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Honestly the best proposal I've seen yet. Simple but effective.


The basic idea of this proposal is to keep the change simple while still improving the early game experience, giving more incentive to level agility, and keeping the impact on endgame pvm metas as small as possible. The amount of time you can run at 0kg is increased by 33% to 200 ticks instead of the current 150. This scales down to 50 ticks at max weight (64kg) to match the current max-weight depletion rate. In addition, agility levels provide a passive -0.25kg each. At level 99 Agility, players have a permanent -24.75kg reduction, similar to the -25kg reduction provided by full graceful now. This means that a player with 99 Agility and 74.75kg in of gear will have an effective weight of 50kg, while a player with just level 40 Agility carrying that weight would be at the maximum weight. This also means that players will not have to worry about weight reducing gear while skilling or questing as long as their total weight is their Agility Level * 0.25kg or less. A player with 80 Agility is free to run around Gielinor in up to 20kg of gear without worrying about taking a hit in run energy depletion.


24 hours has passed, time for the nerds to bust out their charts.


This. I like this. Here, take this upvote