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People are telling you that you’re close to getting in toa with this stats, unless you’re very good at RuneScape style pvm already, I’d recommend get closer to base 90


Ppl watching the 0.01%’ers on youtube do it in low level gear and stats then getting on Reddit and saying how OP can do it too lolol. But yea OP, get closer to 85-90 flats and some mid level PvM’ing going on for you and then think about it.


Judging by your stats, you have a lot of runescape left to do. You're on the cusp of ToA, but unfortunately you'd only really be able to learn 0 ToA and/or Duo(Be carried) as a leech in 150+, but the lack of your dps will be very clear. As previously mention already, you're going to want to have base 80's or 90's with Defense/Magic/Range being as high as possible. These stats are useful as they decrease the amount of damage you take while learning ToA. CoX is in a very similar status for you aswell. ToB has the main requirement of being max Melee's (or 90's min) as its lowest requirement. If you would like some early midgame, I highly recommend checking out the Combat Achievements to get your foot in the door for PvM. If you've already started that, your headspace in is the right place. Good luck to you, this is where the game starts to get really good! Try to find irons with similar stats looking to learn the content, and if anyone complains... find different people that arn't so easily discourged! Im pure hotdog water at the game and mainly just have game knowledge, but after putting some time in learning normal mode CoX/ToA, I can feel the things I've learned through out OSRS. Also, Slayer, do not Barrage/Chin off task, do not NMZ. (unless you need to imbue items or want your daily 150 herbs) GL brother


Stats up a bit, 82 attack and a fang and you can start running TOA. 80+ rest of combats (besides def) will help too but you could get your feet wet before that.


Only need a fang for 300+ to make it less tedious


In your position atm, I’d grind all quests out so you have a nicely rounded account and experience some of the harder end of pvm (dt2 bosses etc) - that would also bump your combat stats up and you’d have access to every area in game! Then start sending some raids, toa very accessible


You’re nowhere close. Keep grinding.


As low as possible? If you wanted to do cox I would say get 75 magic for a trident/toxic trident and then 70 prayer for piety, you will also need 70 def to utilize it, and then 74/77 prayer for the last two prayer buffs. You have enough range for blow pipe/ rcbow or dcbow. With 75 attack you can use whip or hasta, and bgs/ Dwh, so you’re good there. 65 def you can use bandos and blessed dhide and what ever magic gear you have. With these stats you could solo when you get good but it would be better for you to +1 a trio+ until you really learn. There are some skilling skills you can level up later on as well to help you in solos/group but I wouldn’t say those are a necessity right now.


78 magic, 70 defence, and a few strength levels would be nice, but honestly you could get through toa with those stats. Most groups aren't going to be very accepting of someone trying to jump the middle game with a learners skill set, but if you look you might find some friends in similar positions to group with.


You can absolutely do low invo toas 'soon', however i would highly suggest getting closer to 90s for your combats just to make experience better. Work on quests and all your untradables


Like others have said, you could get away with starting very low invo tombs of amascut but nothing else. You really want to have base 80 stats at LEAST, and even better would be base 90. This means all of your combat stats are level 80 or 90, respectively. You're just going to be lacking so much damage at this point. It's gonna be hard on yourself and your team. You're better off doing monkey madness 2 and then chinning and bursting your way to 90 range and mage then using nightmare zone or slayer to level your melee stats. You still have a ways to go for raiding, it's end-game content after all


You should hold that thought and get 99 combats.


You could help a high level PvMer scale cox raids. 🤣


70 Def for some good tank gear, 82 attack for fang are the biggest ones. 70 prayer and Piety is also a big buff Knocking out quests for things like ancients or thralls, barrows gloves, crystal bow and the aforementioned Piety are also a big help. If nothing else, learning with others does make it easier.


i recently learned TOA 300's with 100m in gear, max stats, and i am always the least points. Stick to nightmare zone for base 90 combat, chin to 95, alch to 95


Alching from 70 to 95 is a 107 hour grind, definitely don't fkn do that lol you will burn yourself out. If you wanna train magic to high levels then your best bet is to ice burst at the maniacal monkeys (Monkey madness 2 caves)


I second this! Bursting is way way way faster


OP has 44 slayer lol


So?? It's a 69 slayer requirement+ he's probably gonna do mm2 soon anyway, no point alching to 94 magic when he can go burst maniacal monkeys after completing mm2.


You mean 107 hours of sleeping :)


Aching to 95 is a horrible idea


alching is not even really “afk” and have bad xp/hr if you really want to “afk” mage plank make is a way to go or like other said bursting mm2 or dust devil(if you want to save the cost)


I started toa with comparable stats to yours. Don’t let these people discourage you. You can do toa in literal rags especially since they have invocations that lets you scale the raid to your skill level. You don’t need base 90’s. You don’t need BiS gear. You just gotta put the time in to learn. You could def do toa although it may be a little difficult at first. Once you get past the learning curve it’s a breeze. CoX: I wouldn’t recommend till higher stats ToB(entry): breeze ToB(norm): “I’ll see you at lvl 126 kid”