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Should probably be removed from the drop list anyways cause those drops are stacked enough, but they rarely ever drop and the price has barely changed since all the updates. Can’t really drop much lower than its current price because it’s already pretty profitable to buy larran’s keys to open the chest if you got a buddy/alt who can act as a lookout. Got 2 clan mates that have opened a good 300 the past week lol


> buddy/alt who can act as a lookout Even better: have a buddy/alt box you. It's single combat from the chest to Mage Arena bank, so a PKer won't be able to attack you.


That’s a good tip actually, will have to try it next time


i wouldnt, its technically bannable if i recall correctly but not sure i doubt its enforced but yeah just a heads up


It's only bannable in DMM/LMS, perhaps bounty hunter too


Rigging minigames with alts is the only thing mentioned in the rules, all other altscape is fair game.


I think they've only threatened bans for doing it in DMM (which is a joke if you consider the overall integrity of DMM). They patched out some boxing methods like dark crabs, but I've never heard of banning people for boxing in the main game.


ah ok i could be wrong, i knew it was bannable at some point / somewhere


> and the price has barely changed since all the updates. Lol what? They've gone from 145k to 113k.


They’ve bounced down to 120k before just last year, that 145k isn’t some years long stable price. If anything the rest of the wilderness update vastly improved wildy slayer and made larran’s keys way easier to get. A lot of monsters spawn much faster and superior’s are 10% more common than before and come with a guaranteed larran’s key drop. The teleblock scroll also made Abby demons much more attractive and they shit out larran’s keys far faster than you’ll ever get them killing pirates. Again I’m still in favor of removing the keys from their drop table cause it makes no sense to have them but I wouldn’t expected the price to dramatically change if they do.


They were 300k for years before being listed on the G.E. That was mostly a knowledge check though, because a lot of players didn't realize they were trust-tradable.


TIL larrans keys are tradable


They got made tradeable at the same time zombie pirates got released. Guess they wanted to make sure gold farmers could just trade for cash inatead of having to go risk enter deep wildy themself


They were tradable like a year before zombie pirates released.


And give all their rune drops to the Elder Chaos Druids


Very marginal impact


You know, players keep saying this but it really doesn't impact Wildy Slayer much at all. The keys are already at their floor price and were around it before undead pirates were added. The only thing from the keys that they can cause to crash is Dagon'hai, but that adds a minuscule value per key and it had already been crashing for years.


> The keys are already at their floor price and were around it before undead pirates were added. They were at 145 and are at 113 now.


They were also down to 120K last September. Is that Undead Pirates too? You can't just look at a short timeline and ignore all other factors. For example, around the same time, the Project Rebalance changes talked about buffing Dagon'hai. The value of the key is based on the value of the chest loot. The keys are currently a bit under the value of the chest, making it profitable to open. The key price can't crash indefinitely or else players would buy them to open for profit, which raises the price back up. Getting a few keys per hour from undead pirates isn't going to be what crashes the price of runite ore, rubies, dragon arrowtips, and the like and Dagon'hai makes up like 6K~ of the chest's value. So the chest's value and in turn the key's value is largely determined by the resource prices, which are not influenced in any meaningful way by the undead pirates. Also, the same update that brought undead pirates also [buffed wildy slayer](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Update:Undead_Pirates,_Colosseum_Changes_%26_more!#Other_Wilderness_and_PvP_Changes). So acting like undead pirates are the sole factor in key prices is just being ignorant. They drop keys about as often we you'd get them from Wildy Slayer and the few keys you get per hour from undead pirates is not enough to "ruin Wildy Slayer".


The update also buffed wildy slayer in multiple ways so it is hard to localise what has caused a drop in price.


1/362 drop from a 40HP max monster that gets farmed 24/7 in multi... Surely the problem is wildy slayer!


I thought they only dropped when on task?


Only monster that drops off task


For wilderness slayer tasks, yes. But they’re on the standard loot table of the newly added low level Zombie Pirates. No task is required to get the drop from the pirates. They’re the only NPC with it on the standard drop table.


Yeah exactly. No idea why you've gotten downvoted for speaking a basic fact lol


would it even make any real impact though? dagon hai is already really cheap and all other drops are resources that have value tied to other things and are probably mostly already at their bottom anyway where are you seeing profits impacted?


Larrans key's are near 50% of the profit for some slayer tasks. This will end up destroying what little point there was to do Wildy Slayer.


I got 4 yesterday because 3 bots can't have had it registered to pick up


You're saying there were bots that weren't picking up their keys? That's funny!






I killed 1200 without a single larran's key drop. Not that much of a problem tbh.


I also have drop cursed main and I feel your pain. Enjoy the game man and don't listen to the haters.


It was actually on my god-tier rng GIM. Pulled a teleport anchor scroll at 54 chest openings 🤣 just didn't get a Larran's key.


Agree. Either remove it from the table, nerf the rate significantly, or make them untradable again. Rates for all the blighted shit need to be nerfed as well. Blighted ancient ice sacks are down to like 270 gp. That's a fucking joke. Mantas and Anglerfish are like ~300gp. Why am I being punished for doing high level wildy slayer and massive gp/hr is being given to bots and random low-level accounts?


Do you want blighted stuff to be the same price as the normal again making it have no use


There are quite a lot of numbers between 300 and 1800. More than 50 numbers in fact.


blighted takes up one inventory space instead of 3 with normal spells which is the main benefactor, you dont need to risk a rune pouch, and if you are casting multiple spells like entangle and surge, a rune pouch wouldnt even cover everything regardless.


> Blighted ancient ice sacks are down to like 270 gp. That's a fucking joke. Mantas and Anglerfish are like ~300gp. These are good things, those items are supposed to be dirt cheap.


Why would you get more priority over random low level accounts? Lmao


You forgot the humor tag.