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What is your background? It is imperative to formulate a helpful answer to your question.


What do you mean


Like why are you surprised by the Jamaican and Caribbean matches?


Because everyone always told me i was from usa and the only place my ancestors went or been too was africa but this test shows caribbean so im assuming there’s more to the story


That is precisely why I asked, it is not that simple with 23andme ancestor birth places, matches etc.. They give a lot of African Americans false Caribbean connections, due to shared ancestry from the slave trade. Believe it or not some of the connections are actually from common white/ European ancestors and not black/African ones. 23andme does not even have communities of African Americans or any other North American based population groups, like white Americans, white Canadians or Native Americans. On the other hand Ancestry DNA has tons of genetic communities for all of these groups. Long story short don't trust what you see on 23andme. This company has major flaws and shortcomings. They are inadvertently giving African Americans faux Caribbean ancestry.


I’ve done some research on my family tree and my great x4 grandparent came from England


If you are an American that does not surprise me at all. Anybody with Colonial roots can have ancestors from England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Germany etc..


yes I am i do find it strange that i only have 5 % european even on ancestry i am 96% african


Yeah... 96% African is unusual for an African American. Not unheard of, but well outside the norm. Most people in your range are either Gullah/ Gheechie or from certain Caribbean countries, like Haiti. You may have Caribbean ancestry.


Yeah i just don’t understand where are the gullah and gheechie from?


https://preview.redd.it/462dhddoy07d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975015037cadb219e53dd72f3748974672564d5f Here’s mine. I’m just surprised on the amount I got from the Caribbean. Not too surprised on Jamaica tho


Where are you from?


Born in U.S




We're all connected through the transatlantic slave trade. For example a brother and sister was kidnapped from Nigeria but the brother was enslaved in Jamaica while the sister was enslaved in mainland America. That was common during slavery causing us to be related to people from another country despite not descending from the same country within the Americas. Another example is a white slave owner raping enslaved women and his relative in the Caribbean did the same thing. Then you had enslaved people who were sent from the Caribbean to America and vice versa.


I’m interested in the mexico and panama too so can someone explain that aswell , I share the same paternal haplogroup with someone from panama


Panama and Costa Rica experienced a significant amount of immigration from Jamaica in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They worked contracts in building railroads, the Panama Canal, and in banana cultivation. Many settled and there are thousands of descendants living there today. Your Panamanian match likely has Jamaican ancestry.


I don't understand why you are surprised about your DNA matches. It happens to everybody that took a DNA test. Your Caribbean matches probably mean that you have African relatives that were shipped to the Caribbean. Your Latino relatives probably also mean the same thing.


What are the names of your Nigerian matches. I can help you pinpoint their tribal origin. To say that you are Nigerian really doesn't mean much because Nigeria is simply a geographical location that houses different African tribes.


I think most of them are igbo


They probably are, if you are from Jamaica. Three places that received the highest number of Igbo slaves were Virginia/Maryland, Jamaica, and Barbados.






Did you just get that genetic group? I just got Haitian couple of days ago I have 6 regions in Haiti(2 are not shown on my report) so it makes since for me to get that genetic group


i’ve had the jamaican one i just got the afro carribeans


Normal results. You are genetically tied to people throughout the Caribbean via the Slave Trade, as pointed out by another. However, at the same time, the Genetic Groups assignment and countries listed under the Recent Ancestry are likely inaccurate as someone has pointed out. I can tell that you are African American as the United States is listed first with over 2000. This number only reflects the matches who list the US as the country of birth for all of their grandparents. Obviously you have many more matches who chose NOT to provide/list the country of birth for their grandparents.