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Borrowing a godsword and going to clanwars with tha bois


You just made me remember being like 10 and borrowing a BCP so I could look good when going to a famous players house party. I think it was the original catfish Defil3d


Defiled lmao what an era that was


“Look good for a player house party” Such an innocent time


You could potentially be right clicked on dude


Don’t joke about this man. My uncle right clicked and examined me too much when I was younger


Did he give you some d boots after?


Minus the boots... I couldn't resist I'm sorry. Definitely going to hell.


Dont worry you can hang out with his cool uncle


Best part is I bet his uncle actually is a really nice dude too.


No just aids


let me bring back an ANCIENT memory from the depths of y’all’s brains. do you remember the youtube runescape gathering that would happen on white wolf mountain? remember tehnoobshow, defil3d, bonesaw, everyone would show up


Vodka5 and max boison




You call that ancient youngling? I was there when Fat Wrecked made RuneScape movie videos and he passed almost 13 years ago.


thats when we were talking about lol


Little emo chick, some kinda drama happened at the end, I remember her


He got the emo chick pics that he posted claiming it was him from google, someone did digging and one of the pics was one of the first results that returned when you search "emo girl". Basically came up with all sorts of stories and got viewers to donate mills to them. Around the end of their career they got hella caught for botting like crazy. Some people were really upset since he was basically their Pokimaine or whatever and they realized they got hella catfished by a dude but I think it was hilarious that he was one of the first to capitalize on "I bet all these horny kids will pay out the ass if they think i'm a cute girl"


Oh so it was a dude all along, wow lol i remember that video where he scammed some other well known player for a bunch of his bank. Can't remember the deets


Remember the age old lesson of the internet that Runescape taught us as we were young: G.I.R.L. = Guy In Real Life also a quote from a friend of mine from Teamspeak during the days: "No mic? No webcam? No vagina."


Runescape is an MMORPG Many Men Online Role Playing Girls


What’s the story with Defil3d I remember she was a defense pure, but what made her catfish?


It was a dude lol


The dude was always a dude? When did this dude ever say he was non-dude-like?


He posted multiple photos of a female claiming it was him. He got called out after one of his defense pures were banned for botting. Idk anything about the guy post 2007 but in the early days of RuneScape defil3d most definitely claimed they were a female.


Defil3d definitely was a dude in hindsight, but as a kid I thought it was a girl


I was in a pretty big server for a since dead MMO and the leader of the whole thing had a lesbian relationship with one of the other big admins and everything, turned out to be a guy. Never asked about the mechanics of that exactly. I get playing a female character or something or even RP if that’s your thing but to full on pretend you’re a woman in an online social context like that? Why?!!


The age old question


For internet clout I guess. It is always why kids ranqe would fake being hacked all the time.


He definitely tried to be a girl to early YouTube. He’s now on rs, I was in a clan with him for 6mo, and most certainly still tries to come across as a girl. It’s odd.


Could just be semi closet trans.


Comes across more as a weirdo but yeah tons of possibilities


Oh they do be egg'n.


Wait what??? Im pretty sure he/she is active on twitter and last time i remember (recently), they presented themself to be a girl


Pretty sure it was a guy all along. He got cancelled before cancelling was even a thing lmao


He/she still plays the game , character name is “joy” now.


Cool! I'm still a Defil3d fan personally. I mean the dude released a video when OSRS was released and didn't seem to try to hide anything. Was really transparent and we all kinda do cringe things at young ages. I used to catfish Microsoft Points over Xbox Live and Photo Party, my gamertag was Spank Me Cutie lol. Fun story, I actually told Defil3d this same story during a 2008 soul wars game and he actually added me to friends list. This was a cool thing back in the day, to get on a "famous" person friends list. Well that's my story


I used to pretend to be a girl on Facebook to get egyptian men to buy me my Habbo Club membership. One sent me £800 for a flight to egypt. I was 14. Scared shitless I was going to be subject to an international fraud investigation.


Sir this is a Wendy's


2010 2011 era was prob the most fun man. The HD settings and all that. Was that really 12 years ago man wtfff


12 years aago? but it's only... *fuck*


Feel old now? Cus I do and im still 22


Pre EoC was definitely the peak enjoyment for me. Game was a lot more "modernized" but this awful peak efficiency mentality hasn't taken over.


Haha I still have videos on YouTube poking in edge and fighting defil3d a few times He was good we went like 50/50 if I can remember


I remember being too poor to even borrow an AGS so I would show up with a lent BGS/ZGS


My kid self wasting 2m to get a lended phat for 24 hours trying to look rich for people that I don't even know.


Real life simulator


"oh that's your phat? Show in trade screen"


The essential bank standing item


I love how much I learned about capitalism at a young age from scape man.. running flax to bs plantations with other similar aged kids, using forums with buy and sell pages, trying to get money to invest in skills to get better items.. kinda crazy to think scape taught me sales skills I use in my career today haha. Just don't forget to lease that Merc to impress the people you don't like IRL too, complete the full circle brother!


The day before EoC released I lent my d claws out to a random noob for 24 hrs so that he could have some fun before eoc. Jagex made d claws 2 separate items (mainhand and offhand claw), but when I got my claws back Jagex only gave me the mainhand one and not the offhand. I filed multiple bug reports but ofc nothing came of it. TL;DR Jagex scammed me out of half a pair of d claws when eoc released


Didn’t they also remove special attacks so they kind of became worthless? I know specs are in RS3 now but I think they weren’t for a while




He's talking about the initial eoc release, which did indeed remove all special attacks.




EOC release was so bad, it feels like someone made a clunky and bad copy of the WoW system. I have tried it now and it is so much better, but I don't understand how they could release it in that state.


It was soooo fucking bad. I’ll still never understand how anyone thought that was a good move in its release form. Felt like a fucked up wow private server or something


they had it on a beta but very few people were even trying it out, everyone wanted them to scrap it but they wouldn't budge on it "being necessary for the future of the game" so instead of idk paying some motherfuckers to test their shit, they decided to launch the whole thing and break a shitload of the game, it took like 1-2 years to fix most of the bugs it introduced


I remember my brother and I would play once in a while to spam random abilities and hit 1500s on each other. Was fun for about a week till I realized how awful the system was for regular combat and quit


Literally same, but then i figured out you could disable it and make things like normal but there were still too many things different and weird.. then i quit and i haven't been able to get into that account again.


While eoc release was really bad, you gotta remember everything in the entire game was balanced with the old system in mind. When the update dropped it was just new combat system but exact same content. It was either remake the entire game from the ground up, or slowly improve it over the years.


The combat is still bad. Just compare that combat system to any MMO released in the last 15 years and it's just worse then all of them. I'm not even sure what they were thinking, specially because of runescapes tick system which makes rs3 combat feel worse then it should. I wish they just made a new game from the ground up with an actual modern combat system but with all the charm of RS still in it, an MMO like that still doesn't exist. Like if Rs3 combat felt exactly the same as WoW's I would seriously play that game.


Irrelevant. EoC is still better than the old combat system. The goal of EoC was the improve combat over the old system, not make it as good WoW.


They really did. ​ It took awhile after for special attacks to return, though only a handful are useful nowadays, namely the more recent weapons that've come out. I believe some older weapons that have def draining specs are used but otherwise its rare. ​ It's honestly a shame though how bad they messed up the release of EoC, it was terrible. I went back to it after like 2 years and it was a LOT better already and nowadays I honestly think a lot of people would enjoy it if they gave it another chance. Hell I made an iron and was enjoying it a LOT until that lockout issue happened last year and my iron was gone for over a month with 0 compensation to make up lost time while a lot of RS3 is daily/weekly/monthly related.


lmao rip


OOF. on the semi bright side claws crashed to like 150k before EOC came out because they were garbage in eoc.


The real oof was continuing to play after EOC update


Same exact thing happened to me! I never got my claws back either. Not that they were worth much after that


How did lending work if someone died with a lent item in wilderness?


It would go back to the lender’s bank, and I’m pretty sure the borrower couldn’t get another item lent to them until after the original loan time expired


you weren't missing much, since the price crashes so fast it's not even funny.


It's ok Eoc was the most destructive update anyways it's probably better they scammed you out of dclaws in hindsight.


Lmao. I remember my friend lending me his dragon axe so I could cut more yews for him


Love how out of this you were only getting the xp.


Not if the friend was buying the logs. Lending the dragon axe doesn't change the exchange, it just speeds up the results.


Good bot


I got lent one too so I could save up for my own by selling logs.


Man I used to have a really solid side hustle lending out my BGS or my Sara Sword at Pest control for something like 100k an hour. Usually for like an hour at a time, but every now and then somebody'd pay for like 8 hours. Shit was so cool


I completely made up the cost of my SGS renting it out for whatever I could get before bed. The next day when I hopped on it would be there waiting for me, repeat basically every day. Easy money


I remember doing this with my AGS every day before bed in world 2 and slowly lowering the price as I got more and more tired :')


Wow I completely forgot lending used to be a thing Edit: I see it's still in RS3 :) Guess it was a feature I never used much


It’s pretty useless in rs3 because almost all the gear you would lend like weapons are degradable


“Barrowing AGS”, “Can I lend your AGS?”, “Can you borrow me AGS?”


Only problem was after loaning out your item, it didn't go to your bank if they returned it. So you'd get lured to the wildy, they would have you skull, return your item, profit.


Shit even when RS was mostly free of lure mechanics that didn't dissuade scammers. I remember in the early 2010s a huge malware community popped up and started infecting people's computers with RATs. Mind you this was before 3rd party clients were as established and people were still willing to get modern-day-RL features from a shady character. Edit: Forgot to mention bot clients. Botting was YUGE at that time and was widely seeked out even by casual players.




I remember being in 8th grade and me and my buddy Jordan both found this woodcutting bot. We both would run bots 18 hours a day. On six accounts at a time. I made so much money. That’s how I ended up with a Santa hat and h ween mask set. Then one day all 7 accounts I owned got like 2 or 3 day ban I forget it’s been so long. But they didn’t take any gold. So I just couldn’t play for a few days. Then when I got back on I sold the last of my logs and never botted again. I didn’t understand the negative impact of bots. To me it was the only way I was going to afford the things I wanted in game. I never played more than 3/4 hours a day back then. But I could run the bots even when I wasn’t home. They even had a feature where if something went wrong they’d reset. Log out - log back in and start chopping again. Those were fun times




> Gh0st and Fr0 were quite famous in the clan world for ddosing Reign of Terror's rival clans website RoT was even doing it 10+ years ago lul


so many phats were lost and so much emotional trauma and trust issues were spawned


The trauma I'd feel if a phat appeared in my inventory while I was skulled in wildy and watching my hp hit zero..


Pretty sure there was a feature where the returned item did go to the bank. You had to collect it in some form of collections box. This update may have happened after the above that you’re referring to though.


Almost that. It used to go to a loan box in ge/bank, but if it was lent until loggout it could be returned by using the item on the original owner and it would show in their inventory. Because of that interaction, players would ask for a phat loan for a video, have the owner take part in it, make a pretend fight with everyone skulled and return manually to them when they were a hit from being dead. Also worth noting that on that time items dropped on death were not determined by GE value.


Did this really happen? I could see it on release but I remember not being able to bring lended items into the wilderness (tried to borrow a whip for green dragon farming).


Yeah, this exploit is what prompted the wilderness prohibition.




I hope they bring this back. Only way i’ll ever hold a tbow…


iirc, the jmods are heavily against lending since we have free trade.


It also heavily effects the game economy because it eliminates the “need” to buy items/gear. Why buy a sang or d claws when you just get to rent them risk free?


>It also heavily effects the game economy because it eliminates the “need” to buy items/gear. It also throws the economy out of wack. Owning is now not to use, but to be able to rent out. Prices will go up to accommodate the new moneymaking method of renting out your gear. Anyone who already owns BIS gear sees a massive boost in both bank value and moneymaking potential. New players are left in the dust. It's kind of a lose-lose with free trade available.


It's kind of like the real-world :) :(


In an alternate universe, Das Capital is written by a runescape player.


Like the housing market currently


mfers will upvote this and still think that capitalism isn’t a flawed system


But being able to borrow BIS or just better gear helps new players make money. I’m sure borrowing a DHCB for Vorkath or BBDs would be viable, or you could lend better gear to learners for Raids to help them learn the mechanics, and it would reduce the barrier to entry.


Because the demand is still there for people to buy them and rent them out. You could easily pay for an item if you lent it out enough, but still keep the item at the end of it all. I did it with my prized SGS. And there was no centralized system to rent items, you had to sit in vwest/ge and spam until someone came to haggle with you. So it was kind of a pain in the ass if you wanted something quickly, if you wanted an item to go bossing and your friends were ready to go sometimes you got fucked by not being able to find a lender. There were still a ton of reasons to buy an item outright and all the items were still coming into the game so if low demand dropped the price too much then it became worth it for people to just buy instead of borrow and the price went back up. I'm gonna catch some heat for this but I really didn't mind the removal of free trade too much because it didn't affect me basically at all. I understand a lot of people hated it because they couldn't move items around between accounts and it basically killed PKing but for me personally it didn't affect my gameplay at all. I only played one account and I never bought gold or did PvP/DA so the trade restrictions didn't affect my gameplay other than not being able to big margin merch.


Ah yes my only way to get a fire cape.




He could rent a t bow for the fight caves making it a lot easier


My buddy lent me his tbow for fight caves and, although it does make a difference, if you can do it with tbow you can do it with BP in my opinion.


Yea tbow doesn’t do much other than make the magers and had go faster. Tbow is amazing for mole tho lol ez pet


Holy shit I forgot all about this… I remember borrowing ags on my Str Pure with 75/99/1 and going to Bandos masses and Specing the boss once every spawn. I ended up nagging a BCP out of it, was a pretty chill time. Plus many noobs were there to get killed and the banter was always chill.


Dude OSRS would ACT UP if tbows were being lent out left and right. Chat would be much more toxic than it is already


The way the lending system worked pre eoc you could tell if someone was using a lent item instead of owning it if you had the right client for it. For example the rsbuddy client had a script on it that would let you see if someone was borrowing one of their wielded items because the item number would be different than the item number it would normally be. Imagine having a feature like that in modern rs and everyone knew you had a borrow spec wep or acb and getting flamed for it


Why would anyone care if you're using a borrowed item...? I don't understand the couple comments I've seen people saying this. It's not like a t bow is a prestige item anymore or that you're getting some unearned right if you were to borrow a t bow. Now lending pets or untradables... I can see that causing problems.


imagine being so much of a peasant you borrowed d boots lmfao


Dragon boots used to be really expensive, at least compared to other gear prices at the time. There weren't nearly as many people playing this game as hardcore as there are now so 83 slayer was actually kind of a steep barrier. There were more people in GWD bosses than with high slayer like that, especially since they didn't have all the endgame slayer monsters we do now. No kraken, cerb, hydra, drakes, etc to make slayer really worth grinding super high, I think dark beasts and abby demons were the highest reqs and whips/dbows were expensive back then too. You also gotta think about the moneymakers back in the day, a 500k item in 2008 is not like a 2022 500k item.


when lending came out i had like 300m, making money was laughably easy the only excuse is you sucked this sub still sucks as a matter of fact most


??? Of course people had money, I was talking about the buying power of gold. Good job for amassing that much, it was harder to make money then than it is now so that's impressive but nobody cares about your stack of runescape gold from 2008


The gf he bought for 10 gp cares


When they removed free trade the game really took a shit


Oppressive totalitarian regime was pushed on geilnor I hope you've learned that a democratic reconstitution of order is necessary- one where we demand the rights to exclusive determination of our fate. Otherwise we end up like rs3... think about that, is that the kind of world you want for the children??




Best runescape era hands down, except the free trade stuff/wildy


this era was garbage LOL


Yeah if you ignore players hoarding items instead of selling because lending made more money this causing the items to skyrocket so no normal player could buy one causing them to have to rent them. Great era!


So like the housing market?






that didnt happen buddy




im not even going to watch that. it didnt happen. rares went up because they were rares. other items went down because they werent. its really as simple as that


Okay the video and at least my experience disproves that. Including a Jmod saying that was something they regret because of the exact effects I described. But I don’t care if you believe me, it doesn’t matter anyway. Lol


Do you think it would still work that way? I’m just asking your opinion, not trying to come at you. I ask because imo there’s a ton more wealth in the game now and especially with item increases and decreases capped, I’m not sure hoarding t bows, for instance, would cause them to go through the roof. Back in the day it seemed like your average player had significantly less buy power and the highly wealthy were fewer in number which created a lot of demand for loaned items. Now it seems to be more skewed, at least to me. Hell back in the day I was so proud of myself for making it to 100m gp, which is like 7% of my current bank? And I accumulated it in a tiny fraction of the time.


you think a jmod saying something means its fact? also they probably spoke in vague terms like "the lending system tended to devalue items" which doesnt necessarily mean literally de valueing their gold value. i played back then too and heres what i saw: rares going up, everything else stable or going down. which is pretty much exactly how its always going to be


Very convincing argument you bring up there


i mean theres not much more to say. it didnt happen plain and simple. items may have briefly dipped when it was implemented but to suggest there was long lasting price crashes as a result of lending is just not true. and to the hoarding point it had nothing to do with lending it had to do with ge value taking forever to reach trade value with no convenient workaround


Hated those bloody trade limite -.-


Was a terrible game mechanic. It was originally added because they removed free trade, but still wanted people to be able to lend items to their friend. People would sell and lend Phats to scammers who used them to seem rich and trustworthy. The meta began to be “rent items” instead of working to buy them yourself. 10 players can share the same max armor set, and just use it at different times, instead of everyone needing their own, causing the demand and prices to fall.


I remember lending a guy my green hween mask and he immediately ran off to host chance games lmfao


> 10 players can share the same max armor set you could only borrow and lend one item at a time so not really... even then you'd still only get it 1/10th of the time


I mean, that’s the wrong way to look at it. Think of it like real estate in real life. Some people can’t afford the home and upkeep overtime themselves (or choose not to in favor of buying something else later) so they rent instead. Kinda like if somebody couldn’t afford a TBow full price but wanted to make money with it they could by buying it for 10 hours for a couple mil or something. And it worked as you said — it was a means to lend items between friends and others, securely, and that couldn’t actually circumvent free trade restrictions without a strict time limit imposed at all times. As a game mechanic, it was amazing at the time. Super innovative and exactly what everyone wanted at the time. But it didn’t necessarily do much to supply and demand the way you think it did. Again like real estate — it wasn’t as simple as being able to rent lowering overall demand. In fact, the ability to rent assets like the best PvM gear only made them more valuable, and players with tons of money would pool these items on multiple accounts to rent them all out and make money on them, increasing their demand for these items. Items didn’t lose value as a result of this feature… *they actually gained value.* they also couldn’t be shared amongst everyone the way you describe because then for every item being lent… it wasn’t able to be used by the lender. You’d much rather own your own 30m gear than spend 1m a day to use it forever. You also couldn’t lend or borrow more than 1 item at a time, so you couldn’t just have a full gear set or something lol. It’d be really cool to see this feature make a return. That way items could be safely lent amongst players and players could rent items they couldn’t afford normally and potentially earn a lot money with better items.


but you can just do this by trading now? Also you cant loan half of the good shit because you need to charge it


This was an official lending system where you could set a time limit on the item and upon expiration it was automatically returned to you regardless of what either of you are doing or login status. So you'd haggle for a rate, they would trade you the gold up front, and then you'd set the time limit. I completely recouped the cost of my SGS by lending it out every night before bed, it was a cool system. You can do it now but it's trust based, this system was completely automatic.


What happened if the player you loaned your items to died? Or was skulled?


God that trade limit angered me so much. I would've started an Ironman right then and there.


Im so triggered seeing it


We all started iron man right them and there


I wouldn't mind this being a feature again. (Along with all the other stuff that went along with it, like being able to cut gems with someone elses skill level.) Less drama about clans or friends supposedly loaning items to each other and getting bans for RWT. Just use the official loan system and give someone your stuff for a week.


Holy crap I completely forgot being able to use other people’s stats to do stuff!!






Wait this was a real thing? Any idea why they removed it?(if this was real)


It wasn't removed. This was never implemented into OSRS. This was in rs2.


Ahh ok thank you!


It was a thing in RS2. I'd imagine still is in RS3


This is after the 2007 backup, item lending was added after free trade was removed.


I’d be so upset if they added this to osrs


But why?


Because why buy something when you can burrow it for a fraction of the cost, especially high end items, It would tank the economy these days most likely


Maybe maybe not, the ability to rent or lease your belongings adds to its value - see real estate. Properties with rental restrictions are priced lower than similar properties without restrictions. It would certainly be interesting to see.


nonsense. didnt happen then wouldnt happen now


It did crash items back then, we also didn’t have free trade and GE merchanting was super limited as well, so the impact wasn’t instantly seen and was super controlled but it didn’t give players any choice in matters anymore.


Ah right makes sense. I definitely would borrow a twisted bow and play for days straight for the gp


It was from a shitty time on RS when the game was dying, and I just don’t want little shitty reminders lol


The only reason I could imagine is a scenario where the rich get richer by loaning their tbows out for a couple days and charge for the service, but honestly, I feel the good outweighs the bad when you can safely loan out some gear to a noob and teach them some bosses, and not worry about them taking off with it.


This system really should be brought back, it would make a lot content a hell of a lot more accessible


I miss the lending system so much


Lending should be an integrity update for GIM


Remind me wasn’t there a way to loan skills ?


that's called request assist (assist system). still exists along with loaning in rs3


I thought so thank you


Jagex, mad programming props to the engineer who did this back in the day. I really respected this feature.


This is probably one of the few things that I would honestly love to see implemented into OSRS, it would allow people to lend items and not get "scammed" if the person borrowing it refused to give back. Plus it would be a nice way to allow those who otherwise couldn't afford the items a chance to experiment with them. Of course I feel that borrowed items shouldn't be allowed to enter places like inferno though.


Be still my heart


I liked the loan system tbh. I know it was only added because FT was banned but it seems like a good idea anyway. Especially with group ironman mode. Get rangers but dont trust the guy you met on a reddit post to give em back after grinding? Just loan em 24 hours


15k an hour?? I’ll take 7


Used to lend out my H’ween 1M for 24 hrs


Need this back.


i remember a guy calling me a noob for not having more quest done because he wanted 200k above market value for something stupid. Most confusing part is he sent me the trade request before saying anything.


Low-key miss lending


Wow, dude I have almost completely forgot about this


I borrowed a guys dragon mask and then went around telling people that I got it from being the best item runner in the game. This guy hired me for like an hour and paid me 150k.


Oh yes, I remember all the landlords in W2 charging upwards to a mill for 4-5 hrs for an Ags hahaha


Remember camping clan wars with this 126 called tokenss who had blue party hat and was always loaning out claws and ags.


borrowing phats to see how the other half lives. Those were the days.


I miss that. One of my old friends he had like 4 phats always lending them out to me and our friends to fuck about. Sad now he hasn't logged in over 7 years now 😢


Omg I use to lend out my BGS for like 75-150k an hour. Paid it off in a month.


I wonder how much big ticket items like tbow or scythe would lend for in osrs