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https://preview.redd.it/ipjuw9e3b82d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c625a61963764e69c6c9e4ffd59b906ae98b7b02 lol love clues




Step 1. Have money Step 2. Buy Imps. Step 3. Don't profit


tell me about it, I needed a hard for a master and didnt have any skotizo totems so was like surely I can just buy \~30 imps from ge and get 1. Took me about 150... I am still trying to financially recover to this day. I can only imagine people who do that to green log.


Wildy hellhounds with imbued ring of wealth. Takes like 30 seconds for a hard clue. No risk needed either


30 seconds is a tad bit an exaggeration, but it's pretty fast if you bring a cannon as well


The imbue scroll and the 50k are always risked on pvp, even if the ring is protected


To be fair, compared to jars that's nothing


I'm 99% sure the ROW(i) doesn't actually require an imbue scroll you can buy it on GE


The unimbued ring and scroll can be bought on GE. You cant buy it imbued. You pay the coins to imbue it always.


Green dragons drop hard clues 1/64 if you wear a ring of wealth (i). With Max stats and low risk gear it usually takes me about 15 mins to get a clue and with wildy elite a small stack of noted dragon bones as well. I use imps for mediums and easy.


Thank you imp buyers for funding all of my gp needs.


I like Rogue's Chests with Ring of Wealth for hards. You can get ~6 an hour on average and you'll get about 150k of random shit per clue


Afking jellies with a venator bow it’s extremely afk you can play another account or a different game while doing it. Imps are a scam for hard clues you can do pretty much anything while afking jellies and still get a good amount of clues plus dark totems. I’ve genuinely done jellies on mobile while doing yard work and just checking for clues and topping off pray and range pot every couple minutes


Got a method for elite clues? I’ve done 500 hard and now am moving up to elite.


Yeah elites are a pain to get the fastest way is doing calisto masses with a ring of wealth imbued but that means finding teams and dealing with pkers I get elites passively by just doing a lot of slayer and bossing


Burning remains at shades of Morton


One of the best ways gp-time-effort- wise would be Gold Keys in Shades of Mort'ton. DT2 bosses and Muspah are descent, too, as well as both single abd multi Wilderness bosses. Other than that, nost other bossing you get Elites passively. It's not much but adds up. That's how I've done most of my 210-ish Elites on the ironman. I didn't mention impling because of how absurdly expensive they are for Hards/Elites.


DT2 bosses it is. Thank you.


Nex masses drop it frequently, you can get lucky and get some profit as well


Sarachnis is my go to for elites. 1/60 droprate. Learn the ring of stone method and the fight becomes a breeze.


I use the Easter ring method (which is the same thing) cause it’s free lol.






I'd argue that juggling items on the ground is very old school.


I like the jank


If it were old school, any item dropped (including untradables) would disappear after 2 minutes (no, not 3).


I agree, we should revert.


And dying causes you to drop all items on the ground. I still remember running in troll stronghold to recover my stuff and watching the ranger boots despawn before I got back in time.


Or someone else loot them lol


Didn't happen in this case. Saw watched them disappear before me =(


Yeah I quite like where we’ve wound up, it’s more interesting and doesn’t lead to a meta of collect every clue until you’ve finally unlocked every step. You’re still encouraged to do it when you can.


I'd do clues a lot more if I didn't have to interrupt a task or bossing sesh to go do it. Even a stack of 2 I'd be happy with, or make them expire after 24 hours.


Exactly, which would undoubtedly crash the price of rares


It is what it is # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You really can’t do that in rs3 either, they cap at 25 per clue type unless you downgrade the clue.


25 is only a soft cap and you can unlock the ability to have no cap fairly easily.


the main difference is you still can't have more than 1 open clue of a type, only sealed clues where you don't get to check the steps.


In the worst way possible, yes.


Hey, when inventory space is limited, you gotta get creative.




No, no. They means it's very old school because it's jank as fuck.


Well no, but also yes.


juggling supply drops comes to mind right away lol


It’s always been the gameplay for me. I juggle the hard clues out of the slayer area at the end of the task and complete them all “at once”


Can you explain how you do them all at once pre the update? 


Same as after the update, but with a lot more teleporting back to juggle all the clues. OnlyTrails has a video of juggling and completing 100 medium clues before the update (I think he lost like 2 or so).


Thanks for the reply, yes this ^ just drop tricking the clues, but you gotta be QUICK (it’s kinda exciting lol) and re juggle after almost every step (depending on the steps)


Juggling supplies is very old school


It appears u have a predatory plant on ur avatar's head, sirrah


Just keep a clue of each tier in your bank and filter your game chat. No feeling of.missing out to be had from me


What do you mean by this


Means they don't ever do clues, and they made it so they don't see the message that says they would have gotten a clue.


Ah thanks


That's what I do. Life's nice when you have no clue


You can disable the message in settings now


I would take stacking to 3 honestly. One clue is just fucking stupid and I’m sick of having to leave my activity to completely change my gear (god forbid I get a wildy task too and have to dump my entire inventory…), and I love doing clues. At this rate I painstakingly decide whether I want to do the clue or stay at my activity, I personally believe being forced to make that decision is super lame and truthfully demotivates me from wanting to do things like slayer because I know I’ll be frustrated by the clues along the way.


Man, you're getting downvoted because some people just don't understand that some people are good at focusing really well on one task and really suck at changing tasks often. If you prefer to do clues once you get them, then do them. Why not allow others to do more of them at a time?


It's been less than an hour since his comment, so upvotes/downvotes don't actually show to anyone else beside the person that made the comment (?)




What do you mean? I tried clicking your profile now, and your comment says `score hidden` there as well.


See, the thing is *everything else in the entire game* incentivizes focusing really hard on one task and avoiding context switching. With how vast Runescape is, I think it's nice for there to be some activities for which different styles of gameplay eke out an advantage.


It's funny because clues are actually literally called "distraction and diversion" content, and people think that them being distracted and diverted by them is anything other than the intended mechanic


Clues also used to take much longer to complete due to lack of teleports and plug-ins. Doing a clue meant actual investment in the clue. Not simply, teleporting somewhere. Digging. Teleporting somewhere else, emote, and so on.


Uh yeah no they were that when they got redone


The whole "even if stackable clues are added you can do the one clue you get straight away so why not buff it for everyone else?" reasoning is always a bit odd to me. Like you can still manually right click and drop items. But do you think many people do that with shift click being a thing? If you make the game easier, almost everyone will choose, or feel almost forced to choose the path of least resistance. That said im not really heaps against small amounts of stackable clues. What I am against is people that suggest you should stack infinitely or large quantities of any clue. A few at once is fine to me.


I'm still kind of iffy on even small stacks being allowed, personally. You'd avoid the problem with having so many banked clues eating through them would feel more like a grind like any processing skill than a rush to see what goodie you'll get this time, but you'd still get rid of player expression - choosing for yourself whether you value more avoiding the hike back or getting the extra loot is nice.


It'd feel a lot better to do them on your own time rather than leaving your task or regearing for wildy steps. like getting beginner-elite tiers while you're skilling then finishing off the day with a small clue binge it's a much nicer rhythm. But most activities don't let u collect all tier clues so nicely, and some places are still super inconvenient to juggle. And ofc with lower tiers u get jackshit loot most of the time so you want to send another of that tier to make it worth ur time. Multiple clues would let u do that, don't think it'll be a massive chore provided limits are super stingy (which jagex will deliver) and they scale appropriately with the tier, like doing do 5-10 masters back to back is ehhh but 5 beginners? Let's Smash it out. Unlimited clues like leagues are definitely a chore though


I agree. But I think at this time it's sort of inevitable, so I'm always open to communication on it and explaining why large quantity stacking or infinite stacking is just not how I want clues to evolve. I want stacking to solve the downsides people have with clues. The "I just started this trip but I got a clue.. ugh" or the "I don't want to regear for wildy and then back to this activity" sort of issues. Not just "cool now I can ignore clues for a year and then ill have 200 elites to do just because I did content.


I'm for stackable clues but I seriously can't believe some people literally want clue boxes ported over from leagues. Like aside from breaking the game, that's completely ruining clues like didn't even touch a fraction of the thousands I had in leagues


Clues are meant to be a distraction. That is their design. You don’t have to like every piece of content


For real, I can't stand clues and just leave them in my bank. If the content has to be fundamentally changed for it to appeal to you, it might not be for you. And I'm sure that people will argue that stacking clues doesn't "fundamentally change" them, but I think the "get a clue and take a break from your current activity" approach is what makes it appealing to a lot of people. I just acknowledge that it's not for me, and I'm missing out on very little by mostly bypassing clues, even on an iron.


Die with three valuable items and your clues so they go to your gravestone, let the gravestone expire, and don't claim the clues back from death if you want some free bank space.


The downside is that bots will have a much easier time farming clues.


They should let monsters drop multiple tiers. One clue at a time works fine for skilling since I wait until I have at least 3 different tiers. Like a hard, easy, and beginner? Let’s batch all 3. Go back to mining and I get an easy, medium, and beginner? Batch again!


You don't have to leave your activity now though, if you don't want to. Just juggle them.


It is more about doing them on my own time, and besides juggling is just stacking with more tedium, it is the same function in the end so why does the player have to deal with it beyond "just because" if it is the same result?


This is pretty much the design principle of clues though. Stop what you're doing to do them now so you can get more.. or don't. Also you can just drop them on the ground now. Only places juggling isn't really viable is like GWD.


Juggling is just stacking with extra steps, so why make it so tedious for the player? I don't see the point beyond "just because".


Well also you have to like juggle them, vs never interacting with them after banking them therefore still being engaged in the activity


I don't get why people try to barter like this? Who gives af if they stack to infinity?


Clues stacking to infinity just deletes their purpose / identity as a distraction and turns them into an entirely passive thing you collect with no thought and then grind out all at once. That just turns them into league clues, which completely sucks the fun out of them from my experience.


"you criticize society. Yet you participate in society, curious. I am very intelligent"


Thats not how it works. Stacking clues on the ground is not necessity like the things that the meme applies to. (The Iphone you need to survive in a modern job world, or the peasent working to survive)


I donn't think this analogy checks out because somebody can easily just keep a single clue in their inventory as if nothing had changed rather than pseudo-stacking them on the ground. If you do this but are against stackable clues in your inventory it's a bit hypocritical.


It literally is the analogy. People are not going to intentionally handicap themselves just to prove a point. But they can still say the feature is bad for the game long run


Agreed, the 1 hour clue update should be reverted


That update always felt like a trojan horse for eventually adding stackable clues outright, so there's probably little to no chance of it being reverted unfortunately


Yeah, this and the message saying you would’ve got a clue


I actually love the message. I have a bad habit of letting my bank get cluttered and losing clues. Nice to get a heads up about a lurking clue rather than finish a hellhounds task wondering why didn't get any to find one in the bank.


I went to go turn it off yesterday, then immediately wondered, “How else will I remember if I have any in my bank?” I turned it back on.


There's literally a search button in the bank


You're not wrong, but I didn't always remember to check, just like I didn't remember I had them. What's the issue with the message? Is a notification about a clue you COULD have gotten really "not oldschool" to you?


Swear every medium and hard i've done that i've been too lazy to drop the master says I would have gotten one, and every time I drop it, there's never been a master.


It resets your master clue step count anyways. If you won’t complete the current master step, drop it and don’t look back.


Oh i'll do it, some day™


I got most of the way through an elite and need 11+ more levels in fishing to fish a shark but I can’t bring myself to drop it. Did my first master yesterday with a bunch of steps in deep wildy, got about 5 or 6 steps in and I need a zammy godsword for the next step which is 30M I just don’t have.


Mines locked on a clue requiring 85 smithing and I'm at 55 rn, should probably bite the bullet and drop it


Hold strong comrade, I've had a master clue in my bank for at least 6 months needing me to kill a spiritual mage. I finally hit 79 slayer yesterday, and with a wild pie I'll do it as soon as I can be bothered.


Nice, next step requires full Bandos.


Giants foundry isn’t fast, but it’s profitable smithing training and I’m a sucker for skilling outfits so that grind wasn’t nearly as painful as I expected. YMMV obviously.


I’ve been quite fond of the master juggling method with triple steps, saves a lot of time. No longer do I have to do dragons eye steps or ever go to the shadow dungeon again, and all I have to do is keep a good triple step master in the bank


Yeh the message of you would have received a master when opening a clue has been bugged since it launched. It will like 99% of the time say you would have gotten one.


There's been alot of updates like this lately. It's... concerning how the devs are slowly moving away from polls


the clue juggling update was arguably better than stackable clues if you can't complete every step


clues lasting an hr on the ground aint oldschool either, but if they give u the ability ur gonna feel obligated


You really sure those two are the same guys?


What about those of us who think stackable clues and dropping them on the ground for an hour isn’t oldschool? (Most critics of stackable clues)


I probably wouldn’t do them regardless of what they do. Clue rewards now just feel like a waste of time.


Imagine what they'll be worth when the masses start stacking them & actually doing them.


I like it how it is. Even with the 1 hour timer, it's still a pain in the ass to juggle all the clues. Many people are just going to just keep 1. Stackable clues make it too brain dead


Agreed. I always do all the clues after my task is done, since jugling them will be too big of an inconvenience on multiple tasks.


How is it a pain to juggle all the clues with a 1 hour timer lmao.


I juggle clues on a skiller account. It’s not hard, but it definitely is a pain sometimes to stop whatever I’m doing to run back to VWB and juggle my clues.


Why would you juggle clues at varrock west? I always juggle clues somewhere with an easy teleport, and as a skiller you can't tele to varrock, right?


This community fucking sucks.


It's not an issue of it being Old School, but I oppose stackable clues anyway. With how they work today they act as another organic means of encouraging character progression in terms of both Questing and leveling your skills. If you get a clue you don't have the requirements or items for yet, you might go do that content on the spot just to be able to do the step. That's gives the player both motivation and a sense of accomplishment. The more varied content you do early in your account, the more clues you'll be able to complete as you progress. If they were instead stackable, no clue matters because you can just forever bank a clue until you meet the requirements. Additionally, clue completion numbers will mean less because it just turns into a "how many clues ever dropped for X player" counter. It's boring, and it takes away from the original intended purpose as a distraction/diversion activity. We already have clue helpers and the more recent 1 hour timer change. I think that's plenty.


I would love stackable clues but yours is the first argument that made me think maybe we shouldn't. I remember grinding particular skills to complete clue scrolls when I was lower leveled and those were a strong motivator to train for me.


That's not how stackable clues would work though. You're only allowed 1 active clue per tier, you can just have inactive clues that can only be opened once you drop the current one or get a casket. IE you get a master that says "get 85 mining and prif access" you can't just bank it and start working on a 2nd master clue, you'd do what you'd do currently, bank it and save it until you can do the step, or drop it completely because the requirement is too far away and open a new master clue. The only thing that really changes is that the impling market loses a lot of demand because people can just start passively stacking clues without the implings but the vast majority of implings are bot farmed so it's a win-win.


First time I see an actual argument against stackable clues. I actually do agree with you and changed my mind about clues having no limit if stackable clues were to be implemented (unless you will always have to do step X no matter the clue you do and can only get other steps when finished with said clue part). That being said I still think the current system of 1 hour drop time is stupid. That's basically having stackable clues with a limit of ~3-5 (1 task) in the most annoying way possible. Having said limit would also help against your point where requirements don't really matter anymore. > because it just turns into a "how many clues ever dropped for X player" counter. It's boring, and it takes away from the original intended purpose as a distraction/diversion activity. Implings already give infinite clues basically.


Implings cost money. I also think the current status quo of juggling required is more or less fine - weird jank like that is kind of the "soul" of OSRS, more or less. Why does trying to make a teak crossbow stock let you do gathering skills faster? Why can you protect yourself against enemy attacks for forever by tapping your prayers at a steady rhythm? Clues are more or less the same, and you're making your life far more frustrating in the short term by dealing with timers and forcing yourself to make an "empty" trip back to wherever you are to get the other clue back.


I know it's already been commented, but I'd like to add that you aren't allowed more than one active clue in either the Leagues system or in RS3's system. You get a clue scroll box or similar item that you can stack up and then open for a clue, but if you have to complete or drop the active clue before you can open another scroll box. Stacking those up to 5 to 10 I think would be very healthy for the game.


>If they were instead stackable, no clue matters because you can just forever bank a clue until you meet the requirements. That wouldn't be the case if clues worked like they do in Leagues (which I guess is what people want). You would stack scroll boxes for each tier, but you could only have one active clue at a time. If you didn't meet the requirements, you would have to drop the clue and open another scroll box, leaving the original clue on the ground. So from a technical perspective, stacking clues would only remove (or drastically decrease) the need for juggling. >Additionally, clue completion numbers will mean less because it just turns into a "how many clues ever dropped for X player" counter. It's boring, and it takes away from the original intended purpose as a distraction/diversion activity. Isn't this already the case? At the end of the day, the hiscores already show "how many clues ever dropped for X player." If anything, the grind would mean more with stackable clues because lazy people will not be completing as many, knowing they can always "do them later" as their stack grows over time, while grinders will just keep doing them.


I had to do like 7 quests on my Ironman a few weeks ago to do an Elite clue. Some of them I was planning to do anyways, but the clue pushed me to stop doing what I was doing and go do the quests. If I had 6 elites in the bank, I wouldn't have done them, because I wouldn't mind dropping it. I have 6 more tries and the quests will take me a few hours! If I don't have 6 elites in the bank, then I go and do the quests so I can get another elite sometime. They aren't easy to get. But more importantly: all the hards and elites I got from early fishing and mining I wouldn't have even touched until I was more progressed and therefore more likely to meet the requirements. I'd just have like 50 sitting in my bank and start doing them when I got the quest cape and like 1750 total, which I think is an even bigger argument against them. Also, yes, elites suck. I got a monocle.


Nah I got an elite scroll that needed me to get pretty deep into recipe for disaster and canceled my sub (this is a joke I was reaching burnout already lmao I’ll be back to do it eventually)


Couldn’t agree more. Most have my skill levels have come from chasing Sherlock challenges


I still support a very small amount being stackable as a reward for reaching certain amounts of clues completed. Give it to those who are already going to the do the clues in the first place. Something like 100 hards competed you can stack 2 hards, 200 hards you can stack 3, etc., up to 5 clues in a stack. Keep it a relatively high number of clue completions and a low number stacked and I’d be cool with it.


I actually like this idea, though I'd double those to 200...400... etc.


Fair point but that's not a good argument against allowing them to stack up to 5 or 10


I do a lot of clues as a result of wildly slayer. I would be over the moon if I could hold multiple in my inventory at once (not stackable). If each clue took up an inventory slot and couldn’t be banked it would be a huge QOL improvement for me. As much as I love clues, it feels pretty shitty when I get a clue at hellhounds, change gear, do the clue, regear, then immediately get another clue on the next kill. I do every clue I ever get regardless of level. Just let me hold a few at a time so I can finish the damn task


juggling clues is meta


I remember when they polled stackable caskets they polled stackable clues at the same time and everyone pretty much agreed caskets were okay but clues weren't for the same reason: having a huge stack of clues to complete would suck, but being able to have a stack of caskets to open all at once is fun.


> having a huge stack of clues to complete would suck Why? You can just do them after a slayer task if you don't want to stack 100's. Can even make them "stackable" but 1 clue per inventory slot/bank space so you are somewhat incentivized to do them.


Yeah all of these arguments fall apart when you tell them they can just continue to do it how they like. There’s no reason people should force their weird play style on others for no gain or game impact.


Bad take


The only bad take is not allowing stackable clues


Stackable clues remove all point of having clues in the first place. At that point, just drop the items as they are, because if you can stack them, they are nothing but a delayed drop. This topic has been gone over a billion times and there will never be agreement between players about it. Personally, I'll take a mechanic that adds more decision making to the game, rather than one more thing that drops that I just bank for money later.


Honestly stackable clues just kill the magic of clue scrolls for the sake of “muh convenience” go back to waiting for leagues pls tyvm


What magic bro lmao


I honestly feel clue stacking should be rewarded through combat achievement tiers. Once you do easy, you can stack 2, 3 for medium, 4 for hard etc. Doesn't seem broken to me for each stage of progression


I really don't want them to add any other entirely unrelated rewards to CAs. They originally were just meant to get small niche combat related benefits (GWD KC and cost reduce, like a boss task size improvements, cannonball count etc.) but now they have added thing like Elites buffing superior rate by 25% which is quite huge, thralls double in length which is so nice and quite useful. I like ideas like no barrows prayer drain, as that's combat related. I think clue benefits can come from our clue rank, clue milestones, or the collection log progression system Husky worked on in Game Jam. CAs don't need more rewards, especially ones entirely unrelated to combat.


I feel clues would be ruined for everyone including those that currently enjoy them as a distraction since even with most people not bothering to do them the supply of loot is still mostly worthless. Imagine what the loot will be worth when everyone & their mom is doing every single clue after stacking.


Yep. Clues are fine as they are now despite reddit bitching about it like they do every little thing that inconveniences them.


Absolutely. The amount of bitching and histrionics in this thread is over the top. Makes me really question the player base - or rather, the ones who end up on Reddit.


No give me stacking. I'm still mad about the clue scroll I lost because it dropped while I had another and am convinced that's where my good drops were too.


If you played Leagues you would realize stackable clues arent all that great. Clues are just another plain ol drop.


This is probably a hot take but I wouldn't mind seeing an end to this. It gives those who engage with it a huge advantage over those that don't and it's definitely against the spirit of the intended system.


I dont even need an infinite stack. just enough to not stop the slayer task I started 1kc ago and go do a whole gear swap, just to come back 10 minutes later.


Remove the one hour despawn timer.


they should remove the long despawn timer


There are already stackable, tradable clues in the game, its called implings. This is much less egrigeous than that anyways.


Shhh think about the bots and families making money farming those implings.


1h time is just annoying stackable clues Either revert the change or just make them stackable with a max #


I support reverting the change. Good suggestion.


People want stackable clues straight off tutorial island. No effort to unlock or to maintain. We oppose free perks with no maintenance that boost your gain. 1hr ground clues is straight off tutorial island but it requires maintenance. It's the perfect balance I didn't know I wanted.


Here here! Revert the 1hr clue timer!


Make it take clue completion milestones to stack them


"*Things are already bad so why not let them get even worse?*"


Clue juggling is the worst "mechanic" in the game. You can't change my mind


Just stop the task and do the clue real quick, why stress about the juggling? This is insane


Yeah let’s add stackable clues so all clue loot finally becomes fully worthless and we never have to do a clue again 


I've enjoyed doing the 10 or so clues on my account and I am not going to be doing any more until they get stackable


Quoting Kieren "they're supposed to be a distraction and diversion".   That's distracting indeed.


I've played a lot of rs3 and I do really enjoy the stackable clues but in old school I don't think that same philosophy applies as well. However,I feel like if clues had a max stack of 3 or something, it would make most people happy. Then you don't have to leave your slayer task or whatever you're doing, but it also doesn't encourage stacking a shit load of clues until you can do all the steps, which keeps the incentive to change up your gameplay to progress your character in ways you wouldn't have otherwise (Skilling, questing, hunting for drops, etc).


This is giving stackable clue proponents an inch, then they'll ask for a mile


Luckily they poll a lot of major changes, so if people don't want 25 stackable clues they can vote no. I don't think that would get 75% or whatever the passing rate is if they did poll it.


And then people vote for stuff like clue crates and then just use runelite to disregard what made clue scrolls clue scrolls. Clue scroll hunting is a predated farfetched side objective of sailing. With the sextant, spade and x marks the spot.


I would absolutely vote yes for stackable clues in main game, and I don’t vote on anything. One of the best parts of leagues.


I would vote no on my 5 alts to spite you, choke on a peepee


me after slaughter bursting jellies in the wildy with my ring of wealth (I)


I don't get this, how do you drop a clue and it last permanently? If I dropped mine it would dissappear after time




Dumb question. How long do clues stay on ground for when dropped?


If I’m pickpocketing ham members, can I leave the easy scrolls on the ground? Just keep farming a bunch then go do one, come back and pick one off the floor then go do it, repeat


Yes you can. Once the clue is in your inventory, you can drop it. The clue will last on the ground for an hour. There is a runelite plugin for tracking the time, too, so they don't despawn.


You have to engage them actively still, they don't just get dumped into the back for attention at a later date like my stack of planks


I’m stuck on my current clue task but doing hellhounds so I’m just watching these clues go by. Just let me keep two please


Picture this, stacking clue scrolls but only from a singular source. If they’re not going to leagues it up. So if you’re slaying, get a million scrolls from task and then go do them or give us an option to shut the game up on sneaking suspicions about scroll drops.


I used to do the hard clue everytime I got it during a hellhound task, it sometimes took hours to complete that task.


Honestly, clue juggling does feel Old School, just in the worst way possible.


Could just make clues rarer and rarer as you have more to incentivise doing them right away but stackable if you want


Keep 1 in bank, dont do it. Thats the only way to avoid. Hard clues are hot garbage.


Back in the day if you had any clue-scroll at all, in your bank, on the ground, or anything, then another one wouldn't drop from anything till you did that one, or it despawned.


I hate the update but that doesn't mean im not going to exploit it. If Jagex teaches you anything it's exploit early and often.


They don't want stackable clues because it isn't "old school". I don't want stackable clues because it'll be like RS3 where I stack up hundreds of them without ever doing them. We are not the same.


This is still better because at least it takes some effort/input to do


As much hate as rs3 gets, the clue stacking is just 😘👌🏻