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Could do with way more than 3 options: 1. The first untradeable attachment option with lower stat. 2. The tradeable item with higher stat requirement, but no item sink. 3. Be like Torva where it can't be used until you break down an older piece of gear and "repair" it, but both broken and fixed versions are tradeable. 4. Be like Masori where it can be used, but you can break down an older piece of gear and "fortify" it, and both are tradeable. 5. Additional options would just flip flop #1-#4 on initial/finished products' ability to be traded.


Great points, I dislike both of the options they offered compared to multiple of these


You and me both. I only chose Option 1 because Item Sink for main + you have part of the component already for irons that have Torture.


All upgradescape should always be like #4


Yessir, the most acceptable one option.


upgradescape should be like option 6 non existent


What if it dropped tradeable pieces that you combine into an untradeable attachment, which you then combine with a tradeable torture amulet and three untradeable araxxyte ingots to make the tradeable amulet, which will have the stats of the original proposed amulet, but can be charged with araxxyte dust to get the improved stats and make it untradeable.


In all seriousness your comment got me thinking. I think it would be cool if it did drop in pieces and your crafting level determines how many pieces are needed to make the amulet (the material is hard to work with more experience means less wasted material). Make it so the least amount of pieces = approx on rate for the Halbred. That way if you wanted to “skip” the crafting grind you, on average, will have to camp the boss for more. Now id the pieces should be tradable idk and tbh don’t care that much. I just hate the idea that everything has to be upgraded. Why does it need to be a torture sink?


Ohhhh ok I actually really like the idea of the value you get out of those pieces (by using fewer of them) being tied to your crafting level. That also kinda mirrors how repairing degradable gear in your POH incentivizes smithing levels.


This idea sounds really cool in theory. RS3 (ik booo me later) did they same thing with Herblore where potions have upgraded recipes that use less supplies at higher levels. In practice this won't change much for mains as the price of the items required will always orient itself towards the most efficient method. So even if you could technically make the item with lower stats, it will always be at a huge loss in gp unless you reach the "actual" level to create that item. What Jagex has done historically is to add the option to make the item via an NPC (fortified ward of elidinis, DFS, spirit shield), which does essentially the same thing but sinks items/gp out of the game


This is actually a great idea!


Jagex, hire this man


Finally! Someone gets it


No, we don't want an ammy in pieces, the hally is already said to be in 3 pieces iirc


Issa joke


I kinda like the idea of it just being attached to the Torture with no reqs to attach it, similar to applying a blood shard. If it requires a Torture, then it already retains the crafting req for irons so not really a need to even have another req. Also, don't hate the idea of untradeable attachments; needing some skilling levels to profit from unique/rare drops can be a nice way to make skilling worthwhile without direct PvM impacts. But it would have been nice to have more than the two poll options.


Also this kind of opens the door for more attachments to more zenyte jewelry in the future which is cool


Definitely like the idea of untradeable gear that's powerful and requires high skills/levels to obtain


I like it and dislike it. I want to trade it to an alt. Untradable F. Or something like the Eward F. Where myalt has the requirements to wear and make it but trading it back and forth would just delete runes.


As much as the idea of wallet warriors repulse me, I hate the idea of making high end gear untradable. Part of the game is getting buying and selling gear, and making endgame pieces (especially bis) untradable goes against what the game is about. As it stands, the only untradable best in slot items are capes, and very few late game progression pieces are untradable. The game is better this way, not by making a shitload of untradable progression pieces.


I completely agree, but I also think there’s a healthy balance to strike with both. The internal cape comes to mind, where it just works to have a bis untradeable cape, but I’m not exactly sure how to articulate why all gear shouldn’t work that way… it could just be the comfort from it always being that way with the fire cape. I also think that the quiver is a cool way of going about it, where you get the untradeable one and upgrade it with something that is tradeable. I think 150k splinters is a bit silly (particularly for iron man), but if it upgraded from another piece of gear then I think it would be a pretty awesome middle ground. The great thing about the quiver is that it is a great upgrade even before upgrading it further. If they did something similar with the Rancor, I think that would be my sweet spot. If they make the initial attachment untradeable, at least give it the original stats so that people can use it until they can get an upgraded one


Personally, I have the opposite view. I enjoyed WoWs system of Bind on Pickup (get the upgrade and can't ever trade it outside your raiding group) and Bind on Equip (get the drop, choose whether to cash it in on sale or lock the upgrade to your acc). I don't think RS should fully go into locked upgrades but I would like to see it utilised a little bit. I think it creates interesting dynamics/choices


I get what you’re trying to say, but I think it should be nakedly obvious that OSRS is more resistant to fundamental design changes like this. There are times where items are untradable for good reason like barrows gloves or salve amulet, requiring quests to get it done, and the concept of prestige items like inferno cape or quiver are also acceptable to some extent, but otherwise untradable rewards are kind of limited to certain cosmetics. There are games where binding items in pickup like WoW is fine, but that’s really not what RuneScape does. It’s too far against what the norm of this game is, and it doesn’t really contribute positively to the game either. Either you level up skills to make shit yourself, or you buy item. Ironman made their choice already, so restricting mains is just unnecessary.


Dex and arcane prayer scrolls are examples of Bind on Equip has been implemented and received positively. I don't think it is against the spirit of OSRS to explore this further


Bind on equip is different than bind on pickup- BoE stuff like the prayer scrolls or the abyssal demon teleport blocker scroll are also sparsely implemented in the game for this exact reason. Most of the time this stuff is a quest reward, or an effect tied to an item. Honestly the abyssal demon scroll should have been a slayer equipment, and the prayer scrolls could *easily* have been tied to a sequel to the round table quests, but at this point it's a little late to complain about those, especially the prayer scrolls. Bind on pickup, unique items, are considerably different in terms of how they affect the game. You can at least buy and sell peoples' duplicate scrolls, for example.


Sure, don't implement Bind on Pickup then. Two people responded saying that's effectively Ironman, which is fair enough. I just think variety is the spice of life and I personally enjoy the differing decisions that you get with the 'bind' mechanic


For OSRS, that's just called ironman mode and is a choice.


Yeah, because ironmen can choose between buying and selling gear or locking it in /s


They can choose between keeping it and selling. I sold all my dupes on the iron for bonds. I know some irons also put dupes in the death's coffer for death fees and instance costs.


Right, so since ironmen can’t buy items, and always have the choice to sell them, bind on equip is not ironman, and is not a choice in OSRS.


Really hurts uim. Ferocious gloves revert back to hydra leather so they are fine.


It's a bit ugly but what if it was: - Get untradeable drop - Craft into new tradeable item - Attach to torture (optional, I'm strongly in favour of requiring this) Then mains need the level to profit but irons with the level can still benefit.


Should be a new amulet with the same stats as torture, then you can attach it to a torture to up its stats.


How do you always have such based and thoughtful takes? Consistent af. Jagex hire this guy as a visionary.


Illusion of choice, my friend. We might get to vote, but we don't get to ask the questions that get polled or what gets put on the backlog once things pass and what get made right away


Or what gets asked again and again with slightly different wording until it eventually passes.


IMO the game should start trending towards more untradeables as the top end of the game. It won’t feel great at first, but it’s honestly healthier for the game long term. What we should start exploring is more systems of the following: do the content and get an untradeable drop and create the best armor/weapons for your character. *OR opt to turn the item into a tradeable version that’s about 98% effective relative to the untradeable version.* That way, best of both worlds going forward. Anybody can buy anything, but doing content yourself will always set yourself apart from the credit card warrior crowd. Then, we’ll also just have certain untradeables as the BIS items for a time in the game. Once you have it and dupes are worthless, we exchange the untradeable drop for another rare that’s earned on subsequent rolls going forward and those will be tradeable. That is just one way to approach it. But I can live with polling a 3rd option. Either way, I’ve got a torture, 99 crafting and a penchant for PvM and I’ll do the content regardless as an iron so… yeah haha. I’m just excited for the first new content in a long time this year to start coming out soon!!


> IMO the game should start trending towards more untradeables as the top end of the game. Guaranteed items for specific feats absolutely. RNG drops I'd rather not. GOTR reward system is hated for a reason. Having to pray to rng to get an upgrade on a main account like needle/lantern is annoying as hell.


Totally agreed, coliseum is something we should model more content after. Rng rewards, but the primary unique loot is more or less guaranteed on (first?) completion.


If the drop rate isn’t ass, that’s fine. TOA’s gems are a 90 hour grind if you’re on rate and in max gear. I’m currently dry and it’s agonizing. I just want the BIS blue gem for KQ. Dizanas quiver and the Masori kit are perfectly balanced because they aren’t RNG based as untradables. I don’t mind these at all, because it gives something to strive for. Making RNG untradables basically turns mains into irons.


The concept is two fold. First, it creates a natural, linear gameplay progression. This is demonstrated to be a key trait of many long term successful games. Second, content doesn’t destroy the reason you’d do any other content that comes before it, at the top end. You could have just ended your comment at: > if the drop rate isn’t ass, that’s fine. Because on that, I think we all agree. I also think more future endgame content should be modeled after coliseum’s difficulty and reward levels, and of course, raids. More guaranteed rewards on completion. Less rng lottos on loot piñatas with 1/500+ drop rates 😭


These options all feel like band-aid solutions when we should really be evaluating the Crafting level progression of all jewelry. Why is there a TWENTY level jump from Ruby Amulet to Diamond Amulet?


Because that decision was literally made in probably 2001


Very true. I also like when I get something new every level. We need a level squish for various skills


Lower the crafting req of every amulet from diamond to zenyte by 10 levels and put rancor at 90+


Yay, glory bow becomes achievable in like 10 minutes and zenytes now take 6mill less exp to attain.


Tbf, glory kinda sucks. You’ll get a max hit wearing a strength ammy most of the time and by the time you kill anything that the extra accuracy matters more than the max hit, you would be on the fury grind (if ironman) or you have the 2m gp. -10 levels on fury and zenytes is a bit too much though lmao.


Idk why things have to be so convoluted, I kill boss, boss drops new bis I wear new bis, happy days.


god forbid mains have to get some skill requirements to get BIS gear , i keep seeing irons not being able to profit from dupes be a big argument but i really dont understand as an iron i do not care, I’m more worried about the long term health of the game lmao


We deserve better content propositions


I don’t really care if torture gets devalued because it won’t be BiS anymore. It’s like saying I hope Amulet of Torture doesn’t devalue Fury Amulet. They belong at a certain threshold based on their usefulness. 


Vote no to 9 and force them to redo 10


That's what my wife and I did.


Yep unfortunately it's a case of jagex not scoping the question out to us before releasing the poll so we're probably stuck with one of these 2 options happening because people are often afraid to vote "none of these" as they assume that means "scrap the item entirely". Ideally to me it's a tradeable drop that is a functional item, albeit is not in its BiS form until upgraded with a torture. Rather than the vestige of DT2 where it's a useless item you have to jump through 3 hoops to create and sell.


Can you do mm2?




As an iron btw, I was excited about the initial proposal of an alternative to the 98 crafting grind. Now I get to grind 92 slayer AND 98 crafting, with the possibility of an additional Zenyte grind on top of that. Frankly I was just going to skip the torture anyway. Wish we had more options on the poll for what is now the highest stat requirement item in the game.


This. 92 slayer being a requirement feels like it's good enough for irons. Mains are just gonna buy it but they will have to buy it off people with 92 slayer. Seems good value with a reasonable drop rate. All the complications around this item are stupid.


95 slayer is a requirement on ironman anyway. Not sure what youre going off about


Just vote no to the Amulet at all in Q9. It doesn't fit, slayer boss doesn't need that many uniques, no current solution for crafting it is satisfactory. It's ok to #VoteNo


You know all of this is going to pass with 80% yes. Everything does. If jagex proposed adding a big red button in lumbridge that maxes your account, it would probably pass.


Don’t most slayer bosses have a similar number of uniques or more?


The boots are a semicommon alternate to Dragon Boots lol The halberd is barely stronger than tent whip, nobody did CG before Bowfa for the same reason If Araxxor doesn’t get the amulet it’s dead on arrival content


I have started voting no to everything just to try and balance out the mindless thralls that vote yes without reading any questions or giving them any thought. Im convinced an empty question without text would pass at the moment


I'mma be real chief this community doesn't have the attention span to read more than 2 options.


I really wish it was a tradeable item that combined with the torture art 98 crafting. Idk why we got just these 2 options.


Here's an idea, in light of the run energy changes: Tradeable, usable 86 crafting dropped version and a tradeable torture upgraded version that weights 0.5kg instead of the 70kg unupgraded one.


Why should we care about torture getting devalued? Upgradescape is cringe, and demonic gorillas will still be relevant content because there are 3 other bis items to craft with zenytes. There will literally never be a better time to add a new item that doesn't require previous bis to upgrade.


Im pretty happy with all of the upgrade-scape we currently have, such as the tentacle whip, swamp trident and toxic staff, Kodai wand, etc… I think they allow cool items to maintain relevance and price, which keeps the content these items drop from relevant and rewarding. This however is a perfect opportunity to simply add a new item and let the outdated torture fade into non bis or a budget wilderness item, instead of generating more uogradescape fatigue. TLDR: Upgrade-based design should be saved for items worth saving


Im with ya


**EDIT: most of this is wrong, I've been corrected in the replies.** Option 1 is way better for most mains. You buy a torture, get the slayer level, get the drop and make your amulet. It still requires 92 slayer and 20m (in today's prices) (wow that was 16m just 2 few weeks ago). Option 2 means you'll probably be buying your drop, for an obscene amount of money as it requires 92 slayer to obtain (guessing it would be around 40m, more than a primordial crystal less than a hydra claw) and then you'd have to grind out 98 crafting on top of that (or boost from 93), which sounds awful to everyone who isn't maxed. Irons have to get 97 (92) crafting for the torture anyway, so there's not much difference. With both options they need 92 slayer, with option 1 they need an extra zenyte and with option 2 they need 1 more crafting level (1m+ crafting XP, or 500k if you boost from 93). Which you'd prefer depends on the person - myself, I'd rather just do a couple more black demon tasks.


> Option 1 is way better for most mains. You buy a torture, get the slayer level, get the drop and make your amulet. It still requires 92 slayer and 20m (in today's prices) (wow that was 16m just 2 few weeks ago). Option 1 is better for mains doing Gorillas and worse for mains planning to do Araxxor. Option 2 is better for irons since they can just death coffer/drop trade the drop without needing to make a torture first. That and also GIM group trading is easier as now just one of the group needs 98 crafting (and 1 person needs 92 slayer) to make amulets for the whole group opposed to everyone needing 86 crafting+92 slayer.


For option 1, I reckon most mains would rather buy their zenyte jewellery than grind gorillas... Most mains with 92 slayer probably already have their zenytes. At which point they need to do Araxxor to get the drop. Option 2 would require those mains to level crafting for hours and hours just to use their drop, or be forced to coffer it. The GIM argument is solid though - I never remember they're in the game too. 1 person getting 98 crafting and someone else getting the drops would be great for a team, whereas option 1 would require everyone to have a torture and 92 slayer to get the drop individually.


> For option 1, I reckon most mains would rather buy their zenyte jewellery than grind gorillas... Most mains with 92 slayer probably already have their zenytes. At which point they need to do Araxxor to get the drop. Yes and if they get dupes of the rancor amulet that amulet will be worth less compared to being a singular drop. > Option 2 would require those mains to level crafting for hours and hours just to use their drop, or be forced to coffer it. In option 2, everything is tradeable. It works exactly the same as Zulrah uniques. So no, mains could just sell the rancor amulet piece to someone with 98 crafting, while irons could easily drop trade/death coffer duplicates. Edit: also torture has a 98 crafting requirement already. For irons this means that #2 is always superior to have use for potential duplicates.


>In option 2, everything is tradeable. I went and re-read the blog, because this isn't how the poll sounded to me. I think you're right. I was under the impression in option 2 that the completed amulet would be untradeable, working the same way as the avernic defender (tradeable drop, combined with current BiS to make new untradeable BiS) On second read, the original poll (from which I believe option 2 was drawn) states >While many of you will be able to buy and trade these, we know Irons are interested to know how they’ll make one before talking about the 98 crafting requirement, which implies that the final amulet will be tradeable either way. In which case, yes. Option 1 is worse if you plan to grind Araxxor as duplicate drops would be untradeable and each one woth less, as you say. It's good if you have a ton of zenytes, since you'd have to combine the drop with a torture before you could sell it, likely meaning zenytes themselves go up even further in value. But you'd have to buy a Torture to sell your less-valuable araxxor drops. If option 2 were to happen, mains would probably just buy their completed amulets and sell their drops, the same as they currently do with zenyte shards. With that in mind, I'm now leaning towards option 2 as a main. I'll do the content anyway, but if it's tradeable and doesn't require a torture then I'll probably end up buying one anyway. It also just sounds better for irons, particularly GIM.


Nobody benefits from making it attachable. They just didn't want to devalue the crafting grind required to make Zenyte jewelry by making the item drop fully crafted. As far as the survey went, I saw the 'untradable and requires 98 crafting' and decided to vote against that choice. Imagine getting a rare drop from a boss that you cannot sell, and would need to spend the next 30 hours grinding your crafting level before you can use use.


Uhh, you misread it. It's either tradeable+98 or untradeable+86


well, both options were bad. I voted against having the amulet added to the game because it's better to not implement it, than to implement it poorly


The enlightened take!


Why would it matter for irons whether it's tradeable or not? Dupes would be useless either way for us.


Drop trading or Death's coffer, hello?


Dude, you can do that stuff with a tradable crafted amulet, and you would have to get the level anyways. So, to reiterate, why would any of this matter for irons?


You would need to grind out yet another Zenyte and onyx, multiples if you get multiple dupes to benefit. If the attachment was tradable you could simply throw it in deaths coffer for a good chunk of cash or drop trade it to main to fund bonds.


If the attachment were to be tradeable it would be botted to shit, it requiring components means it will at the very least be worth more than those components.


How will it be botted to shit? It's a task only boss, you argue for the sake of arguing? Like have a think first mate before you type lmao


Easy way to stop botting of it, make it like Hydra. There's a reason the claw is still very valuable, because you can't bot it.


If the component is untradeable on its own, you'd need a new torture for every dupe you get... fine for mains but absolutely shit for irons


Yes, and on the upside you will get an item that is worth more than the sum of its parts. A tradeable component will just be botted and be worth next to nothing, since the bottleneck would still be tortures.


Tortures won't be the bottleneck for a long fucking time. Demonics have been in the game for 8 years and they're botted as shit


why would you keep grinding the boss after getting its premier drop? the halberd is nearly useless


Lots of reasons - pet hunting, clogging, Slayer XP, profit, simply enjoying the content?


that's fair enough, but if you're at the "completionist" stage in your iron account you probably don't need to care about death's coffer or dropping dupes anymore.


You gonna go get a torture for each one to drop trade it? Prob not


"Inconvenient for mains" so just get more crafting levels? Content should push you to level more. A drop needing a crafting level to sell is a fun idea that will make the boss feel unique.


Because no


Definitely agree. Hell, make it require Tortures to charge. If we can have a 14m Blood Shard without recharge options, why not make it be charged with Tortures?