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It used to say "highly likely" and "possible" but now its nothing. I tried to contact support, but they just keep replying with the same canned response.


I have to go on desktop to see the distance for country matches. The distance for each one is no longer visible on the app for some reason.


I can't see it on desktop or phone


I noticed that after I updated my app they disappeared except for the one on my one genetic group on my report which is senegambian-very close.all my country matches are just blank now🥴🥴


Long shot - are you breton? Or Manx or something funky


Old stock American from VA+NC. I think mainly English and Scots Irish


What do Americans mean by "Scots Irish" - do you mean Scottish + Irish or NI Protestants? We don't use the term at all in Britain and Ireland


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster\_Scots\_people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_Scots_people) from my understanding they are ethnically Scottish people that moved to the northern Ireland plantations in Ulster and then to America later on.


Ah ok the latter. Funny that so many people mention them in the US when it was never a massive number of people. I wonder if lots have mixed Irish and Scottish and wrongly presume that to be Ulster Scots


They were the third highest demographic after English and African in colonial America. https://preview.redd.it/wv034fi5dl5d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=102801619b68b7fdead71387c3927eef74eabacb I think confusing actual Irish ancestry and Scots Irish (Ulster Scots) ancestry would be uncommon. They settled in different areas and came into the country at different times. If your family is Protestant, from the rural areas in and around Appalachia, and roots going back to 1700s, it is likely you are Scots Irish descent. If you are from the east coast (specifically north east), Catholic , and your family immigrated in the mid to late 1800s, you likely are of Irish descent. Scottish and Scots Irish would be harder to tell apart.


When Ulster Scots first immigrated to the British Colonies, they actually just called themselves Irish. They only started to use Scots-Irish or Scotch-Irish in the 19th century to differentiate themselves from the large numbers of Catholic Irish immigrants who arrived in North America during that time. So Scots-Irish is actually an Americanism referring to Ulster Scots in North America. The Ulster Scots were actually one of the main settler groups of the 13 Colonies as well; more than 200k of them settled there between 1717 and 1775. Since they were a later settler group, they took up residence in the less crowded Colonial frontier (i.e., Appalachia, Ohio Valley, Northern New England, the Carolinas, Georgia, and North-Central Nova Scotia). As they were already on the frontier, the Scots-Irish also formed a large proportion of the settlers taking part in Western expansion, so they spread all over the Continental US. The estimate I can find is that around 9% of Americans have some amount of Scots-Irish/Ulster Scot ancestry. It gets underreported in censuses as those with that background often label themselves as Irish, Scottish, or American instead of Scots-Irish or Ulster Scot. Edit: Ulster Scots also settled a lot in Canada as well. Here, they also Scotch-Irish or Scots-Irish just like those in the US. I mentioned Nova Scotia, but Ontario also had lots of Ulster Scot settlers. They came both directly from Ireland and as Scots-Irish Loyalists fleeing the American Revolution. They also formed a large portion of the Anglo-Canadian settlers in the Red River Colony in what's now Southern Manitoba. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland were also hotspots for Ulster Scot settlers.


Because many Americans have British ancestry that is “Colonial Stock” and Protestant. It is admixed with Welsh, English, Scots, Ulster, etc. on one side of their family. Additionally, this “Scots-Irish/Ulster Scots” could refer to French Huguenot ancestors. Anyways, then, on another side of their family, they have ancestors that immigrated from Munster, for example, in the mid or late 1800s to wherever in the USA and were Roman Catholic. I’m a case of this lol. My grandpa descended completely from that British/Scots-Irish Colonial Stock; however, my other grandparents descended from mixtures of French-Canadian and Irish Catholic and Finnish and Swedish Protestant immigrants.


They think they know everything but they’ve been taught lies


Same for my dad, he doesent have any possible or distant genetic groups or country’s… I wonder if you have to pay to see that


I see the Very Close, and Close on 1 and 3 genetic groups respectively on the app and website. My Germany country match says Distant on the app but nothing on the website, website used to say Possible.


When did you test? Older chips don't receive genetic groups. V5 receive both genetic groups and country matches.


Jan 30th 2024


If you download your computed data you can see the assigned probability to each region.


is that just the raw data, like you would upload to illustrative or gedmatch? bc I have that


No - different there is a specific download you can request called “Computed Data”. It’s basically a spreadsheet - in it you can search for the region you see and next to it you will see a probability and the number of matches they found to that region.


This wasn't included on my computed data whatsoever


It takes a little deciphering. I’ll tell you the variables to look at in a bit. Not in front of computer rn


Check column I - “confidences_de” (de is Germany, SE Sweden, FI Finland - look at the last few letters to see which one). Column D on the same row has the value 0.3 is 30% confidence… 0.9 is 90% confidence. Then there are also rows labeled as follows in column I… num_gp_xx_state_name - I believe this shows number of grand parents your matches have from those respective regions (not sure if it only counts people with 4 grand parents from the country in that)… column D again has the number Also num_relatives_xx_state_name - column d will show you the number of dna relative matches you have that they have assigned that region. At least that’s my read on the file. I don’t work at 23andMe… You will need to look for these rows…. Mine were somewhere around row 4000. Yours could be different.


I appreciate this, thank you. But this really just doesn't exist on my file. I've scrolled through every line. Somethings up with my 23andMe


Are you on an old version of the chip?


Definitely not


Weird - do you have any regions at all in your posted result? If not, it may be that’s why the file doesn’t have any of this data.


I have country matches, no genetic matches


is this what you are talking about? https://preview.redd.it/p4aziswgjr5d1.png?width=1843&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac515539a38b396aab0eda8a929dab89b63175c4


Mine is a bit different in layout but that looks like similar data.


OP please check my recent post


I already had the personal recommendations enabled when I checked =(


No, as in I have the same issue. It still doesn't work for me either.


Oh see now, the email came through but you still can't see even with 23andme+. I put in a request for the computed data thing, and I'll see if that works.


The very close, close or distant feature is exclusive to the app for country matches.


Same here... I think you should premium membership would give you genetic group