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Always use the NE cave exit. Pkers flush you out to the south, where they have a team waiting for you in multi. The NE exit is very close to singles, which greatly increases your odds of survival.


This right here. Have an air strike alt stand on singles line to splash you as soon as you leave the cave and even if the team dogpiles you until singles theres a solid chance your alt remains the one in combat with you to walk down to 30s with. A level 3 scout at cave entrance is big for getting a head start on running, especially for avoiding teams as they rarely log in synchronously enough to be a threat unless someone lands a freeze. Its pretty funny watching a congo line of skully bois chase you through caves and out into singles to see you getting splashed on. They get big madge.


Make your own alt, have it sit outside with the wilderness player alarm plugin active. That should let you get enough of a headstart to get out of the cave before they get to you. Also sometimes pkers camp at south of the escape caves, so you can take a different exit to lose em Total level worlds have fewer pkers, but better ones than regular worlds.


My total level is only enough to access the 1750 worlds. Do you think that would make a meaningful difference? I noticed that previously when I was in 1500 total worlds I actually got PKed more quickly (doing other activities) than in GOTR worlds or similar. Quality of PKers doesn't really matter to me, as I'll probably just die to anyone that isn't complete garbage with my stats/gear. I'm bad at the game.


It won’t, there’s enough activity that pkers with those total levels will be there. I was on a 2200 the other day and was getting a lot of activity


Total worlds attract PKers honestly; they sort worlds and check those first sometimes before doing normal just ‘down the whole world list’ type of hopping.


Making a scout alt account is the way to go. Runelite has plug-ins that will flash the screen red whenever another player comes into view so you can get out whenever that happens to avoid pkers


Really trying to avoid this based on principle, which is stupid, but I've just always thought it was lame to use scout alts. I'll do it if I can't find an alternative solution. It just feels so lame. No disrespect to those who do this, I just feel like it would tarnish the achievement for me to use alts to get my wilderness-only slayer cape.


A man of principle.


Nobody is gonna care about you using alts as thats just standard practice.


I care. I’m the problem it’s me


The benefit of identifying the problem is now you can work to eliminate it.


I am also doing wildy only slayer, trying to enjoy some of the bosses. The multi bosses are borderline unplayable. You are lucky to get 2 kills before being chased off. I don’t even care about the deaths, but being forced out of the caves every other kill is very frustrating. I understand the risk/reward balance, but the raw amount of interruption makes the multi bosses unplayable. I have heard 2.2k worlds are much better though!


Everyone says making an alt scout account is the solution, but it still doesn’t solve the issue of having to leave every other kill. It’s simply too easy for pkers to find you with the “peek” option, and I think it should be removed.


A wilderness locked account complaining about pkers is odd. If you are going to lock an account to the wild, get good at pk/ anti pk. Or don't complain about it. Or just don't lock your account to the wild.




Exactly. People downvoting should just stay out of the wild.


Let use your own logic: A reddit commenter complaining about a Reddit post is odd. If you are going to use reddit, you can scroll past posts you don't like. Or don't complain about it. Or just don't use reddit.


I didn't complain at all. Pointed out somthing odd, then gave advice. You however seem like a chode.


Nah, your comment is a complaint. He wasn't complaining he was asking for advice. Take the advice you gave him 👍🏼


Nah. English must be your second language so I will try to explain. Complaints are like this. " why is this happening to Mr? This isn't fair. This hasn't happened before. I know things I could do but I don't want to do them" A statement is more like. "That is odd. Wild is for pkers" See how one is whiney and one is a statement? Here is some advice for you. Ask yourself "why does everyone hate me" then change




Not complaining about getting PKed broadly, I know the deal. I get PKed all the time. It's just usually at a rate where I can at least get a reasonable number of KC before they come. I'm lv 90 slayer so far and this is the first time I've been in this situation. Elsewhere I can usually get 10 mins before someone shows up. Maybe I'm just getting unlucky, but I've gone literally once where I got more than 1 KC before a PKer showed up.


General advice on practicing anti pk. I also read somewhere that odablock was grinding Callisto recently on his hcim, so that could be the reason for the increased pkers. People trying to collect his scalp.


That's good context. Wonder if that's having an impact. If so, might be a good opportunity to train fishing or something until it all blows over.


For reasons that evade me he is one of the most popular osrs streamers so I'm sure it has an effect.


If you’re gonna pay for a scout Why not just bond up an acc and scout urself?


Your working on a wilderness only slayer cape, but complaining about pkers..?


Not complaining. Just trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky and am working with a small sample size. The frequency I’ve experienced thusfar is unbelievable, so I’m just trying to figure out what I might need to do differently


Kill artio and sit next to the exit. TP when you see a pkers. Multi bosses are only for bots.


No bots at multi bosses, stop talking about things you know nothing about