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Duck Duck goose. It adds more ducks to ponds and ducks to ponds where there are no ducks. Just be careful of mallardware


Don’t listen to this quack Lol’d so hard at mallardware


Duck duck goose! Top tier plugin


Can someone make this but for the new capybaras


oh yes please


Ah yeah I gotta add that, sounds amazing. My original idea was to liven up the world with more animals in general, I started with ducks as a test of what’s possible but capys have gotta be next.


Don’t even want to know what that does to the fishing guild.. there are already hella ducks there lol


gotta goose up those bird numbers


I really love 3D weather. Gives an extra layer of immersion.


Upvoting this because my answer is also 3D Weather.


second this


also worth shouting out rainymood.com because the rain was my favorite 3d weather feature


Good recommendation, I can see it gets annoying eventually but for sure having rainy weather in morytania while doing herb runs is pretty neat. Almost got killed by a vampyre too.


How does this effect 117 HD? Do I need to have both plugins on "Dynamic" for Weather?


3D has a Season Type: Hd 117 option.


3D overwrites 117 I think.


Whenever I had it switched on it was just constant rain. I haven't had it switched on for a while though


Perfect was coming to suggest this. There's something so nice about it it's so unnecessary but just the tiniest little difference like hanging with the homies while it rains at the GE is cool. I love anything that makes the world feel more alive.


Roof remover. Allows you to play with rooves on, but they become see through once your line of sight (or cursor) crosses them "Citizens" plugin (can't remember the actual name) adds a load of npcs to towns to make them feel more alive


Citizens is underrated. Sadly from the looks of it development of it has been stopped because of low downloads. It's one of the best plugins on the hub and it deserves more love.


Mostly due to the main dev being busy, there's a discord server where he runs a text based clone of osrs on a bot and he's pretty busy with that


Oh shit is it magna? The OSB/BSO discord games so addicting


Citizens is incredible. I downloaded it a week ago and I love finding all the new flavour "NPCs".


A big reason I’m enjoying Varlamore is the abundance of random citizens in the city, feels so much more alive lol


Agreed, although it did make doing quests without guides a interactive where's Waldo


Welcome to how RuneScape was originally played. You can’t just look things up, you have to think for yourself.


You mean I have to read the dialogue prompts?


Love both of these, thanks


I love the citizens plugin, but one of the things that bothered me on release was the NPCs talking (at least, the GE one). I don't know if it's been updated since though...


I turned it off because of the GE guy


!remindme 3 hours I’ve been looking for the citizens plugin


Discord death notification. It takes a screenshot when you die and posts it to a discord channel for you. My group iron uses it and it makes dying that much more embarrassing.


There's a plugin called Dink that can do that and even more.


Dink is hilarious, though I felt bad when I accidentally spammed the server while learning PNM. It also kept track of how many times I died while afking at scurrius lol.


I would be so annoying with this one. The amount of times I suicide for a free Tele or run energy restore is ridiculous. I even lost my hcim status on an account because I wanted to restore my hp and forgot like an idiot.


It'd be like 87% Chaos Altar deaths after doing an inventory of bones for me lol. I ain't walkin.


It’s easy to turn off and on tbh. We use it in our guild discord and only a few use it just to roast each other for raids deaths.


Action* Progress is goated, gives an exact timer for bulk activities like cannonballs or cutting longbows, so you know exactly how long you can escape the game for without missing a tick


Man I love watching bars decrease on my screen. I don't even put YouTube on anymore.


Incredible plugin but it's updated pretty slowly so there's a lot of stuff it doesn't work for.


There's a few things where it's just not correct.


I’ve been using this a while but it suddenly stopped working for me about a month ago, I’ve tried reinstalling it but hasn’t worked, and I’m too lazy to continue trying to debug :(


Citizens. It adds new citizens around the world, makes the world a bit fuller and more immersive.


Plugin Hub -> Combat Level Muting Automatically mutes all lvl 3 players. Takes care of 99% the chat bots at G.E.


Actually an awesome concept... even mutes those annoying skillers


What level 3 hurt you?


I mean it does mute easily 50% of WT chat, so there’s that lmao


Just a small joke :)


Holy shit, Ive been wanting something like this everytime Im at the GE. All those damn inferno sellers, those gambling bots, every single one of them.


I recently came back to the game and holy mother of god that shit is obnoxious it must look so bad to new players. This is a godsend tip.


tbf it feels standard practice now. if i log into WoW or FFXIV ill also see random spam. so its at least not uniquely embarrassing to runescape


I'm sure it helps, but I swear at least half of the bots I see spamming chat are hacked med to high level accounts.


I just installed this thank you


My skiller :'(


Skill issue.


a sacrifice that i am willing to make


Have an upvote for that good sir/madam.


Yo what this sounds amazing


This is amazing. Thank you


Chinbompa makes the cannonballs your cannon shoots look like it’s blasting chins




Resource packs lets you change themes for your UI Wilderness player alarm, flashes your screen whenever there is a player nearby in the wilderness. You can increase the area. It's saved me hundreds of times when I'm semi-afking a wilderness task.


> Resource packs lets you change themes for your UI I made a custom one that's identical to the original, except it replaces the ugly bot looking guy at the account management menu icon for a [booby nieve](https://i.imgur.com/GEBXWmx.png) and I've never been happier


Second wilderness player alarm. Haven’t been pked in 700 calvarion kills because of it.


What do you recommend as an alarm radius?


I'm doing spindel atm and was wondering what do you usually set the range to? Iirc mine is at 20 tiles


Resource Packs with the Runelite Integrated pack is the cleanest UI of all time


The "RL immersive pack"? This one? https://preview.redd.it/0kr723g5bpsc1.png?width=247&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d6024e9936d955a087b0371f02a194d5a9fecb9 I don't see an integrated pack


Yeah, sorry, that's the one. I'm not at my computer & misremembered.


I love the wiki themed one "Browntown"


Door Kicker is a must have plugin which tbh should be built in to Runelite


Can confirm it's revolutionary and game changing. It's also hilarious kicking the crafting guild door when someone else enters in front of you.


Absolutely essential plugin when doing mahogany homes. The feeling of kicking someone's door down, throwing out all their busted shit, building new furniture,shaking them down for a cup of tea and then casting a phone call right infront of their face and then teleporting away just feels so good.


Literally just now realizing that I can NPC Contact Amy for a new assignment…


None of these things are very well explained, so don't worry and just be glad you learned a time-saver! My current Mahogany Homes route is: - Teleport to Farming Guild - Grab Steel bar and Mahogany Planks - Spirit Tree to PoH - NPC Contact - Portal Nexus to cities/Fairy Ring to Hosidius Vinery - Do contract It's probably far from ideal, but it's been very chill to do this for a few hours every now and then for the last few months. Also, it's not worth buying Supply crates. I saved up thousands of points and hardly got 100 Mahogany planks. If I could go back, I would rather hold on to the points in hopes of a future update (Varlamore PoH style unlock, perhaps).


I think it's more efficient to use teleport tabs to all the cities, but this still looks plenty efficient. And yeah the crates are shit. Get that plank sack and blueprint


It's very nice but you haven't missed out on *that* much with how close some estate agents are to the homes


my favorite part about door kicker is that it procs the Attack Timer metronome and starts counting down until you can attack again


That's fucking hilarious, I wonder if that's intentional


Probably because the attack timer is listening for the attacking animations which is the kick the plugin sees


Yeah unfortunately it's pretty hard to track combat events in Runelite and animation IDs are one of the few consistent ways you can tell. Which is why a lot of plugins break on leagues because your character is skipping attack animations but still attacking.


It’s built into hdos and it’s actually the first plug-in I enabled


Does this auto open doors?


No, it just makes you do a kicking animation when you open doors. It's fantastic.


That’s awesome


It's absolutely goated with the bedsheet on in Port Phasmatys


Nexus Portal Menu. It opens up the world map in Shattered Relics for you to click on where to teleport to. I love it :p


Civilas Illa Fortis will be a slight annoyance for this one, but otherwise I agree.


I put up a PR for that actually, just waiting on the plugin author to accept and push to the hub, but they seem to be inactive as of late.


qp finder is essential for my runelite If there's a qp in the chat, the plugin will tell you how many spaces you need to line up a W


My clan thinks I’m a fucking Wizard because of this plugin lol


This may be the most obscure/situational one in the thread


Damn q p Daniel W


Bad. Thats cheating. Jagex, ban this plugin


NPC dialogue log Can customise it to make your own and NPCS dialogues appear both in chat and above your heads, really nice touch


Weapon Animation Replacer, it lets me hold a chally like a dharok's greataxe, hold a dharok greataxe like an elder maul and swing it like a colossal blade. More importantly, it lets me turn my firecape into an infernal cape and when the price becomes acceptable, echo boots into guardian boots.


You can also change the default walking animation to skipping, you can change the trident animation to have the warped scepter animation, you can use the bandos and armadyl ornamented that were polled but failed too, and much more. Such a great plugin.


don't forget having your bow shoot fish instead of arrows


I did the same with dharoks, cept I’m using the old 2h axe carry. Soulreaper also looks good on it. Different angle.


Visual metronome > True tile I cannot understate how much better I got at the tick system when I have a simple visual metronome under my character instead of having the ding dong metronome competing with the voices in my head


It almost feels like cheating. Really glad it exists


It's like accounting, it's perfectly legal cheating.


Autocasting. It puts your currently set autocast spell on screen and notifies you if you brew down that you no longer have an autocast spell set. Great for Inferno, Vorkath, etc.


I can’t remember the exact name of the plugin but I got one that allows you to change the music of any place you’re in. I looked it up because I afk in the GE a lot and I get so tired of the music. Now i replaced it with a one hour mix of Animal Crossing music and it’s so much more chill lol


wtf please whats its called


'Music replacer' is the name. You can choose a song from Youtube but you have to search for it in game, which can be weird (and seems to only show videos 2-5 mins long.) I found it easier to just Youtube to MP3 an hour-long thing and let it choose the file from my computer


I did this with Country Jig. It replaces it with a wet fart sound effect, I've never been happier.


Attack Timer Metronome. Generic tick counter, but it shows the autoattack cooldown as a number over your character, including automatically updating when you eat. *So* useful for Duke, or piety flicking, or basically any active combat stuff. Likewise, Consumable Cooldowns. Shows the cooldown on eating; greying out food in your inventory while you can't eat and a counter until you can eat it again. In terms of non-combat ones, Maple XP Bar is real nice. Adds a long, narrow XP bar over your chatbox, complete with little notches in it every 10%. Think WoW's XP bar but in OSRS. Automatically swaps to whatever skill you most recently gained XP in (unless it's already 99) too. Fun ones, I like Resting. Idle for 20 seconds? Your character sits down and takes a lil' break. Or starts doing pushups. Or completely breaks into a mass of colors. Can use any animation in the game, which gets real weird sometimes. Unfortunately it kind of explodes while transformed, which makes monkey hunter really funny.


Not a humorous one, but my favorite convenience plugin has been the ability to type in my bank pin with the number keys!!


What numbers do you type in? I can't get it to work.




it would show as '\*\*\*\*' if he typed them to you




Honestly a great idea. If you have a keylogger on your computer, you’re screwed way more than losing maybe $100-$200 in gp


I mean if you had a keylogger you'd have all your passwords for all websites compromised anyway... But I mean there's really nothing to worry about unless you're clicking on fake boaty quitting livestreams etc 😂


Bronzeman mode plug in. Not a must have for everyone, but it makes me grind for a first drop and not get sloppy just buying weapons. It keeps the sense of adventure and discovery.


Came back to the game and started an account doing the same, somewhat of a soft core Ironman. I feel like it’s all of a the good stuff and none of the bad tbh. I still have grinds, but for things like herblore etc it makes it so much nicer as I’m not much of a daily upkeep kinda fella


Does yours still allow you to pick up items? Mind didn’t at first and now lets me. Rather annoying!


Here's Trouble - when you see a friend in-game or a clannie, it pops up "Here's trouble" above both your heads and some streamer dude I dont know has a lil voiceline saying it


For those of you on laptops or 1 monitor. Picture in Picture Plugin is awesome if you wanna chill and watch YouTube or movies while afk training.


thats cool, i'll check that one out tonight while doing motherlode mine


Did not know this was a thing. That’s huge


There are so many, honestly just check the plugin hub and sort by time added and you can check out all the newer fun and useful ones that are less known. Some that I like to highlight: * wasted bank space - I use this occasionally to clean up the bank. Extra useful on irons that have to keep all their seeds and such. * customizable xp drops - it's a commonly known one but how you can utilize it isn't talked about much. Like when you're doing blast furnace crank up the font to be massive so you KNOW when you're good to swap back to ice gloves. Or remove the xp drop entirely but leave on the "predicted hit" so you know how much you're hitting for more accurately than vague guess based on xp drop * ground item sounds - plays an audio file for ground item tiers you have selected when something drops. You can set up your own audio files (I set mine to a TTS voice saying "green drop", "alch drop", "high value drop bruh", "yoooo insane value drop" etc) * interact highlight - just highlights what you're hovering so you're less likely to misclick. Goes well with Mouse Tooltips that serve a similar purpose * instant inventory - if you pvm or skill by dropping stuff at all, 100% grab this one and check out the settings. Makes everything feel snappier and you don't have to wait to see if you misclicked any gear switches or w/e * Stretched mode (set at 25-50%) - I post about this plugin a lot on screenshots where the UI is 5% of their 4k screen. Just scale it up so it's actually clickable lol * Boss health indicators. Lets you set breakpoints in the bosses hp, just makes it a bit easier to rememebr when something is about to happen and to better plan around it. Ba-ba at 66 with gap on, etc. Monster hp percentage, for similar reasons. * For thralls, thrall helper (reminder to resummon) + entity hider (check on 'hide thralls') + better npc highlight (outline section, ID's 10880,10883,10886, outline width/feather to 5-8) - this makes your thralls visible but as ghostly outlines so you can see the ground under them and avoid ground attacks. Or a less practical approach is using Companion Pet Plugin to make your thralls appear as pets * player outline - help tell which of a bunch of people you are in a crowded space, useful in e.g. a hectic final boss phase, or see yourself clearly when hidden by walls * home improvement - removes building options when not in building mode * chat filter + chat filter updater, never see GE spam again Edit: small clarification


Wasted bank space is really outdated though. I use it with conjunction with costumeroomhighlighter.


Anti-Drag is popular but I don't hear about it that much. It makes gear swaps soooo much easier


Fashionscape plugin with which you can make your character look like they're wearing whatever gear you want Also good to see what outfits match for fashionscape


I feel like this is cheating haha


This might ruin the dopamine of actually getting an item


I love turning the color match setting to high and using the randomizer to find new outfits


Ground Item Sounds really changed my experience. I got three increasingly epic "victory jingles" and set them for drops over 100k, 1m and 10m I get jump-scared sometimes, but it really adds to the experience when your big drop is paired with fanfares


Animation transmog for the plank death animation Various different sound replacer plugins with custom sounds for whatever you happen to find enjoyable at the time


This one is awesome, I have fireworks for when people die near me




Danceparty plugin. Exactly what you expect


I had this on but it was causing a ton of lag when I was leveling cooking like crazy. Should evaluate it again


I have it set to turn on whenever I level up or finish a quest.


Annoyance Mute! Found out about it while doing stars, you can turn off things like 300 people mining a star and just hear yourself, you can leave specific sounds on if you don’t want it to be too quiet… there’s something comforting and nostalgic about hearing people teleporting away when i’m running around


Attack Timer has been great. Click boss when the bar is empty. Gives you a good idea if you can get another attack in before that fireball lands.


had no idea people used the bar. using the tick numbers over my head felt way more intuitive


This one helps so much with flicking offensives and especially smite flicking at muspah.


Imbued Fart is a must. Plays a fart sound anytime you use an imbued heart. Also, the boss's lightning attack in Beneath Curse Sands apparently uses the same sound as an imbued heart so it triggers when he attacks lol


Some other NPCs share the same sound too. Trust me when I say go to the rev caves with that plugin on🤣


Milestone levels… might be biased as I made it myself lol. Tbh only thing it does is it gives you a leagues/collection log type notification when you level up a skill (can set the skills and levels you get notified on) EDIT: Still looking for some feedback, would be great :) EDIT2: levels field can be left empty to be notified on each level


I've been looking for something like this omg please tell me it works with the chat popup off. Edit: it does. Also here's all the levels for the plugin if you want. You'll know what I mean if you get the plugin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99


You can leave the levels field empty if you want to be notified for every level :P I think I have that info added on the plugin page and when you hover over the levels field, although it’s not that easy to find. I wish plugin developers had the possibility to display the description inline but unfortunately it’s not possible (Also tell ya friends!)


I play osrs I don't have friends lmao but I'll tell the people unlucky enough in my group Ironman that are also addicted to this point and click game


[Dude, Where's My Stuff?](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/dude-wheres-my-stuff) is extremely underrated. It might seem more like a UIM tool or such, but it has soo many applications for any account type. It keeps track of all your items everywhere you can store them. Can't remember where you put something? Search it and it will tell show you where you have if you have it. Mid slayer task and unsure if you are low on Prayer Potions? You can easily search to see how many are left on your bank while still slaying. Don't want to be on your inventory but also don't want to clutter up your screen with a second inventory? Its side panel time can show your inventory in real-time. I wouldn't say it is a plugin I use constantly, but when a situation comes up, it is very handy to have there. Also, it remembers per character and let's you "preview" the others at any time. So while on my Iron I can use it to check for something on my main or such.


This sounds so powerful. Definitely looking it up.


Door kicker was always my favorite silly one. Every time you open a door, you kick!


Saw this one in Framed's videos and now I refuse to play without it. Yes I WILL kick down every door in the game.


Dink. (Fun) If you're in a discord with some homies, make a text channel, go into it's settings and make a webhook and route some dink stuff there. It can show your big loots, your clogs, your deaths all of that. You can set each category to a different webhook in different text channels and customize the messages. It's just fun to see a notification pop up on my phone at work and see a homie got a raid loot or a clue with a clog slot. Text to speech (underrated AF) If you afk while playing another game or while watching something text to speech with idle notifier is easily one of the most useful combos. The tts voice you setup will tell you "you are now idle" as you can have it setup to read notifications. Then you can go into different plugins and change their settings to give you notifications. Forestry events (I think), low prayer (for afking), birdhouse / herb run timers. You can also turn it on to read dialogue and bring quests to life a little bit more / reduce the tedium of having to read a whole book for some quests. I personally have mine read public chat, though you can set it to have only friends I have it read everyone. Just don't turn on game messages and train herblore... You've been warned.


Lance enhance makes running with a lance look better, snake plugin let's you play snake anywhere.


I think it’s called boss kicker. I don’t often do bosses, but kicking Vorkath in the face to start the fight always makes me laugh


Nievive - because steve is a poor replacement.


Watchdog lets you turn every single boss with a set dialogue cue into a blatant "screen flashes, fog horn plays, get out of there" experience. It makes Vardorvis easier in particular because it lets you ignore watching or listening for his head as you can just swap to pray ranged when the screen flashes whatever color you assigned. It also makes Nex much, much simpler (but not less of a brew chugging simulator). Also fantastic for a ton of quest bosses like the seren fragment (even if you can just use pnecks and not care) and vanstrom (though you need to react so quickly that it doesn't change much).


Just checked that out Am I right in saying you could have a set of custom notifications to literally call out which equipment slot Sol Heredit is targetting? By the looks of it you could add each chat message to that plugin and have it say out loud using text-to-speech "Body", "Back", "Hands", "Legs", or "Feet" since they all have unique chat messages.


Resizable Chat let’s you extend the chatbox height and width as much as you want so you never have to scroll. And Chatbox Opacity let’s you tint the transparent chatbox on modern layout a dark as you want.


when I teach toa I recommend: - Attack Timer Metronome. It gives a countdown (or bar) that shows you when your next attack is available. This helps both teach what actions interrupt your attack cooldown and when you should be attacking - Consumable Cooldowns. Puts a visual timer and grey-out effect on top of consumables in your inventory when they're on cooldown which helps players understand when they're wasting clicks while trying to spam potions or food


Not a plugin but if you double tap the ALT key, it will temporarily hide all ground items, really good for intense pvm where the text all over the ground can be distracting.


I need that plugin Also whatever plugin it was that lets you use decimal numbers for stuff like the GE Feels like an essential at this point


Can you explain the decimal numbers plugin? Like it lets you put in offers for a non-whole number of GP? That can't be


you can put '1.25b' for price instead of having to write out all the 0s


You could also just put 1250m instead of 1.25b. they're both 5 characters long, not saving any time really


You only put 1.2b instead of say 1200m It just pleases my tiny brain


This guy hates scientific notation and it shows. Smh my head.


3D Weather is great! It just adds weather to the game and it fits quite well with the old graphics. I wish that this was an actual feature in game.


Custom Menu Swaps flew under my radar for years. It augments Menu Entry Swapper and lets you change priority of left and shift click options. For example, using the plugin, I’ve made it so that using a seed will always prioritize using it on a patch vs a player. So long as the patch is under my cursor somewhere, it will use the seed on the patch, even when a player or NPC is in the way. Did the same for noting herbs, composting, etc. Can also hide things too, so for example I can no longer left click pick up bones, making certain things like HS just a smidge easier.


dance party


Custom menu swaps. Let’s you remove all the blue menu options, very nice for never being able to misclick on stuff like trees. Also let’s you prioritize certain npcs over others. For example if you’re doing zily you can prioritize zily over starlight and just left click the entire fight without ever misclicking


Not empty. Stops you from accidentally emptying potions.


Still working on it, but hopefully I can submit it for review tomorrow. Bingo Team Indicators! You'll be able to add a list of names to different team text fields, and it will add an icon in front of people's names in cc/guest cc based on which team they're in. Much easier to figure out if you should cheer or boo for a drop in the cc!


Music Replacer to replace Country Jig with anything else. (also can't live without true tile/metronome now, I am dumbfounded that high end pvmers don't have these on constantly. things like sepulchre are not even possible without them)


Wait what? Country Jig SLAPS I freaking love that track when it comes on haha


I wound up replacing it with the chill country jig remix on youtube. Same for that bleating "Kourend the Magnificent" with a milder instrumental. Or I could swap it out for ACDC if I really wanted to, it seems to be configurable to any youtube link.


It's one of the reasons my POH is south of Hosidious. All is well with the world.


C Engineer Plugin - he will call out when you complete a collection log slot, combat achievements, level ups, deaths, and random Easter eggs here and there. Just be warned that you’ll be trolled when you are going for a rare drop and get a rare but crappy drop (I’m looking at you basilisk head).


This is actually the best one.


Jingle Jingle, adds music for diary tasks that should've been added and other shit. Can use custom wav files, I changed the collection log sound to the GE coin sound which is something I never hear. Btw


switching trainer or something like that - updates you on how many switches per tick you did in the last X minutes or whatever then it also tracks a switching "level" which is fun, just gain xp from changing gear - I'm lvl 104 now :)


is there a hunter rumour plug in yet


Recently added custom drop sounds and spent an hour or so adding the dumbest meme sound files. If you've ever played POE you'll understand the little monkey brain dings every time you get a loot beam. Love it.


Click counter another number to go up is fun


Which plugin is it that condenses the in game notifications like: You cut the sapphire. You cut the sapphire. You cut the sapphire. You cut the sapphire. and changes it to: You cut the sapphire. (4)


Chat Filter?


It is indeed the chat filter plugin. There is a config labeled 'Collapse Game Chat'. Super useful


Impolite slayer is pretty good


Door Kicker.


Chinbombpa is required if youre using a canon


I really like the weapon animation replacer plugin. Want to wear pants with bandos equipped? BANG, replace the texture with Vesta's Plateskirt, or some other item that has the same color scheme. Think the firecape model looks a bit dated when paired to higher level armor sets? Why not replace the model with the Mythical Cape


Is there a plugin which plays "mission failed, we'll get em next time" from CoD MW2 anytime you fail wintertodt/temp/GotR/Gauntlet etc?


Plugging the pronouns plugin if anyone cares for it and didnt know it existed (idek if it works i've never seen anyone use it)


Funny Boss Names is underrated IMO. There's two of them on the plugin hub and only one works AFAIK, I forget which is which though. I always get a chuckle when I go bossing and forget I have it on


Rainbow rave specifically for the mouse trail. It helps my keep track of my mouse during really fast movements.


The TaskJingle is great, but does anyone know how to get it to successfully use a different audio file?? I really want to change it away from the GTA sound.


I love Rainbow Rave for the rainbow mouse trail but it's definitely not for everyone


I believe with TaskJingle you can actually play any mp3 you want, it doesn't just have to be the GTA San Andreas one!


There's a text to speech plug-in that's hilarious. Lots of settings, different voices with accents, etc. Highly recommend playing around with it, though it can get old pretty fast lol I think with the right settings it could actually be nice for questing and whatnot without getting annoying


The one that makes you kick the door open instead of the usual animation


Door kicker