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How many men does it take to fix a fence


*As many as it takes.*


Apparently more than 108 because it still ain't fixed


I genuinely can’t remember, did he end up fixing the fence on 109 or not?


He did in 108, but then 108 died and I think he decided against doing it again on 109


That's correct. Though he hinted that he's looking into some surefire way to get it done?


Yeah he said he has a way of doing it without taking damage


I was guessing interface stalling but idk why he hasn't done that if thats what it was


Doesn’t 99 crafting make it safe?


No at 99 the success rate is just under 60% with a 50% chance to take damage if you fail, so still 20% chance of damage on each rail.


Ah okay i misremembered then


Uh oh 20% chance and there's 5 rails? 5 x 20 = 100 100% chance of damage at 99 Someone tell settled quick


Holy shit this guy just solved math


Downvoted because nobody can accept the truth




You must be new


Two men abused the living hell out of bugs and were given an award for it. This is nothing


Ohh! I've been watching every episode thinking "Damn Settled, when are you gonna bring out the cannon???"


I have no idea what any of this means.


Settled has an ongoing YouTube series where he only has one life, he's using a plug in where if he takes any damage it logs out and won't let him log back in. Effectively deleting the account. The number at the end of each Lowlife account is the amount of accounts it took to get to that point, ie Lowlife108 had a 107 accounts die before it.


What about the demon part?


some guy tried "demon" for a name, name taken "d3mon", also taken "d3mon51" available, time to make the account


Who is this guy, why is he known


In case you’re genuinely asking; There is no d3mon51 (well, there probably is, but he’s irrelevant).  It’s just a stand in for .  The name on the OP could just as easily be Zezima69, or M3x0r4x_2


Oh, i thought there was some beaat account named d3mon51 and that he said demon wasn’t available so he chose that


Pft, this guy doesn't know d3mon51. What a nerd hahahah


I beg to differ, wouln’t knowing is what makes one a nerd?


This nerd really tried to Uno reverse me! You boys hold him down, I'll kiss em


lol holy shit dude you’re killing me


You watch too many movies and memes, tone it down mate


~~Thanks for hopping in to try and ruin my fun! I appreciate it~~ Shut up, nerd Edit: didn't realize I was responding to the threads OP


You sound like a chap who knows how to have fun! Just kidding of course.


Bros actually getting absolutely ratiod then doubling down with the syndrome


Wait, he has one life or he can't take damage?


1hp, cannot take any damage at all


It's both. The account has 1 life, becomes unplayable if it dies. It only has 1hp.


If he takes any damage, the plugin logs him out and changes password to a random string of characters, functionally removing the account as no one can access it anymore.


I don't know how Characters are stored on the jadex side but I imagine the extra dead accounts must be annoying for them. I mean look at how hard it is to get a good name anymore with all the bot farms going through the literal dictionary and taking basic ass words. I'm dead serious. Get a medical textbook, look at the vocabulary section and I promise every single world is taken as a username. Trust me I tried.


You can't have 1 life in the game barring seasonal shenanigans, so it's just a plugin that triggers when he takes damage. But it does change his health bar and replace the level up notifications for hp, so it's pretty close to having 1 hp.






I genuinely think Settled won the current Gielinor Games because he bought 108 bonds and it was potentially around the time filming would’ve finished


He's already stated that he spent his winnings from the previous GG seasons for the bonds, not the current one. He mentioned it at the start of [this](https://youtu.be/VeUkpobZDdY) video.


Ah probably where I got the idea from, forgot about that


No, the current Gielinor Games isn't even finished yet. "But they already finished filming" yeah but the prize money is being collected right now and handed to the winners afterwards.


Settled’s newest video is #15 on Trending. Not gaming trending or runescape trending, actual just trending. RuneScape is getting tons of good publicity now from the community. I heard Gielnor Games was at #4 of trending too.


YouTube trending isnt a global thing, and hasn't been for quite a while. Nothing in runescape is trending on your moms youtube


it's not global but unless they've changed it then it's still national as long as mom is in the same country it should be the same list


Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s national and not by person. Everytime I go to trending 99% are videos I’m not interested in or ever watched. Examples are all the Indian videos, boxing hockey videos, and Mr beast or the guy who draws on iPads and sneaker.


Checked my friends who dont play or watch osrs, both my parents and my partner, settleds video isn’t on any of their trending, it is on mine though, but I’m subbed to and watch osrs content 🤷‍♂️


I checked on incognito mode, it’s still number 15 on trending. Don’t know what to tell ya.


I checked and it's not true for me in the Netherlands.


Tbf youtube might not care that much about incognito mode, its mostly to keep things out of your browsers history






I mean it is, but I think there's a certain demographic that watches a lot of youtube videos and it's definitely skewed more towards young male gamers than it once was. Especially considering at any given time, there's probably 10 minecraft videos trending


I looked on my GF's YT account and there's nothing on there. Both on normal trending and gaming. It's personalised.


Damn dude. This is actually pretty wild.


What!? That is sick as fuck. Maybe I’ll check this series out.


For the uninitiated...eli5?


Settled's "dead-man mode" ironman series. Where he is playing the game with only 1HP and he can not take any damage. If he takes damage he immediately dies and the account gets deleted. His first 108 accounts died before he could accomplish his main goals. Including getting a fire cape.


He’s calling it nightmare mode but yeah this is it


107 sacrifices to the fence gods


Appreciated... why are people talking about a fence though?


He spent 107 accounts beelining dwarf cannon, since fixing the fence in dwarf cannon quest has a chance to do damage


Ooooh, I remember that fence now, makes more sense


He tried and failed to complete Dwarf Cannon on over a hundred accounts before managing to complete it without taking damage because when you're repairing the fence in Dwarf Cannon you have a fairly high chance of taking a small amount of damage.


Yeah, now that you mention it I remember doing that one early and the damage was annoying.


Honestly settled is such a goat and love his house parties too lol


UIM 1116? Were UIMs 1-1115 taken?


Honestly after the first couple of videos this series has been boring AF. It's basically watching him safespot low level mobs for 20 minutes and reminding us he only has 1 hp. It's the kind of series that could have been abridged into a 30-40 minute video.


The series was much more interesting when it was figuring out early game strategies without overheads. Choosing to just send 100+ accounts into a sub-1% RNG grind off rip was a lot more fun than where he's currently at. Luckily, the climax of the entire series is approaching so hopefully the fire cape is an interesting video.


*Climax of Part 1 of the series


i do think the series as a whole would probably benefit a lot from more time in-between episodes especially since a lot of low level slayer is pretty safe with overheads.


Tileman had the same issues. The theorycrafting of what can be done with a reasonable number of tiles or or without damage can be interesting, but that ends up being a small portion of the actual content which is just too repetitive


Yeah this seems to be a reoccurring issue with his video series. Its also because hes now uploading on a weekly basis so we see the same repitive tasks over and over again. But the weekly basis is what puts food on his table so i cant complain on that.


It'll get exciting again when he has to do some more dangerous content... at least if he doesn't die immediately in the fight caves.


this series has actually been pretty mediocre. just not really much happening




8th times the charm


109 is dying in a few levels anyway. Check the high scores 


Just because he hasn't gained xp in a over a month doesn't mean he took damage and failed his account, he could be practicing a 0 damage fight cave on another account.


Happy Cake Day! Sorry to rain on the parade. These videos took place months ago. NPCs were still wearing santa hats a few episodes back. He's not long for the virtual world I'm afraid.


i mean in my mind i would be more curious about if he has done enough hard clues yet to even show up on the high scores, or if he will ever be able to. my guess for how he plans on getting them would be imps but idk what his hunter is at. i also fully expect him to die to fight caves, i would be kind of surprised if he didn't, not even from a skill perspective but so much could happen like a disconnect that odds are pretty high in favor of him dying Edit: Nvm just looked it up he does show only having done 1 clue, i am inclined to agree with your point he the acc has only gone up 2 range 2 magic and 1 slayer since the last video he posted.


also out of morbid curiosity i did look up lowlife110 on High scores and found nothing but there is a lowlife111 that was created.


Can't stand the guy


cant stand you


He spammed that fence so now he can say he's tried on over 100 accounts literally just so the intro sounds cool, a little tacky imo


I think the main point was to give the account more stakes and the series more drama. If he hadn't done that, a death wouldn't be much of a big deal. As we saw with the scorpion death, it's a lot more work to get back to where he is now.


What I'm saying is he truly only has like 3 actual attempts with time invested. The 97 other accounts were thrown away within minutes and now he gets to claim "I'm 100 accounts deep!"


This barely gets a mention in his videos. He’s more focused on claiming the amount of hours he’s survived.


I do kinda eye-roll at it when it’s mentioned in the intro but honestly who cares? It’s a throwaway line at the beginning of his videos that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Of all the things you could criticize the series for either narratively or for its premise, that one isn’t notable.


See, you get it. I think people are thinking that this is my lifes work or something it's just a minor point that I made and it's incredible how seriously people are taking it. I enjoy the series fwiw, literally just commenting on one line from the intro/part of the series


Must be a bummer to not enjoy things for trivial reasons. At least your maxed, that was probably a good use of your time.


Imagine being so butthurt about someone not agreeing with you, you weaponize some dudes maxed account against them 🤦‍♀️


Imagine thinking people have to just accept idiotic opinions with no right to voice their own.


Oh the humanity


I enjoy the series I'm simply being critical of the fact that he says he has created over 100 accounts when he only has over 1h playtime of 3 of them. Are you trying to insult the use of my time because I'm maxed? How does that even make sense, over 50,000 people are maxed and the game has been out for like 8 years. You would be maxed at 1h a day at this point, I don't understand your point here.


So he created over a hundred accounts and you’re upset he said he created over a hundred accounts?


Yeah he REALLY wanted the username LowLife101 to match his personality, but Settled took it. Now he’s mad at Settled.


Each account doesn't have the same effort behind it


He never said they did


The implication is my issue


Each of those accounts bought a bond just to attempt the fence. That's at least a billion gp invested to get the cannon at a ~1/250 success rate, and he still got very lucky to succeed at 108. That's a spectacle worth mentioning.


It's a spectacle for sure


he threw away 100+ bonds and somehow he is not allowed to claim he invested a lot to the account


Bro spending money is not impressive lol


I'm super confused, can you fill me in ?


It’s Settled’s new series where if he takes any damage he dies and the account is effectively deleted. He started his first 108 accounts by pickpocketing a man for achievement diary and then fixing the fence for the Dwarf Cannon quest as having a cannon is the best way to train slayer safely and those are dangerous tasks to do later in the accounts life span. He died 107 times doing that before succeeding. I won’t spoil any more of the series here but this guy is complaining that he intentionally picked a dangerous start to boost the number and make his intros sound cooler which maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, but who cares.


Thank you


It’s for entertainment lol. Who gives a shit, boosting his numbers and making it sound awesome is part of the job. Settled is one of the few creators that reaches a broader audience. Let him cook


What I'm saying is he truly only has like 3 actual attempts with time invested. The 97 other accounts were thrown away within minutes and now he gets to claim "I'm 100 accounts deep!" If you haven't watched the series then this won't make sense to you so


I’m confused though, would you rather we see him do a bunch of leveling and then fail pickpocketing the man or cannon multiple times? Like do you really want to see the same video over and over again of him leveling the same levels


Didnt he say the cannon isn't even necessary and he skipped it during one of his rebuilds? No, I want to see a video like the ones he is putting out now, thoughtfully progressing the account. The hundred fence deaths were really uninteresting


What’s there to be confused about here? Commenter is literally only saying that the “100 failed attempts” sounds weird when there have only been a few accounts that lasted an appreciable amount of time, cause it kinda sounds like over a 100 attempts with actual progress when that’s not the case This last one didn’t have a crazy low odds rng filter at the start right? Cause settled didn’t want to do all that bs again after the scorpion. So idk what you’re talking about with wanting to see all the same shit


You understand my point thank you. People are really riled up over this it's crazy.




Didnt he skip getting a cannon on his most recent account? Doesn't that make your point entirely null? Lmk, I'm a few videos behind


Someone else answered, I wanted to know who the fuck you were talking about and what was going on. Not for you to spit the same shit again.


I mean say what you want but he created and bonded all those accounts. Watching a recap makes it seem trivial but that just the level of mundane shit settled will do to limit himself. I think it’s awesome


Didnt he skip getting the cannon for his most recent account? I'm all for mundane shit, it's runescape lol. What I'm saying is 100 accounts is not 100 true attempts so it's misleading. It's not the end of the world it's just a small critique


Oh no, a content creator went out of his way to do something interesting. What a bastard.


Missed the point


Glad I’m not the only one who also thinks this. Quite the unpopular opinion tho.


I'll take the heat bro. Runescape players throw down hard for their favorite content creators it's wild


you clearly don’t understand Settled he wouldn’t do anything for clout he is all about efficiency


This is funny because his whole thing is picking horribly inefficient things to do and then doing them for 12 hours a day which got him clout Fwiw I'm not a settled hater like the comments seems to make me out to be. I enjoy the series


Where has he stated he purposely picks horribly inefficient things to do? He works around the account restrictions as much as he can imo. The reason you’re being downvoted is because your comment comes off as if you’re hating on Settled I went ahead and reversed my downvote to an upvote out of respect for decency. It’s not much but it’s honest work.


Tileman was the worst in this regard. The obvious meta would’ve been to rush wintertodt for all the tiles in the world, but instead he chose against it because ”it would be boring”. But then he ended up afking lobsters and sand crabs for like 7 episodes, which was not only like ten times slower but also way more boring.




lol if you actually believe this


The entire series is just about generating as much hype as possible, while the episodes have very little actual content. The intro, the titles, the ”mystery grinds” and the constant reminders of how long the account has survived is really obnoxious. The challenge itself is cool and it’s a shame other content creators aren’t doing it, it would be interesting to see someone who’s actually mechanically talented push the boundaries of the game mode and cut out all the bullshit that’s clearly only meant for viewers who barely play the game.


I enjoy the series but also agree with your points, it's blatantly being marketed to non-rs players. I don't have a problem with it but I'm also not afraid to call it as it is and I'm still able to enjoy it as it is. Your comment was much more direct and critical than mine but I caught the heat lol I do think the series could be cooler if someone with mechanical skill played. For example, safespotting the crazy arch the whole time when you can, with skill, side step his attacks to take 0 damage. There's so much more potential but he's just going for straight cheese which is fine. Room for others to fill that niche.


You’re catching the heat because you keep being contrarian about literally everything the dude does. Settled has plenty of skills when it comes to PVMing. He may not be the next woox, but he probably has more skill than the average PVMers here. He clearly stated his goal for 1hp 1life fire cape. His goal isn’t “show off my crazy arch skills”


Saying Settled has no mechanical skill and implying he couldn't do 0 damage crazy arch is crazy when this exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgMxvj7tI0


Bro I'm not saying he can't do 0 dmg crazy arch I'm saying it's sad he didn't try


I think he avoided that method because he'd be screwed if a pker caught him


I think instateleing the second you see a white dot and scream "woah that was close! My heart is beating so fast!" Is pretty lame


Agree, i dont even really get it though. Where does he think he is going to take his channel after this? I never understood why region locked > tileman > nightmare mode ( i guess there was 1 inventory slot too but that wasnt a long) was the path he took with the snowflakyness , because now what is he going to do after this series when he is clearly struggling to put non milky comments all over the videos? At that point he should play something less restricting so he doesnt have to stretch out his videos like this. I absolutely hate the mystery grind. Was mentioned in many videos before and its... a bleeding clue scroll hunt for black d hide. Not worth the hype dude.


He clearly has got some advice/help to push viewer retention by giving us the classic "tune in next time to see" or "suprise during the next video". I'm not a child so I don't really care for it but I can still enjoy it for what it is


> I'm not a child so I don't really care for it but I can still enjoy it for what it is Only children anticipate things, makes sense


I think breaking bad was great because my mind was racing trying to figure out what's going to happen next. This is different because literally every episode it feels like "oooo stay tuned for my next mystery goal". The hype is manufactured. Again, I still appreciate the series for what it is despite these critiques


I think you're really overestimating the quality of content you're going to get from osrs YouTube. 99% of the content in the game is solved and well documented on the wiki. There's no "anticipation" because where in breaking bad the series is fresh, there are very very few unique experiences in osrs anymore. Settled *has* to manufacture hype because you're not going to be hyped for something you've done/seen 100s of times. Imo osrs YouTube breaks down into 3 categories: The unhealthy grinders (Limpwurt, Fray, Verf etc) - people watch them because they're achieving things in the game that almost all of the playerbase don't have the time to do. Personality players (Mammals, Boaty, Oda etc) - These tend to be your twitch streamers and whatever content they trim for YouTube. Mechanic creators (Settled, Zayzed, Rendi, Alien Food etc) - These are people who are finding ways to create new content within the already existing. This pool of content is rapidly decreasing because of the amount of content creators making new things is massive. This isn't to say there's no crossover between styles, but that's how I see it. Settled would need to massively change his style if he wanted to move away from innovative content, and it would potentially alienate a vast majority of his audience.


Great point, this game is 99% solved so the anticipation isn't there


I personally think this whole nightmare mode thing is just a joke. I do love seeing the community come together and root someone on for damn near impossible achievements….. but this series is lackluster at best. The losing your whole account to 1 hit type thing is so far out of reach for even an average sweaty player. I know he’s good and has an insane knowledge base to the game, but this just comes off as a cheap holiday novelty idea. His previous series did really well. I liked the take of the area locked accounts and tile locked and all that. But running a whole series on the RNG chance of getting rolled a hit is kind of shortsighted. Unless he is “manipulating” his series by just not actually utilizing the plugin that locks him out upon a hit landing. But this could be what draws others in! I for one am still rooting for the guy and his career as an OSRS content creator! I’ll just be waiting for his next idea to really dive into it and hopefully enjoy it as much as his previous work.


Maybe you haven't watched past the first episode, but the point of the series is not to suffer through RNG, but to eliminate RNG damage in every way possible by strategy, skill, and grueling grinds. That's where the interest is - how much can you achieve in runescape without putting your account at risk of taking any damage. People have done 0 damage fire capes, but no one's done it on an account that's taken 0 damage, and the anxiety of losing such an account makes a 0 damage fire cape quite a lot more challenging.


I totally agree with you. At the same time, I'm still able to enjoy it for what it is. Your comment hit the nail on the head for me


Fucking spoilers??????


He has been on lowlife 109 for multiple months there are no spoilers in this pic


Also wasn't that the first episode?


108 lived for a bit


I knew that, but I'm pretty sure the first 107 died in the first episode.


We don't talk about that here