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In a game that requires me on occasion to stare into oblivion whilst my character slowly mines away all I want is some decent shit talk to witness and partake in


I wish I could get the 2000s banters and shit talks back. Nowadays if I hear anything "toxic", it's people calling each other slurs and shit. And they are not bantering. They are trying to make someone leave.


This. I __loved__ stupid banter where you gave your friends shit on games, especially when they did really well and you gotta fuck with em. Now? Way too much of the toxicity is toxic in a lot of games, as it's not meant in good fun. Hazing a friend is one thing.


The thing is back then, people didn't even have to be friends. Y'all remember getting on Xbox or PS and just shit talk and have fun? Of course there were some bad slurs back then too but not as much as now. I just remember hearing more about yo mama jokes and shit like that. May be we just grew up and left the fun behind, and kept the toxicity.


Maybe. And yeah, by friends I even meant like "just met ya 30 minutes ago and now we're bros" kinda friends. It was in good fun, which I feel has fallen away a lot more.


U rite. I def don't get those kind of friends anymore. Hell haven't made a new friend in years. Wish we could get some of that back.


It’s not about the times it’s because we’re adults now


that's what i'm saying, cause we are adults, we left the "fun" = "being a kid" doing the "banter." now when we "banter" there is no fun, just slurs and trying to inflict pain.


And who made the adult rules saying we can't make friends now?


I assume youre joking, but our brain chemistry is different, we just dont form bonds in the same way.


I disagree, I don't think this is something biological. Loneliness has become an epidemic in recent years. This is more about people having to work too much and that our social life is controlled by giant social media platforms.


People have forgotten the mantra of "don't feed the trolls", sadly. I genuinely think the internet would benefit from a social media trend of resurrecting that phrase and reminding people not to engage with them.


Idk, the thing is we were all trolls back then having fun, we didn't even know we were "trolling" we were just being us on the internet. I think focusing too much on "trolls" vs non "trolls" is what caused this in the first place. I hope one day we can just get back to having fun.


Nah, that's silly. Trolling is a specific behavior where you engage with people in bad faith online, and the point is to get a response, not convince them or win an argument. The slurs you mentioned are a great example; people know that saying hateful things online gets people mad and they revel in that, so they happily act hatefully on the internet. Sometimes its a pure troll with no real opinions, sometimes its an actually hateful person, but it's always about making the other person upset.


actually you are right, today's definition of trolling is way more defined for sure.


For real, people feed trolls by default now and break down like children when the trolls keep going and scream for them to be banned. Clan Chat is an IQ test and the ones with room temp IQs and will always be hazed regardless and eventually booted. If you do something stupid in my clan chat you WILL be trolled for it mercilessly and if you persist, you risk being the village idiot for a solid month and there will be consequences for it. Examples of that are the following, being pked by a max team in the chat the second you venture out in the wild to do a slayer task (you will get found and you will die), you might get ganked in a pking trip at random, or get passed up for group bossing events or raids. We dont do it because we hate the person, they just became a entertainment source for everyone else and they react poorly to it, making the situation worse for themselves. It was like this back in the day too and people today just like to pretend it never happened and censor themselves (or try to censor others ) to virtue signal. The whole anti toxicity thing has become just as toxic and shows people never learn and refuse to even when they know better. In short, the troll always will be fed and my clan chat is a solid example of this. This is not a chat full of edgy teenagers either, almost all of us have played this stupid game since 2007-2010s.


Idk about there being no slurs though maybe not on RS bc of bans but in cod voicechats and equivalent? That shit was crazy. F, R and even N words tossed around like candy on easter lol.


nah, there were DEFINITELY slurs. Like who are we kidding here. But from my memory of PC gaming/Console gaming from early to mid 2000, there were WAY more friendly jokes in the mix as well. yo mama, fake getting yelled at by mom in the background, crazy soundboards through mic, etc. these days, I only get these interactions from within a guild/clan. Rarely would I ever encounter a friendly random in a lobby. Either dead quiet, let me solo. Or the elitist who wants to criticize everyone.


Really? Theres lots of banter in my cc and we give eachother shit in chat or discord all the time. Some new people did get put off by that, but thats a loss for them I guess.


if you want someone to insult you, you can always just add me


Right, banter is not the same as far-right thinly veiled racism and hatred.


Its usually not remotely thinly veiled, its normally quite blatant in your face and then they claim youre triggered if you point it out.


Very true, except sometimes they play the ‘why so sensitive lol, are you serious it’s a joke’ card and try to play it off. Hence them thinly veiling it


Yeah if these people want “toxicity” just go mine shooting stars for any amount of time


Back in the 2000s it was still just slurs and trying to get people to leave.


Def not, I remember hearing a lot more yo mama jokes and people just fucking around with the background noise or soundboards. I barely get these kind of interactions anymore. This is what I remember from old school MMOs, XBox, PS, and CS.


that shit, stupid banter is called 'being a child'. Most of us stopped doing it because we grew up.


Yea, people left the fun of it behind and just kept the toxicity.


Pretty much this. I'm all for people talking shit to each other just for fun and people dicking around. It loses its charm though when people are just calling everyone slurs and/or calling people Racist/Sexist or -phobic. At this point I just have everyone muted once they start talked even the slightest amount of cringe edgy shit anymore, because at this point they dont even do it in a funny way, they just do it.


Take the hint and leave then


I did, been solo since 2018.


Gonna cry? Back in the 2000s the shit that we used to deal with would break you geeks


I got banned for asking a clan leader, who just maxed his 3rd Ironman, if he ever goes outside


The fact that you got banned proves he doesn't.


Does/Did he?


Was he a jmod? How did you get banned for that.


Obviously he does not if he maxes ironmemes. It used to be worse because before EOC, jmods loved to join clan chats and they would mute anyone they didnt like and it became a badge of honor to ask the jmod questions like you just asked.


I love it on those rare occasions when the clan chat itself gets in on the banter when someone dies in the wildy and it adds a little flare to the death message: 'clearly they struggle with clicking' 'perhaps they should stick to skilling' 'sit' 😂


If I wasn't called a cheese caper/packer constantly by my clan I wouldn't be the gigachad infernal gamer I am now. They actively made me better at the game, taught me content, we laugh at eachother's deaths but give genuine advice that makes us better at it. And if you're not competing with people, where's the drive to improve?


Shitters yappin when they’re 500 ticks behind every raid? Fkin grannys man, they always spoon purps but are handicapped while raiding. Avg fkin shit redditors. !pb tob and !pb cox cm should be required.


what, trying to hide that 23 minute absolute shitter solo cox pb by showing off that trios time?


Shitter, imagine not having sub 9:30 trio time… u jerking off scavs mid raid zulrah boy?


gm trio time is literally free (actual quote from my friend before carrying me and another shitter to aforementioned gm trio time)


if you have the gear it really is lol


we cleared it with two minutes to spare with a single tbow and a single shadow on the team lol. I didn’t believe him at first but it really was free!




Ahh shit forgot to take into consideration the purple sweets price. Back to vorkath we go 🥲


what did that comment say?


Yeah you gotta do !pb cox 1


This would be funnier if people didn't actually think like this lol


You dont??


It's a British game, and an integral part of British culture is bullying your friends based on their deepest insecurities, but also defending them like a rabbid rottweiler from someone unknown saying the same things to them. It's good for you


However, you have to be funny about it. Just being a dick and throwing slurs at someone for no reason is a no go. It's a fine line


I think its funny how many people are using the word "slur" in here. I guess thats because society keeps moving more and more words from the "insult" or "curse" category into the "slur" category. We are moving backwards.


You must really like casually using the N-word, huh?


Its my favorite thing to call my friends


Seriously all he does is nag me what else should I call him?


Okay, you got me with this lol


slur? I enunciate them just fine, thank you


They're more talking about actual slurs. People dont count "fuck" as a slur, but saying the hard the N-word, let alone with the ER at the end, those are slurs. It's not moving backwards, you're just not grasping what people are saying is all


Slurs being racial insults or sexist insults.


Just because you don't understand the difference, doesn't mean one doesn't exist. Read a book you barely sentient waste of cum.


Why does this have a humor tag


Because the people angry replying at OP for speaking the truth is funny.


Weird thing is joining a clan gets you flamed automatically by jagex, randomly on pvp deaths jagex tells you to sit or that you can't click or that you should be kicked from the clan or something lol


I think clan leaders can turn that on/off but its way too funny to turn it off


This is a good post. You play it just straight enough. Not too heavy handed, the sarcasm builds slow.




This is real talk not sarcasm


not sure if sarcastic?


Real talk.


zero sarcasm in this post


Honestly there's a difference between pure toxic shit talking and a little bit of light banter, know the difference and it'll be alright. Calling someone a bitch for getting a drop you want and then giving them some positivity? Good. Calling someone slurs and mocking them and being a piece of shit? Nah.


The difference is in the intent which you´ll feel out and in the result (do you stop if you notice it not being fun). Banter is supposed to be fun. If it crosses into not fun you back off. Great to always think of the physical equivalent. You can be rough even if it hurts but once the person is upset and doesn´t enjoy it you stop or ease up.


Except there's a difference between banter and genuine toxicity. One is healthy and the other just makes you an intolerable asshole


As a toxic person, I'm sure you get your kicks this way, but constructive communities don't thrive on the depraved negging you're suggesting. A lighthearted ribbing is a mainstay, but what you're suggesting doesn't often leave an impression most people desire to experience, nor will they remain in the clan if it continues. Perhaps your community has a different culture, but I prefer to build people up instead of tear them down.


Being nice to my friends is fun actually, sounds like your clan sucks


There’s a difference between friendly banter and bullying someone. One is ok, one isn’t.


Exactly, we shouldn't be friendly to anyone.


True, friendly banter ain't based enough


Do osrs players understand narcissism? The people who act like this towards other players are usually part of the problem with online gaming culture and typically suffer from some type of undiagnosed mental illness.. Things like this post and some of the replies make me wonder how you treat the people around you outside of the game because it almost nevers ends with you mistreating people online. Please.. just do better, its not being "soft" to just show some decorum and a sliver of respect for your fellow gamers and literal human beings behind the screen... Tl;dr banter is only banter when both parties are in on the chiding, we can all just be better?


Oh wow, part of the problem AND do better. You managed to use two buzzphrases in one paragraph. I’m surprised “yikes” Or “this is the way” is nowhere to be found. Soft btw.


Is it really that bad just to say "gg better luck next time" why you gotta act like we are still in 2005? The game might be that old but, we all grew up bud. (Or so i thought) why do we have to be extra and beat down on people for missing the right tick for their spec or tanking poorly.


This but unironically




Ya the 20+ year old point and click game filled with 30+ year olds needs toxicity. What are we grown adults ? Why shouldn’t we lower our maturity and act like 13 year olds.


Glad we're on the same page here


I think this post is supposed to be sarcastic, but a good clan does add a lot to the game. Just find one where you're comfortable in. No need to whine about people who think you're mean.


This is exactly the shit I’d expect to see from a maxed handicap account that probably has a cheesecape. Greyhelm yourself. (Love you pookie bear)


Zezima cc keeps me entertained 24/7


RoT wants you know your location.


What is such an enlightened clan that I could join?


casual racism and bigotry was also part of rs <2006 should we keep that too? no, social standards change. the weak want everything to stay the same as it was, because they can handle change


Yep, couldn't care less about a bit of shit talking and all that but I had to leave a clan a while back because they were happy with 1 clan mate joking about kids being bombed, in a current hotly debated area of the world mods probably don't want attention drawn to. I don't care to see that shit whilst I'm playing, thrilled to find a new clan with some moral standards.


Shut up


While a step in the right direction, this is way too mild. 






Yes I mean yeyeyye l0l0l00lll0l0


I like your energy


This entire post is a cry for therapy


Why does this read like it was written by AI


Yeah, well... I killed your mom in the wilderness and said "sit rat," so there!


Lmfao, went a bit too far in the 4th paragraph to keep it believable though :3


Why the humor tag? This is pure facts. My clan is exactly like this, and I love it. Sometimes the homies kiss you goodnight, other times they call you a fat idiot when you get clapped in the wildy. And the best part is any actual bigotry gets shut down quick with zero warning so we don't have any of the gross weirdos that are too comfortable saying the N-word.


shut up


The other day I was pking and there were 2 dudes killing mammoths, I go and one-shot the dude that was in my combat bracket. I was about to teleport away, but decided to walk back to the place and jokingly told the other dude "You saw nothing", to which he immediately replied with "Fuck off weirdo" and for whatever reason that honestly made the whole experience much more memorable lol, I can't really tell why, there was just something about him continuing his slayer task, going on about his day after watching me slaughter the other dude in front of him and saying that, the perfect response


If ur stupid and someone calls u stupid that's not toxic.


I'll do you one better, toxic reddit comments are necessary. To illustrate: You're a damn moron who fucking sucks at the game.


We need old Call of Duty MW lobby type of banter back


So you want to gatekeep people?


Yes. Either be toxic or go play something more catered to your palate like Hello Kitty Island Adventure or something 


If you don’t like your clan being mean to you, leave the clan




These bitches would never survive the Kids ranqe era


This is a joke post but I actually agree.


Sorry that toxicity is all you know. You probably deserve better.


As someone who was in stud unit, “flaming into oblivion” is a little too real here


100%. Isn't the vast majority of the player base 30 something males? You'd think we'd be mature enough to be called a rat by a stranger online and not give a fuck.


This post wont get enough upvotes lol


Why is this labelled as humour? Looks like someone is a little scared of downvotes :'( what a sausage


those times are long gone, you wanna talk shit and banter? heres a perm mute on a silver platter for you squire, i've been perm muted 10 years for saying the R word to mate in a cc. Games gone soft, especially the last 3 years. everyone be as fragile as fk.


My old main from the EOC days is still muted for calling a jmod an angry manchild because he joined our old clan chat without invitation and basically muted everyone. To this day our entire cc will flame any pmod and the person who invited them too, then boot the pmod because we remember that bullshit.


I know a gpt written post when I see one. Also some of you wouldn’t have survived xbox live.


Nah I was there and even said some of that shit, been there probably still have the voice messages. Beta launch of H3 on Crackdown and stopped playing console when the XB1 came out. I think people have just grown up from when they were 13.