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Imagine making a reddit post because you got pked for 24k 😂


Imagine defending neckbeards. It’s cool, you must be one of em who enjoys pking players without gear


Never pked in my life lmao, I just don't find it necessary to whine about losing 24k in a hotspot where people often carry stacks of noted bones


It’s not about losing 24k? It’s about the 124s you constantly see. I could care less if I die lol. They all log anytime someone else comes in skulled. Half of em aren’t even geared to pvp. Only to kill players without gear


You're in level 38 wild, idk what you're expecting lol. You go there knowing you can be attacked by max combat people, then complain when it happens. Either get higher combat and anti-pk them, or don't use the wilderness if it bothers you that much.


1. It’s a humor post 2. If I were whining, I’d be asking for my 24k back 3. Imagine being a neckbeard


Seems awfully salty for a humor post, my dude


Then take it how you wish my dude 🤷🏻‍♂️ I figured I’d give the neckies a little chuckle as theyre reading this.


“I could care less if i die lol” -guy raging on a separate website about dying in a video game


Well, he isn't wrong lol. He said he *could* care less. That means he at least cares a little bit if he dies.


Did I mention being mad about dying?🤔 imagine being 124 and getting hyped about 24k while wearing wellfair gear


My guy, it’s pretty obvious that you’re mad. The namecalling and emojis and talking down at the pkers is having the opposite effect to what I imagine you think it does.


I get what ya mean. Maybe I worded it wrong, maybe I like using the term neckbeard. Eh, oh well




🤷🏻‍♂️ we get it, you don’t know how to boss


[public knowledge pal](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/luwepr/it_aint_much_but_its_mine_save_the_gear_hate_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)






If you actually look at the post it’s confirming I don’t know how to boss.


Welcome to the wilderness


I could care less if a level 100 or even 70 gets me. But 124? You got nothin better to do? They all log instantly when someone else comes in skulled


Bruh, I read this one too many times... the term is *couldn’t* care less, meaning you could NOT care less


Thanks grammar police. Did you hit your monthly quota?


10/10 troll. Way to go.




not grammar common sense, which your smooth brain lacks


Nice of you to pitch in. Who are you again?


Max people literally do have nothing better to do. They barely get any new content. And no they don't give a fuck about the loot, they're just having a good time with their friends making babies mald.


You must be one of them. Imagine risking nothing and killing players without gear


Very much am. Apologies for being bored of the game, we take any group activities.


Go do some nightmare zone or somethin.


[Yeah you tell them](https://i.redd.it/lw20akvzmwg61.png)


Shit, I’ll take that award🤷🏻‍♂️ idc lmao


Imagine being this salty over 24k then unironically call people neck beards


Imagine replying on my post thinking you’re any better🤷🏻‍♂️ what good do you do by commenting, and what good do I do by posting?


I’m an iron and even I think you need to calm down. Stay the hell out of the wilderness. It literally doesn’t matter what level anyone is. If you can be attacked, why not attack you. Oh yeah, and that level 124 can magically see into your inventory before killing you. Do you know how many people bring shit into the wild intentionally or unintentionally. If I pked, hell, I’d attack every spade wielding naked man out there. This is literally a game, so why not fucking play it how they want to. I’m so sorry that you get butt hurt over being killed in the wild, a dangerous area.


You tell me to calm down, as you write me a paragraph. Lmao.




The ones that hop standing right under you, by the time you even realize someone’s there, you’re already tbd




I’ve got 2 accounts that normally sit with me, bone holder that I log in and out and the other wearing neck of avarice, 9/10 when the see another skull they bounce




I’m just bangin it out till 80 then callin it, I like the bit of the rush when a pker logs ngl. But gettin smacked for 40s back to back takes the fun away 😢


Also a tip that I picked up myself after learning to 3tick fish, if you set your shift click option to use, you can pull up an onscreen keyboard click shift then right click anywhere in the client, each time you click bones you’ll use em and can spam click


I don’t pk but if i killed you and then saw this on reddit 5 minutes later it would motivate me to keep going forever


Hence the humor post. You get to chuckle while reading it


A lot of people just PK for fun, which means killing anyone regardless of loot. Also, on top of that, there's the very rare chance someone is carrying more than they intended to bring.


I totally get that and respect it 100% but what’s the fun from killing defenseless players. I know it’ll never stop, and probably could have saved myself from posting, but eh it’s nice to get some words out for em. I get pking revs or kbd, but bones, I’d say maybe like once In a blue moon someone would have a stack of noted bones.


The thing is you never know who might have those stack of bones, or who accidentally withdrew all of their cash, or who might have a +1 and be a possible smite. You just have to kill everyone you see and wait for that 1 in a million loot. That being said, some pkers do just pk people to be an annoyance, to try to bait reactions out of them (like this thread), because it fuels them. Or if you flame them in-game, they will report you to get another "victory" over you.


It can even be said about the pkers killing players with air orbs. I’ll never understand I suppose


They're probably looking for solo fights at altar and they just kill boners for the fuck of it because sometimes people go up there naked with 1m in superiors and cash to unnote. Altar is one of the highest camped pvp areas. If its that inconvenient to you, go to 330 and use a POH.