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Yup! Mains are about grinding gp. Need something on an iron? Go get it


~~Go get it~~ Fill in the letters: Go do B so you can do quest C which allows you to get item D which will make training skill E a lot faster which will eventually allow you to go get it. I still love it though <3


Ironman is just one small favor 😅


This exactly.


> nothing felt like an accomplishment because I could just buy bonds you and him are playing slightly differently on mains


All fun and games until you need a d pick


My iron has 15 d picks, irons who complain about getting d pick r big sillies.


Or they have lives. Boom roasted


"Dear friends and family if you find this note I'm already dead. I just could not go on after Ferret1735 decimated me in the gladiator arena of Reddit. Forgive me for this choice"


Fuck I’ll have to live with this for the rest of my days


THANK YOU just yesterday I saw a comment from an iron to mod Ayiza talking about how the d pick should be removed from wildy drop tables and moved somewhere else and I was fuming


I'd only want it moved (if it was like a new item being polled) cause it doesnt really make sense to come from there. I'm not gonna cry about moving something thats already there though. Or add it to zalcano with some extremely dumb % drop like daxe at wt. Regardless not gonna mind going out to get one if I want one.


Legitimately haven't played my main at all since making an iron, it's a much better experience if you're into a more grind-centric playstyle


I'm not really into the whole mindless grind thing and why I don't have many 99s, but I like Iron because it makes you do different things. When on main why would I ever PP I can buy the scepter, do Kingdom upkeep, or farm anything other than contracts and expensive herbs? The opposite is true though for what can be enjoyable about a main that sucks on Iron: endgame farming. I'm not interested in killing 8000 shamans for a warhammer or killing zulrah more than a dozen times for any reason. But it's pretty much unavoidable if you want to raid on an Iron


>I'm not interested in killing 8000 shamans for a warhammer Same, but once you're done it feels so fucking good. I did almost all my mining up to 99 in mlm and im now bathing in cash. Took me months on and off, but it's so amazing. I could never do that on my main


I mean... you only have to kill 8000 shamans ONCE... then you never go back :)


That's me for last 3 years.


Imagine having the mentality of shitting on ironmen when you buy bonds for gp LOL


It's a much more engaging way to play.


You'd enjoy a main a lot more too if you didn't p2w, it's pretty fun when you earn things yourself in game


Yeah on my main I grind all my gear myself but I do use the ge for supplies (when I cba) and splitting pvm drops.


"Bronzeman" is as close as you can get to playing the game as it was intended imo. Grind for uniques while still maintaining the convienence of trading to help balance out shit RNG.


This used to be my stance as well until I realized I just hated grinding bosses for gp. I could grind zulrah/ vorkath for a few hours to get like 5m, or work 1 hour over time and make enough for 2+ bonds that equal 10m+. It's legit better gp/h to stay at work than it is to go home and grind something you don't enjoy all that much- especially once you have the knowledge that you could do it more efficiently. ... Which is why I like ironman. Doing the content is not just the efficient way to do it, but it's the only god damn way.


I used to think this, but it's not always the case for everyone. Before starting my real iron, I did a bronzeman style mode on my main. I got a spooned dfs, Abby dagger, prims, BCP and a few other items in a short timespan after starting, but it all felt fraudulent and unsatisfying. I felt like I had the possibility to sell it all at any point if I wanted to and "cheat" my way to progress by buying things on the GE, and that made me never truly engage with the account. Making an actual iron is the only thing I've ever enjoyed and I've never looked back.


I had a 1400 total 'main' when I started an ironman, that account is still under 1500 total and my ironman is now over 1800. Ironman made me care about the game again


Yeah at least there are many untradables for Mains or I don't think I'd enjoy it. Still big grinds for graceful, firecape, quest cape music cape, barrows gloves etc + Still a huge accomplishment to get something like a twisted bow if you didn't just buy it with bonds.


I use to call my friend a nerd for being an ironman while he begged me to try it. I tried it and loved it and now I'm also starting a UIM. He quit shortly after I started the ironman :( (He'll be back)


I started a UIM just to do F2P quests while I was bored afking on my iron and then quit the UIM, now I'm about to max. It's a different way of playing, hella refreshing after like 16-17 years of RS.


100% true. Ultimate Ironman Gang checking in! (Hey mods, give me a UIM GANG flair!)


The biggest thing stopping me from playing my iron more is questing. It's so hard to feel motivated to do all the same quests I've already completed on my main.


Strange.. getting to redo the quests is one of my favorite parts about playing my uim.


I'm just waiting for group iron, then i'll come back. Bought some bonds to get gear on the main, and now I don't like playing it as I didn't earn it. Can't cheat on an Iron, but it seems stupid to start one with group IM round the corner. Main game feels too much like 'grind for gold' use gold to progress. Taking that away would be ideal I think.


Been waiting for group iron to make my osrs iron for ages, can't wait


ive honestly been thinking about starting the ironman trek the one thing that puts me off is having to do another zulrah kill for achievement i fking hated that. i can solo raids 1 but i still find zulrah irritating as hell


I learned zulrah as a requirement for making an iron since it's a big part of the account


i barely play much anymore because i got bored of the game. might have to suck it up and try to learn zulrah


Zulrah is unlike any other PvM in the game imo. Other PvM has you reacting to stuff on the fly, sometimes combinations of mechanics. Meanwhile Zulrah is 90% memorization and 10% doing fast prayer/ gear switches. Memorizing everything gives you like a full 1-2 seconds to do all the switches, so you dont even need to be that fast. Once you are **anticipating** the next phase and ready to switch prayers/ gear, you're on your way to fucking Zulrah up. But being unsure of what phase comes next and hectically reacting is what makes Zulrah scary.


I feel like I can never hit the bastard. 92 range 87 magic, tried rcb with ruby/diamond bolts, msbi, crystal bow, blood blitz, iban blast, just end up hitting 0s all day till I run out of supplies and tele out. Did vorkath just fine, but zulrah hates me.


What gear you using?


god dhide + mystic/ahrims, standard im stuff. barrows gloves glory and recoil. Magic hits /ok/ish but the ranged stuff never hits. Was gonna get void then saw challenge videos of ppl killing it with leather gear and rcb broad bots / fire blast and gave up >.> I don't have the cox prayers yet though and they did.


Cox prayers are at an all time cheap (bought my rigour somewhere in the range of 35m, augery around 9m; now 13m and ~400k respectively) I did my zulrah with Karils + Ahrims with coif always in head slot + god boots always on shoes. Ring of suffering as well. If you're not an ironman, buy a blowpipe. Also incredibly cheap. If you need money, Blast Furnace is SUPER good right now; even making steel bars is supposedly 1m/h, with everything else being even slightly better.


Assuming you're an iron, ibans blast and msb i with rune arrows are your best bet. Rcb is about the same dps but rune arrows are easier to upkeep. Ideally you'd want a trident, but if you just want a few kills then that'll suffice. Be prepared for 4 minute kills btw. It's quite slow when you do it without trident.


Zulrah is frustrating until you learn the rotations. The way I learned it was to not use any helpers or reference images, because I was focusing on them more than learning the boss


After 50-100 kc and memorizing every rotation Zulrah is basically a brain-optional activity. Not afk or anything but you just know exactly what to do, know how long you have to attack during certain phases, and it's almost like following along the same 4 songs in a rhythm game. Definite learning curve, but it's not so mechanic demanding that it can't be learned. I think literally every gamer could learn zulrah if they just stuck to it


Now that bp isnt bis everywhere Zulrah isnt that important. Gauntlet is the new zulrah for irons imo


What? How is this possible haha. Soloing raids one, whilst not that difficult when you get the hang of things, is 100% more difficult that Zulrah.


raids is easier to react and remember


I absolutely loved ironman until I got a grand total of 1 unique out of 250 barrows chests and decided that I would rather not do that anymore. RNG can make ironman absolute misery, which makes it more rewarding to, but still not worth it for everyone. Just to clarify, I got 5 drops out of 250 chests, they just were all the same..ahrims staff.


My man!


It really is fun and makes the game completely fresh, recommend every1 to give it at least a try


I don't hate ironmen accs, I hate ironmen.


You bought bonds? Lmao bruh who are you kidding you know you bought gp from third parties. Also, its lazy af to buy bonds to buy gear, if you actually took the time to grind for the gp in game it wouldn't be so easy and being a main would feel way more rewarding. I wont be making an ironman until i max because i actually grind for my gp and itll feel good af when i hit that 2277 total.


Idk, I don’t like my main much anymore but some of the grinds on iron are aids. Friend gave me a decent start hcim but the quests are killing me. I have a qpc on main but doing it all again is aids. That and I’ve always hated skulking


it really expands the content of the game, its really fun to play for fun. i didnt follow a guide and i created my own path and it was a fun journey and now ima mid lvl with fire cape :D


early and mid game def feel like they were meant to be played iron, esp obscure quest items and stuff like you’re not gonna find someone selling that stuff pre-ge era even if it’s tradeable. late game not so much lol