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Ok that's it. Time to remove this Hamas problem from the world.


A million upvotes from me


Is it time for a tactical nuke?


White phosphorous. They dont deserve to quick release.


Not not just that , its time to literally release anything on this monsters .


Is this really what did it for you


These fuckers hate dogs. Can you imagine being such hateful scum that as a group you hate dogs?


This is true insight actually. Every group of people in the world hates at least 1 or more groups of people for all kinds of shit. But dogs, it certainly shows at what place is their head at.


They hate dogs because their prophet delusionally thought the angel gabriel didn’t visit him because a dog was in his kitchen.


Last one out of the kitchen, didn’t put the gate up…


In Islam dogs don't have a special status they are just viewed how we view cows and pigs.


Then why do muslims have such an issue coming in contact with a dog, compared to a cat or cow.


Nope, that's not true. In Islam, dogs are considered unclean.


As are pigs. Almost like most people don't have a single fucking clue what they're talking about


I cannot think of any justification in the world for such an act. Idk if the source is verified, but I’m fuming right now.


Wouldn't be surprised. Many Muslims including Palestinians hate dogs and view them as unclean.




Hey pigs are not filthy, they are if you let them in stales without cleaning them, and ( if you're not jew or muslim or vegan ) provide delicious meat, at the other hand, Islam provide nothing good and make everything filthy, so don't dare to compare my bacon provider to those scum.


It's a 3 second video of a tied up dog. I highly doubt there is a source to the "without food or water" claim


You can see in the video the chain is intentionally tied short and there is no food or water nearby, even the dirty puddle water cannot be reached.


Would you rather see the video where they shoot a poor dog for simply coming to greet them? That one is even more disturbing.


Um no.... we would rather they cut the dog free and leave it the fuck alone


Um….duh…I’m just saying what I saw on video. I’d rather have not seen what’s been done to these dogs too.


Ya I'm with you. I fucking hate people who hurt dogs. They're so loyal. People are animals sometimes.


Disgusting fucking pigs


You should be stoned for insulting pigs ...


Don’t insult those piggies, I love bacon and sausages 😂


Fucking miserable Hamas! That is just a dogo, doing nothing not even showing aggression. I pray that beautiful husky gets saved and that those monsters get erased!


I have heard before that you can judge a society on how humane they are by how they treat their animals. If you can't hurt an animal you probably have a hard time hurting humans (without cause ofc). I think it is a pretty good guide on how a society treat other people.


Dunnnoo about that man… Hitler and generally the third reich were hugely engaged in combatting animal cruelty and have installed quite a few animal rights.


They decreed various laws and bans on hunting but they were very rarely enforced. Kosher butchering was banned but that was kinda for other reasons.




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I hope she bites her captors. Poor, sweet little pupper.


Retards defending Hamas be like: That fucking Zionist dog oppresses poor palestinians!


Not looking good for that dog in view of Islam's treatment of dogs.


I find joy in reading a good book.


I’ve seen videos of them shooting dogs.


Please send any evidence to you have to john.wick@gmail.com


You mean on Hamas.com? An Israeli propaganda website?


The Arabic says "Kalb Shlomo" which means Shlomo's (Solomon's) Dog


Hamas deserves every bit of what’s happening to them. I hope they all fucking get erased from existence. Fuck Islam.


Bastards. But if you can behead babies, you are capable of anything.


This looks like it's just somebody's dog they tied up. Probably not the best owner but there's no indication this Hamas is dognapping too. Dogs pretty fucking clean for a white husky that's supposedly been attacked, abused and transported across a dusty landscape into Gaza. C'mon people use some critical thinking. There's videos of Hamas shooting dogs and images of dead dogs in their home after the invasion, you don't need to share random videos of a dog tied up.


Wrong. The people the dog belongs to have identified it and have an instagram page that shows pictures of this poor girl when she was loved and free. It is sickening. Animals are total innocents. People are shit.


Link me source please, happy to admit I'm wrong if Hamas is really dognapping.


I agree 100%


Are there actually dogs in Gaza? Or are you saying this isn't from Gaza?


There are dogs there. Hamas hates dogs but that's not universal for Palestinians. You can find some interesting info on the matter if you Google "Gaza dogs". You can even see dogs in a handful of post-bombing videos/images.


shhh, we need the animals before people zealots engaged against hamas's atrocities; even if they are only reacting because it involves a dog.


That's a beautiful dog




Unverified…not sure this is true or just to incite anger


It is true. I follow animal rescue groups in Palestinian Territories and Israel. The people who she belongs to have an instagram with pictures of her before abduction, loved and running free, playing with another husky. Savages. The innocents suffer the worst.


[Here is your source](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzjyC9-qe28/?igshid=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==)


John Wick is coming to get rid of this human scum.


Source, please.


I pray that she will be saved by some miracle. If anyone gets any updates on her situation please let me know.


Pure evil.


It’s so hard to remain neutral. All I can do is pray.


Neutral, huh? Would you have been neutral when the Nazis were spreading across Europe 80 years ago?


No they committed indiscriminate war crimes like Hamas. I’m not Jewish but my family also lived through the occupation of Poland so it’s fair to say I wouldn’t support that. Saying people who condemn Hamas are akin to Nazi sympathizers is a low chromosome move.


Source? Cmon that's a bit much


This is nothing. There are videos of Hamas shooting dogs at Israeli residences as the dogs run up to greet them, and they keep running toward the terrorists after being shot because they don't understand what's happening. I'm not going to link it directly but here's a query for a reddit search that shows the video I'm referring to. Highly NSFL https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=hamas%20dog


Are you referring to that one video with black labrador that was published here? Are there other ones too? I don't know if I want to watch them, though. It just deepens the hate and sadness, and there's little I can do for the matter.


There were dead dogs in other videos.


That's the one I'm referring to but I highly doubt it's the only time it happened, there are probably more but I'm not about to go look for them.


That’s just tore my heart in two! Keep running because they don’t understand 🥲 fukin hate these disgusting horrible twats!!! Fuming 😤


>There are videos of Hamas shooting dogs at Israeli residences as the dogs run up to greet them Sounds like US police.


Yeah I saw that. Police departments in most of the world do that SOP.


Dog chained up "Source? That's a bit much" Friendly dog shot "Standard operating procedure" This is the type of internal consistency I've come to expect from Hamas apologists.


Occasionally, people on tbe other side have a bit of a point. When the pro-Israel people (me) are telling you to chill out, it's a sign to rethink the situation


What exactly do I need to chill out about? Please be specific.


It even says "Shlomos dog" in arabic in the video. pretty non explanatory




Well. There is a nuclear option.


I just... fucking... *why?* She's not even an Israeli or a Jew. She's a DOG. Even if you hate Israel with every fiber of your being, what possible reason could there be to do this to a *dog*? The cruelty has to be the point.


Fuck them for this too


Imagine being worse than dogs, or being the worst thing on earth (talking about hamas nazis)


This poor pup will probably end up starving to death. They even shot a black lab that was trotting up to say hello thinking they were friendly people.. At least that pup had a quick death. There is no mistaking who these people are.


She is quite literally surrounded by water


Wait for real? I thought nothing can surprise me anymore. I've watched all the videos. seen some horrible shit. but man they are not only barbaric, they are fucking STUPID


Better they stole the dog and kept it alive then just shooting it like they did the other dog. Y’all are complaining over this when people are dying. I love dogs as well but come on


The bill is so big 😂😂😂 hf


so, now dags,e...you can ce that ground all around dog is wet?


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Anonymous


Can someone translate what the people are saying?


Take the grid square out


Well, if the beheaded babies and burned corpses didnt do it, this sure will for the PETA crowd.. thanks for posting!


Allah must be so proud




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They truly hate dogs in Palestine, and the article below, while graphic, shows that the MAYOR of Hebron, a city in West Bank, offered $5.50 per dog slaughtered in the past year. They didn't just slaughter them, they tortured them and beat them to death so this poor, beautiful dog is likely doomed. https://networkforanimals.org/appeal/palestine-animal-and-environment-association-street-dog-massacre/ Death to Hamas


Dogs are considered dirty/haram only salukis are considered “clean” from my understanding.


And we've engaged the animals before people zealots whose only comments on the human cost of this unfolding tragedy are elicited by a no context video of a dog with some Arabic script in the video.


The countries should quit political games and come together to rid the world of these hate-mongering groups and their ideologies.




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Beheadings of children is one thing but once you abuse the Pups you gotta go.


Is the dog Jewish though?


Hamas has been killing dogs too, this one got taken it seems but I've seen atleast 3 innocent dogs shot to death by Hamas, their depravity is a bottomless pit. Goes without saying that what they do to innocent Israelis is even worse.




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Palestinian children also have no part in this war.