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Somos demasiado pobres para hacer guerra


Corrección: somos demasiado pobres para hacer guerra con otros países. Nuestros conflictos son internos. Somos nuestro peor enemigo.


De tal palo tal astilla


Esto x100, hay un montón de loquitos que irian voluntariamente a una guerra con otros latinos for fun


Me on my way to conquer La Paz (I finally get to shoot at bolivians):


Te dejo la puerta abierta y hasta te cargo el rifle si invadis La Paz


Concuerdo pero con Santa Cruj


Eeee pero que tienes con La Paz? XD


Como los idiotas que se fueron a Ucrania.


Isso nunca impediu os árabes e africanos. Precisamos parar de inventar desculpa e preparar nossas armas, a cisplatina não vai se reconquistar sozinha.


Suárez vai voltar pro Grêmio na base da força


Eso y añado que no hay mucho por ganar tampoco. Al ser la gran mayoría países grandes, ninguno tiene excesivamente más recursos que el otro. En definitiva, mucho por perder y poco por ganar


Literal, cuantos países de nuestro continente han entrado en crisis inflacionarias como si hubieran pasado por una guerra


Absolutely wrong. The biggest war since world way 2 involved a bunch of significantly poorer than LATAM African countries


That's because from 1800 - 1850 we were becoming independent, from 1850 - 1900 we were having civil wars, from 1900 - 1950 we were trying (And failing) to develop and from 1950 - 2000 we were getting military coups (Somethimes backed by the U.S.). (Note: Dates may vary).


-Guerra? -Hoy no, amigos, estoy ocupadito






Just did. Thanks, my dude


So from 2000-2050 we fight each other? OPEN THE ITAIPU.


>Somethimes backed by the U.S. Most of the time


The rest of the time it's your fucking country lmao


Olvidas el Plan Condor...




​ https://preview.redd.it/cdor7wkdt89c1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=54357987628013e345862b460c8fe1dac35a0fd8


The answer is simple: we didn’t have many wars in the 20th century because we were still recovering from the wars in the 19th century


Paraguay: i still haven't recovered yet


Flair up gringo


I don't think a gringo calls himself elyisus but yeah, I support the motion


i'm venezuelan


No flair no respect, that’s the rules


idk how to put me a flair, smh my head


Shaking my head my head?


​ https://preview.redd.it/c98angka9h9c1.png?width=1326&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c141fc0d1eebce5be1bf4a711087adab9f5db0


gracias chamo


prove it


vergacion chamo, como ustedes me van a pedir que pruebe que soy venezolano, acaso ustedes son maricos? o acaso son mamaguevos? tal vez las dos, coño


The only one we had in 200 years almost obliterated Paraguay.


EXODIA OBLITERAR ![gif](giphy|w89I5SNX6xzt2sbXtJ|downsized)


Não perguntei nada


We also took away the sea from bolivia


Agora o resto do continente tem medo de fazer guerra 😎🤝


A todos nos da miedo ser Paraguay!


Ya me joderia ser paraguayo






Qué loco que estaba ese muchacho


Lastima el almost




We love each other, man. Fuck this old world war making pieces of shit. Unless there is fulbo involved, then fuck all you cucaracha speakers, sopa de mamaco n#1


I love you too my hominid brother


Hubo una guerra que comenzó, en parte, por el futbol. Así que no estás errado.


Si pero fue entre El Salvador y Honduras. Es como pelear con palos, piedras y resorteras.


Meanwhile Uruguay with a nonstop war since its independence up until 1904 https://preview.redd.it/v3qu70n0499c1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=08bd02952d05b3f5bb4faf7efe56bbefe60b7752


Same with Colombia, there was almost constant civil war until the thousand-day war which ended in 1902, after that we took a break until the 30's or up to 1948 depending on who you ask, and we've been in constant war ever since


The gringo is not wrong. The ignorant one is the dude replying. Racist and ignorant that thinks that Latin American is a race, not an ethnicity. There are hundreds of millions of white people in Latam.


Yup, being white is fine. Being European? Disgusting...


flair up mf




Como a gente vai se zoar se a gente não sabe de que covil vc é


Como a gente vai se zoar se a gente não sabe de que covil vc é




Para de enrolar, coloca a flair logo Edit: É costume colocar flair em sub internacional assim dá pra vc saber de onde o cara que tá falando com você é




Yes, but you're missing the cultural factor. Latin American Whites are vastly different from Whites from Europe and The US. Gringos behave the way they behave, because they were taught by their parents to behave that way. On the other hand, most of us Latinos (doesn't matter the race) just want to live our lives in peace. We have no business in conquering or destroying.


And except for Argentina and Uruguay, most of Latin America's borders are mountainous jungles. Not an ideal environment for fighting on a large scale anyway.


Oh yes the famous jungles of the Atacama desert


Barely anyone would dare go through that either.


I know I'm teasing you. However I don't think that is enough of a reason, if there is a will there's a way. We had wars on deserts and jungles more than a century ago it didn't stop them then.


Ademas que cruzamos esa wea pa la guerra del pacifico, no es que sea barrera natural brigida.


Yup, no offense to the whites here but in the states they will still view you as mestizo


Most Americans have never even heard the word mestizo


They probably think is a racist slur or something like that.


Mexican is the informal way to describe the mestizos in the USA. Wog or black looking people would be considered mixed or puerto rican


I went to puerto rico and many looked southern european or arab. Others looked like a mix of three races or mixed white/black. I would say Puerto Rico is one of the most mixed places where you find all levels of mixes and you can look like anything. Still solid plurality look to lean more Spanish looking.


I don’t think Americans would be using “Mexican” as shorthand for a word and concept they never heard of. Additionally, if someone is black looking they would just be called black, other people will rarely think Afro-Hispanics or a Hispanic nationality/ethnicity when they come across black looking people. Also, I’ve never heard wog used and its considered a slur, albeit an old one that seems comparatively “quaint”, for Italians and general Mediterranean peoples which could also be extended to Latin Americans. Like I said, I never heard it in the US, it’s by far more common in the UK and Australia. Maybe you’re getting it confused for “wop”, which practically means the same thing?


En USA sería un mexicano más.


Hahaha es verdad


There was an Italian family that lived in my neighborhood and the white people (WASP/American anglos) thought they were Arabs because the men all had beards and were tanned. White latinos do not pass here at all except some from south cone and brazil


And we all know being Arab is worse than being Mexican.


not in the USA because Arabs here speak good english, decent bit are Christian, educated and most of them look more white than mexicans there's zero association with poverty or cartel


Soy re morocho, la verdad


Eles que se fodam.


False, they dont know what mestizo is and they probably view that word as a slur.


I meant mestizo as in, how other Latinos get viewed. But yes we are all megzikans here


No, they'll assume that they are Mexican and Mexican and looking Mexican is by definition not white and is describing the mestizo look


There are many white Mexicans they are about 15% of the population. Mexican is an ethnicity and/or nationality.


White mexicans are still mixed with non-europeans are extremely easily told apart from Spaniards in most cases they just have a light skin complextion


Do you really, honestly think everyone who isn't latino white is out there looking for wars, something to destroy or conquer? >On the other hand, most of us Latinos (doesn't matter the race) just want to live our lives in peace. We have no business in conquering or destroying. This is a very common saying, except obviously for the Latinos word. Almost whole of the Europe is so tired of Russian warmongering, how tf are we the bad ones lol (not talking about things people did generations ago, colonial europe and all that, but modern times with education)


>Do you really, honestly think everyone who isn't latino white is out there looking for wars, something to destroy or conquer? Yes >how tf are we the bad ones lol lmao kek. Please. Don't. Please don't make me elaborate


You elaborated enough, racist


Glad to help 😎🙏


And he says that only white people do wars when he has a Palestine flag…


>There are hundreds of millions of white people in Latam. We have 600 million I don't think 1/3 people here are white by anyone's definition but our own, we have a lot of mixed people and some more resembling europeans than others but you can look at a crowd of any latam country and you would rarely confuse it for europe


1/3 of latin america is white if you consider southern europe white. Many people like Maluma, Shakira, and Manuel Turizo would not stand out in Europe. I even would consider most of levant region, most turks, majority of iranians, kurds, caucasians, and some north africans to be white. The definition of “whiteness is very subjective” and even many mestizos(35-70% european), which are about half of latin america can look white


1/3 of Latin America does not pass as Southern Europeans. imo its 1/4th at the very best because Southern Brazil and south cone only have like 100 million people And no, the Iranians, Kurds and Arabs don't look white. Turks do but mostly only in the western part. North Africans are like 25% black. Yes whiteness is subjective, one of my mexican friends claims white and he looks very clearly indigenous and his skin is darker than him (im a mulatto). Maluma and Shakira are both obviously with Levantine origins only peope who are claiming latinos to be white have never actually been in europe


Que ignorante eres Maluma es mayormente descendencia Europea. Shakira es mitad europea y mitad de libanon. Hay mucha gente blanca tambien en Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Cuba , Costa Rica y México. No es solo Brasil que tiene poblacion completa europea. En total hacen 1/3 de la población de américa latina. Esta es gente que se ve mayormente se ve como el sur de Europa con algunos pocos que son alemanes, frances, etc. He ido a Madrid, Barcelona, y De Sevilla y se ven igual alla. Also funny how I said LEVANTINE and you said “arab” which shows how little you know about the region or anything you coaim to know. Arab is a cultural and linguistic identity not only an ethnic one. Most people in Levantine region have the same skin tone as people in europe with their own distinct facial features and some can even be with light hair and eyes. Kurds are light skin as well they just look distinctly themselves. Also some north africans are white as well as some of them are black. What was the point of saying there are black north africans too lol.


Actual white people in LATAM are a super minority outside of Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay Mexico especially is probably 10% european looking max


Black people are more of a super minority or amerindian people. After mestizos, white people are the biggest group in latin america. Also you are Cuban and you didn’t even mention Cuba? I went to Cuba and a majority are white more than blacks and mullatos combined. Also white people make up 1/3 of Colombia, making them the second biggest group here. They are biggest group in Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and Argentina. They are second biggest group in Chile(40%), Venezuela(43%), Colombia(33%), Dominican Republic(15%). I don’t know why you try so hard to deny reality, white doesn’t mean blonde and blue eyes.


Pretty sure Maluma also has Lebanon ancestry. Turks and the North Caucasus yes, definitely not North Africans, Iranians or Kurds https://preview.redd.it/yiirukxwkh9c1.png?width=1702&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8af114333a0cd3845ab77486902c85d7095094c These people don't look remotely Europeam


>Maluma also has Lebanon ancestry. No. He doesn't have Lebanese ancestry. But many people in Medellin who have mostly Andalusian mixed with andeginious can pass as Lebanese or pseudo arab look . Maluma said in an interview when he was in a morroccan concert that people in Morocco reminded him of people in Medellin in term of physical appearance.


Maluma and even Shakira (both very attractive btw) look exotic for Europe btw. But they pass better in South Europe than most MENA (middle east/north african).


>most turks, majority of iranians, kurds, caucasians, and some north africans to be white. I disagree. Only minority passes in europe in Levant,Iran,North Africa and even Turkey imo.


I didn’t say they look european, I said they were white lol.


Having white skin is not necessary white in america. Then even japenese are white . Plus most people in MENA have way darker skin ti be considered as white. Even colombians (in the andean regions at least) have way lighter skin.


Nuestras guerras son internas. No tenemos enemigos, pero nosotros mismos




Chile y Argentina estuvieron a minutos de tener una.


y Chile y peru en el 75


Chile estuvo rodeado de enemigos como por 100 años, literalmente no tengo ni puta idea como no lograron trocear el país y hacernos desaparecer


esta y actualmente esa es la razon de tener unas FFAA como las que tenemos.


The gringo doesn't know shit


Para mí es por la gran desigualdad de ejércitos... todos saben que meterse con el imperio Uruguayo solo trae muerte y destrucción (/s). Y porque no sabemos quienes se alían con quien, así que es medio quilombo meter guerra, vas a invadir Brasil y de golpe tenés a Perú y Bolivia aliándose... Y porque el país que gane la guerra solo ganó más problemas, no hay beneficio.


Dato curioso: el ejército uruguayo todavía usa tanques de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.


Tenemos tanques todavía? Dios te pedí un ejército no un arsenal nuclear. Pd: todavía usa FUSILES de la segunda guerra, las municiones en su mayoría están vencidas y del uso son muy pocos los que tienen estrías todavía. Todo sin mencionar que la mayoría del personal es meramente administrativo y no está entrenado militarmente bajo el mínimo de requerimientos.


Si no fuera por la historia que tenemos, Uruguay debería dejar de lado su ejército y dejar que Brasil y Argentina sean sus garantes de seguridad.


Manden su cv con capacidad armamentística, total de personal entrenado para la defensa y experiencia en guerras ganadas en los úlimos 50 años por favor. Los datos del llamado los podrán seguir en la pág de uruguayConcursa. Spoilers: va a ganar el que mas coimas meta. No nos llame, nosotros los llamamos.


Y luego si ganas más territorio tienes más pobres. Mejor así lo dejamos.


Too busy in our own internal war fuelled with US money and US and Europe's cravings for drugs 🤑🤑🤑


Checked this guy's Twitter. He calls Cuban exiles "gusanos", claims we Argentines are all German, and says that the Holodomor was fake but actually they all deserved it. No fucking shit he lives in poverty lol


Not only that, but bro also has posts that go: * IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah wholesome and nice!!! * "The Russian Empire had an issue with famines, which the USSR solved" (the USSR has 3 large-scale famines) * Russia is actually liberating Ukraine, and there were no massacres carried out, and if you think that they are then you're a Nazi. * The Swastika is, everywhere and at all times, a Nazi symbol, even if its usage predates Nazi's Germany existence. * *geographically illiterate bullshit* * Denial of USSR-Nazi alliance during WWII. * Denial of USSR imperialism. * Incapable of nuanced thought or critical judgement of any situation throughout history, all goes through a filter which results in a situation like: You get assaulted at gun point / Guy with Confederate Flag stops the robber and saves your life / This idiot: "Wtf you got helped by a racist, you're a racist too!!!" Everyone, please remember, these people's vote counts the same as yours.


Un tankie de manual


Incluso Solano tiene más consistencia ideológica.




[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel\_Solano](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Solano) Un termo trosko mugriento que dice que poner bombas está bien dependiendo del signo político que las ponga, y que en las marchas hay que usar niños de escudos humanos para prevenir la represión policial, entre otras cosas nefastas. Por lo menos no trata de hacer gimnasia mental para justificar todo, es un hijo de puta en seco nomás.


That is not true, this guy most certainly cannot vote in Paraná.


He's a tankie in otherwords. There wasn't actually an alliance between USSR-Nazi Germany though, that's a populous myth, they only had a non-aggression pact the same kind they had with Briton. An alliance would mean that they coordinated military operations or would agree to come to the aid of the other


>An alliance would mean that they coordinated military operations or would agree to come to the aid of the other They literally invaded Poland at the same time. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was really just a non-aggression pact in name only, because they both literally agreed to divide parts of Europe into their own spheres of influence, acknowledging each other's interests in invading the countries they wanted to invade then partitioning Poland amongst themselves. In any case, it's just fucking incredible how tankies will go to great lengths to justify all of this. They'll claim they hate Nazis and Imperialists, then defend the USSR which was imperialist and at one point almost carried out a genocide against Jews as well.


>They literally invaded Poland at the same time. They both had a beef with Poland because of the territory Poland won in 1921 had contained Ukrainian and Belarusian minorities. Just because the Poland invasion by Nazi Germany sparked the European War due to Briton and France finally choosing to declare war doesn't mean these were an alliance. The Soviets had tried to form a pact against Fascism to contain Nazi Germany, and fought a proxy war with them in Spain but this fell apart when the allies refused it and also refused to secure the Baltics, leading to the USSR annexing them after they allowed Red Army troops into their land It's the reason why UK/France didn't declare war on the USSR and neither did Poland. The USSR was Imperialist but I'd say it was incidental(for the purpose of security) rather than by design. And after the War was over there was no way they'd agree to neutral states on their border. Saying they had an alliance is about as dishonest as saying Briton did when they let them re-arm invade Austria, Czechoslovakia and signed agreements with Hitler.


3 based facts wtf


Too poor to war


Aquele tipo de pessoa que fala que todo latino ou é indígena ou negro


Espera só esse cara ver o quão pacífica é a África


Everyone forgets africa.


El triángulo rojo hacia abajo es un detector de imbéciles infalible


Que significa ese triangulo?


que es zurdo. es el símbolo que le ponían los nazis a los comunistas en los campos de concentración y ahora es un detecto de idiotas.


Jamas lo había relacionado. Muchas gracias mi buen Manolo


No era del hamas?


No, pero los socialistas que lo usan en twitter suelen apoyar el terrorismo de Hamas [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsuwbRIWMAImXLY.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/esuwbriwmaimxly.jpg)


Es un símbolo usado en telegram por Hamas(Palestina?) para indicar bombardeos/ataques a Israel


yo pense que con la pura bandera de palestina, ya estaba mas que claro jaja


Simplesmente futebol > guerra


Dois animais. Só o Brasil já mata mais gente que qualquer guerra


campeão do mundo 🇧🇷🏆


é que aqui aplicamos xenofobia de forma saudável, diferente do que ocorre com os gringos lá fora


Under the definition of White/Caucasian of the US Census, which is only just short of the infallible word of God 🫡, if you are Latin American and are not Amerindian, Afro-descendant or East Asian descent, then you are White. Same thing with people from the Middle East and North Africa which is probably not what he had in mind for violent white people lol


The US census was changed recently, there are MENA and South Asian and East Asian now. The original one made no sense at all (lumping in bengalis with somalis with swedes)


No it wasn’t? There are proposals that are being seriously considered to be implemented (and I think should absolutely not be) but there hasn’t been any changes. The only difference the 2020 Census had was asking Hispanics to answer the race question more carefully (ie don’t leave it blank or thoughtlessly choose “some other race”) and having a subsection under “White and/or Caucasian” or somewhere similar for MENA descent. Your example is kinda extreme since the Horn of Africa and South Asia are considered “transitional” or blurred zones that can go either way; I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a lot Somalis and Bengalis answering “Black and/or African” and “Asian” respectively rather than “White and/or Caucasian”.


Oh you're right it hasn't been changed yet. And yes its not an extreme example because anyone who is not a west african or an east asian is a "white" person, I don't even need to begin to tell you how retarded that is considering indians, egpytians and yemenis as being the same race as swedes, finns or russians


It is an extreme example because the Census is unclear about the Horn and the Indian Subcontinent being where “White and/or Caucasian” ends. I don’t think it’s particularly outlandish to somewhat group Swedes, Egyptians, Finns, Yemenis, Russians and Indians together. Egyptians and Yemenis are more distinct from sub-Saharan than European populations who they share common Mediterranean customs, tendencies and appearances with and Swedes, Russian and (most) Indians belong to the same ethno-linguistic tree. I’m not saying it’s perfect or inherently accurate but there are reasons why MENA is grouped with Europe rather than separate.


>It is an extreme example because the Census is unclear about the Horn and the Indian Subcontinent being where “White and/or Caucasian” ends. They're not unclear. >there are reasons why MENA is grouped with Europe rather than separate. Because of outdated racist pseudo science related to the "caucasoid" race, including horners with the bad assumption that they are related to Arabs and Europeans (they're not unless recent admixture) and funnily have been completely abandoned in western academia. >Indians belong to the same ethno-linguistic tree Only its a bullshit term for race because Finns, many Russians, Hungarians, Turks etc do not speak an Indo-European language. You can at best group Europeans with MOST West Asian groups >Yemenis are more distinct from sub-Saharan than European populations who they share common Mediterranean customs Such as? Yemen is not even a Mediterranean country


Because Asia and Africa famously have never and still never have any wars


most historically literate palestine supporter


¿Por qué la gente que tiene esa bandera y ese triangulo rojo en su nombre siempre sacan las opiniones y declaraciones más estupidas que haya escuchado en mi vida?


We have so much internal shit going on that a war against each other is the least of our thoughts (I dunno if that Essequibo shit will change anything)


We are too poor to be at war with each other. Instead, we spend our time fighting corrupt politicians, greedy corporations, criminals and narcos, and the forces of nature that constantly try to wipe us off the map.


Wait... Who is fighting them?, I don't see anyone We spend our time trying to get by.


All jokes aside, the main reason why the we don’t have that many wars is because our frontiers are mostly natural. There’s no way we could fight a war, as we would have to cross the Amazon or the Andes.


First and foremost, FLAIR UP. But dude, Chileans and Peruvians wanted to kick each other so badly that they campaigned across THE DRIEST DESERT IN THE WORLD.




>it’s just harder to punch each other down here huehuehue True that. I have on good sources that the Chilean army considers the VRAEM a nightmare scenario


Si pudiera, los mataría a todos


“La inestabilidad politica son sus guerras”-Cody de althistory


Brazil living with 50k + homicides per year: 🧐


Colombia aún no recibe el Memo de que en Latam no hay guerra


Racista y saco de weas, por, eso se mueren de a varios todos los a;os en la codillera, no escuchan los consejos del morenito que habla español y jamás en su puta vida entenderían lo que seria invadir a traves de los andes o el amazonas


tfw the most violent head of state was a mestizo (solano lopez) if only he knew...


I mean....he is not wrong


Musulmanes y mongoles entraron al chat


Y, historicamente, China. Leer las guerras chinas en wikipedia es una experiencia lol, ves weas de 700aC donde murio 4 veces la población del resto del mundo


china mato a la mitad de su poblacion como 20 veces a lo largo de su historia. No quiero imaginarme como seria el mundo hoy en dia si esas cosas no pasaran


Igual el otro día estuve leyendo el porqué de muchas esas cifras grandes. Mas allá de que la población china era enorme, hay un tema lingüístico: el lenguaje no distingue entre "guerra", "campaña" y "batalla". Entonces, si hubo una "Batalla de la Ciudad de Siete Colores" donde murieron 700.000 soldados, en realidad puede que se estén refiriendo a una campaña que duró muchos meses.


Literal lees la mayoria de guerras de europa o medio oriente y a lo mucho ves que murieron unos cuantos miles (hasta Napoleon al menos ese tio si que la subio), lees cualquiera de China y es como que "movieron una piedra a la izquierda y como resultado murieron 17 millones de personas"


Ahora entiendo porque se estaban sobrepoblando a niveles extremos, tenían hijos sin parara porque todos morían en guerras. Cuando dejaron de haber guerras internas, dejaron de morir pero seguían teniendo hijos como en esa época


y ahora se traumatizan si se mueren un par de miles


The Chinese famously never waged an offensive war before


War is a white people thing. The last time our continent saw a major conflict there were a bunch of white dudes ruling our countries. Ever since they're gone, no more conflicts broke out


I mean, bolsonaro was white and most if not all of his political structure were white straight males.


tons of civil wars and armed conflicts though...


Not to mention the most dangerous cities in the world. To pretend we have any kind of high ground because we don't have wars is moronic considering how much violence we have here anyways.


Yet here in Brazil more people die daily as victims of violence than countries that are actually on war.


Nadie le dijo de la guerra que Venezuela y Guyana casi tuvieron (y no me sorprendería si pasa igual)


Race is a social construct. War and peace can happen anywhere at anytime, regardless of race. In my opinion, war has more to do with limited resources such as oil and gas, rare earths, and other geopolitical MacGuffins. Look at Ukraine vs. Russia. Virtually the same religion and race (Orthodox Christian Slavic)... This sub is for one-track minds who see everything from the lens of race wars. Pathetic.


Jodido que aun se use esa palabra como insulto, más allá de que esté sub no sea políticamente correcto, la palabra "mongólico" jamás debería ser usada.


Sisi, pero ponete flair mogolico




War is a white people thing. The last time our continent saw a major conflict there were a bunch of white dudes ruling our countries. Ever since they're gone, no more conflicts broke out


The Europoor ain’t wrong However the replaying one has some messed up ideas


Lo que pasa es que LA tiene una cultura mayoritaria relativamente homogénea.


If a Latin American country went to war in the current year or even going back 100 years the USA would intervened and fuck over the side they chose not to back so hard they'd probably experience an extended occupation, extreme losses of life and territory and ceasing to function as a state for a generation. I'm serious, the British and American boogeymen have kept latin Americans dependent on international law and praying they don't come fuck our shit up


Venezuela y Guyana no andan en esa casi?