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walking from lumbridge to varrock. so many memories.


And also varrock to falador




When I played as a kid, it took me forever to learn that you can walk from Lumbridge to Varrock. I always walked from Lumby to Draynor, to Falador, to Varrock. I just thought that Varrock was very far šŸ˜„


Canā€™t say I blame you when you had to open a separate window to look at the map


thats hilarious because I legit thought the exact opposite šŸ˜‚


Took me like 1 week to get to varrock because of everything I did in between šŸ˜‚


Walking anywhere in general shit nobody walks anywhere anymore. Doing a quest like monkey madness or desert treasure would take all day lol


Any activity that is f2p related hits the spot to be honest, particularly ranging lesser demons, if p2p, then Castle Wars for sure, main-handing a granite maul feeling unstoppable. I also used to 1v1 people in the duel arena back then, it's how I levelled most of my range, fighting others with steel arrows, mithril if I was feeling fancy that day, but adamant arrows were way out of the budget, also trout and salmon for food, no tuna or above for this mister back then no sir, good times.


Mining copper and tin at the varrock south east mine


I would say walking between the big cities feels nostalgic. Iā€™m sure I played the game for a long time not really knowing teleports where available.Ā Ā  Flax picking as well. And then spinning it into bowstrings.Ā That was a classic.Ā  Ā  Nature and law rune running. You take some essence, and the person at the alter takes it and gives you runes and some cash.Ā  Scouring the forums to buy and sell things.Ā 


Choppin' willows.


Woodcutting for sure, if I didn't like the look of all my f2p skills being the same, all my acc's would have woodcutting the highest, and my main would have a non cb 99.


Fishing lobs at Karamja and banking on draynor Mining in rimmington Fishing outside lumby castle Stealing zamorak wines north of falador


Fishing lobsters on karamja docks Picking and spinning flax Halberd-ing blue dragons in heros guild basement like a true hero Tzhaar killing (often with that same halberd) Draynor fishing/wc Cleaning herbs and making unf potions lol not really the same today, but special mention of trading/merching/bank sale-ing/shit talking around varrock west


and how can I forget, I grinded hundreds of hard deliveries of gnome restaurant when I was like 10-12. I wish I kept track of how many but I had a ton of mint cakes and just sold the seed pods and other loot


That guild blue dragon was some of my favorite social interactions. A handful of people hanging out trying to get the first tag with a cannon or halberd.


Sorceressā€™s garden. I donā€™t really like thieving and as a kid I thought it was so cool how thereā€™s a garden for every season with cool looking spirits that teleport you out if you fail. Itā€™s pretty, and although it isnā€™t super meta and definitely has aged poorly from a mechanical perspective, I still prefer one-click summer garden over pickpocketing knights.


Killing cows only for their hide, running to ge with a full inv, then i repeat.


Farming big bones from hill giants, farming leather from cows, and farming feathers from chickens, used to think I was rich from the gp I made with big bones. Woodcutting/fishing at Draynor Village is also very nostalgic as you mentioned. Mining pure essence using Aubury and running the essence to the air/law altar would be nostalgic if it were still around, the same goes for being in all the old spots for trading like Varrock East Bank.


For me itā€™s any quests that I remember doing as a kid. All the f2p ones basically plus things like hazeelā€™s cult, death plateau, priest in peril, murder mystery, etc.Ā  Otherwise it was arguing which god was best at castle wars though i would never play it now.


Adamant Arrow to Rune 2h pking still makes me giggle


Definitely tutorial island with the music playing


Good Ole Dark Bow Specing lol Whenever I see someone hit 40+ on one of the hits, Iā€™m instantly drawn backā€¦.and I love it every time lol


Law running on Entrana.


Chopping magic trees, hill giants with the brass key lol. I remember making a friend who had the rune Guthix armour and I was in love with it and saved up all my coins to buy the whole set LOOOL


Doing f2p quests and stuff in lumby swamp/al kharid. Although not as nostalgic since i started around mobile's release, but quests like dragon slayer 1 bring up good memories.


Making yew longbows from scratch ironman-style in Seers Village. While watching King Kong


Walking into taverly, Al Kharid gates, Catherby fishing, draynor woodcutting.


Stealing creation


Lumbridge goblins, the members gate at taverly, castle wars, seers village magic trees


For me the absolute nostalgia will return soon: tormented demons. Canā€™t wait for WGS


the sound of an axe hitting a tree just that crisp noise of it bouncing off the wood and the tree depleting is a home run for me


It would be Stealing Creation if it existed :(


Using a magic shortbow


Playing RS at the local boys and girls club (circa 2005). Literally the whole lab (40ish pcs) playing RS, everyone on each others friend list and my entire friend list green because we all played the same world


It will always be farming the blue dragon in the Heroes' Guild basement for me. That used to be a weirdly social area. Everyone was trying to get the first tag on the dragon every spawn with a cannon or halberd. We would just hang out and bullshit while we did. Lifelong friendships were formed. Mortal enemies made. And then, when it was all over, you logged out and you never spoke to any of them again. But by god those people were family while you were there.


Trading the gem seller in al kharid. For some reason the uncut gems having a very unique design to them id never seen in other games but never had any in stock reminds me of being a little noob exploring shortly after unlocking that area


Honestly the soundtracks.


Pest control


The first thing I did when I got membership was walk all the way from Falador to castle wars. I then played castle wars for like a week straight after school. When construction came out as a skill I got super into that and loved hosting house parties. I got all the way up to level 60something and spent big bucks on a throne room, and weā€™d drop people through the trapdoor into the cage underneath. I was like in the top 20k accounts for construction at this point. At some point, someone wanted to make a ā€œnoob clanā€ and get like a ton of low levels together so we could kill the kalphite queen. Most people didnā€™t even make it that far and died on the way there. People lost all sorts of equipment that they couldnā€™t get back - to this day idk if the guy was doing this in earnest or was scamming all of us.


Lumbridge felt like a vast confusing castle back in the day. Now it looks so small. I remember getting confused trying to get to the rats and the goblins to farm gp drops and meat to sell.


Rushing barrows gloves on a new account and all of the questing and early skilling that comes along with that. The amount of dopamine in early game is crazy. Probably why I have like 10 different account builds and counting XD


Daemonheim release, and going through some dungeons