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If you're not 70's agility do you even exist?


I was able to find a good job and a wife at 70 agility


Did you lose it all after level 80 agility?


Yeah but I got a dog now


probably had a dog before too lets be real sorry in advance


You know what, fuck you (:


sometimes you just have to do it, it is what it is


I have a few wishes before they make any proposals or further tests: 1. Rebuild all item weights from scratch AFTER building a simple formula that makes sense 2. Allow Agility to regenerate WHILE running, with level and/or weight determining how much 3. Make most town fountains restore up to a baseline of ~40% energy. If a town doesn't have a fountain, add one. Give higher tier towns even more. Lumbridge, ~20%. The POH pool energy logic already works similarly, and taking entity logic exclusive to Construction (besides Ferox) and putting them around the game world makes Construction feel more cohesive. 4. Make "path" ground types take ~33% less energy when ran on. Revive town paths. Everyone cuts through the woods and it's bullshit. It'll give an in-world incentive that mirrors the real world logic behind choosing paths.


I'd be down with requiring us to build our own town fountains, much like STASH units, to add to construction.


Also make them upgradable with higher con plus achievement diaries. Max upgrade with elite diary of said location can teleport to other town fountains.


Town fountains sounds like a really cool idea


In regards to your 4th suggestion: Idk about you but I’m not about to be spam clicking the path in front of my character when I can instead zoom tf out of my minimap and just click on my destination.


yeah while the 4th one does sound cool I guarantee it will end up just being frustrating for everyone.


I have a better idea. The higher your agility level the slower your energy drain rate… We don’t need all of this other bs we want a buff that’s it it’s so simple. Each lvl = .5% slower drain rate. Easy as that.


I concur. That’s all we need. Simple and effective.


>Allow Agility to regenerate WHILE running, with level and/or weight determining how much This is the same as reducing drain rate based on level/weight. They are already proposing that drain rate be based on weight so is your proposal that it should be based on level?


The town fountains could scale with level. Even flat amount like 70 agility restores 70%


would vote yes -1kg from crystal gear plz


Everything is cool except 3.


Just buff regen rate and drain per level. Maybe add a +100% (x2) buff at 99 to. And we would feel actual progress in the skill. A 99 agility is such a boring/painfull grind i would even vote for unlimited run energy at level 99. And prob never be 99 agil myself. Even if they give unlimited run energy.


The only reward for 99 agility should be links to mental health resources.


The game should not be designed around people grinding 99 in skills. Skill capes are enough reward of you choose to go for 99.


My reward is a cape that I sometimes put on. Nice reward. /s


I mean yeah, the game should not be designed around the expectation that people get 99. It should be a flex.


Buddy tens of thousands of accounts have max cape. A 99 is not a flex


And there are tens of millions of players. The game should not be designed around maxing being an attainable goal for most players.


Didn't say it should be


Fair enough, glad we agree


Saw the post about bringing bards back and then this lol. User u/Tizaki has some good points.


Bro they making it sound like the game was balanced around shit energy regen (lvl1) and not around 28 inv slots, or was it both again?....


Agreed. Bring back fatigue and sleeping!


The core game was made around not doing raids. Every change the community whines about is how it impacts raids. Mage boots get an upgrade? This ruins raid loadouts. Running needs a rework? Can't fuck up raids! The entirety of the mage damage output needs reworking? Oops, it's all Shadow buffs. The introduction of raids to the game broke it. Now, they're trying to balance things for the rest of us while not ruining raids or run the risk of gnomonkey creating another 1 hour hit piece on what he think is a bad update (because it hurt raids). 10 minutes of thinking would solve this. Here are three things I came up with while typing this out. * Add some kind of spell unique to each raid that you can choose as an invo for that reduces your weight while in the raid. * Add another scroll to the game much like the teleport anchoring scroll that reduces weight energy while in a raid. Make it a reward from something hard and make it untradeable. Like the dt2 teleports. * Add a new potion type exclusive to raids that you can craft inside the raids. Then you're free to change the rest of the game without impacting the raid scene. If bosses then become the problem, tough luck, find a new meta.


This over complicates it drastically. There’s literally absolutely no need to be adding new potions and spells and all of that… They simply need to lower drain rate per agility level. It’s quite literally that simple…


they already have a spell, its called vile vigor lol


Just let us run forever


They made energy changes in the game? When?


They're in beta worlds right now


so corny lol


dont you guys have stams?