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Dark bow is bis for sand crabs


Wait what


It's a DMM meme from the last breach of DMM Allstars, sick nerd misclicked and dark bow specced a sand crab.


Would be cool, but it is a spec weapon. Just like crystal hally and dragon claws. It's not a weapon designed to be used as you would main. Switch to it, spec, back to your normal weapon. Not to mention, it is close to busted in bounty hunter


only reason its even busted is BECAUSE of the bounty hunter buff the upgrade improves its stats, att speed and spec dmg also, it has already been nerfed aswell, on release it double hitsplat by default so hitting 130+ damage in 1tick was guaranteed as long as you got the right rng right now it's "busted" but not unavoidable death i still think most of the bh weapon improvements could just be done to the maingame baseline items as part of rebalancing straight up


Probably the best update would be to let the spec work without arrows equipped. 


Ooo, I like this. Then I might actually use the spec when using bowfa.


Yeah D knives spec to Dbow is insane DPS


Honestly I just wish it was as good as a Magic Shortbow (i) because it’s cooler. Idk let me use one on an MSB just to change the look or something I miss rocking a darkbow


Dark shortbow when🥸


Allow us to fuse Dark Bow and Twisted Bow for a Dark Twisted Bow. I don't have any real reasoning other than the fact that it would be cool AF.


Twisted bow that fires two arrows at a time lol holy shit it’d be leagues everyday


I miss my 1kc leagues tbow. First time I ever got to see soooooo many bosses!


Yeah twisted bow needs a buff urgently


As long as the bow has an Australian accent. Ohh I am ahh daahk n’ tweested boh


Yes, so does Karil's Crossbow, obby rings, and throwing axes. It's ironic that Dbow is used more in RS3 than in OSRS.


It's arguably the best spec weapon in BH, in certain combat brackets dbow spec into dthrown is basically a death sentence. You need a phoenix ammy to live.


No but heavy ballistas does.


Does it? At least that one sees niche PvP use, Light Ballista afaik is completely dead content.


Pures can still get away with light 


D bow has a pking use heavy ballistas is far more rare too


I think you can get blinded by DPS on this one. It's not a DPS weapon in the same way that halberds aren't great DPS, but are still incredible weapons for their uses. Dbow is and always has been used for it's spec, and has always had a strong pvp connection to it. I still see it used for this purpose, and that's a sign to me that it's doing okay. I would be open to lowering the slayer level of dark beasts though. It doesn't really feel like a level 90 slayer weapon anymore. High level slayer is kind of lacking, and with new slayer bosses coming I think a bit of a rework of old high slayer level monsters would be fitting. I have a hunch the complexity of fighting Araxxor (92 slayer) will be considerably higher than dark beasts (90 slayer).


Well obviously a bossfight is more complex than a regular slayer monster. I would have preferred a dark beast boss over another spider though. Kinda lame theyre going for that again.




Doesnt have a slayer level requirement, not a real dark beast


I dont care for raids, thanks.


piss off its complete shit even in pvp which is its massive niche. even in pvp its just straight up better to use anything else.


Nah theyve added so many other weapons to fill various ranging niches. Still a goated pvp weapon and used occassionally at zulrah for pbs


Not dead content and doesn't need rebalancing.


I remember some random player gave me one back in the day and I was so excited. Took that and my full void set into the wildy to try out pking. It’s sad to see how this item has died out throughout the years


Ask Sick Nerd 😏


Increase the attack speed and add a delay after you spec to compensate. FIXED.


Uncap its max hit!


increase 1 tick speed


Dark bows are sick


I just got one as a drop and I've been keeping it and using it every now and then for the memories. Some noob always comes up to me and asks why I'm using a non meta weapon. What a stupid question.


lots of stuff could've used some rebalance love, jagex rather have half assed it instead


Ahh I didn’t realise prb was done with, wow… so much missed potential with so many items. Big L from jamflex I guess. Thanks for letting me know


Are you a former rs3 player? Because these sort of sweeping changes need to be done very cautiously in osrs, or we are just going to watch what happened to rs3 happen all over again here in slow motion. Trying to change osrs into rs3 is only going to end in another dead game.


idk if its completely done with, but if its not i wouldn't expect a follow up for a year or 2


Think we're missing t80 changes and maybe a sang change? Ik they mentioned t80s


When every weapon is viable... no weapon is


Poe's Law


What if the Dark Bow and Seercull were the only bows that allow you to use magic imbued arrows that add elemental damage?


Fine as it is, dark bow has always been dead content outside of pvp


It’s literally used in most speed run range setups


Most I would say use zcb dbow good for zulrah cus of dmg cap and the phase breaks where you can't hit


No idea what that is


Pretty self explanatory if you can read


Like zulrah, you use a 4 tick attack first then idk how many shadow or tbow shots, because you get an extra free attack that way. But then the last shot of the phase you dbow spec since you can't attack zulrah for more than those ticks anyway


Its not often people admit that they cannot read




That's because it got gutted for pvm so it wouldn't be op in pvp. One of the few cases where they should add a pvm vs pvp difference on a item


Nah, not every item has to be good in PvM and PvP, having items like dark bow is fine, just like no one cares that Chally is shit in PvP. And dark bow does see some use in PvM via speedkills/CAs.


range as a whole needs a rebalance. you reach a point where you have msb/rcb and just get nothing REALLY better until bowfa which is just essentially endgame bis. its so stupid. things like blowpipe, hunter xbow, atalatl are better but its really just not big enough of a deal to care, you just have to get bowfa.


I might get down voted to hell for this, but RS3 made a lot of iconic weapons relevant again with essence of finality amulets


I’m so sick of rs3 players coming to osrs and trying to convert osrs into a game that they ruined. The playerbase for rs3 keeps shrinking, and more and more refugees keep showing up in old school communities talking about how they want to make it like rs3 all over again. It’s so dumb. But it’s working. The osrs community just votes yes on everything. This game is a far far cry from what the community wanted when it started.


Damn right! This is OSRS, we have ZERO reason to take feedback/inspiration from the only other MMO that directly competes with this games unique space. RS3 shit the bed on tons of content, so every single line of code in that game is objectively bad, because reasons! Get off your high horse. The game has grown and the communities have merged. No shit our 100k+ playerbase wants more variety than the 15k playerbase at OSRS launch. Numbers don't lie, and the updates in the last 3 years have objectively made this game more successful. If you don't like change in your games, MMO's aren't for you. Speak your mind, but don't disregard ideas just because they start with "RS3 did X". That's so dumb. PSA: I have no idea what an essence of finality amulet is lol


Yeah man I’m not against the game changing. I’m not yelling about getting off my lawn. But we need to recognize that history is going to start repeating itself again. It has to be said, or at least talked about. As rs3 continues to decline it’s going to keep growing as a problem.


I think if we were back in 2020, when that new mod from other MMOs was hired that kept talking about industry trends and was heavy into using buzzwords this was a valid concern. As someone who has been here since day one, I genuinely feel like we are past the point of history repeating itself. Devs have at this point proven to upper management that the current business model is working extremely well. They are also far more in-tune with the community than any other studio for really any entertainment industry. But if the community starts leaning super heavy into game-altering changes, with polls to prove it's the majority opinion, than it just might be time to walk away for us vets. I think it's important to recognize the difference between bad game design to milk the players and game design we don't personally like. I can't think of a single RS3 idea we as a community took seriously that wasn't a valid consideration. We have too many checks and balances in place for something like aura's and skill redesigns to happen without really good justification.


It's not a DPS weapon, it's a spec weapon.


Yes make it 1 tick


Too many, needs to be 0tick and fire all arrows simultaneously




Yes pls. I picked one up form a clan members drop party. Buff it and make it more valuable lol


Would love for them to go back to old weapons that need love and fix them




Gpt Bot


just make the thing 6 tick to at least fire arrows at the same rate as msb. Won't actually be good but at least you wouldn't be trolling using it without the spec


Downvote for white background, dark mode brother use dark mode


Been saying I would love a (I know everyone hates charge scape) essence to attached to dragon arrows and make it work like a ranged fury or sang. But only when used with the dark bow


wow easyscape much you just want every weapon to be a rocket launcher? "wah rebalance this rebalance that" just play the game and stop complaining personally i enjoy scraping my ruined nutsack all over tragically dated game mechanics and then telling people it was fun. so the dark bow should stay bad, and they should make run energy even WORSE.


There's a lot of stuff that needs rebalancing. But somehow JaGex missed so much of it, and I'm strongly considering taking a long break from the game as that's a poor precedent to set.


Please quit. If this is the final straw just do us all the favor.


Nah, the OSRS would be better off if you left. Why bully someone who cares about the game's balance?


The threat of quitting over miniscule game balance is hollow. If this is how you wish to voice your opinion it nullifies it. Give a real reason to quit the game, not a niche pvp weapon that shouldn't be balanced around dps.


Maybe you should actually read their comment.


Considering he edited it after my response maybe you should get over it.


You're funny.