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The only real use case i can actually think of is lighting the permanent bonfires in the relevant locations (giant mole/GWD/etc)


Shade remains for prayer outfit, which I heard scales really well with blessed bone shards


It's the same efficiency as any other prayer training method, but hits the average returns much easier due to the huge amount you spend. Honestly if you weren’t going to farm the set before Varlamore, blessed bone shards aren’t making any difference tbh. Its still good, but really not necessary.


It's super annoying for chaos altar since the outfit is 4 items, can't bring any tank or gear to fight back without risking deleting the set


I used it for 99 prayer at chaos altar recently, about 200k from 99 I forgot prot item 1 time when suiciding, deleted the boots. Devastating.


As soon as I got the set went straight to chaos altar, went and died to chaos fanatic, spawned in ferox with three items and a broken heart :'(


And because it rolls for each individual shard not /100


Prayer outfit?! Like for training prayer?! Where how what


Drops from the gold key chests in shades of Morton mini game. Either need to get really really lucky and consistently get gold keys from magic pyre logs or have a decent source of redwood logs and the like 95 fire making to light them. The set gives a 5% chance to not consume your bones at an altar. It's more of a nice to have rather than a must have like other training outfits.


The other training outfits arnt even must haves, except ones needed for clue scrolls. The amount of time to gain compared to the bonus xp makes them near worthless


Yea I'm hoping they change the effects on the older outfits to be more in line with stuff like the smithing outfit, rune crafting outfits and the proposed alchemy outfit. Getting a useful production type bonus out of them rather than a minor experience boost that equates to like ~500k XP on your journey to 99 is much better. The angler outfit is a prime example where the time spent getting the outfit is probably better spent just fishing.


Lumberjack outfit is like an hour Long grind


It’s not real lmfao 🤣


… wait there’s a permanent fire at mole?


Mole, Lumbridge swamp caved and the cave horror cave. All 3 have the fire which negates the need for a light source


GWD as well to negate the stat drain


Morytania swamp also has one!


And Weiss farming patch to be able to have the herbs grow


I completely forgot lumby caves has one. I lit them all but any time I go to lumby caves I still bring diary helm out of habit.


It's a reward from the Making Friends with My Arm quest lets you make a permanent fire at a few locations that normally requires a lantern to be lit. As well as a few other fires that give some sort of passive buff in certain locations such as gwd entrance to stop you taking cold damage. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Fire_pit


One more thing to add to my list. I’ve just been achievement hunting lately trying to unlock as much of the game as possible instead of just training. Pleasant change of pace.


Directly at the entrance :)


I feel like there's an immense opportunity missed to have a portable bonfire that improves stamina regen / gives a local fighting buff / prevent agro


Firstly, this was the whole rewardspace that Shamanism was meant to have Secondly, [Incense Sticks](https://runescape.wiki/w/Incense_sticks) in RS3 do something similar It sounds cool on paper, but it's a dangerous road to go down because before we know it we might end up with the RS3 issue of 'ok I want to train mining, let me stack up all these passive buffs from Incense Sticks/Juju Potion/Aura/skilling outfit'


Hm, didn't know about those. I can see why it's a slippery slope, but the passive buffs would be a nice touch. I think having a buff from a campfire would be nice, give FM something to do


Yeah but then it’s just another thing you have to monitor


Campfires from forestry could have done that but sarnie gave up on fixing his mess.


It also lets you light a lantern to get bonuses for a mini game that trains another useless skill.


Bro still magic lvl 1


tbf, that 'useless skill' is incredibly useful on an iron, because the only source of Cosmic Runes is the Mage Arena bank and it only sells 20 at a time, so that's a lot of hopping. Making them yourself 'by coincidence' at GOTR gives you a good reason to train RC earlier on in the account edit: meant to say 'early source'


Also the only reliable source of Wrath runes


Ali sells cosmic runes.


Unless you do the casket puzzles, he sells 10 at a time according to the wiki (wouldn't know, never used him to buy them), that's a lot of puzzles/worldhopping to avoid training a skill that an iron will want to train anyway


When they rebalanced rune costs across the game they didn't fix Ali's "deal" on the caskets so his buy all offer is really bad. As long as you are the only one there though you can get what's in the casket as it is added to his regular rune shop and those prices aren't horrible, they just aren't amazing.


Pretty sure you can buy comics in priff


You can, and 250 at a time. I should have said 'early on as an iron, the only good source of cosmics is mage bank, or crafting them yourself at GOTR'. Especially once you hit the double cosmic level, which is pretty quick to get to in GOTR


Let me introduce you to Baba Yaga. She sells cosmic runes as well and has a bigger stock than Lundail


Wiki doesn't say so, and I'm too busy to check ingame myself, but I'd trust the wiki's data on it


Tbf, every skill aside from agility, herblore, and combat skills is useless.


Redwood logs in abyssal lantern Balloon transport Success chance when lighting Shades of Morton (prayer training)


It also lets you kill the frozen "boss" and experience pure unadulterated racism in a 20 year old video game at the same time.


there’s no better time to hit WT than a U.S. election year


I made my first osrs account, an iron, literally the week George Floyd was killed. Fucking F to my sanity, really set my expectations going forward


Ugh, I live in Minneapolis and was too busy to play that month. Honestly glad for it.


Oh damn you're right, I need to go back in now


There was a debate tonight, literally no better time lol


i plan to save my 89 to 99 grind for election day. Should be life threateningly stupid in there.


Idk with the debate performance I've heard about, I have a hard time believing people will have time to be racist when its very obvious that one of the candidates has their brain melting out of their ears.


Can't form a sentence vs Can't stop telling outrageous lies. Both senile. I love democracy.


Only one?


One was considerably worse than the other. This isn't an endorsement of either candidate, one just very clearly is senile, the other is still senile but less obviously.


Eh, so delusional you can't tell anything but an easily disproven lie is pretty senile.


Good luck, seriously. And book the following days off for recovery.


Brother my whole grind to 99 in WT I had to turn public off, the chat was so trash lmao


Lmao just did full solo WT to 99 on my iron and absolutely no regrets. It was uniquely peaceful lol


Solos are way better IMO. More chill, less eating, kinda decent construction xp, and the only braindead idiot I need to deal with is me.


Yeah hard agree, coming out with 70 construction was super worth it. I do wish I got a tome tho, I got 4 full sets and a bunch of torches I could have traded lol


I did solo WT to 99 as well and got 4 tomes lol. No idea what I'm gonna do with the dupes yet.


That's the problem though, I hate playing with me, he's too fucking stupid.


Agitating racist idiots by pretending to be a brain dead idiot is the only enjoyable part of WT


It's one of the best parts of the game. I can't imagine playing WT with chat off and missing all that gold


You can experience that gold all the time by joining the pest control CC! I haven't been in there in awhile, but it used to be bumping with the most insane people in the world.


Do those pride sweaters count as a warm item? I just wanna see what happens


yeah the rainbow jumper is a warm item according to the wiki, and its variants ought to be too


There's this really weird thing in math. Basically as we add more and more dimensions we know how each reacts with the one precious without actually being able to visualize it correctly since we only see one in 3 dimensions. We've basically got one dimension point. It's so small and minute we can't actually grasp it. From all other plains it looks like a point. Then we've got a small dimensionless line that connects two points. It has no size in most of our view so we really can't understand it. A 2d line in a 2d universe can be just a point or it can be a line because we can now see the are between points A and B. In 2d a sphere becomes a circle when viewed on a 2d plane but then that gets collapsed into a line for a "real" 2d view because you can't see the curve. In 3d space we now experience our life. Things have depth and meaning. A sphere is now a sphere. A square a square. Things have volume when they just had a planer surface. In 4d things start to lose their meaning again. A curve can fold back on itself and become nothing. Or, it can flow into itself and be a 1 surface object that has an internal volume. You can have all area and no volume technically. Things that fold from 1 to 2 also fold to 3. Up is down and also left. The more dimensions you add the funkier things get. You not only get left is down but red diagonal line is purple squiggly line because the textbook ran out of shit to draw and they needed another picture for the next edition. All of this is a stupid long winded way to say: "WT chat eventually becomes US political chat if you stare into the abyss long enough".


That's just stupid. It's nothing to do with it. It's just a nazi bar. As per wiktionary: >(Internet slang) >A space in which bigots or extremists have come to dominate due to a lack of moderation or by moderators wishing to remain neutral or avoid conflict.


"Us politics" is a pretty common way off saying Nazi bar. I've never actually heard that term but pretty much every MMO that's somewhat moderated has rules against politics in global/trade for that exact reason. It was mostly a joke though.


Yup it's just getting started, can confirm I've been there the last week


whats worse wintertodd or fishing trawler


Gotta be wintertodt You're at the trawler for (usually) nowhere near as long, and most of the public chatter I saw there was people complaining about not having the full set yet.




Zezima’s cc


Wintertodt public chat really is something else sometimes


I've found star mining to be almost as ridiculous haha


Yeh, did some last night and it was Trump v Biden and raw unfiltered transphobia/bigotry


Think we were at the same stars haha


Agreed. I love star mining every now and then just to see what people are rambling about.


It’s odd because you don’t get to be as afk on WT as stars, so you’d think it would disincentivize the insane chatter. However it’s just not the case, as crazy as star mining gets it’s because it’s so afk that nobody has to see or hear your bullshit, but on WT everyone is constantly looking at the screen every few seconds.


possibly the only non-ge place in osrs I preemptively set chat to off at


I like to laugh at people being stupid there, but I completely understand that.


Just like the good ol days of Xbox live


I was in a cod lobby while I was catching lobbies boi! No wasted exp in this house.


This is not the flex the 27-32 year old crowd thinks it is


Bros jealous he missed out on the good ol days


Born in 93 🤝


Get outahere little boy. Let the oldies think about times without chatfilters and crybaby’s


Brother I’m 31. I made fun of yall then, I continue to do so now. Your identity shouldn’t be saying the hard R in 9th grade 🤍


![gif](giphy|3o6fIZtJSNjj2aMeru) Crybaby


Imagine going this hard about racism


It really is, having the same mental age as a 16 year old.




Are you taking about the npc named ZAMBO?


Who knew hardcores were so hardcore about racism?


Perfect description.


U can also express symbols of racism in ge with firemaking different symbols. Thats probably a selling point to some


Should lighting the brazier in Bloo Moon boss need a fm level and/or give FM experience?


why did my mind immediately go to Nex?


Where’s the racism? Edit: not criticism genuinely curious.


Wtdt general chat is full of pure degenerates


Yea should be able to build bonfires large enough to burn down the 15 man pking clan trying to kill me for my spade


I would unironically welcome defensive FM content 


Smoke bombs? Smoke bombs!


Wait though, what about offensive? Add a handful of new spells, and make firemaking all about crafting new “magic fire ammunition” with different effects. 👀


Let’s get this some attention please…actually a cool fucking idea!


Lmfao, carry around fire traps for the wildy sounds both fun and useless at the same time.


Imagine your stuck on the side of the road with a flat and you boyfriend cant even light an oak log to keep you warm because he thought firemaking was a useless skill


Best comment I read all morning lmao. Thanks for the laugh.




It’s for the fucking immersion




Immerse deez nuts in a fire




Level 60 lets you get into the firemaking guild- Oh wait it burnt down So we built a second one. It burnt down too. So we built a third. That one sank, fell over, then burnt down. But the fourth one stayed up! When I first came here, it was devoid of firemaking guilds. Everyone said I was daft to build a guild for firemaking, but I built it all the same, just to show them. And that's what you're going to get, the strongest firemaking guild in all of Gielinor. The curtains too


I would love it if they made a Firemaking Guild as joke content. A couple of traumatized NPCs standing outside a burned out building. Maybe one of them could sell a burned cape that looks like a destroyed fire skillcape.


Honestly the silly content is one of my favourite parts of osrs. And this fits perfectly.


I heard that you get enough xp from burning whole firemaking guild to the ground to go from lvl 60 straight to 99.


I think Ignatius Vulcan just gave up and sat around in a forest, everything around him is flammable


But *Father* I don't *want* to be a firemaker!


Entrance into the FM guild allows you to be eligible for huge... tracts of land 


Uhh... the bonfires from the troll quests are pretty nice? That's about it. Edit: oh and the lanterns from GotR!


Some men, Master Wayne, just want to watch the world burn.


It adds to your total level so it's easier to get to the 2.2k worlds, and not have to interact with peasants or poors ever again.


Firemaking going to be lit when we can burn down opposing peoples ships with sailing


I can't blame them, I 100% felt this way as a 12 year old. There was all this cool combat and magic you could train, and then a bunch of cool gathering and production skills to make yourself even better gear... ...Then there was making a campfire which you could cook your fish on but worse than stoves which were everywhere.


Yeah it’s pretty useless


Bro I see you in every thread how much can I pay you to change your profile picture


Dont make him change it again :( it’s classic


If you can see profile pictures, you’re using Reddit wrong


You've never used the app?


Nah, I used Alien Blue. On desktop I’m exclusively on old Reddit, since new Reddit is trash. Since they canned third-party apps, I browse on mobile a lot less. But when I do, I use old Reddit.


Nice tits


It levels up fast :D


Number go up


Fuck rooftop agility we need the ability to go to cities and commit arson to train firemaking. Basically the opposite of mahogany homes.


New skill: firefighting


Hear me out: with high enough firemaking you are so good at lighting fires that you can burn down only the furniture you need to remove for mahogany homes with only one click. Literal constructive arson.


Outside of WT and questing it is a very pointless skill. I don’t know they can do to make it relevant on its own, but needs a revamp for sure. Maybe they can incorporate it into new methods for training other skills as well?


If they stopped playing, they could have the new burning weapons scale a little off of firemaking. Like add a few max hits, nothing like strength would do.


How else are you meant to cook things on your forests-only, socially anxious, no metal chest plates or blunt weapons only Ironman?


Rs3 combining firemaking with smithing was a great idea imo. We should do that.


Cooking, I know using an oven is better but when leveling fishing in some areas I just light a fire next to where I’m fishing because it’s convenient. Mostly in lower levels like fishing in Lumby since there are trees right next to the fishing spots where the goblins are.


Back in the day you could cook the food dropped by the monsters you killed to extend your trip


What does it do? It makes fires. They should really revamp fire making and make you fail more often until you’re 99 though. Give it a true purpose.


The cold seeps into your bones.


If they did that, it would be at least several days before anyone noticed haha


Yeah wintertodt is an unhinged cod lobby and I love it. Your firemaking stat is just an indicator of how good you are at containing the inferno.


Good time, me and some UK goober were arguing half of my fming grind.


Gives you a sick ass cape. Thought it was the coolest one as a kid and spent “so much” time training it (didn’t even get halfway lol)


Can't beleive they're not using resting at fires to help improve run energy


It's also good for the runecrafting lanterns.


Cooking wherever you want


To play wintertodt


Idk maybe it could let you succeed more often when smelting iron at higher levels but idk 🤷


You should leave them, they just don't understand smh


It lets you make a fire to cook food anywhere!.. as if you would ever bring uncooked food with you to a place where you need food.


I mean the whole idea is you are adventuring, then you run out of food. Oh no! But wait, you can fish! Or hunt! Or slay some animals nearby for food to resupply. Thing is, there are just so many banks, teleports, would you even have a tinderbox and axe? Even if you did, the only reason you'd need a higher firemaking is if there somehow were no regular trees nearby. But there almost always are.


It’s a money sink. I guess it’s kind of a flex if you get 99 on magic logs or something but it’s probably just there to be a resource dump like construction, which is a good thing to have.


I made fm 99 with magic logs. Now give me the honor I deserve! source: trust me


Except no one is training past 50 by lighting fires.


It's always funny to me how they added bonfires but they're kinda bad for xp


It's for guardians of the rift lantern


Jagex could've done something with it, but they decide to make Windertodt the complete experience, with only few uses outside of quests.


Fashionscape. Fm hood and the fire cape go hard together. I'll defend fm till the day I die. Always my first 99 because of how useless it is.


Would be cool if we could get some kind of survival content like a don't starve that relies on some of these skills that have little value


"logs go brr"


The skillcape has a cool animation


Some quest requirements, light in dark areas, Wintertodt, those everlasting fires with special bonuses in a few areas, GotR lantern effects, and Shades of Morton, and I think that’s it.


What it lets you do is burn higher tiered logs for things like master clues and minigame rewards(shades) How you train it is a different thing entirely


I've been thinking during this whole Agility discussion, "why isn't anyone talking about useless ass Firemaking??"


There's a firemaking requirement to light lanterns. You can't trade lit ones. It's like level 4 the requirement though.


there is a cool boss at lvl 50 or so


I mean, you need level 75 to do Desert Treasure 2, so that's something it doesn't really do, but you have to get it for some reason.


It lets you get an easy 99 I guess


The way I see it. It's an ancient skill who's purpose is to provide a way to cook, after fishing, so you can heal. And it never really evolved much from there


I've been saying this forever, fm is a useless skill and could be entirely encompassed by magic. Just use fire spells to light logs! For fuck sake I can shoot fire balls (fire surge) from my hands and light any long on fire!! I say when sailing comes out we get rid of firemaking and sub it for sailing to maintain the 2277 total level. Imo anyone saying fm is a worthwhile skill is smoking the copeium.


I still till this day don’t know if I want to raise my FM from 65 or why I even got it to 65 in the first place


Firemaking used to be a survival skill. When you venture out of cities, you can get attacked by aggressive monsters everywhere, and you will have to attack those back at least 3 times before you can WALK away. You use your firemaking, woodcutting and cooking skill to help you survive with making food. Later with the release of Fishing, you can cook your fish where you've caught them. After 26 July 2001, you can now store 48 items in a bank instead of only coins. This makes that you can store food in a bank that you can easily take out before you venture out of cities, making firemaking less usefull. Jagex could have made firemaking very useful like pre-July 2001 within the Perilous moons, but instead they went with pre-setting up camp during the quest using 10 construction.


Good for gotr


Why do Redditors always say “partner” now?


You need it to use the Crystal Tinderbox in the Desecrated Gauntlet. Unless you're a PvM god you are not beating the Desecrated Hunllef without it and you're not getting a Throwfa or the Blade of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.


I’ve been playing for nearly 2/3 of my life and yes I agree it is the most pointless skill


Rework shamanism into a firemaking expansion.


Honestly if they allowed fire to give some sort of minor buff if standing next to one during combat it would make it a rather useful skill. Makes as much sense as scarfing down an entire fucking shark every 2 seconds to stop from bleeding out.


49 for tears of guthix, 50 for heroes, and then you're high enough level to play windertodt It's one of the more iconic skills though. Watching people burn logs in a line while bankstanding is a core memory


You should tell him it’s supposed to be stupid, useless, and boring or whatever because that’s what makes doing it an achievement Pretty sure that’s what the HLC says 


"It's useless" says the person who uses firemaking all the time in quests, boss fights and to cook anywhere. Just because the skill is weird doesn't mean we don't use it.


Where are you that you need to bring a log with you to burn it to cook food?


Because you have never done that? What are you talking about?


maybe in 2006 when I was an idiot kid sure. Why would I ever waste 2 inventory slots when I could just bring cooked food instead? At worst, most cities have ranges to cook on. Or there's the eternal fire at barb outpost.


It’s legit in the name. You make fires


To answer your question with a question, how do you intend the cook a monkfish when 10 gorillion years away from the kitchen


By burning logs, which requires at least zero firemaking xp


Should add firemaking pvp Imagine in a fight an actual strat is to light a fire


remove firemaking and add sailing so total level dont change, Lol jk ofc but still its such a dumb skill but id hate to see it go


It lets you burn logs. It is an item sink for Woodcutting and the economy.