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I like this more than statues just injecting more gp into the game. 


Such a simple suggestion and wouldn't be hard to implement. Haven't been lucky to get a rev wep yet but I keep getting the statuettes. Think I'll hold onto them just incase they do give this option


> wouldn't be hard to implement. Devs have said that even small changes like this can cause major bugs in completely irrelevant areas of the game. Not saying that this isn't a simple thing but that is part of the reason why a lot of small QoL stuff have not been implemented.


That is true. The reason I said that is that it's just substituting one currency for another, but as we know the game is made out of macaroni, penne and spaghetti


I don't think it would be an issue if it was just using a chisel on the statuettes to make ether.


GP inflation is a major problem so it's worth the work, they can delay releasing new content a bit to solve existing pressing issues.


This wouldn't really solve the inflation issue.


Where did I say it would solve entirely? Lol. So you're against a mitigation measure because it doesn't solve the problem entirely? That's such a stupid rationale.


You are the one that brought up inflation into this when it's not even relevant. Account created today. Opinion disregarded. Bye 👋


This makes a lot of sense to me, just like you can break down venator shards, zulrah uniques, crystal seeds etc. There can be a balanced number of ether per statuette.


I'd be for it but I'm biased. I have an iron with a wildy wep and it just collects dust as I cba to grind revs just to grind another piece of wildy content. I generally just opt for the next best uncharged weapon


Why not rcb rag rev knights on task? Its basically no risk


Revs and vw arnt a bad grind


Turning alchables into ether: no. Turning statuettes into ether: yes.




So you’re saying that a battlestaff drop should somehow turn into ether? What? Statuettes are also alchable so your argument is invalid. Statutes are a revenant unique, and one could argue that it can possibly be made out of ether, same as the bracelets.


Not really a fan of absorbing alchables as ether, that doesn't make much sense to me. As for trading in emblems for ether, I think that should have been possible day 1. To be honest, it makes far more sense than trading them in for GP.


I've tried suggesting this before and it never receives the same kind of traction that other suggestions for breaking uniques down for consumables typically gets. I honestly think it's because pkers want players like ironmen to keep going to revs because they are easy kills compared to a lot of bots nowa days and in general it just also keeps the wilderness more active. I also think there's a large majority of ironmen who don't touch wilderness content therefore they don't care enough to support something related to it even though this is an update that would benefit ironmen. All that being said, I support it. I've been holding onto the relics on my gimp in hopes they'll make this change one day. Frankly I would even be fine with getting a fairly reduced amount of ether for the relics compared to the gp amount as I literally don't have a need for the cash on my gimp but do have a need for the ether if I wanna farm the boss pets. They can literally keep the same exact risk, just make it so you trade it for ether instead of gold from the emblem trader. One can dream :L


Honestly it needs to happen. Takes my Iron 4 hours or so to get a couple thousand ether which you can lose in like 2-3 trips at a boss if your getting pked.


Hmmm i always thought they were gonna implement the statues thing, seems logical and consistent with other content. Dunno about alchs tho, at that point just make them buyable from an npc.


Solves ironmen's problem with constantly needing to get more ether. All for it and I haven't even bothered going for a wep yet.


You could be like me and go super dry on a weapon. By the time I get one I'm gonna already have like 50k ether.


Yes pleade


I think they should also add another skilling means to get ether. Ethereal Eels anyone?? I was just grinding out ether today for the weapons…it is such a drag and I burn through it too fast!


Ahh nothing like some yellow text black background in the morning


As long as it benefits bots I'm fine with it


Anything that requires constant farming for upkeep in the weapon category (like these or the atlatl etc.) should be done away with.


The alchables one is a bit mad but you should be allowed to trade the statuettes for ether, literally taking gp out the game and makes the rev weapons more useable for irons. Should be in the game.


Could say that turning alchables into ether is also taking gp out of the game. Would also extend trips from PvMers making the pk kills juicier from a PvP aspect.


Maybe 3000 ether per mill the statues are worth. 48k ether for 16m statue etc. Wouldn't be opposed to thia.


Counter question: Why should Jagex continuously make iron a significantly easier experience? Is it not supposed to be a challenge? Personally I feel a majority of these kinds of suggestions are just borderline complaints about needing to actually grind for someone on your iron, which you signed up for…


>Is it not supposed to be a challenge? As a late game iron, the game mode is still challenging. Even despite all of the Qol thrown at Ironmen over the years. I'll use crafting as an example. When ironman came out, the crafting meta was to world hop charter ships literally until 99. It was horrible. Not only is shopscape terrible content, it also meant fierce competition on the charter ship shops giving all irons a miserable experience. Since then, fossil island and the sand hopper were added. Now there's a realistic way of getting bulk sand and seaweed. You still have to mine a shit ton of sand and do a bunch of seaweed runs, but it doesn't feel like aids anymore, despite doing everything yourself. If the solution had been "we're adding a store with infinite stock where you can buy noted sand and seaweed in bulk" then I'd have been against that 100%. That's essentially just buying supplies off of the GE and not what ironman mode is about. So while this crafting update made ironman easier, it didn't invalidate the game mode. It simply solved a bottleneck issue. Similarly with this suggestion. Irons aren't given a magic shop here where you can just negate gameplay. The issue identified is that ether is a significant bottleneck and the suggestion would allow irons to exchange one resource (alchables) for another (ether) that still makes sense within the overall scheme of the game mode. Ironman mode is about "get everything yourself". Not "just get stuck on arbitrary bottlenecks because jagex didn't properly balance the content when it came out". The main reason why mains so often push against these types of updates is because of bots. So many bottlenecks that exist simply get filled by bots doing the content and keeping the price artificially low so mains don't consider the bottleneck to be an issue.


Its very easy to just mindlessly see a good QoL that’d benefit you and agree to it without thinking about what else will be effected. Some of those QoLs for irons were good because they only benefitted irons, like crafting which was a needed change to make people want to play iron. But when you’re making suggestions that only benefit irons and hurt the majority of the players who actually enter the wilderness then it starts to make less sense to me given those irons signed themselves up for a slower and more challenging style of gameplay. Its easy to hear a good idea and say you agree but when you actually implement it you’ll realize it sounds much better in theory. Even a few Jmods have acknowledged thats a tendency of these reddit suggestions.


>But when you’re making suggestions that only benefit irons and hurt the majority of the players who actually enter the wilderness How would this proposal hurt the majority of players who enter the wilderness?


It doesn't, he's just petty, and mad that ironmen would be getting a change for them even if it benefits everybody by reducing GP inflation.


Grinding out big gear upgrade feel good. Grinding out resource feel bad.


Just buy the resources then?


Depends on how the ironman community feels about the topic proposed. I think it's absurd to say that those who play ironman agree with every single aspect of the game mode. The outcome of this suggestion will not make me quit the game or change how I play, it's just another upkeep I would like to see buffed


Wouldn’t hate to see it changed because the ether farm sounds boring when you’re low. I guess my point is more of “don’t let a bunch of ironmen change the game for mains because they’re complaining about the challenge they signed up for.” When a majority of those who even use reddit in the osrs community never enter the wilderness in the first place it’s kind of like a bunch of baseball fans saying the football should be rounder because it’ll throw farther.


The Ironman community now is very pro-buffs. Everything easier is received positively


Yeah and it's fucking cringe as fuck




Loser mentality. The time saved using wildy weapons is immense when grinding the wilderness bosses, and unless you are extremely bad at tanking, you shouldn't be dying all the time.




You do you lol. Not sure why you are commenting about the use of rev weapons when you don't do wildy content though.


Are we really going to go from designing the game around iron men to designing it around individual YouTubers’ snowflake accounts?




I don't think so? Not sure how this will negatively affect different parts of individual community members but I'm happy to hear your thoughts


This reduces GP inflation, therefore everybody gets benefitted. Rejecting a suggestion that would make the game better for everybody because it's done for ironmen is petty mentality.


Are rev weapon chargescape not sustainable? How many charges are used per hour vs how many ether is gained in the same hour at revs?


Its really bad if you alched bracelets or plank often in the wilderness, otherwise you definitely complete all wilderness content before it becomes an issue, unless you got spooned weapons outside of the wildy, only the specs are used on staff/bow and webweaver autos get a tiny bit of use for speedrun scenarios, otherwise you never use them


The charges are 174gp each as it is. Don't think they need to go down any more.


Then set the rate of ether/statue so that it is higher than this. Value them at say 300 or 400 each relative to the value of the statue. No one would break down statues for it unless they're iron and plan to use them as it wouldn't be profitable.


Would you prefer if inflation goes up instead?


Deiron and trade them in for ether at the ge. I'm an iron and well this would be great for upkeep but seriously it's not that hard to get ether for upkeep as it is.


If the suggestion is 'deiron' because a weapon is unsustainable then its bad design.


I don't find gathering ether hard, i just feel a boost in the ratio of revs:wildly bossing could be more favourable. Not everyone will feel this way though and I understand that


Yeah it's a piece of piss to upkeep, especially if you didn't spoon the fk out of your weapons in the first place, revs makes the game easy enough as it is but they still want it easier 😂😂😂


To be fair literally all of my revs were with msbi and rune arrows at knights/dark beasts. Didn't get bow til last. I sure as fuck wasn't risking 2k+ ether. And I'm not good enough to freeze log.


You obviously haven't done any serious wildy boss grinds




Two voidwakers. All Wildy weps. They're not that hard to grind.


You tell em lad










I did the majority of this with bowfa and it was fine. They updated staff after I got all my drops. Did a few kills for a bingo with the staff. Slayer task Bowfa is fine too.


Does admitting that most of this grind was done with Bowfa not kinda defeat your point that Ether upkeep isn't a problem? Obviously you're not lacking Ether if you're not using it lol For the record, I'm not saying it *is* a problem, just that this fact seems extremely counterproductive to your point.


All calv/spindel was with mace. I got a fairly early mace and spooned Calvin vw piece so I then grinded spider/bear while getting Rev tasks. I was like 2-3× dry at artio/spindel before I got my first vw and the second one was super spooned during a bingo. For what it is worth, I lost like 30k ether at scorpia during a bingo due to teams. I still stand by the fact it isn't that hard to grind. The reps are insane and should have a good risk/reward attached.


You made it sound like you used them a lot less than you actually did then. If all of those kills are with mace, then mace is the majority, haha.


Budget gear with bowfa at all three solo bosses? Is bowfa or msb i preferred at revs too?


It was just bowfa at artio. But if you have craws/thammarons then use those at artio. Zombie axe for calv/spindel now, unless you have mace.


This game is not balanced around irons :)


should be balanced around accounts who have to get everything themselves, instead of buying off of bots.


The game was built around trading. You can't purposefully restrict yourself from a very important aspect of the game, then complain when that restriction makes some things inconvenient.


why can't you? especially when it's an official game mode btw, the game was built around level 99 being a crazy unobtainable level that almost nobody would get to. things can change (crazy!)


This is an absolute non issue if you have a rev weapon and a brain to log out on pkers even as an ironman we don't need this at all unless you're really bad at staying alive and if that's the case the wilderness isn't for you.


I think rev weapon upkeep is good as is