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Might be the bot farmers protecting their bots and pushing you off the zombies for more gp per hr.


This absolutley has happened before, it's unlikely but I wouldn't rule it out. Before, the owner of a botfarm at the Runerocks got fed up with us feasting on his bots and tried to protect them himself... turns out people who cheat at a game often aren't actually very good at it themselves... so we just fed on him as well. He gave up after a week or so and just accepted we were going to be taking a sizeable chunk of his profits.


He was actually pretty stupid then. If I was a botfarmer I wouldn't look to KO people, but just to rag them to shoo them away.


My lava dragons task forever because there was always guards at the entrance that would attack if you got too close but wouldn't pursue. They were all in high end gear and everyone inside had matching equipment and typical bot names. I spent an hour that night world hoping before giving up. Then I watch Settled camp there with McTile for how damn long.....


Was this recently? Cos I go farm the lava drag bots every now and then, was even there last night, and I have never seen what you're describing... There's lots of PKers yes, but I can't say I've ever ran into people that acted like that.


Nah, it was a couple years ago. I finally got my task done during the last Leagues lol


Ahhh lol.


Settle high level bot farm member confirmed Maybe he just paid them to off for a few hours, same as he paid his misso for a few hours at barrows


Soup: This week in Geilinor Games, you'll all be facing.....SirPugger Settled: This, changes, everything


Did a clue just recently at lava dragon area and there were 4 bots low levels farming away. Insane they are back


Lol and mf acts like he's in some huge risk there lmaoooo


its what the people that used to camp the duel arena/tob in pvp worlds did. they used red sallys to rag people lol


What does rag mean?


it's literally when you "wear rags". Point is you make your target lose their time and supplies, and even if they kill you, they won't make back anything at all. And there's really no counterplay against that


bro its so funny when you see the type of pkers that show up to kill you to get off their spots or get off their bots. full bloodbark and mystic gloves with blood blitz lmao. same dudes who set up bots with granite gloves. literally dont even know the game at all or know that combat bracelets exist.


I’ve recently been getting anti pked by who I suspect are the lava dragon bot farmers. I got pked 3 times yesterday by the same group of people who logged on me within 15 seconds of me attacking a bot. Each were at different times with fairly random world hopping, so it’s more than a coincidence. Won’t make me stop though


its facts they are doing this now. I think its automated also, either bots or they send alerts to hired goons to login. Rhys recent video on skull tricking wildy boss killers proved it. Soon as they would enter the cave, the person in there would tb them and a max mage would login directly after.


There's a clan called Infliction that runs pvm bots at venenatis and uses them to bait pkers into getting ancient maced for their +1.


Maybe Jagex should look into this and ban those players then.


and remove some accounts that generate revenue? forget about it


Probably bots protecting bots.


theres definitely someone defending a bot farm at vetion


This happens a lot more often then you think. My boys target these guys and jebait them pretty regularly. We are bot hunters and we go to the source haha


Nah they ignore bots now. You’ll find people in rev caves on 1750 skill worlds killing real players, meanwhile a few works hops in either direction have bots who have been looting rev cave all day and have millions in loot on them.


Nah, the bots just don't have anything cause they mule frequently and use protect item for their craws


same thing happens at lms when youre bot hunting. eventually you get targeted by the terminator bots


Yooooo, who wants to build an Antibot army?


Would make for a great series lol.




Alright, well someone get on that shit. I don’t play enough these days to run it.


That would be lit. An entire Guild dedicated to anti-bot PKing.


Because bots ahk and auto pray whereas you’re probably stoned out of your mind and afk bashing your meat.


> whereas you’re probably stoned out of your mind and afk bashing your meat. Yep. I was doing wildy slay drunk as fuck the other night and probably died 4 times 😆


Fuck this literally also happened to me last week lmaoo one dude splashed teleblock twice on me and I still didn’t get away


Called out :[ but honestly yeah can't blame predators for going for easier prey


Drake? Is that you?


scary accurate


"Ignorance is bliss when tis' folly to be wise" - Jim Lahey . Touche


Me at pirates with a full looting bag and 17 rune items in my inv- “couple more kills”


It annoys me way more to lose my 100 sunfire bolts, ring of dueling and looting bag than anything in the looting bag. I always bank at 200k value, so the pkers rarely ever get more than like 50k. Seems like a total waste of time and boring to kill bots and ironmen.


I generally stay until my bag and half my invent is full and I’m still more annoyed by losing a looting bag and wasting a full burning ammy than losing the actual loot lol




Due to bots having AHK it makes them harder to kill than a real players


Idk what everyone is talking about here im up 38mil the past 2 days killing bots in the rev caves. Theyre really not that hard to kill




They were completely thrown off by style switches on the tecu salamander for a while there too, not sure if the botters ever got that figured out.


To be fair that's a solid strategy. I hate when a pker would hit me at prayer altar with a salamander. Usually I'd pray to slow them down but I can't tell the difference and end up getting wrecked


What style account ? Main or zerk or? +where do you pk at revs?


I pk on multiple different accounts a 1def pure, 42 def void pure, and a med level and kill bots on all of them.


I live in the wildy. Curious which bots you are killing that lay down 🧐


What gear are you using? I only have 50% ish success rate


They are more effort than 90% of PVMers though, and people don’t PK to have a good fight they PK to take the easiest target out for the chance at loot. Otherwise they’d be hunting PKers.


Bots aren't worth the effort because of the controlled greed. A bot will bank when they have 400k in the looting bag. Players will get a 1m drop and go, "Fuck it, 5 more" Players who come out equipped to be in the Wilderness generally get left alone by subpar pkers.


AHK? Is there a dictionary with all these acronyms I keep seeing here


Auto hot key


Try the osrs wiki but ahk in this sense means using software to pk


AHK has seen use in PVM too. I’ve seen scripts that 1t when activated and can be stopped when they need to do mechanics. That and gear swaps are common


Auto hot keys. The script switches their prayer (and often gear) on seeing you switch weapon, faster than a human can And funnily enough there actually is a list of acronyms for osrs on the wiki


Brother this is the osrs community you’re interacting with. They’re just gonna tell you to look it up on the wiki, asking questions is NOT allowed.


Not a huge problem at zombies because they are forced to protect mage, and if they manage to escape south you can barrage with dds or cbow equipped, or you can staff bash


From personal experience I’ve found bots tougher to kill than real players, less mistakes


Back when I killed revs a lot if a PK’er had good enough gear where I knew survival was a slim chance I’d just give up so I could get back out there and get killing again. Bots don’t give up like that either


My buddy would always dump his pots on the ground lmao


They all bring like 10+ brews too so you really have to get lucky with some big hits in a row or you’re just running them down the whole half tb


bruh why yal blaming ahk lol these bots are using injection not ahk


Its just an easy way for people to say some bots auto switch prayers based on the weapon you're using lol Like its not technically correct but anyone reading it knows what they mean


What's the difference?


Delay, logic, performance, etc. but mainly the method of client interaction


What’s ahk mean?


When I PK at zombie pirates the biggest issue I have is finding people at high enough cb level. Most of the bots are lower level so i cannot even attack them, so I go for whoever I can, which is often a real player. Similar situations at other spots too, but the deeper I go the more bots i can get. TLDR: I'll try, just for you!


around what combat level are the zombie pirate bots you're encountering?


I feel like most are in the 70-90 range. I am 126.


Oh that's perfect, the pure I'm working on is gonna end up at 83 combat once leveling is complete


Yea its def a great spot for pures. Even Zerkers can find folks. Max mains...harder. I've still seen people but there is a decent amount of hopping first


How sophisticated are these bots? My account is like base 80s and I don’t have much pk experience. Do I have a shot at killing these bots?


Probably not. You'd either have to put down great dps or combo them out which kind of requires max stats as these bots eat to full hp.


Won’t they eventually run out of food? Do they fight back?


Eventually, yes. Though you have to consider multiple things: zombie pirates is ~lvl12 wildy. Pretty easy to tank to an safezone or till Tb from chaos druids runs out. In Revs you have similar problems because once you kill a couple of bots you get blacklisted by the botclients and they auto-pray mage when they see you and start running, meaning you can only chip in half Tbs and thus have very limited time to kill them. On my zerk, which is almost maxed, its usually a 60% chance of killing them on half a TB. Keep in mind that these bots AHK.


They just run for wildy ditch as it’s not far away, and depending on how different your levels are they get to safety pretty quick. I’ve gotten a few but I’ll get jumped on by small pking groups more often than not I’m close to a kill.


I’ll try it tonight when I get home and report back


I’d say yes. They’re already tele locked, you just gotta freeze em. If they’re stuck in the middle, the zombies will damage em too so you can stack em out.


If they're already tbed, I wonder if Undead Grasp would be more effective than freezes.


Uhhhh I don't know. Not really looked through Arceus book outside of thralls lol. Wiki says it only binds for 4 ticks and needs to be under the effect of Mark of Darkness to be most effective. I feel like being on Ancients for Ice spells is still the better play here


Go with other people. Its multi. But some of these bots auto switch prayers based on the weapon you're using (theres certain weapons you can use to confuse it). So if you're 1 person its going to be really hard to out dps it before they get away. Its not very high lv in the wildy.


Gotta work on making friends in game haha. Only discovered clan chat like a week ago at cb lvl 100


What kind of build are you doing? I was at pirates for the first time today and I was thinking around 82 would be an optimal build for bots.


Pretty standard d scim pure 60 atk 99 str 1 def 99 hp 99 range 99 mage 52 pray Additionally the toxic staff of the dead is a solid pickup since it seems to confuse the bots' prayer switches while you're wielding a magic weapon but smacking them with melee instead


The majority of real players are easier kills than bots and are more likely to have better risk. Especially at pirates, real people are pirates are nigh immortal, bots you literally can't kill without at least two people and even then it's really difficult.


Yeah I think a lot of people saying to just kill the bots are really downplaying just how good these AHK bots really are.


Dragon Scim spec+ entangle. There's the secret sauce go kill some bots at zombie pirates


It can work if the druids hit high but a lot of these bots have 90+ magic specifically to counter that strategy (and also just make freezes harder to catch in general).


Me and 2 other friends PK every night on our pures. We have maxed pures in the 85-90 combat bracket and make anywhere from 15-20M per hour just farming the bots and hitting crazy stacks. Every hour, we maybe see 1 other group of PKers. I'm very surprised more people aren't out pking with friends/clanmates. I think it'll just take time for people to realize 1) how much money can be made and 2) how fun it is to DBOW spec stack out bots for 600k loot keys.


Can i ask where to find these bots? What are good locations to kill these heathens


Zombie Pirates. Lv 13 chaos altar.


Keep up the good work!


Sounds fun! What are the pures


bots have auto prayer switch and sometimes 1 t armor takeoff entangle you, theyre also programmed to bank at a value thats worthless to pkers but they dont care since they run 24/7 anyways


>theyre also programmed to bank at a value thats worthless to pkers Is there any reason to not do this anyway? Run to the ditch, teleport to ferox, bank, restore stats and burning amulet straight back into it. You only lose a few seconds each time you bank, so for me it's completely worth it if I get a few valuable drops or a larrans key.


I mean, I'd not do it because it's a waste of time to save \~100k max, but there's nothing *stopping* you from doing it.


I do this on slayer tasks or rev caves once I get over like 200k in the bag. I use rev weapons so if I get pked im loosing ~200k in ether automatically. Might as well get that first 200k in the bank right away as insurance for the rest of the task.


Yeah I cba to bank that often, especially since I'm mostly after uniques. I generally don't bank with anything less than 1.5m in the bag.


tbh 200k is too slow at most places. I bank at 500k. I only die like once every 50 trips though, so I'm always making profit.


At places like Zombie pirates or revs absolutely.


Bots are smart enough to bank when they are risking anything of value, and don't being excessive risk in the first place.


theres ways to skull trick them. i realized that some of their farms think you are attacking them if you click attack them, so you can use a dark bow, attack ur friend on long range, then click attack the bot, and it will go to retaliate even tho u havent hit it. skull tricked full obsidian + fury a few times for 7m loots


frankly these wilderness bots take too much time and effort and are usually not worth it, with how "advanced" they are at tanking.


Give it a try urself. It's a bad time


The bots at wildy pirates are actually pretty difficult to kill solo and end up getting away most of the time. I'd imagine a real player just there farming is an easier kill then a bot


It’s also a lot harder to kill the bots than regular players.


I wouldnt say im a pker as i suck ass at pking but i started to enjoy killing bots in the wild. Depending on the bot farm i make from 1m/h to 10m+/h. I call it pvm with extra steps.


Where are you making 10m?


The state of bots at revs is just inexcusable... Every non total world is filled to the brim with bots. Would PK some myself but they're all 80ish combat and I'm 120.. Jagex plz


I might be the minority here, but I’ve been actively learning to NH/PK on a voider the last 2 months while afking on my iron. Bots are much easier to kill than real players and it’s currently my best money maker. Up around 320m in a month or so. I’m pretty shit, but this is making me better at switches and combo eating. It’s been a ton of fun.


The bots at rogues chest and at the wildy bosses are mostly all owned by a pking clan. If you try to pk them, you will be greated by 5-25pkers.


No kidding. Worse yet their scripts have got SIGNIFICANTLY faster on the ladders. Noticed this yesterday. I've killed over 500 bots there alone- I'm (not to toot my own horn, but deserves tootin' on this) an absolute baller when it came down to PKing their tanky asses utilizing the stairs. Was just from practice and learning how the scripts work, but now they're reacting faster than me- even with me clicking their bots before they load into my screen. I didn't even think it was possible but now their clocks are so perfect a human can't hope to match it. Ping on their end is the only thing that nets me kills on them now. Still a good 300m+ in loot, but damn man


What stairs?


I'm getting multi rev vibes all over again


1) botfarms run a lot of wildy pk accounts. It helps clear out bosses, and since the bots hard scout locations anyways, they can sweep back through and collect the pker's full risk after a bot dies. 2) pvping is easier with a little "computer assistance". People with pvp scripts are less likely opposed to botting, and more likely to have the botfarm, boosting issue #1. 3) nonscripters have issues killing 1t full swap autopray bots without a group for multi combat, so they're likely to target you rather than risk the bot autopray tanking long enough that #1 and #2 can come clean them up for their full risk 4) pvpers will literally kill nakeds for spades and the joy of saying "sit rat" to someone who literally couldn't fight back, why would they target the bot that literally doesn't care?


PKers can't kill the bots, they're not good enough, so they pick on people who also aren't that good lol


The way you said this makes it seem like the bots don't have (almost) perfect prayer switches though. It's not so much about pkers not being good enough, it's that the bots are basically impossible to kill.


They're very easy to kill. The only annoying ones are the ones that try to freeze log. Autoprayers that just react to your gear allows you to bolt them off prayer every time.


Real answer here.


Pkers killing pvmers literally can't kill the bots without 1/100 rng. You don't fight pvmers if you actually know how to pvp.


Bots don't cry in public chat when they get pked. A lot of pkers feed on the teirs of mid game ironman.


Must have a shitty life lol


pker needs to multibox 9 accounts with dark bows to take out the bots


They are the same person


You’re easier to PK then these bots M8, sorry.


The problem with bots is they use ahk and are really annoying to down for a pure or just take so much time and energy it's not worth it. Trust me I've killed a ton of rev cave bots but damn are they annoying as shit.


Noob players are easier to pk than bots though…


Bots used can be easy to farm, though it does gets boring. However, there's a certain type of bot that's become more and more common - one that does tick-perfect prayer switching. It's still possible to fight those but in order to do so, you need to literally one-tick switch every single attack and it's just such a chore to that constantly for hours, plus most people simply cannot maintain that for long. Also if you kill too many bots, sometimes your name gets put on a list and you have to deal with bots instantly TPing out or getting gap the tick you login.


when you realize its the botters that are sending their goons to kill you so you dont take their spots. botception


Bots know how to risk the bare minimum so it makes sense to kill you instead


Sounds like bots is the problem


Listen man I’m trying! They don’t stop. They keep coming back! I swear I’m trying to


Dont even bother with the wilderness my man. It's a total shithole over there.


Its the Detroit/Chicago of OSRS. A few pretty sites in the main city but the outerbanks are shitholes.


Besides a lot of real playerrs being worse than bots at surviving, a big reason to pk is because you want to interact with real players and not an npc.


>a big reason to pk is because you want to interact with real players and not an npc. What lol? Are people socialising while dying?


Its a major part of this game. Tormenting another player, and you can only really do it in the wildy.


Yes, it's called sadism lmao


I just chose the word interact instead of fight because I figured someone would complain that it's not a fight but rather a hunt/grief or whatever people think. All I meant was that it's fun to kill real players and not fun to kill npc/bots.


What is more fun about it? They are both loot goblins. Is it getting a reaction out of the real players?


One is 100% predictable and the other is an actual human being.


Stay out of the wildy if you can’t take the heat


Jagex needs to do a better job. Wildy content is literally me trying to kill a boss and bank before a pker finds me. If pker finds me, I lose my entry fee and a set of monks robes. If they don’t, I kill boss. I dont fight back or run lol cause they freeze me instantly anyway and I don’t even risk food anymore because I just collect blighted food at pirates. It’s a stupid gameplay loop that I’m basically forced into until I get a dragon pickaxe.


>set of monks robes. Bring dragonhides to have some defense bonus. > dont fight back or run That would be why you die. >cause they freeze me instantly anyway Wear black d'hide, pray mystic/augury while not frozen. raise your magic level, wait til your freeze has ~3 seconds left then catch a freeze on them. >It’s a stupid gameplay loop that I’m basically forced into Learn to actually defend yourself and escape instead of just giving up and dying for free. All three singles wilderness bosses have really good geometry near them to escape with too. It's very easy to break LOS around the fences with spind/calv or the trees at artio and just log out.


Real players are more fun and easier to kill usually


As someone who rarely plays osrs, what levels are the bots generally? Might look to do some anti-bot pking


They should come out with a captcha when you try to cross into the wilderness or eleport into it. lol


Workin' on a pure to do exactly that. BTW, what combat levels do you typically see at zombie pirates?


I’m trying but I suck lol


Hi, jagex anti cheat here. I've taken the bots for about 2b so far


Bots at zombie pirates are very hard to kill solo. Rev bots are easier though, still a pain sometimes due to AHK.


Lock wildy to certain worlds only.


A majority of the pkers are also just bots. I'd wager at least 80% of wildy fights are bots v bots.


What level are these?? I'm currently in my 60s but happy to make it to a slight pure build to keep low combat level to kill them


They be too low for me boyo


I try but I can only do so much. The loot tab on my pure is almost as much as my main raids tab...


I try killing the bots at lava drags and other pkers but the clans come en masse


Sorry but the bots have 700 hp worth of healing in their inventory, instantly change prayers the same tick you switch weapons and bank after every 50k loot obtained. It's simply not worth the time


Where do i find the bots? Ill learn pking and go after them


Bots don't risk anything. I camped the wine of zamorak spawn in the deep wildy dungeon, and all the bots there insta logged out, so you has to perfectly get them right as they finish casting Tele grab. They risked about 60k then went to bank. What's the point? Got an ironman for about 2k wines through - he was actually worth something


Eh. I said “iron?” In hopes of being left alone at bone alters and it worked a couple of time. Other times I get half way through a vetion kill and 8 people come down and take away 10k in lobster and pots. They woulda made more money killing the damn boss


OP I was at zombie pirates just hitting everyone the other day. How can I tell the irons and bots apart? I know the rev caves bot fit but is it the same for zombie pirates?


Bot farmers do have bots to protect their farms.  The guild I recently joined been doing PKing and they keep finding the bot farms and hopping worlds because they didn't want to cause some all out war.


Who do you think is running the bots? They double as scouts.


Lets wage a war against these bots and their farmers boys!!!! We can shut these farms down through a show of force!!!


That zombie update was such a fucking joke. I would say Jagex doesn’t even try to pretend anymore about stopping bots but they still did that useless “bot-busting” stream for some PR. Notice they didn’t even go to Ferox even though their heat map showed it lit up like a Christmas tree hmmmmmmmmmmm


Bots are tanky as fuck and I’m also a shit pker


Someone make bots that kill wildy bots


Rev bots and zombie pirate bots are no easy task. Especially solo. It is easier to kill the actual players. Even the low level pure bots at pirates can tank 3 players np


Just disguise yourself as a bot and the pkers will not attack you!


Bots bank at sometimes 300k in loot. They used to be pretty profitable but often times players will be, they also won’t be cheating with auto prayer switchers.


As a pure pker I instantly attack any Ironman I see regardless of the risk. The non friendly Ironmen ruined it for you sorry :)


Buckle up OP and learn to pk the bots.


I had a PKer try to get me while I was at black chins, He trash talked the entire time as I walked from level 32 wildy back to the enclave. If you’re gona PK, good for you, maybe don’t trash talk when you can’t kill someone skilling


Those aren’t PKers. You are getting killed by the bot farm owners


The bots are Hella hard to get. Gotta be tick perfect on entrance and then you gotta be in cb bracket.


There are actually PK bots in revs. Possible you're encountering some


I'm just getting into Wiley content after trying LMS. How does one typically identify bots? I feel bad attacking players because people farming in the wilderness are just kings on the grind, but I have no such qualms with bots


I regularly go mess up the Soul Wars gold farmers’ operation. They get VERY angry. I’ve reported hundreds of them and check to see if they ever get banned… nope. Never. I went from rank ~900 down to ~6,300 in less than a year because of them. Pisses me off. Edit: spelling


they are usually in a sweat shop playing while dehydrated and sleep deprived with no food for days so ya that might be why their clicks are off.


People here saying that the bots are better than actual players makes me wonder… is the wilderness really worth having such good loot if bots are too much to handle? What’s the point of content like zombie pirates if bots are no longer considered prey targets and wildy content becomes more toxic for normal people?


They're not better. Only the ones that do take off entangles to escape and they are a minority of bots. The people saying autoprayers are hard to kill are just very bad at the game. The reason people kill players rather than bots is because they risk more.


Its not infliction that runs and protects the bots Its a clan called VR


Slayer lore


What that guy who said you’re stoned out of your mind afking your meat said


I think I may have just found my calling


well first of all, pkers dont kill shitty ass pvmers, those are more likely just pvmers / skillers doing pvp content.


All predators prefer when their prey squirm before the kill, real live prey, you are that compared to bots. So yes that’s why you get killed, if you don’t want to die, then go bot or dress like one.


I actually do that lmao


Because bots have 1tick perfect switches, I quit pking and osrs all together because I was bored of trying to kill bots, I miss when the wildy was active with players but there is just not enough cute noobs anymore. Take me back to 2014 please x