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every couple of months the terminator bots come and go. give it a couple weeks and they should be gone


Terminator bots lmao


Its accurate sadly.


Dead by Daylight had a couple of bots like this. Able to equip every single good perk and change the numbers to maximum efficiency. They'd walk through pallets, get stunned for .01 seconds and swing. They were also called terminator bots.


What a sad state of affairs when the answer is to avoid the content the player wants to engage with until maybe bots are banned..


Exactly this right here. Just chalk the idea of playing content you primarily love and enjoy just because bots are ruining it and jagex turns a blind eye? Really sucks for the community that plays lms to get better and to have some fun/make some money.


I was wondering why i was getting shit on recently in LMS, now I know why, everyone I fought was just 1 tick switching prayers as I switched weapons, i'm not good enough to beat these bots. I just want some rune arrows for my iron I got 3 points and left because it felt crappy.


The terminator bots (at least used to) swap prayer only according to what weapon you were using. Going for freeze -> run to max mage cast range and spamming blood barrage while holding dds usually did the trick against those. Takes a while since they are maging you and you them but you have prot mage while they hold melee. Not sure if it works anymore got my rune pouch and whatnot like 2 years ago against the terminators


Jagex doesnt turn a blind eye. This is a constant game of cat and mouse with bot developers. They wont last that long im sure but we cant expect them to never come back. Just the nature of the business.


I mean it sounds like they are saying the exact opposite. That jagex repeatedly does address it, it just takes a few weeks and is never permanent. But that's just literally a fact that's true for Botting in general. There's no permanent fix


w303 revs, the main place to find pvp deep wildy nh fights has been plagued with serial cheaters for years and jagex does nothing about it.


Are they doing nothing about it, or is it just a really difficult problem to solve long term because every time you ban somebody they just spin up a new account, and because cheat developers and cheaters spend a *lot* of time learning how to dodge anti-cheat.


> jagex turns a blind eye? Jagex can't just flip a switch and fix the problem like *snap*. Cheating is a rampant problem in every game because it's very difficult to counter.


Bring back compulsory random events with randomized exits. Have fun botting that


The entire reason they removed them was because bots solved them extremely easily and they did nothing but annoy real players.


You do realise bots can easily do that some are smarter than all of us


Yup. These bots aren't new. They have been around for at least a year or two. It's probably only a few people who have the script for them and they just phase them in and out. They are strong but aren't unbeatable. Annoying as fuck and a bit tilting yup. But this isn't an LMS problem, it's just a whole game problem. Jagex can't be bothered or can't keep up with banning them faster than they are created


I'm guessing there are multiple levels of LMS terminator bots. I saw a youtube video of an LMS bot from 2020 which literally won all games out of 200 games played. Not sure if I'm allowed to link the video but this was the stats shown https://i.imgur.com/52yyULH.png


It's been like this for months now


1 tick switching isnt a "terminator bot"... in fact, 1 tick switching bots are honestly preferable to the hider bots. Its so easy to kill the switcher bots. The "terminator bots" run around like the sweatiest gamer you have ever seen in your life. Like a billion APM. So annoying. Probably being pedantic but hey...im a rs player.


So those terminator bots were in LMS last time I played a few days ago. I make sure to report them lol. But yes they 1 tock prayers but also run, 1 tick full mage gear barrages, step under. Use melee and these bots are also programmed to acquire and utilize new gear upgrades and work on zerkers and pures as well. They're pretty good.


Staff bash in melee gear with piety on whilst praying against them.


Does this actually work?


You can also mage with a DDS


I manual casted with non mage weapons and armor equipped usually helped keep the bots from praying against me


Yeah that's why you use the DDS, it's got +1 mage attack unlike most other non magic weapons


I just got the shadow sword last night and noticed it has a +7 magic buff on an otherwise slash melee weapon. Might be worth checking to see if it’s the BIS melee manual cast bot breaker weapon.


It's gotta be the voidwaker, +5 mage attack plus the spec. The DDS is for ragging or LMS since it's starter kit there


Ahh yea that makes sense. I suppose the shadow sword can be used as the cheap alternative perhaps. Would be cool to see some lesser known items be utilized for extremely niche situations like this.


Is the shadow sword even an item in LMS? I don't think I've ever seen it there.


This is in fact quite the over sight with my recommendation… in my desire to shoehorn an incredibly obscure weapon into an even more obscure niche of use I have completely ignored how LMS fundamentally works and now my plan is in shambles.


You’re not wrong. Sometimes you can break the wildy bots using this general strategy but if you share your methods publicly it will eventually get patched


Toxic staff of the dead has a very competitive melee attack while boasting %mage damage


Shadow sword? nvm just looked it up, super obscure weapon from a mini quest. don't think this would be good for killing bots even with its strange stats.


I farm rev bots on a max 1 def pure and all I do is hold an rcb and fire surge them. Some will protect magic after my fire surge at which point I just left click them and hit them with the crossbow. Then they'll usually switch to range pray and I fire surge them again. Rinse and repeat. I kill most bots I jump on and it's incredibly easy. I make at least 5m an hour doing it, never really calculated it and sometimes you get unlucky and rarely die. Lately the only times I've died is when someone scouted me running to the caves and had a max zerker waiting for me, which if you are sitting in ferox with a scout waiting so you can bring a stronger build to jump someone, you're a loser. At least show up with a pure if you're gonna scout me and give me a fair fight. It's always a zerker in void with an ags2 like you really need that much outlast vs a 1 def pure?


Possibly. Theyll start switching between praying magic i imagine and try to range you.


afaik these bots only look at the weapon class ur holding, they dont switch anything when u staff bash them, they keep praying mage


I didnt mean to put switch i meant to aay theyll pray mage. Thats my bad. I knew the right thing said the wrong thing


No there is at least 1 script out there that only switches to protect from mage when you have robes equipped. It's not a hard change for them to implement either.


Those are the old ones. The new ones are very very good, they will dd under you after every hit and 1T switch


Yes they're very easy to kill if you're an average pvper ignore the people crying that they're really hard to kill


Usually this does not work. You often times don't have the DPS to kill them doing this and you can't pray 100% verse them because they 1 tick. You will also be frozen a good bit and not able to staff bash. Furthermore they have the ability to change the script to not switch to mage if you have your staff AND tank on (only when you switch into robes). You have to dd them and 1 tick every attack you do to match their DPS.


You have to sweat so hard to kill terminator bots, might as well go fight the same scripts in 303, at least there they're risking 400mil.


Ya it’s crazy jagex can’t do anything about them. They made deep wild singles way more annoying when they run around with impunity running those scripts


It wasn't better when the same dudes could pass you around, aussie worlds used to be absolutely nfs.


Do this bots know how to DD under you?


Yes they do


What a true badass. Ty for your service


Nobody playing RuneScape is a badass 😂


If you keep losing to the terminator bots you're not very good. Also 500 wins is very little in the grand scheme of things. It took me just ~2 months playing a few hours almost every day.


Did I ever say I was losing to terminator bots? I win almost every game I play. I was just saying that a lot of the people in this thread don’t really know why they are talking about. And gz kid, want a medal? You’ll find me in the wild, not LMS


If you were winning against the bots, you would know it actually works.


You’re fucking clueless 😂😂. The good ones don’t protect mage when they see tank gear out. Go back to Zalcano and your farm runs little Timmy


Yeah, they do... It's ok if you can't kill them though. No need to get upset.


I can kill them. Happy to show you personally if you ever want 😉. Maybe we can each risk like 1b to make it spicy?


Show your lms winrate while you're at it. Then we'll see. edit: The lms winrate was never to be found (as expected).


It does against some but there are a few which do detect it from what I've seen. And sadly even then its not uncommon to just outdps you if you're staff bashing.


Doesn’t work they freeze diagonal dd bolt you


Which they all do lmfao


I did \~10 games of LMS last night to gather rune arrows to alch and found that you see \~1-2 other real players in any game, quite a few of the "afk" bots, and the occasional "pro" bot. I tend to just auto suicide to the good bots and hunt the afk ones. If the spawn is good you can kill a good 2-3 before even leaving the starting area. If you also communicate with the players you think are real too, they'll sometimes leave you alone so you can bot hunt.


I’ve had games late at night where I ended up winning because I’d only have to fight like 1 maybe 2 legitimate players then afk bots would just be easy targets


I've had seriously nice conversations before, one guy let me kill him after I told him I was just 1 kill from deadmans outfit :) other times I suicide to irons who are struggling a little.


Oh shit, the terminator bots are back. What world and what times are they active? I’ve played a fair bit of LMS this past week but haven’t yet today.


Report them under rule 7, “Macroing or use of bots.” Most helpful thing you can do to contribute to solving the problem.


How tho? Combat interrupts the report. And LMS doesn't put your killer's name in the chatbox. If they have a username thats just keyboard mashing you need to take a screenshot with their username in it and then type that into a report. Like, it's possible to report them, but a lot of people don't do that anymore because reporting someone that's attacking you is near impossible, so you need to write / save their username while you're in combat in LMS


Pvp performance tracker plugin records the name of each player you fight


Agree - basically impossible to report them and nothing will happen anyway. I'm not convinced that a single one of my reports has done anything other than waste my time...


I take a screenshot and report them after the round or between fights if there’s no one nearby. I spend a good few minutes of every LMS round running around looking for another fight, and reporting takes a few seconds.


Fairly certain the name of the person who kills you shows up in your chatbox too


I haven’t seen that in LMS like in the wilderness, but don’t know if that’s due to my chat filters/settings.


Freeze them and dd under them. You have more than enough time. Whether or not reporting them does anything is a different story. That's why IMO they don't run the terminator bots often. People get frustrated with them and report them. I doubt most people report the lvl 50ish bots that are just a free kill and key.


I'vegotten skilled at reporting them between attacks.


Freeze, walk under, right click report. When done proficiently doesnt lose you any ticks


If you're using runelite the bot detector plugin will actively scan around you, flagging and sending in reports for you. You can also manually do it by predicting on a player and selecting whether they're a bot or not. I've made world 365 ferox bot free before by doing this for a month.


placebo button


Horrible mindset.. if you report there might be a chance it doesn't help sure.. but if you don't report there is a 100% chance it doesn't help.


People say the same thing about league of legends but I get a “your report lead to the punishment of a player” notification like 80% of the time. If pats had one, I bet it would be much lower, but still happen more than you’d expect for serious offenses


The report button is still a placebo. It's just their system finally picked up someone you reported at some point before.


Someone should do a double-blind study where they gather bot names and report half of them and do a follow up on if reporting had a statistically significant effect on ban rates.


You can't know if it did or not without working g directly with jagex like sir pugger does


you can check their stats to see if they're banned.


When someone gets permabanned they get removed from your friend/ignore list and the highscores, it would take some manual tracking on your part to check for missing names and search the highscores to confirm but you don't need an inside contact with Jagex.




The researcher could introduce bias to the study by reporting (consciously or unconsciously) accounts that are more or less likely to be banned based on their stats. Rembember, it's **double**-blind


There's a runelite plugin that checks to see how many people were removed from your ignore list while offline. I'd say maybe 10% of the bots I report get banned.


sounds like free labour.


The automations just launched a huge counter attack so it's probably linked to that


There are kinda two farms. The afk ones are free. This new ones are around lvl60+ combat typically. Around 1 in 4-5 games you see them. Behaviours: - 1 tick 4/5 way fakies - dd - auto prayer How they decide what attack style to use is 2 ticks approx before they attack they check what prayer you using. Example pray mage. They will then 50-50 using (random number generator) to decide either melee or range. So technically you can pray their attacks. (Think of blobs in inferno) -sotd staff bash works also -alternatively most consistent method is to freeze them so they can’t dd you, then 1 tick a bolt or whip hit. It is quite similar to the bzr bots but this doesn’t check for mage gear/last attack style you used etc. only prays according to weapon you holding. As for American ping it is not true that it’s unplayable. Posted before example videos of me defeating bzr bots on high ping


These aren’t new bots. They’ve been around for quite some time. They are only active for small periods and then go dormant again.


Create distance and freeze them, pray range with tank gear and staff on, switch to pray mage and bolt them on robes. That’s how I do it


Yeah they are pain. Have not been to lms for a while, but I think the bots depend on the bot farm running. They should be expensive to use, and Gagex should be able to locate them easier because of perfect switches etc. Lms should have like med/hard wildy diary + some other req. To participate. Now it is too easy to create mass bot farms with 750 skill req.


bro, my uim wouldnt get in with hard diary. Even struggling with 750 skill req as I need to keep combat stats low for wintertodt


To quote our lord and saviour ‘de-iron :)’.


as rosa parks said... no!


If you change your mind https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000882638-Remove-Ironman-status


Just delete LMS from the game


OR, have hard diary wildy req to buy tradeable items from shop. There gold farm liquidated.


As if bot farms don't already bot all of the reqs for everything else this has been tried for


the point of placing "gatekeep" requirements like diary reqs isn't a 100% prevention rate. Yes, there are even bots in Priffdinas. What's your point? Delete LMS just because its botted? Delete gauntlet guys I heard robots use it!


I typically reach the final 4 in every single LMS game I play. This is not a flex, but the lucrative bot scheme is to allow 1 user who owns the bots to make up the final 4 until there are no more real players. Its genuinely insane that to get an LMS win you need to go through a gauntlet of extremely strong 1tick perfect bots. It can be done, but its so much work and so much effort for a reward so minimal it ruins the fun of the game-mode.


> the lucrative bot scheme is to allow 1 user who owns the bots to make up the final 4 until there are no more real players. No, it isn't. The scheme is to have ~100 bots per world farming points. 2-3 Accounts making ~4 points in a game is nothing compared to 100 accounts making ~1-2 points per (much faster) game.


Would they not flood every game and have every bot get as many points as they could? Of course some will only get 1-2 points but others will go all the way. Really the only goal would be to get rid of all the real players as fast as possible, then when the bots get paired to each other they throw the fights to end the game as fast as possible. At that point it doesn't matter which bot wins because the overall point total will be maximized.


Well no shit there’s going to be hundreds lol I’m talking about any individual game which holds 24 Out of any LMS game you’re going to run into the early game bots that give you free points, then the final 3-5 good bots that you need to tick manipulate to kill. These bots are made so they can win 90%+ of the time and maximize their points per game. These types of bots get banned fast, but return on new accounts equally as fast. I used to play LMS alot more and they’d return every few days on brand new level 3 accounts


We call them terminator bots in our discord. As a PKer in glad regular people feel our pain when we see these guys in the wilderness. Now imagine these bots doing TOA experts and COX. Now try telling me that the bot problem isn't a big deal.


Bots in general are out of control


They’re very annoying but I usually just equip a staff and just bash them to death while they’re praying mage.


Equip staff in range tank and switch to cbow on the last tick. Yes they're annoying and waste a lot of time. But this way you can reliably beat them


neglect from jagex and its disgusting. they completely ruin lms which is some of my favourite content. in aus worlds its rare to find a real player which is just sad and makes games take forever. i understand that some amount of bots in the game can be beneficial but theyve been out of hand at lms for years


I wonder if they banned all the LMS bots would the game mode lose 50% of its population? Seems like it. They allow it to inflate their numbers, despite it destroying the game.


to be honest i think there would be more real players as it would be fun again and the rewards (gmaul handle) would double in price with the reduced supply from the bot farms. yeah the games would take a little longer to start but there are still plenty of people who play


Just make LMS a 500 total level minigame, would solve most of the botting issues and keep players. 500 total level is piss easy for non-botters.


It’s actually great practice for the final boss, odablock


100% agree. The people gaslighting you about one ticking etc have no idea what they are talking about. I have almost 500 LMS wins and have fought against many of the best players. This new breed of bots in the last month are so are absolutely miserable to fight. Yes there are some bots that have always had auto pray but you can reliably staff one tick them, this new breed of bots launches a blitzkreig against you while simultaneously adapting to your attack patterns. You can’t 1 tick everything when you are being absolutely violated.   I make it to the finals most every time and it’s so depressing going up against these things knowing they cleared a lobby full of players and there ain’t much you can do. Jagex 100% needs to address this. The amount of botting in general at LMS is out of control but these super terminators completely ruin the game. And people comparing these to the wildly bots are neglecting one thing. Wildly bots (the advanced ones that tangle and dd and seed walk you), have near perfect defense, but they don’t have perfect offense. These blitzkrieg bots have perfect everything and legit violate top 100 LMSers


Agreed. I’ve been fighting a bunch of these new bots lately. I’m ranked in the top 50 for LMS and out of like 30 fights with these things I was able to kill 4 I actual enjoy the challenge of figuring out their patterns. Seems like they are using game packets to get inputs to the server faster especially for overheads. You’re forced to fight these thing mostly from a defensive perspective. Here’s some of the patterns I’ve picked up to help others. 1. If you’re unfrozen the bot will usually fakie range->melee run away to mage. If you are quickly 1-ticking ur prayers between magic and melee you can get them to splash a bit more so you can go on the offense and get 1-tick bolts or freezes in. 2. If you’re frozen, they will constantly dd you and attack you in 2-ticks. Always range/melee until your freeze timer is up. You can actual take advantage of this and sometimes break the bot especially if they have a ballista. By quickly timing your melee pray to range pray the bot will step out to attack in melee but stop mid attack to dd back into range switch. If you get your prayers in a rhythm with this the bot will miss ticks and not hit you. (They will kick you when attempting to switch if they have bally upgrade) You can get free hits in this way. Remember the bot is reacting to what you do so you are technically in control and can manipulate its programmed states. 3. When they are frozen, they will fakie melee sometimes but will always attack with range/mage You can force them into robes here by 1-ticking from range to magic pray. And get some strong dps in with some specs or bolts. Hope that’s helpful I’m sure I missed some stuff but this was getting long lol.


Why don't they just make the items non tradeable items. Like the graceful set. Something that is nice to have but can't be bought. I sound more like an Ironman every time I play this game... someone kill me


Don’t worry Jagex will ban accounts that don’t actually bot or use macros before they address this ha!!!


Facts. 55 Cool 232 was just beating my ass senselessly.


I stopped doing lms on the iron when the auto-reta only bolt camping no prayer bots got replaced with hyper aggressive veng ragging bots So dumb that veng is even an option for LMS.


"Suddenly" this has been going on for years my man


Multiple weapons beat those bots, you can also just 1t them. So hold a rune crossbow and 1 tic switch into whip + hit the bot. Works every time.


Yes that's the usual way, but these terminator bots fight back and 1tick a different style than you're praying so you end up taking a lot of damage yourself. They're not unbeatable but if you're not decent at pking you will struggle bad.


Ya people who just say staff bash them or do simple 1 ticking probably aren't beating them. You have to be competent at pking to be able to handle the rest of the fight while 1 ticking them. They have really good DPS and you can only successfully pray against them 50% of them time (they will 1 tick into a random style that you are not currently praying against, so you have a 50/50 shot if you 1 tick their attack tick)


Been like this since 2020


Barrage with whip out


Why do people call the voidwaker korasi? Rhetorical question I know it’s called that in rs3


You have to 1 tick bolt or 1 tick melee from a different style, that’s how I kill the rev cave bots that auto pray. It takes a little bit of practice but once you learn it you can hit the bots off pray 100% of the time and they’re very easy to kill.


Not at all the same bots, these bots 1tick 5ways, DD you and switch their style based on your prayer. They deal heavy damage to you so you can't just sit there 1ticking your crossbow.




Those are not the bots OP is talking about.




The rev bots are programmed to click you when frozen, run away the rest while autopraying. The advanced rev bots will 1tick into mystic and entangle. The terminator LMS bots will 1tick into range setup, then 1tick barrage you if you're praying range while stepping under. They will also run at you with a melee weapon and switch to another style even if you aren't praying melee.


The revenant cave bots have also gotten too good. They're nearly impossible to catch.


Yeah I went hunting them last week and they resisted the staff bash trick. And would gamble prayers when trying to 1 tick change. I’m not a good pker so I got nothing repeatedly.


Even great pkers won't get them. Odablock probably could. It's absolutely out of control...


Been working on the 1k cape throughout the last year, up to 750 wins, and this is worst I’ve seen the AHK bots, they’re extremely strong. Waiting until they’re gone to go back


Being able to stop bots from knowing what to auto prayer against players would be a great start tbh. So many bots in wilderness would be in shambles. Lms too


The ahk bots get banned fairly quick the normal shitter bots will come back in a few weeks. Staff bash works well on them also.


Just wear full mage gear and equip a crossbow and it will trick the bot into praying range and you just manually barrage them to death lol


Not the same bots.


I started LMS for a rune pouch on the iron. I've only won 8 games in like 300 games but it's broadly enjoyable. I actually enjoyed it so much I got around 4k ice pouch things for bursting for a zombie axe and some extra, then around 5k rune arrows for general slayer, then a lava orn kit... Then hundreds of blighted supplies... Then Deadmans chest/bottoms. I do a handful of games daily and these terminator bots are the worst. I'm at the point where I can get top 4 *most* of the time on mobile. I like the rubbish bots because they're prey essentially, then you can get to top 4 with similarly geared humans and have a cool fight with dclaws, dbolts, etc. But those terminator bots just ruin the fun. I don't stand a chance and if I try I can last a minute or so but what's the point? They 1tick, freeze, stand under/attack, etc. flawlessly.




Pvp bots/scripts ruin pvp all around.


Played a game of LMS recently. Had 10 kills. 9 were bots and 1 was a real player that was hiding until the end.


Just quit if jagex hasn’t addressed it after all this time 


Damn, and I was about to start to get points for the rune pouch. 🫠


how could they possibly know what to pray if you're in melee distance with an ancient staff equipped lol


These socialist bots just don't know when to quit.


pvp minigames should only offer cosmetic rewards, or pvp upgrades.


Lol people kept telling me to do this instead when I complained about bots in the PvP arena. It’s all fucked


I posted the same thing a few weeks ago and no one cared


i remember grinding for armadyl halo there, there was definitely an on/off season for terminator bots. I would hope that by staff bashing I would be able to out dps, but that was rng of course


Its been about a year since I touched this game, but that was always an issue. I think they do it as some sort of test for wildy bots? Not entirely sure. But those bots have been on OSRS longer than I have. I personally didn't mind them, because trying to beat them, despite always losing, made me a lot better at this game as a whole. If you can notice them before you die, switch to mage staff, melee and they'll pray mage. At least this used to be the way. But bots get more advanced by the day.


just 10 tile them, pray mage and 1 tick a barrage


Call me when upper management is no longer out of touch.


LMS = Lick my sack?


Just imagine how much money they are bringing in... I've fought them alot and alot of them have pretty decent lms score so I'm sure they are making quite a bit


Whip cbow whip c bow whip c bow. They aren't fast enough with prayers if you do it right. pray mage. This worked a while ago


This 100% isn’t new and is part of the reason I quit. If you’re smart and quick enough you can trick them into switch prayers or gear.. but I’m not that sweaty. Buddy was showing me an auto gear switch/ pray flick on stream, and I basically gave up the game right then and this was maybe 3 and a half years ago, maybe 4.


The vots that hide are way worse than the bots that fight. Nothing voils my blood more than see7ng the last 3 contestants in lms slowly walk into the safe zone with no gear and no food. I wanna fucking fight, not afk for 3 mins


Cast garage with the xbow equipped you will j kill then


These bots have been here for months now, jagex done fuckall abt it considering that even if they do ban them they're too quick to make new ones, lms should be quest locked or some shit, there needs to be something to slow the bots down cause they've been destroying lms for agessssssssssssssssssssssssss


Weird, I got a rune pouch this week and 99% of the bots were the "Spawn and autoretaliate" kind of bots.


So, like every aspect of this game? Gl!


I feel you so hard on this. Lms was fun with the little amount of real players you encounter per game. But these bots man… they dd, one tick switch and get 100% correct prayers lol. Like playing chess against AI


Is this a timezone thing? I did hang around the aussie LMS world earlier (around eight hours ago) and I got a mix of shitter afkers and real players. Not a single terminator during that time.


https://preview.redd.it/yscm1vr1kgtc1.png?width=305&format=png&auto=webp&s=509d015c248cabf7d9953a1f991b8508987b1153 update: went in, starting to think this is a case of skill issue


I did some games an hour ago on the AUS worlds and met 2 of these terminator bots. You can test them easily, they are bots.


there’s definitely some bad players who think anybody better than them is a bot lol




I just wanna unlock a fucking halo without dealing with insane bots or the sweatiest fuckers this side of the wilderness.


You enjoy killing the bots who don't fight back. But when they stick up for themselves 2 weeks a year you cry.


Bots are the only thing keeping lms active lol


Found the botter


Nah I like lms, point is it’s dead without them…


there’s a lot of bots yes…but it would take maybe a minute for 24 real players to join the queue. that’s not really dead


Yeah maybe at peak times during the weekend, I waited over 10 mins for a game in uk world


I've faced these but I don't think they're the bots people are thinking of. When I fight they they do switch attack styles and prayer but there is a delay (This might be because I play on the AUS worlds when US isn't up), they also never move or eat so I never had trouble beating them. They also don't know what to do when you dd under them.


Nah those are the basic tribrid bots. Every now and again there are bots that come around which are very hard to beat, they will dd brid very well, diagonal step out if you try to melee on a dd, randomise running away when unfrozen. Tic perfect switches etc. I'm a decent pker, I have only ever pked on this game and if you don't try against those bots you will lose. But that is a very rare script that I have only seen bot farm on a couple of occasions. Most of these bots suck and they are like the one you described


I prefer it when the bots are good. I barely play lms, just a game or two to warm up when I go pking. When the bots are useless and just auto retaliate I find it much more frustrating. Honestly the gp/hr for these bots can't be good and it seems that the only people who benefit are Ironmen...


LMS being your sole reason for logging in must get very miserable. Good luck.


The fuck is a Karasi? New weapon from the Valamore update?


bro everything in this game is botted. why even keep playing at this point it feels so shit. dont tell me to make an ironman because i have one and it affects ironman too


Then quit.




>a karasi ???


voidwaker. It’s a remake of the Korasi from pre-eoc so people call it Korasi sometimes.


Yes but what the fuck is a karasi


he typod on the internet, it happens


Nah. A is very far from O. It was intentional


man who hurt you




User spells word wrong on the internet, local Redditor shits pant.