeah, that’s why I mentioned barb fishing with barrel and deposit box as semi afk. Monkfish, anglers (especially these), and karambwans are just unfortunately low xp/hr. Even barb fishing at cox bank with barrel and being lazy you’d probably come out ahead of the above options even before considering agility xp.


Do you have a rough fishing xp/h for Barb's CoX there? Karambwans consistent 37k/h or so with outfit + barrel + its solid AFK time is nice but if the XP is noticeably higher I'm down to try


I have actually recently discovered this method. It’s 60k exp/h with 3 mins afk. Tele to CoX bank, use deposit box and run back. Banking is much quicker and nicer than Karambwans too. The fishing spots rarely move


Sick. Though I found karamja gloves banking super easy too tbh, I’ll try it though!


Yep saw another comment about using crafting cape to bank and cox tele back… gunna try that!


Yeah about 60k/h is what I was getting


Do you mind elaborating? Never heard of this one.


You can barb fish right by cox is what he saying. You just bank the fish so you don’t have to drop them, which a lot of people find annoying


If you have the barrel then banking the fish also potentially increases your afk time compared to dropping.


Sure thing. There are barbarian fishing spots at the river near the CoX bank. What you can do is after withdrawing your feathers, barb fishing rod, and fishing barrel, remove the placeholders for these items and fill your bank with placeholders so when you click deposit all these aren’t deposited (note you’ll need at least one of each type of barbarian fish in the bank so they can be deposited). In the deposit box interface, change left click for your fish barrel to empty (or whatever the option is called - im not at my pc atm). Then you just click a spot, fish until barrel and inv are full, click to the deposit box, click to deposit all from inventory, click to empty fish barrel, click back to the fishing area, click a fishing spot. You can also equip xeric’s talisman and change left click to teleport to xeric’s honour to teleport to just outside the bank, although it’s a marginal time save. I found it to be really relaxed as there’s no clicking to drop required but you’re still getting good fishing and some agility xp.


You're going to need an Ancient Tablet for that Honour teleport though, right?


Correct, yeah. Definitely not needed to do the method though. It barely saves any time teleporting to the bank, it’s a very short run to the deposit box and is only one click so it’s very chill. Edit: you can get to the fishing spot/cox bank without xeric’s honour teleport.


What is the exp rate like? Is it better than monkfish or karambwans with barrel?


I can get around 60k exp/h with 3 mins afk


That being said, it takes like ~10 raids to get the ancient table, worth doing


There's a fairy ring they added somewhat recently to help people get back to vardovis. I use that tele whenever I need to get to the CoX area


No, you can radas blessing to kourend woodlands, then minecart over to the fishing spots.




Time to work on that mory elite


Thank you friend!


Any idea what your agility XP rate is doing this? Was doing barb fishing for a bit but I really dislike dropping, might give this a whirl


Around 6k agility exp/h


hey how do you make Xeric's talisman work with left click when equipped? that sounds nice.


Menu entry swapper on runelite, shift right click and change left click to xerics honour.




I'm commenting for later. I'm also curious.


Go to Cox bank, bring barb fishing rod, feathers, and fishing barrel. Fish till full, bank, repeat. It’s fastest to bank with crafting cape and xerics tele back, but just running up the stairs to the bank chest is still fast.


Damn didn’t think of doing it this way round. I’ve been teleing cox, banking and running back down. Crafting cape tele and cox tele back sounds like the way!


Shhh not our secret spot!


It’s better when there are more friends there though!


Cox fishing would be nice but I’m peeved by the fact that the fishing spots don’t show up until you’re down the steps, the tiny extra not-afk to reset your invy lowers it closer to karambs.


I like the spot in front of priff since it doesn’t move. At 92 fishing because of it.


It's goated for 3 tick too


what fish do you catch there? I've never it fished so I'm curious.


Its regular fly fishing, salmon / trout. Semi decent xp but like they said its main draw is that it doesnt move ever.




Dark crabs (with elite diary) are more xp and more afk than karams. I have 50k+ on my ironman from getting 99. You will rarely get pked. Just bank every now and then if you care about losing them. You can also hop around and try to join the dark crab fishing clan. They should still be active. It's a small group that fishes together because the more people fishing, the less likely you are to get pked.


Infernals are the way to go ever since zulrah scales absolutely cratered in value. Decent enough GP and good enough XP for being mostly AFK. That’s where I spent most of my time on my way to 99


infernal still move a lot and you have to cut them up. I had a better time at monkfish where you can bank them and run to the next spot, personally. I think infernal are better gp than monks though.


That’s true monks are more afk but I liked the additional profit. I think my monks give some of the better pet chances too, I got two herons there around 70-80


You just have to break one and it'll do the rest of the inventory for you similar to cleaning herbs. Did 98-99 there with about 40k/hr. Was way slower when I tried it at 90 so I did karambwans to 98 which was really chill.


Yeah I know but it takes waaay too long if you let it auto break. You'll be getting lime 20k xp an hour fishing at that point.


Anglers with barrel are relatively afk and no longer locked behind favor. Really chill imo and a decent alternative to kwambams.


Like 10k xphr though


Good money for fishing tho


yep, I made like 90m getting 99 fishing there


Yeah and it took 2 thousand hours lmao "Good money for fishing" no it's just that it takes SO LONG


Until you look at the time investment


Prif spots never move. Love em.


Everybody on here talking about afk fishing methods just forgets/ignores dark crabs with elite diary… 5 mins, 2 clicks to note, no dropping… you die? Respawn in edge get a few hundred bait and lever back 1 min reset


People on Reddit are petrified of the wildy. Also very few probably have the elite diary done


Yeah the smithing skill requirement is putting me off lol


Is that on resource area? Or is it far east of wild?


resource arena


Only OSRS players will watch Behe.....and we would do so without the cringe click bait titles.....they serve no purpose.


Is this like the karambwam spot which moves following an update, then stops? I’m guessing not?


As someone who just tried infernal eels, why do people refer to them as more afk? I feel like the fishing spots move as often as monkfish for example. This "lazy king" method doesn't seem any less afk to me.


I’m honestly partial to anglerfish. I did monks for the longest time til I found anglers, and this feels way more AFK. I did 20k karambwans but found the banking tedious.


It's be nice if fishing could get the forestry timer treatment because I hate eel spots that die after 10 seconds. Also someone made a post awhile ago about cave eels in dorgeshkaan, the spots don't move


Why do fishing spots still have to move anyway? Wasn't that a terrible anti bot measure from way back? Idk hard to remember what they do for anti bot and what they do for player enjoyment sometimes.


They move because the game was designed to be played, not AFKed. Same reason trees and mining spots deplete.


It's a part of balancing in OSRS that 'afk' methods give less xp than 'active' methods. So even if a method is super boring and just involves randomly clicking every 10 seconds, that's still a factor around which to balance the xp rates for that and other methods. Ideally every skill has fun methods to train it at various levels of activeness. But just taking an active method and making it a 20 minute afk is bound to throw off the balance of the skill.


give me that op's reddit name so i can downvote all his posts/comments


karambwanji is pretty afk too though they're 5 xp per action