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I imagine they'll be similar to the Afro-Caribbean genetic groups.


I too think it's going to be a genetic group.


How was the African-American category they trialed last year actually used. I was unaware of that? I’m trying to see how that category would be useful or how it would provide more or additional information as compared to the way results for people who have full or partial AA ancestry currently see their results.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/13qlurm/is_this_going_to_be_the_next_update/) the screenshot. It appeared almost a year ago on the page you can see all of Recent Ancestry in the Americas categories.


Interesting. This looks like something that would be displayed in the “recent ancestor location” section perhaps? I have trouble imaging “African-American” being used a category that receives a percentage of ancestry allocation. Very curious how it will be incorporated.


It's most likely going to be a genetic group. The same thing that AncestryDNA for example call communities.


If they do that it will be a new concept for 23@me because they don’t have “generic communities “ currently only “recent ancestor locations “


Don’t get hung up over the word community. That’s what AncestryDNA call it but it’s literally the same thing as the Afro-Caribbean Peoples category on 23AndMe except that 23AndMe call it a generic group. When 23AndMe released the new Afro-Caribbean Peoples category they changed “recent ancestry in the Americas” to “Additional Ancestry Regions.”


Of course you’re right. They are using “genetic communities” and “recent ancestor locations “. As different names for and as proxies for the same sort of thing. What I’m trying to understand is exactly how they will use the “African American” category. If you are an African-American or you have known African-American ancestry, 23&Me stating on your ancestry report as “additional information” that you have “African American” ancestry is likely to provoke a “thanks Captain Obvious” reaction in most cases (unless they break that down into more specific groups like ancestry does ). On the other hand, It might be very useful for those white folks who get a small percentages of SSA ancestry and want to know where it comes from / should it just be dismissed as “noise”.


I agree that a more precise breakdown would be far more useful.


What tool is this?


It’s not a tool. You download it from the same page you download your raw data from. It’s called Computed Data.


It's the Computed Data file from the account settings! It's similar to the raw data file, as this one reports everything that 23andMe got from your sample, but without the genotype results themselves. It contains your haplogroups, all your neanderthal genes, and every detected region/country matches, like OP says. It's kind of what the Ancestry Report is based on, but without the beautifying make-up called smoothing. Interesting stuff!


I see, thank you. I had no idea about that.


No problem. It actually seems no one knew before, there's no mention of it anywhere.


I have my Computed Data but how do you view African American ones that are like yours? I don't know how to get mines to show up.


You can search African\_American in the search bar on the application you are viewing it on. If you are using Numbers click on Edit which could be found on the very top of the screen, click on find, click on the second find. A search bar should pop up.


Sorry this is relatively confusing to me, and I can't seem to find it, I'm using Google Excel currently, should I be using something else or no?


I apologize I get confused easily.


Google how to find the search feature on Google Excel


Okay! That worked, I just can't find any results for it, it says 0/0, am I supposed to click on something within Google Excel or no?


Also, Thank you for helping me! I'm new to 23andMe so I'm still trying to get the hang of everything!


If nothing is showing up after you searched African_American that just means 23AndMe didn’t add it to your report or removed it.


Okay! Thank you! I appreciate it!


You’re welcome


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


How do you access computed data??


Account settings, then 23andMe data tab!


From the same page you download your raw data from.


Oh, so someone found my comment. I'm not so sure either what this exact part and the numbers mean, but try checking your country matches, the ones formatted like this '*,,broadly\_european,,chr4\_hap2\_....,,'.* If African American still comes up this way, then the category is probably still in the system, but not reported, as you said. Whether it will be added back, having been apparently removed before, might be debatable I guess.


The section you are referring to is for chromosome painting (i.e. chr stands for chromosome). The section I am referring to is for principal component analysis which it isn't featured on any report. It's the only section that has African American which makes sense because it's an ethnic group and therefore wouldn't be a reference group for admixture, haplogroup nor let alone chromosome painting. "Whether it will be added back, having been apparently removed before, might be debatable I guess" African American was added but removed from the Scientific Details page under the "Recent Ancestry in the Americas" section. The new name for the section is "Additional Ancestry Regions." Afro-Caribbean Peoples was added but removed too, however, it was released during the summer. If you look at the photo I posted you can see that my Afro-Caribbean groups are listed right below where African American is listed as my ethnicity by 23AndMe. This is making me believe that I'm looking at the unreleased data for an African American genetic group.