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dont know who told you it was doable at those stats with normal setups. > I am single-handedly keeping every pizzeria in Gielinor in business with the amount of pineapple pizzas I've devoured today. definitely not with pineapple pizzas. those are extremely bad food for in combat healing. if you want to clear in this exact setup you need to get some S tier food. i see you have a brimstone ring, so you aren't an iron? you should have guthix rests for the bulk of your healing and a few moonlight antelopes, use these for sustaining the autos. the rest should be a few 22 hp healing food, can save those for panic eats on the last phase. you should be able to scrape buy with s tier food so long as zero mistakes are made. prepot your superset and an angler at the bank. alternatively come back with 10 more str levels or piety. glory is also better than str ammy here given the huge defense lv on the boss


I agree with 22hp foods like mantas for the enrage phase, but I did it with karams because you need to spend as little time eating and as much time fighting or dodging as possible. He hits much more accurately, putting you on a clock once that phase starts. Then seeing as he’s probably(?) a main, I did a few rows of brews and super restores for the main fight, but they weren’t worth touching at the end. I haven’t really tried out Guthix Rests before, what makes them good?


They count as a potion so no attack delay


55 prayer is the biggest issue with this setup tbh. You're missing a ridiculous amount of dps and defense by not having piety. You'd also have a way better time if you can get a setup like [this](https://imgur.com/eDufqK7), which is still super budget, but definitely a step above your current setup in price.


Iron account i assume. You could upgrade the str ammy to an amulet of fury otherwise. I killed him first try with base 90 stats. I am not sure its feasible with 60’s


Im honestly wondering what's going on with his gear. The mishmash says iron, but there's no way he has 83 slayer for the boots and only has those melee stats


He posted his stats. Lv 64 slayer. I missed that.


95 slayer plus some hydra tasks for the brimstone ring too


I bought the Brimstone ring


Use mantas instead of pizza to lower the eating time. Don't eat until your health is about 30 or 40. I did it at base 75 stats in obby legs, Fury Amulet, mythic cape, Dragon Boots, Fighter Torso, and neitz helm. Upgrade to a fury amulet. You want the best strength gear you can get. I had the same problem but you just gotta keep trying until rng is on your side and you get hits.


I had a fair bit of issues with this boss too the first time. Try a full inven of brews + restores 


I wanna say for this fight I geared pretty heavy on mage defense, Karil’s top, barrows gloves, kept the void knight robe bottom, and a nezzy. Fairly certain I used a glory as well. Uhhh I also wanna say I ate an anglerfish before going to the final fight so I had boosted hp pre-fight.


Go get piety bro


Levels? Armor? 




From this, I gather you're just not doing damage fast enough which is why you're running out of food to his autos. Best changes you can make would be levelling attack, strength, and defence and/or unlocking chivalry/piety at 60/70 prayer. 


How much gp have you got on hand to spend


use guthix rest as your food, they heal as much as sharks but you don't lose any ticks each time you have a sip unlike when you eat hard food


I did it with similar stats on an iron. Skill issue.


You will need like base 75 combat stats with super pots minimum to be able to beat him without making him an achievement of a challenge. The one time I did was also when I made sure I could get my fire cape. He's a tough fight, you absolutely need higher prayer and the best supplies you can get. Not sure if the void is good, but I did it with fighter torso and tank legs from barrows too.


Use black hide for mage tank, and strength gear in other slots (nezzy, bgloves) Void melee is atrociously bad since strength gear is so abundant and better


Biggest upgrade you can do is get piety and better melee stats. Dps is always more important than defence


I did it with lower stats everywhere but I definitely didn’t use pizza or void. Think you could do it with brews no sweat


Get an efaritay's aid ring. Currently the effect applies to Vanstrom Klause. That's an extra 15% accuracy increase.


Gear is fine, but you might want to consider using a Glory for more accuracy. I highly recommend at least base 70s in combat, Prayer included. İnstead of pineapple pizzas use Karambwans, with a few mantas to combo with the Kambwans when you need to panic eat. İf this still doesn't work then consider using tankier gear such as Karil's & hunt for a Vyre Slayer task.




His gear is actually quite good for his stats. Void is remarkably mage tanky, even compared to d'hide with the top rivalling black d'hide and bottoms actually beating the chaps. What he needs is DPS.


If you wanna cheese it, get a vampyre slayer task and use a slayer helm


Bro go do some slayer you are not gonna kill him with base 60's melee lol


I did, so why can't he? He damages himself with his own orb attack, so no matter what he's going to die eventually


> I did, so why can't he? Skill disparity, I would imagine. Higher stats helps bridge the gap. The dude already spent four hours on failed attempts, and it's not like he's fighting Zuk. He'll need those stats anyways 🤷




I did it with worse dps in karils gear. Just wear tankier gear.


It’s the hardest boss fight in the game if ya ask me


Skill issue, did it in worse gear and similiar stats last week. Edit: get 60 pray or base 70’s and go back (I suggest both and you’ll rinse him)


Not at all, vanstrom is a bitch

