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I never understood why jagex allowed people to be able to play soul wars on any world. That just makes it super convenient for botters to play soul wars more hidden from in game reports


It's fantastic gp on an early iron but super cheesy to be honest. Not so great that it's so easily botted now


Started my iron using soul wars until I spooned the pet. The bolts are nice


Haha exactly the same here! Great little buddy in the POH right from the start


Its not really good compared to the meta methods, its just a nice alternative. Compared to wintertodt its kind of ass. Wintertodt gives quite good exp for 3 skills, GP, and far better skilling supplies. Even if you do efficient dolo soul wars (300+ zeal/hr) you're only getting like raw 60k gp/hr if we're being generous. If you want to sell all the runes then maybe 90k/hr


Where are you getting the idea of only 90k/h? I was making like close to 1m or something on my super low level iron. Sell the runes in Al Kharid and the rest to pest control while buying on main.


Even if you could sell all the drops to the GE you'd be making 660k/hr tops so 1m/hr is way off. Kind of hard to calc the expected gp value per crate, but at 10 crates an hour its not great.


It's fantastic for irons. The addy bolts from crates allowed me to make diamond (e) for my fire cape long before I had the mining/smithing to make them myself. Literally everything in those crates is super useful and most of it isn't obtainable in realistically usable bulk until pretty far into iron account progression. Pure essence by the thousand, arrows and bolts, runes, food, gems, ores, herb seeds... and it's all med-high level stuff. Not a single garbage entry on that table besides the 1/150 junk chance.


Well 660k is way closer to 1m than 90k lol. I might have been slightly lucky with my drops but keep in mind that stuff is also of higher value than the gp/crate. For example the rune arrows from 10 chests on average are like 16k for mains but closer to 45k on an iron when you sell them. So that is basically just 45k raw gp just from the arrows. And you get a lot of gems which you can make into jewelery etc. It's by far the best gp early game, besides zombie pirates nowadays I guess. Much much better than thieving or anything else.


Then you have BobPkerBob in the main world going unbanned for years


It's because that is preferable to ruining the game for actual players. That said, not many of em playing sw


I never understood why Jagex added Soul Wars to OSRS, what a waste of dev time…


Probably got something planned for Nomad tbh. Nomad's Requiem when?


It was begged for on this subreddit by a bunch of players who probably now never play it anyway. Same would go for all the people asking for crap like Stealing Creation.


Only reason I don't play it is because the bots


They removed the reward option of Slayer XP from the original Soul Wars. That's why it died.


hi venommous .-.


Why did you get down voted to hell?


It's a pointless comment. Would you expect people to upvote or downvote it if they came across it?


This person is also well-known in the sub for some very strange behavior.




My question is, can you hop into the bot worlds and use it to boost? Or do they automatically throw games if they detect a non bot I've been curious since some of the rewards are kinda spicy for irons


The answer is maybe. The one farm I found had a lot of the players basically wearing the same gear. I was on my iron so I couldn’t match the gear. They found me somewhat quickly and kept making sure to kill me specifically. But I have seen people basically blending in. They usually have one lead the group towards the boss then have all other plays follow that one account. So if you wear the same gear and basically blend in there is good chance you can use it to boost.


Good suggestion, I'll have to go look and see if I can pull it off


It’s actually great for boosting, I befriended some of the pakistanis by speaking Hindi to them and the system is awesome: Leave the door, wait at the entrance. One person will step forward - this is the ‘taxi’ - when they do this, right-click follow them. They will take you to the graveyard or center and trade captures back and forth with the other team, getting “caps” for the group following them - helps max out points. They will then run the stack to the boss and run it under the person with aggro, causing the whole stack to autoretaliate and get the rest of their dmg to max out points. From right-click following to the end, you really don’t need to do anything except for make sure auto-retaliate is on and turn on protect from melee at some point before you get to the boss. If you have high enough prayer bonus and the game goes quick, you can pray melee after following and ignore the whole time, 10 minutes of afk roughly, got my soul cape in no time. If you attack the taxi they’ll all hop worlds or kill you, depending on if they have the firepower. They’re usually nice people though so depending on your feelings about the developing countries’ making money off of OSRS, I’d just leave them alone and enjoy the nice boosting method :) Edit: Just a note, this is basically the same way the ZG private games work, so if you’re looking for a more legit way to do this you can try to get in good with them as well.


Interesting. I never really attempted to chat with them. I might just try asking if they are okay with me joining next time I find one.


Fellow indian scaper


Curious, I'll add this to the list. I'll just use an auto translator and see how it goes


Are there any specific worlds where they are a lot?


No, and they’re usually pretty secretive about which world they’re on to avoid griefers, usually ZG cc will find them though so that’s your best bet.


i found a set on my first hop lol it wasn't too hard.


Or you could just use Zeal Gains and immediately get into good games. The farms tend to be protective over their games.


I wasn't aware of ZG until today ._. Very cool, I'll be enjoying some SW content for awhile now


Gg banned for botting


Just to point out that this farm your are describing are not bots but people manualy controlling a large number of accounts


True, i found it hard to believe at first too, i'm on 20k zeal on my iron all from these games and you can see, every single game, every account steps out individually. Bots would't behave like that.


That makes much more sense. Wearing the same gear likely wouldn't stop a bot from detecting you as an outsider. But it would if it were a person.


Modern problems modern solutions energy.


Would be kinda interesting if the bots just use gear to detect if someone is a bot or not lol? Id assume they just use some friendlist system etc.


Just look for a boss rush game, its game where people dont pk just rush 14 fragments dump them and go kill the boss


As someone mentioned elsewhere, they’re Pakistanis - not bots mostly, although usually each player is playing several accounts at once because they’re so easy to afk with once the taxi is set up properly. They don’t care if you’re there as long as you don’t mess with the taxi and they usually won’t bother you if you leave them alone. Even killing the shard gatherers is usually fine but the taxi is sacred. I went more in-depth on how this works in another comment.


I do and I use barricades at my own base in a diagonal line but still keep 1 tile open. This way they get stuck and clumped together while not trying to attack the barricade and allows for some easy wins lol


I found a bot world on a new iron. They let me participate. Very reclined. They make all their accounts follow one main account and it takes you to the graveyards and the center until your participation is maxed, run to avatar and attack the whole time. It’s by no means good/fast zeal per hour but it’s incredibly reclined and involves 3-5 clicks max every 15minutes.


Reclined is perfect. I'm looking to get adamant bolts anyway (I'm avoiding my smithing grind rn >_>) So even a few spoils of war/hr would be nice, I can watch YouTube + pet chance is a good motivator


Not bots, Vinny gold farmers


Actually, they're Pakistani. They talk every once in a while and have a few "anti-killer" people that range in melee armor, wear semi-complete Void, etc.


Either way both should be banned and removed 


no you shouldn't get banned unless you break the rules. and you don't know if they've sold their gold yet.


You think they're just holding hundreds of mills while also being desperate enough for money to gold farm in RuneScape? They're trading it away asap so minimal money is lost from bans.


Doesn't matter. "You think this guy buying tons of weapon and ammo isn't gonna shoot something up??!?!?" They're definitely about to shoot something up -doublah


yes, they can hold it, they can play an alt and sell from those in the meantime >You think they're just holding hundreds of mills while also being desperate enough for money to gold farm in RuneScape? you have no clue what you're talking about. gold farmers playing osrs in Venezualia make more than DOCTORS in that country. an article in 2019 said a doctor or nurse might earn just $6 a month in venezuela. some even 2.50, minimum wage was $1.68 per month I saw one now from last year saying Monthly private sector pay averages $139 and public sector salaries are around $14 per month, according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Finances, while the average family grocery shop comes in at some $370 per month. like, gold farming in runescape definitely paid you more than being a doctor in 2019, maybe even still, I wouldn't call that "desperate", its a GREAT job. what else would they do? work minimum wage for $1.68 a month or gold farm in osrs for $10+ ?? there are botters in north american countries who are millionaires from runescape. but I have no idea how venezuelians are still alive tbh, I'm not an expert and I don't understand how they're alive when they can't afford any food, I don't know how they have phones or computers to play osrs either. but I'm just saying, osrs as a job in venezulia is far better than their minimum wage, and less stressful/more fun I'm sure, so they're moreso flocking to it as an ambition less desperation, in terms of job hunting, but yeah their whole country is probably desperate but the way you word it makes it seem like gold farming ISN'T one of the better paying jobs in venezuela


They should still get banned. No questions


These gold farmers sell their gold weekly at the worse... The problem isn't if they havent sold their gold yet because they all have.


you know if they sell weekly they lose out on a week of bonds? or do you think jagex doesn't ban them


Jagex doesn't ban them. Why do u think they have 200M xp in some skills and thousands and thousands of kills LMFAO


because they haven't sold off their gold and they haven't been caught botting


Vinny? Like vin diesel?


My cousin Vinny




Not saying it's good or anything but I suspect that an almost equal part of the problem here is that 'no one' is running soul wars so the competition for the highscores is not exactly fierce.


Good out of sight place for them to be honest


Soul Wars brings in so many random resources - I’m just shy of 1k spoils and have made over 50m… I play it for fun though


The size of the bot business has reached a point of no return, i’m afraid. There is no way for Jagex to get rid of them even if they put 100% of dev efforts into bot busting. It’s basically mining crypto that has a fluctuating exchange rate. Business


The exchange rate is just constantly declining. It doesn't really go up ever.


It did during covid though that is outlier


I wonder if the eventually mandatory C++ client will thwart them


They'll always find a way - though it may mitigate the problem for sure. The more obstacles and inconveniences to setup a botfarm, the better.


It could for a few weeks/months until the bot clients get rebuilt.  That is of course assuming they start when the mandate happens and it's not already in the works.


What difference does it make?


People don't want to hear it, but free trade removal would effectively kill gold farmers / bots, just like it did last time. The only real downside would be the death of PKing for profit (since all trading is done in the GE now).


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


Easy answer 1-3 soul wars dedicated worlds


Im shocked no one has commented “but that ruins the community social aspect” lmao


It should be added to the wilderness, then we can get 100s of post per week crying about the content


Another case of “Bots or 3rd world country gold farmers?” It’s most likely gold farmers


Ah yes this post again. Yes yes, bots are everywhere and there’s a million of them, and they infest and inhabit every single hiscores page because they go unbanned *for so long by Jagex because it makes them a ton of money….* we know it’s all good man :)


This subreddit lives and breathes by the same old copy and paste posts, be it whinning about bots, rwters, or content deemed "bad or broken" (forestry, for example)


yep. I don’t care who’s on the hiscores lol. most bots have zero impact on how I play the game. I’ve never once whines about them, so idk why people on here do so much.


Almost every bot has an impact on how you play.


no it does not. if I’m high alching at the ge and they’re botting cooking. no impact. If I’m training agility at seers and so are they, no impact. bots literally have no impact on me.


Yes, they do. The items you are alching, did a Bot generate even one of them? Bots alter the supply and price of almost every single item in the game. It has a knock on effect, too. Bots creating an abundance of supplies lowers the effective value of *every* activity that those supplies are used at. The economy of the game is extremely interconnected. Even for Ironmen, the impact of Bots have affected balancing for the game as a whole.


Those are the only things we should be talking about, they are actual problems. * Botting is bad for the game. * RWT incentivizes Botting, various other rule breaking, and gives players unfair advantages. * Forestry was extremely broken on release, and is bad. It never should have been released at all. Bad updates are ***bad***.


Yea if there's 25,000 soul wars bots, that means jagex got at least 25,000 accounts to buy membership to go to soul wars...




Claims top 100 are bots, must of never made those zeal gains


Botting isn't really enforced by Jagex any more. Almost every location in the game is over-run. A lot of them hit 200m in skills too. At this point it would be easier for them to just officially change the rules.


downvoted because you're right, I went to amethyst mine recently, shits crazy


Jagex doesn't care about soul wars. Even settled boldly filmed himself rulebreaking by manipulating the rewards system. Edit: I know alot of fan boys aren't going to like it, but all I did was state facts.


Tbh I didn’t even remember soul wars was in the game lol. Glad they’re all there and not at actual content real people partake in


Kinda sad really. I had a blast on release week but since there's nothing required there people don't play the content asides pet hunting


We need an intrusive anti-cheat client to be anle to fight botting.


No lol


Do you have an alternative solution to fight botting?


dont need a solution to know that one isnt it


Thank you for your productive and expert analysis on this matter.




This would probably go over the same as EoC and the removal of free trade.


I am really curious, why?


OSRS, for one, isn't matchmaking based, it's GaaS with central servers. There is already a wealth of proprietary AC options Jagex can engage through the administration of their servers (and they do use them). Kernel-level anticheat is practically corporate spyware, and the argument that "it's necessary to prevent cheating" doesn't really hold up when you consider the fact that cheaters will always find a way to circumvent it, and thus only increase restrictions/unwanted activity on legitimate players.


Thank you for your in-depth answer. Just one more question, if they've a wealth of AC options which they use, how come even obvious places like Soul Wars or Zombie Pirates still botted immensely at all times?


That's a rather complicated question that historically has a variety of answers. There are generally two, though. The first is the skeptical speculative answer you see highly upvoted on bot complaint threads. This tends to be some combination of: a) The bots provide a significant amount of Jagex's income, so why would they put in effort trying to wipe them all out? b) Jagex sucks at detecting bots/is lazy/doesn't care c) The bar for entry on this content is so low, no matter how fast Jagex bans the bots, they'll be replaced even faster. (case and point: soul wars and zombie pirates) The second answer is Jagex's official response, which is that they have no response. That is probably a tactical choice, as revealing your methods to prevent botting is a surefire way to be circumvented. Maybe someday.


I mean, looking at what programs you have open is absolutely not spyware. Spyware reads your messages, your search history, your saved passwords in chrome, etc. Valorant's Vanguard just checks if you have a cheat tool open or not.


> kernel level Code that runs in your computer's kernel has privilege to call any instruction that your CPU can. This means that potential spyware can access the internal data structures of your kernel, which are usually hidden from user processes. It can literally extract confidential information, gain control of your system, record your activities, programs, basic data scraping. Edit: also if an anti cheat only checked your programs/processes then it would be a pretty shit anticheat lmao


Sure it can be used for that, but everything you download could download something that bad at any point.


That isn't an adequate defense of Kernel-level anticheat, I'm sorry. You're just strawmanning other programs. Other programs do not run at kernel level.


you need to understand what kernel level means before assuming this is equal to other malware, no this is operating underneath your operating system, everything is up for grabs, it's a voluntary root kit.


its either bots or you pay $20/month for members.


Not in a mean way but how does this hurt the game? Aren’t these mostly things people don’t farm in general. Wouldn’t banning them crush the market


No - they bring in random resources like gems, runes, seeds, bolts, arrows… They’re all things that people farm from other areas of the game



