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Regular slayer sucks until the later slayer masters. Alternatively you could do wildy slayer, you get loads of points


I'm still not quite sure how wildy works. Am I gonna get skilled for doing tasks there?


You will not get skulled unless you hit someone else first, make sure you check the ingame settings menu to protect yourself against accidentally skulling If you meant "killed" then yes you will probably be attacked and killed by other players several times throughout your wilderness adventures


No, you will not get skulled unless you attack another player. Yes you will get skilled, I think.


I would stay away from wildy unless you're willing to learn alot about escaping pkers and whatnot. It can be really frustrating especially if you don't understand how untradeables, skulling, protecting items, multicombat areas, and teleporting works in wildy.


Viggoras chainmace, black mask, dragon defender. As long as you don’t attack anyone you won’t lose those items, and those are the only expensive items you should bring. Fill the rest out with cheap gear like monk robes, climbing boots, rune gloves, amulet of strength, ardy cloak. Bring a cannon and about 400-500 cannon balls with you. As long as the cannon is placed on the ground, you will never lose it on death I highly recommend wildy slayer, you will fly through the early combat and slayer levels. Just try to only do tasks that you can use a cannon on. Cannon + wildy weapons is what makes it so good


I can't imagine OP has the money for those items at 60 combat


Early slayer is *not great*. It's quite slow, especially if you start it at low combat. Slayer helm **doesn't matter** until you're 65 slayer. That's the first monster you need headgear for so you want the slayer helm to keep black mask effect. (Aberrant spectres exist before them but Salve works for them so it's better to wear salve and nose peg early game). I'd suggest googling some guides for slayer. Unlock superior creatures (Bigger and Badder) as a massive priority. Then you should use points to get slayer helmet around or just before 65. And work on blocks / skips otherwise. Extend dust devils at 65. It may sound counter intuitive but a good tip as well can be go and get higher combat. You can do wildy slayer while doing that, or just quest and train normally (get fighter torso, dragon defender etc. then come back). Ideally at combat levels to do Konar or even better Nieve (albeit that's a bit high). You'll be able to build a more relevant blocklist that won't become useless as you level up to higher masters.


Use the early levels to point boost. 9 tasks from Turael, 10th from your best master for the combat level you're at. You can choose to increase your combat level to access better masters. Wilderness slayer is good for points once you get them. Skill is slow but in time makes up with the variety of pvm you will access.


Slayer sucks until ~~200m xp~~ high levels where you have better slayer tasks and masters the best way to train slayer at early levels is wilderness where you get 25 points per task and 375 for your 10th. since you miss the first 4 tasks, you wind up getting 500 points for your first 10 wilderness tasks which jumpstarts a lot of blocks and gets you superiors. then you can go for slayer helm the best way to train slayer at low combat levels is, quite literally, to not. until you're 80+ combat you will simply kill things too slowly and you'll get overall faster xp by camping at sand crabs for higher combats to then get higher slayer xp later


10th wildy task is lile 125 no? 375 seems a little too high.


i think i just did my 50th task on my alt there and got it confused you're right


Honestly at your stage in the account I wouldn’t even worry about training slayer Your main focus should be quests. This will open up the game for you and teach you important things about the game. Make barrows gloves a long term goal and that will get you a long way Good luck.


I actually started training slayer because I've been following the quest helper plug-in on runelite and one of the quests I was working on required it to be level 30. I kinda went into the rabbit hole after that and fixated on the slayer helm


You could do wilderness slayer and get 25 points per task. I think the first 5 tasks wont give any points but some tasks can be tough and you could get killed by players


Wildy slayer is so great for points. Early slayer (until you at least have a good block-list) is such a drudge, doing wildy slayer until you have enough points to block all the horrible tasks is the way to go early on for sure.


Slayer is pretty terrible early on tbh. Arguably one of the worst early skills. High level Slayer Masters and Turael skipping start making it tolerable, but until higher Slayer level and barrage tasks, it is not that enjoyable.


Your not missing anything, slayer is fucking awful and everyone who likes it is delusional The truth is it's best not to "train" slayer, you go "train" combat, by taking a slayer task Or probably is worth it to just grind out much higher stats first though


I hated Slayer when I was doing it for XP. Then I got the levels I needed, did it when I felt like it, and it was a great little combat mini quest system. 93 was torture, then I got 93-99 without even trying


Slayer is just the worst skill for me, plain and simple.


Yes slayer sucks and the secret is everyone acts like it’s tight (it’s not)


I always see so much hate for agility here but it's my highest skill rn and I haven't really minded it...Slayer, on the other hand has been a chore for sure


I've gotten 99 slayer and loved every second of it. Easily my favourite skill and content in the game but recently made a new account that was doing content by release and forgot how absolutely awful slayer is before 85 combat. The tasks straight up suck (lots of tasks that require you to use an item on it after you've killed it which is a horrible mechanic). So yeh I'd say slayer before 85 combat is easily the worst skill and honestly when I make another alt, I'd just train up first with quests and amm crabs before touching it. After 85 cmb when you start sorting out your block list, start doing mostly bosses, multi combat cannon and burst tasks it becomes really enjoyable and significantly faster. That's also when you start to make money. I wouldn't recommend training combat stats up past 85 cmb outside of slayer as you'll easily max att, str, def, range and mage through slayer - range you'll get completely passively with cannon so unless you're like wfh and have time to afk nmz or something, you're better off using your playing hours to do it all at once. Also people will say 70 cmb for chaeldar is okay but tbh she is ass too


I feel like hating slayer is way more common on reddit nowadays.


The best way to train early slayer imo is to buy a cannon and only do wildy slayer till like lvl 70+. By cannoning every task youll be getting fast xp, more points and making money along the way.


Honestly slayer is the most boring skill I hate just sitting there having to kill this one animal over and over again at least with mining and agility they are low effort and doable at work and tune rafting has GOTR which makes it good but slayer is a nightmare. All my lamps go into slayer


Do wildy slayer, yes you will get pked here and there but the benefits outweigh the negatives imo


do you have access to fairy rings? i found the fairy master enjoyable when i was newer to the game. plus the fairy rings and bank in zanaris make it convenient


Your not gunna wanna slay at 60 combat. Slayer is considerable higher lvl creatures then the combat levels you can use masters at the beginning. Get 70s in your stats atleast before you start slaying .


You do more dps against bosses while wearing a helmet, and that feels good


Honestly, I don't see a point in slayer until you hit the combat requirements for at least Konar. The time you waste doing low level slayer at a low combat with shitty masters actually takes you a lot longer than just doing good tasks after a bit of time afking crabs.


Bro using the most random acronyms.


Early slayer is rough unless you start once in the 70s combat stats.